
Fear Nothing Quotes

Fear Nothing by Lisa Gardner

Fear Nothing Quotes
"Pain is not what you see and not what you feel. Pain is what you can only hear, alone in the dark."
"If you never cry over a paper cut, will you weep when your sixteen-year-old best friend suddenly severs all ties, calling you a freak?"
"Pain is very useful. It warns you of danger, teaches you of hazards and provides consequences for your actions."
"My body is a vessel, a useful item, to be inspected, managed and tended."
"Mind over matter, my geneticist father would tell me time and time again. Just a simple exercise of mind over matter."
"I can’t feel what you feel. I never have. And I never will."
"Everyone has pain, but only some people are bothered by it."
"My father loved me. Not right away. He wasn’t the type. His was a measured, controlled approach to life."
"Her best friend reciting every detail of her first kiss. Watching her face glow and hearing her voice giggle and wondering if I would ever feel the same."
"Speaking of which, are you taking anything? No. Why not? Just say no to drugs, yada, yada, yada."
"Humanity is a messy business, where knowing what is right doesn’t necessarily preclude you from doing what is wrong."
"You can always find people drinking at an airport hotel’s bar."
"Two consenting adults, same short-term needs, identical long-term constraints."
"The man had to come to me. He had to work for it."
"I always marveled at this. All these men, straying beyond the bonds of marriage to engage in the same old sex acts."
"My adoptive father had obsessed over my genetic inability to feel pain."
"I reached behind myself, snapped off the bathroom light."
"Blood always wins in the end, little sister mine."
"Don't ignore your pain. Register, accept, then work with your own body to push through."
"Detective, on a scale of one to ten, please rate your pain."
"You heard me. Thus far, your primary coping strategy has been to lash out. So do it."
"You’ve been externalizing your pain. You turn it into rage, which ironically enough, increases your physical distress."
"Acknowledging what you are feeling will lead to acceptance, which will lead to advancement."
"I feel no pain, ergo I can have no weaknesses."
"Just because you can’t feel pain doesn’t mean you’re strong."
"Pain has its usefulness, builds character, blah, blah, blah."
"Can’t tell me she didn’t know what her husband was doing."
"Harry was making himself up. That’s what superpredators do, engage in camouflage."
"Your father is a serial killer, your sister is a proficient murderer."
"I can’t trust what I feel, which means I must rely on external diagnostics."
"Melvin is useful. I’ve never lain on a beach or walked in the full summer sun."
"You’re trying to get me to say that Melvin is actually good."
"Blood is love. And as the father figure, you’re going to have to prove that you love her very much."
"We have only an hour or two a quarter to evaluate our policies and revise our procedures, while the inmates spend twenty-four/seven, three hundred and sixty-five days a year figuring out how to beat the system."
"The bottom line: We have only an hour or two a quarter to evaluate our policies and revise our procedures, while the inmates spend twenty-four/seven, three hundred and sixty-five days a year figuring out how to beat the system."
"I have been concerned about Shana’s nearly total social isolation."
"Unhappy inmates are not in our best interest. Depression leads to anger, which leads to an increased chance of violence."
"I get letters. Not often, but from time to time."
"There’s quite a market for serial killer memorabilia."
"I shred them. They aren’t worth my time or attention."
"One part terror, two parts morbid curiosity."
"I can tell you as a professional that even the smartest people are driven by forces more powerful than logic. Compulsion. Obsession. Addiction."
"It’s easy to be a monster. It’s much harder to see yourself as monstrous."
"No one cares about me, Adeline. But you... You’re like catnip for serial killers."
"Just because my sister’s offer is highly aggressive and extremely violent doesn’t mean it’s not worth considering."
"She’s my sister. It’s in our nature to assume the best about our families."
"If you don’t got family, then you got nothing at all."
"I called my condo building after leaving Shana and asked them if anyone had been inside my unit in the past few months."
"Possessing, after all, a unique insight into the criminal mind."
"But as strange as it sounds, I’d prefer my sister. Police only practice going on the offense. Whereas, Shana has it down to a science."
"I hear things. I read things. And this is what I see."
"Who knew that of all the personas tried on and discarded over the years, the one of murderer might actually fit the best?"
"A cat, for God’s sake. All these years later, I still couldn’t even trust the comfort of a goddamn kitty."
"What was, was. What you couldn’t change, the intelligent, high-functioning person learned to accept."
"I wanted to be a person. A real, live person. With cuts and bruises and battle scars and a broken heart."
"Because if you don’t have family, you don’t have anything at all."
"I lived like a shrink-wrapped toy, forever on a shelf, never taken down to be used and enjoyed, in order to avoid breaking."
"I didn’t want to be a toy. I wanted to be a person. A real, live person."
"If you were into patterns – and psychiatrists loved patterns – my sister’s MO was to talk first. Engage. Seduce. Coerce the desired behavior."
"She was manipulative. Not being able to feel sentiment herself, she suffered no blinders when it came to human nature."
"She was the daughter of a serial killer, accused of murder, who went on to become a serial killer. Destiny, I think Shana would say."
"Before this, I worked dawn to dusk. Now I’m a shut-in, except for my twice-weekly stair crawl."
"I wonder why I didn’t better secure that fucking ladder."
"Does this look like the apartment of a guy who can afford a custom rig?"
"Charlie wasn’t fucking Shana. Charlie’s gay."
"Trust me, you don’t make it through the foster system without learning how to spot the boys who like other boys."
"I don’t want them. The money, sure. But the actual stuff... Harry Day hurt people, you know."
"Shana declared it the best fucking pizza she’d ever had."
"Better to just be. Better, certainly, not to think of the hours ahead."
"Can you pack a lifetime into a single afternoon? Remake a family, reforge old bonds?"
"Shana wanted to devour an entire city in thirty minutes or less."
"I reached across the counter. I squeezed Shana’s hand."
"The Rose Killer’s method was kinder. She’d never feel a thing."
"I am my father. I am my mother. I am the family conscience."
"Two lost souls, finally connecting when it mattered most."
"Shana will take the first step. And I will follow."