
Fear Nothing Quotes

Fear Nothing by Dean Koontz

Fear Nothing Quotes
"I am not psychic. I do not see signs and portents in the sky."
"Animals usually stare directly at us only briefly-then look away as though unnerved by something they see in human eyes."
"My eyes are better adapted to gloom than are those of most people."
"The lotion had a faint coconut scent, an aroma that I associate with palm trees in sunshine."
"Only rarely have I seen my face in full light."
"The dead are merely the countrymen of my future."
"I seize the night and ride it as though it were a great black stallion."
"Happiness was mine to choose or reject, and I embraced it."
"All we had was our friendship, but we knew that in a crisis, either of us would die trying to save the other."
"It's just the rules, to get in the game, we have to agree to stop playing someday."
"All I ever wanted was to be a nurse, but look at me now."
"We're screwing it up, Chris, like we always do, but this is bigger than we've ever screwed up before."
"I can't stop them, but I can stop keeping secrets for them."
"You deserve to know what happened to your mom and dad, Chris - even if pain comes with the knowledge."
"It was the last time I ever felt wonderful - and the last time I ever will."
"Rod was due home any minute, and we both were off work the entire holiday weekend."
"The monkey's holding the last piece of tangerine but not eating now."
"Angie, go to the phone. I'm going to give you a number to call."
"No one passing the place that night would have guessed at the strange drama playing out within these ordinary stucco walls."
"Like my body isn't mine, like I've got to pay a rent in blood just to be allowed to go on living in it."
"Some things don't die. Can't die. No matter how much we wish them dead."
"Telling you all of it is like lighting a fuse. Sooner or later, your whole world blows up."
"They made me... Rod made me submit to sterilization."
"But to have it cut out of me... The humiliation of it, the hopelessness."
"Was and wasn't, and that's what was wrong with it."
"No matter how much of the truth you learn, no one will be made to pay."
"The backyard was transformed into a winter stream, and the light purled like water moving under ice."
"Like the monkey, it possessed both a quality of wasness and notness."
"Sometimes there is no darker place than our own thoughts: the moonless midnight of the mind."
"My thoughts rolled thickly, like tangled masses of seaweed in a sludge tide."
"Angela was no longer a person to me. She was a thing, death itself."
"Sometimes I suspect that Orson not only understands more than we expect a dog to understand."
"We're not taking any more of your crap, no more of your interference."
"The taste in my mouth could not have been much different if I had been eating charcoal briquettes in a broth of starter fluid."
"The only light that ever arises in the ocean is from bioluminescent plankton."
"If you're going to be a friend of Bobby Halloway's, you have to learn to accept his view of life: Nothing that happens farther than half a mile from the beach is of sufficient importance to worry about."
"The hands of every clock are shears, trimming us away scrap by scrap."
"We're here to revel in the world, to soak in the awesomeness of it, to enjoy the ride."
"Friends are all we have to get us through this life - and they are the only things from this world that we could hope to see in the next."
"Life was surf, death was surf, the power of nature vast and enfolding, and the heart stirred at the thought of Corky's enviably sweet passage through a world that was so much trouble for so many others."
"Every last one of us leads a different life. We're here to revel in the world, to soak in the awesomeness of it, to enjoy the ride."
"Six billion stories, every one an epic, full of tragedy and triumph, good and evil, despair and hope."
"The world's maximum perfect as it is, beauty from horizon to horizon. Any mark any of us tries to leave - hell, it's only graffiti."
"Never leave a friend behind. Friends are all we have to get us through this life."
"We have only the sea, love, and time. God gave you the sea. By your own actions you will find love always. So I give you time."
"Extreme terror gives us back the gestures of our childhood."
"This whole town's on a roller coaster straight to Hell, and it's going to be an incredible ride."
"Change, glorious change, everything changing, always and forever, change."
"The world as we know it isn't necessarily the same as the end of the world."
"Most of the time, reality is what you make it."
"Nothing's just anything. Not here. Not now. Not anymore."
"I've always been able to handle whatever the world threw at me, son, both the ups and the downs, as long as it was at least interesting."
"If the world finds out what's happened here, outsiders will quarantine the whole county."
"Most of all, hardest of all, you have to stop worrying about looking foolish, 'cause fear of being humiliated really limits you."
"I would rather be a bone worn to dry splinters by the teeth of sorrow than a sponge wrung ceaselessly in its hands."
"Night is the flag of freedom under which I live, and I will live free or die."
"Both luck and time run out, and although my watch contained a microchip rather than a mainspring, I swore that I could hear it ticking."
"When life throws a hard punch, roll with it - but roll with laughter."
"Trust in the purpose of your existence and let meaning come to you instead of straining to discover it."
"To live I must care not about what I am but about what I can become, not about the past but about the future."
"This world is about suffering, isn't it? This vale of tears."
"I've got to be something of a cold bastard to survive, live with a chinkless shell around my heart at least when it comes to grieving for the dead."
"Forget about leaving a mark on the world. Ignore the great issues of your time and thereby improve your digestion."
"All that mattered was friendship, love, and surf."
"Extreme danger strips us of all pretenses, all ambitions, all confusions, focusing us more intensely than we are otherwise ever focused."
"We kept at it anyway, because to do otherwise would be to admit how scared we were."
"Being cool was getting harder minute by minute."
"Maybe they'll get their aggression and anger out this way and then just leave."
"The penetrating cold was not solely a physical sensation but affected the spirit as well."
"The idea is to give the tackiest items that can be found for sale."
"Their escalating cries were shrill, eerie, and seemed to have supernatural effect."
"This is the consequence of our gullibility and laziness."
"Nothing is more dangerous than a dog with a shotgun."
"We are an arrogant species, full of terrible potential."
"The world as we know it should not pass away without the explanation of its passing preserved for the future."
"How we perished by our own hand may be more important than how we came into existence."
"If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on the dogs."