
The Necromancer Quotes

The Necromancer by Michael Scott

The Necromancer Quotes
"I am frightened. Not for myself, but for those I will leave behind: Perenelle and the twins."
"I have lived upon this earth for six hundred and seventy-six years and there is still so much that I have not seen, so much that I wish I still had time to do."
"I am grateful, though, that I have lived long enough to discover the twins of legend, and proud that I began their training in the Elemental Magics."
"Legends tell of times in the past when the Dark Elders unleashed monsters into human cities."
"I am not proud of some of the things I have done, but I regret nothing."
"Their training must be completed; they must be prepared for the day the Dark Elders return."
"It looks the same," his twin answered. "We’re the ones who’ve changed."
"That day their world had changed forever; they too had changed, both physically and mentally."
"That’s because Aunt Agnes tells them," Sophie muttered.
"If I had wanted to kidnap your aunt, would I have turned up here in the middle of the day?"
"Well then," Perenelle said with a grim smile. "We tell them the truth. The whole truth."
"The truth is a double-edged sword; it is a dangerous thing."
"I have waged life and… and land, your love and… and good will for to have…"
"You also told me never to engage in a battle unless it was completely unavoidable."
"I had no idea what would happen if I actually used the sword."
"His limited experience with Clarent suggested that it was even more powerful than its twin blade."
"Consider this repayment for the time you saved my life in Boston."
"The more intelligent the creature, the longer the spell endures."
"I learned the tune from a German," she said between breaths. "He used to be a rat catcher."
"I am immortal, not invulnerable. I can be killed… and so can you."
"I suppose I did. I just needed to talk to you without interruption."
"I am not my sister," Aoife said, her accent changing.
"I doubt he’s had time to do that. Everything has happened so fast."
"You need to learn how to trust a little more," the Swordsman said to Aoife.
"Think of all that mankind has achieved in the last two thousand years."
"Scathach and Aoife together, racing across a battlefield."
"I need something to eat," she interrupted. "I’m starving."
"I learned some other tunes from the rat catcher, and believe me, you do not want me to play them."
"I don’t think he would have had time to give it to his Elder masters."
"There is always something to see, if you only know how to look." - Niten
"The heat coming off the road keeps the fog in motion." - Niten
"Everything you see around you is an illusion-remember that." - Perenelle
"They are the Shadowrealms’ guardians." - Aoife
"I guess I don’t want to know what they eat." - Josh
"Prometheus created the first humani out of mud." - Aoife
"He’s been promising that for centuries. If he says it long enough, then one day he’ll be right." - Zephaniah
"Fire is both the life-giver and the death-bringer."
"Sometimes I think sisters exist solely to upset and annoy their brothers."
"It's never a good idea to learn an Elemental Magic on a full stomach."
"You are twins, but you have never been equals-you each have your strengths and weaknesses."
"They do not love that do not show their love."
"Every moment you remain free and unpunished offends them."
"You are not fighting for me, you are fighting for the continued existence of the human race."
"There are always choices, some are just harder to make than others."
"People who start thinking deep dark thoughts in the middle of a war start expecting to lose."
"This changes nothing," she said finally. "We fight."
"Between us we have more than a millennium of knowledge," Perenelle reminded him gently. "We use our brains; that's all we need."
"Everything has a price," Nicholas said simply. "And some prices are worth paying."
"It’s been a long time since anyone asked me for anything. I have a…" She paused, hunting for the right word. "I have a duty."
"It is duty and responsibility that separates humankind from the beasts… and the Elders," he added. "No offense."
"But the moment we started to fight, I knew you were not the girl I had fought before. You had a different style."
"You can trust me. I am a doctor." The boy’s eye color had started to change, the red beginning to fade, traces of white and the original blue returning.
"Good. Because that would have been a lie, and I really don’t like to lie."
"I named this island Isla de los Alcatraces IslandofthePelicansIsland of the PelicansIslandofthePelicans because of their being so plentiful there."