
As Old As Time Quotes

As Old As Time by Liz Braswell

As Old As Time Quotes
"You have until the eve of your twenty-first birthday to become as beautiful on the inside as you were on the outside."
"Sometimes she remembered bits differently: sometimes the rose was as pink as a sunrise by the sea."
"But that way lay madness, and she wasn’t quite there yet."
"It will all turn out all right in the end. You’ll see."
"It’s said that a great and terrible witch lives here!"
"Because except for ordering the others around, Belle had seen no indication he could perform any magic himself."
"No, this castle had camouflaged itself well."
"She wondered how her father and Phillipe had managed to find it the first time."
"Well, now, what shall we dress you in for dinner?"
"I’m dreaming, Belle told herself again, a little hopefully."
"No. I’m a prisoner, that’s fine. But he can’t make me do something I don’t want to."
"The scariest, most frightening person can turn out to be quite a lovely character…if you give him time."
"True love doesn’t just fall into your lap. You have to go out and find your other half."
"You can’t have great things if you constantly fear loss."
"I’m not going to let the poor child go hungry."
"She’s not our prisoner. She’s our guest. We must make her feel welcome here."
"You are forgiven for the high crime of breaking quarantine."
"Magic comes back to you, just as the actions of people do."
"We’re here for…a while, at least. May as well trust each other."
"You were my prisoner. Why would you listen to anything I said?"
"My tutor read to me sometimes. Never liked reading. Rather go hunting or ride my horse."
"Every curse, every charm, every little bit of kitchen magic, comes from somewhere and doesn’t go away when it’s finished."
"There’s always a price to pay—and it usually involves the one who cast the spell."
"Books can tell you almost everything that mankind knows. Or imagines."
"I want adventure. I want…to be the hero in the story."
"It’s been over a decade since his disappearance and you’re just asking that question now?"
"It doesn’t matter anymore! It’s just as well the rest of the world has forgotten about us."
"I wonder if maybe your whole kingdom was cursed long before my mother showed up."
"Life is a strange mixture of all of these genres, and it doesn’t have nearly as neat and happy an ending as you often get in books."
"Regret because despite the dire circumstances, he was being carried home by a marvel—a magical thing."
"No idea, dear. But if you figure it out, let me know. I’m going to get a few more winks of sleep…good luck…."
"I’ll come back. Whatever happens. I’m…king now. I need to share the fate of my people."
"He has no magic! He is…not a charmante! He is pure! Innocent! LET HIM BE!"
"My girls! My two girls. I never thought we’d be a family again."
"I had the full support of the king and queen."
"I cannot let a marauding monster go free in our countryside."
"We are going to go now, and you are going to just let us go."
"You know this is the way it needs to end. Good-bye."
"If you kill him, it will make you a murderer. And you aren’t a murderer or a beast."
"You promised to give me my bookstore back. You promised me. So I could read more stories about Jack. So I could read them...to you."
"Despite their…familiar appearances, those born of magic and the supernatural are not human and have none of the temperance, compassion, logic, or morality that we men and women do."
"You aren’t seeing the big picture. These people are dangerous…"
"I had to be sure Belle was pure of her mother’s foul disease."
"The girl you kidnapped just saved your life. Thank her."
"Come, let us lock up the Beast as we agreed and put an end to this."
"I will, obviously, not be marrying Gaston today—for many reasons."
"He is the Prince—no, King—of a forgotten magical land through the forest."
"Magic always comes back on itself…of course it would be my daughter who would break the spell."
"Save my people. They were innocent when they were cursed, and still looked after the castle and me all these years."
"Go out into the world for adventure, come home for love."
"Everyone should have a journey—and everyone should also have a home, too."
"You will always come back here, and I will always be here."