
The First Phone Call From Heaven Quotes

The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom

The First Phone Call From Heaven Quotes
"What the Lord gives you, you do not squander."
"The pain you go through in life doesn’t really touch you . . . not the real you. . . . You are so much lighter than you think."
"We must be very cautious when speaking about eternity."
"Once you have a sister, you never stop having her, even if you can no longer see or touch her."
"Faith, it is said, is better than belief, because belief is when someone else does the thinking."
"You might think that after ten months in prison, a man would bask in liberation."
"A baby’s birth, a couple engaged, a tragic accident on a late-night highway—most milestones of the human journey, good or bad, are foreshadowed by the sound of ringing."
"The very first telephonic conversation, between Bell and Thomas Watson, contained these words: Come here. I want to see you."
"The telephone voice is but a seduction, a bread crumb to an appetite."
"What happens with Amy’s video was what happens with many snippets of news in the modern world. It was tossed onto the Internet and whisked into cyberspace."
"What I ask here tonight is this: do not be afraid. You are among friends. You are among neighbors."
"If people truly believed they were talking with heaven, how soon before they expected to hear from the Lord?"
"Haven’t we all grown tired of chasing people to ignite their faith?"
"It was the modern-day version of the moment when Bell’s invention took the Centennial by storm—except that things moved at warp speed now."
"What’s the matter with all of you?" Sully yelled."
"I think so much, then why do I feel so lost?"
"I still knew the difference between the truth and a lie."
"The tears were part of the miracle too, and he wanted to keep both around as long as he could."
"Bad news has no limit. We often feel it should, like a rainstorm that can't possibly get any heavier. But a storm can always worsen, and the burdens of life can, too."
"There is a time for hello and a time for goodbye. It's why the act of burying things seems natural, but the act of digging them up does not."
"Sometimes what you miss the most is the way a loved one made you feel about yourself."
"It’s a quiet theft, how time lures people away."
"Despite the traffic snarls, the long lines, or the port-a-johns now positioned on streets in town, nobody went hungry or homeless in Coldwater this Thanksgiving."
"When love dries in a marriage, the children become mortar for the bricks. When the children leave, the bricks just sit atop each other."
"No one talked anymore about the missing flight recordings—something that never happens—or Elliot Gray fleeing the scene and causing a car crash."
"This is America! We have the right to our religion!"
"Hearing someone you thought you lost... It just feels... like relief. Like the bad thing never happened."
"We can feel you... We know your pain, your tears, but we feel no pain or tears ourselves."
"We are all in the light... the light is grace... and we are part of... the one great thing."
"Don't tell him there's no heaven. He needs to believe."
"Forgive. I didn't suffer. Once I knew you were alive, I was happy."