
Postcards From A Stranger Quotes

Postcards From A Stranger by Imogen Clark

Postcards From A Stranger Quotes
"I can’t do this on my own anymore! I need some help."
"That’s only to be expected, given his condition. He can’t help it, of course."
"He escaped. His life is in London now and he can’t come running back here at the first sign of trouble."
"I’m not entirely stupid. I do work in a hospital too."
"But I can’t call her Angela. It just doesn’t feel right somehow."
"You might as well have been skirt, though, for the mess she’s made of it."
"Tears began to prick at the back of my eyes. I blink them back as I stare at the message. No results."
"Each time my hand reaches out, the breeze that my movement makes floats the seeds a little further out of reach."
"Everyone has some kind of digital footprint. It can't be avoided in this day and age."
"He’s got a good job and a place of his own. And he loves me."
"You wouldn’t know what love was if it strolled in here, fell to its knees and started licking your shoes."
"Loves you! You wouldn’t know what love was if it strolled in here, fell to its knees and started licking your shoes."
"I have to do this by myself. Whatever 'this' is."
"It’s like a virus. Now that it is in there, I can feel it spreading, corrupting everything that it touches."
"It's the only way to eat 'em. Next you have to bash the top in and pick out all the currants."
"Memory is complicated, isn’t it? It won’t just have stored that one, random thing."
"A memory from before Mum died. And if there’s one, then there must be more, somewhere."
"He doesn’t like to wait. She can understand that. He works hard and wants things to be just so when he gets home."
"You really can’t be trusted on your own, can you, baby?"
"It was just sitting there in the rose. I don’t know what I was thinking."
"That would be a really nice thing to do. But don’t you think that Cara is a little bit young to be left just yet?"
"Being married is hard work. It's not all hearts and flowers, you know?"
"You can't just up sticks when the going gets tough."
"If you're not shown it then you struggle to demonstrate it to others."
"Whatever he's done... it's not going to be improved by you getting angry."
"We can't all just forget our past like your father has done."
"There's no point hurling accusations at him."
"I wouldn’t want to leave him in the house on his own anymore."
"This frail and vulnerable man who needs so much care and love is not my father."
"You watch your mouth," says his father. "Or you'll be out in the street as fast you can say 'Jack Robinson'."
"The mere thought makes his heart beat faster."
"I'm not stupid. I pieced it all together a long time ago."
"You may technically be my father but it's just a title."
"She laughs and then spins on the spot to face him and they kiss."
"You are a strange and complicated creature, Cara Ferensby."
"Life is short. You should grasp it with both hands and shake it hard."
"Your days of telling me what to do are over," he says.
"All you knew what that your Mummy wasn’t there anymore."
"Let her go. She’ll be back, won’t you, Cara?"
"It wasn’t your fault. None of it was your fault. I don’t blame you."
"I didn’t realise that he has spent his whole life trying to forget."
"Don’t talk, Dad. You need to save your strength."
"Your father isn’t a monster, Cara. Not like mine."
"‘Don’t get me wrong,’ she continues. ‘Sometimes it’s lovely."
"It’s my cottage. Just because we got married doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything he says."
"‘You’re not going to do what he says, are you?’ I say with a wry smile."
"‘I should have been here.’ It’s not until I hear myself say it out loud that I know that this is how I’m feeling."
"He wasn’t well, Cara. He hadn’t been well for a long time."
"‘What are best friends for?’ she asks, her head cocked to one side."