
One Of Us Is Next Quotes

One Of Us Is Next by Karen M. McManus

One Of Us Is Next Quotes
"Winter of your junior year isn’t too early to start looking. It’s actually kind of late."
"You should apply somewhere totally out of your comfort zone, too."
"I’m not anti-beach, I protest. I’m just not a proponent of sand. Or too much sun. Or undertow. Or sea creatures."
"I like the friendly bustle of the café and the fact that nobody minds if I spend three hours here and only order coffee."
"Yeah, well, Bronwyn practically had her Yale application ready in preschool, didn’t she?"
"If I avoid all the cracks in the floor, my white cell count will be normal."
"If you know what you want to do when you graduate, great. If you don’t, why pay a fortune for a degree you might never use?"
"We just don’t have About That to keep tabs on who’s being horrible from one week to the next."
"I don’t want you playing around with anything electrical, Owen."
"And now, three years after he died? We don’t."
"He’s a lot brighter than he gets credit for."
"Still missing About That? I know I am. Let’s play a new game."
"Pay attention, Bayview High. I’m only going to explain the rules once."
"It’s more that I have a preference for firm ground."
"Nobody took it seriously, because the site’s creator never posted a single piece of gossip that everyone hadn’t already heard."
"It’s a great day for someone to die. Just not me."
"I can't confirm that yet. I'll call you back when I can."
"You don’t mean that. He’s still smiling, clueless as ever. He thinks this is a game, one where he makes all the rules and I’m lucky just to get a chance at playing."
"You just missed her. She’s at Yumiko’s if you…"
"The whole restaurant turned into such a mob scene that they ran out of food and Cooper had to leave through the back entrance."
"People are acting like Bayview High Truth or Dare is a hilarious new game."
"He’s not dead, he just wanted us to think he is."
"I don’t care about set design nearly as much as you think I do."
"I won’t go there because I had another nosebleed this morning."
"Do you ever feel like maybe we’re trying too hard to be something we’re not?"
"You’d be surprised. People who think they’re being stealthy and anonymous give themselves away all the time."
"All you can do is try harder next time. So don’t give up on yourself just yet."
"The world insists on stuffing kids into boxes we never asked for, and then gets mad when we won’t stay there."
"Nobody looks back on their life thinking, ‘Damn, I wish I’d been less honest with the people I care about.’"
"You have to give people a chance to apologize."
"It’s just—everything changes. Everyone is sad."
"You don’t have to worry about Bronwyn and me. We’re endgame."
"She knows. She might not admit it yet, but she knows."
"It’s just that I might not be around as much, for a while."
"I feel like shit that I didn’t know about this."
"Don’t you have homework to do? Or television to watch?"
"All it did was show a kid like Brandon that actions don’t have consequences."
"I need to make my mom eat something. I just wanted to let you know Emma will survive."
"Her familiar apple-green shampoo smell engulfs me, and I relax for the first time in days."
"I don’t even know where to start with everything that’s been happening around here."
"You can’t change the past. All you can do is try harder next time."
"I’m not repaying love with fake indifference anymore."
"You know he’s crazy about you, right? More than ever?"
"This is not exactly a stealthy way to keep tabs on your nemesis."