
Concrete Rose Quotes

Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas

Concrete Rose Quotes
"Living your life based off what other people think ain’t living at all."
"Everybody gon’ have an opinion ’bout how you do things. What I always tell you? Living your life based off what other people think ain’t living at all."
"Don’t throw something on your son. Give him a name that tells him who he is and who he can be. The world’s gon’ try to do that enough."
"Being a parent usually means there’s nobody who can come fix things. That’s now your job."
"I remember them days. He pissed in your face yet? Good. It’s payback for all them times you pissed in my face."
"Fool, you have met my momma, right? I got good reason to be scared."
"I love Lisa, but I can't imagine letting a girl lock me down."
"You say that now. One day, it’ll be a whole different story. Watch."
"It’s pretty normal around here, messed up as that is."
"Men do what they gotta do, and it’s time to man up, remember?"
"I love him, I swear I do, but it’s a lot, man."
"You should’ve thought of that before you had sex with that girl."
"I hope you right. I’m more than ready to make it official."
"You might be right. I like to be reminded that beauty can come from much of nothing. To me that’s the whole point of flowers."
"Roses, they’re fascinating li’l things. Can handle more than folks think."
"Pruning means getting rid of what they don’t need."
"Calleth those things that be not as though they were."
"You gotta love people enough to let them go, especially when you’re the reason they’re gone."
"Tough situations don’t last. Tough people do."
"You’ll always be that li’l dude we ditched in the mall."
"You gotta live for you and Dre now, you feel me? You can do everything he didn’t get a chance to do."
"Killing easy. It’s living after the fact that’s hard, if you live."
"Time is funny, man. Life is funny. We all on this huge planet trying to figure shit out."
"One of the biggest lies ever told is that Black men don’t feel emotions."
"Son, one of the biggest lies ever told is that Black men don’t feel emotions. Guess it’s easier to not see us as human when you think we’re heartless."
"Instead, he’d want you to look out for your family, take care of your son, be on top of your school shit."
"Everybody in the set already think I’m soft, Shawn. So? Forget what them fools think."
"You wanted to get your cousin off of your mind, and you thought drugs were the best way to do that?"
"She can't be mad that I called him out when she did the same thing."
"Real talk, some days I wonder if she cool with me being there."
"You don’t know how it is in the streets! Sitting in your house without a clue."
"This ain’t fair, Dre. Don’t tell me that ‘Life ain’t fair’ bullshit. It don’t count with this."
"We hold hands around the kitchen and bow our heads. Granny do them long prayers, man. She act like God don’t know what’s going on and it’s her job to fill him in."
"Every now and then, I wonder how different things would be if I was still selling drugs."
"I can never eat and feed him at the same time."
"She love me, no matter what, unlike Ma and Lisa."
"It’s real clear that I can’t do much for any of them with what Mr. Wyatt pay me."
"Leaving him here, that be the hardest part. My life still going on and he just something for grass to grow on top of."
"You have to keep your eyes on the prize, son."
"Everybody I know just tryna survive, and that's all I wanna do."
"I've seen you play, and that's definitely off the table."
"Sometimes I think it might be cool to own a business like you do."
"You can make it happen, but you have to come up with a plan."
"Babies straight-up thugs. They don’t give a damn what you going through."
"That full belly later put him right to sleep. Thank God for rice cereal."
"Ain't no astronauts, doctors, or veterinarians around here."
"Dreams can't buy diapers, but they can eventually."
"You can't wait until the credits are rolling to decide that you wanna see the movie."
"Being a man don't got nothing to do with what I want."
"My baby needs one of us to think about the future."
"Sometimes one person’s hero is another person’s monster, or in my case, father."
"They catch my eye from the walkway as King drive down the street. They so pretty that I go over."
"If it won’t help the rose grow, you’ve gotta let it go."
"Focus on getting that GED and that landscaping certificate. We’ll worry about the other stuff later."
"The family needs you. I’m stuck here; Dre gone. You gotta stay around, you feel me? By any means."
"For you to admit that you want out? It means you’re thinking for yourself, like a man should."
"One day, I’ll get my own spot, Ma. That’ll make it easier for you and Moe."