
The Best Laid Plans Quotes

The Best Laid Plans by Sidney Sheldon

The Best Laid Plans Quotes
"Dear Diary: This morning I met the man I am going to marry."
"It was one of those rare, serendipitous days when nothing could go wrong, when nothing would dare go wrong."
"Astrology was nonsense, mind candy for fools."
"If you’re beautiful and have a brain and a vagina, you can own the world."
"She had stopped them very simply. 'Ask me once more, and I’ll quit.'"
"The new moon illuminates your love life. Today will be a red-letter day. Be prepared to enjoy it."
"The campaign won’t work unless you believe in this as strongly as I do."
"I think it must be illegal to be this happy. I love you."
"Dear Diary: It was a beautiful wedding. Oliver’s bride is very pretty."
"Before I’m finished with him, I’m going to make him wish he had never been born."
"Never forget a favor, never forgive a slight."
"Money doesn’t care who owns it... But power—that’s something different. To have power is to own the world."
"To me marriage is the most sacred thing on earth. You have my blessing, Oliver."
"I made a terrible mistake, Jan. I was a bloody fool. I love you. I want to marry you."
"It’s not who you know, it’s what you know about who you know."
"The power of the press. That was real power."
"People can’t resist getting something for nothing."
"It wasn’t a gamble. People can’t resist getting something for nothing."
"When you’ve got a Thoroughbred running, you have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t lose his timing."
"The word ‘chance’ implies a gamble, and I don’t gamble, son. I won’t get involved in anything unless I know it’s a sure thing."
"It’s a man’s duty to help his son-in-law, isn’t it?"
"In all that time, he hasn’t been wrong once. Not once. The man has incredible instincts."
"I don’t know what I’d do without Miriam. She does everything for me."
"You’re talking about the United States, son. There’s a great big world out there."
"I know what you’re saying, Peter, and I appreciate it. But you don’t have to worry about me."
"What the hell am I going to do, Peter? The tobacco tax is by far the most popular measure the legislature has passed this year."
"It’s what I do. Is there anything else you need me for?"
"She’s ingested a substance called methylenedioxymethamphetamine, commonly known as Ecstasy."
"Power was a seductive mistress, and Oliver loved it."
"Because I’m tired of hearing what celebrities want to cook for dinner and how they met their fifth husband. There are wars going on, and people are suffering and dying. The world doesn’t give a damn. I want to make them care."
"I’ve just flown in from Washington. There’s a pretty influential group there who think you’re going to be our next president."
"Before we’re through, everyone in the world is going to know who you are."
"Don’t worry about that. You’ll go first-class all the way."
"Charisma. That is something that money can’t buy."
"I can’t fault you for being horny—just don’t let it turn you into a toad."
"He’s going to be my puppet. I’ll pull the strings, and the President of the United States will speak."
"Manufacturing is the life-blood of this country."
"We invented cars, and the Japanese took the technology away from us."
"This is a city that is slowly disappearing from the face of the earth."
"The citizens of Sarajevo have found that there is no place to hide, so they walk on in their own silence."
"People die here every day, and buildings are destroyed. But this building was murdered."
"You are a guest in my country. Perhaps you are a spy for your government."
"We are at war. Anyone involved in espionage will be executed."
"Unfortunately, I have no electricity for my television set. What can I do for you?"
"She went over there to do good, he thought, and she's going to wind up doing well."
"We're not here to make friends, we're here to put out a newspaper."
"There's nothing sadder than a one-term president."
"Washington, D.C., is a city of southern efficiency and northern charm."
"You bet you will," Dana said. She hugged him and held him close for a moment, saying a silent prayer.
"We'll help put someone else in the White House, someone who knows what he's doing."
"You’re putting me in a very difficult position, Miss Evans. Matt says you have to eat. You don’t want to get me fired, do you?"
"None of us here is a fan of your newspaper. All of us are your fans."
"Life is what’s happening over there, Matt. It’s horrible. No one here cares."
"If you can’t save someone’s life, what’s the point of being president?"
"The streets of the city are obstructed by the wreckage of bombed automobiles, carts, and bicycles. The main form of transportation is walking."
"I think I’m going to have a roommate," Dana said. "He should be here in the next few weeks."
"The whole episode had an air of unreality, a nightmare that had happened to someone else. Somehow, seeing it in print made it real."
"It’s propaganda. The president’s not responsible for controlling crime in Washington, D.C."
"Leslie Stewart is a bitch," Sime Lombardo said quietly. "Someone should have a little talk with her."
"What mattered was that Gregory Embry was a man who believed in letting big business alone."
"I’m on to something that’s going to blow everybody away—and I mean people in high places."
"It's the most exciting story I’ve ever been involved in."
"You’re telling me that he was murdered in prison and that there was a cover-up?"
"It was a story that would earn him a Pulitzer Prize."
"You can’t run that story. It’s not true. The president will be furious."
"You’re a fucking blow-up toy! You’re my dummy, Oliver. You take orders, you don’t give them."
"Your people gave him an assignment so dangerous that he made me leave town because he…he was afraid for my life."
"I asked you gentlemen here because I need your advice. Frankly, I don’t know how to proceed."
"I have to see him now, Deborah. It’s urgent."
"Fuck Oliver. I’ve spent years putting him where I want him. I don’t care what happens to him. I’m in control now, Peter. I have the power."
"What’s important is not how long a president stays in this office, Todd, but what he does when he’s in it."
"You’ll be coming to live with me. Would you like that?"
"Maybe one day we’ll have a world where adults learn to settle their problems with love instead of hate."