
We're Going To Need More Wine Quotes

We're Going To Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union

We're Going To Need More Wine Quotes
"This kind of feels like a first date. I have that same feeling you get five minutes before you meet the other person, when you’re giddy about where things might go. But also wary, because you’ve been on enough bad dates to know exactly how this can go awry."
"The very time I thought I was lost, My dungeon shook and my chains fell off."
"I want this to be like one of those nights out with someone you can be real with."
"You’re gonna have to be bigger, badder, better, just to be considered equal."
"I remember the moment I realized I was free, looking in a mirror and saying, 'I choose my motherfucking self.'"
"I don’t want you to have to guess about my intentions. I want to make you laugh/cry as we tackle some big stuff."
"Each revealed a bread crumb that I had dropped along the way, leading me further on my path to understanding who I truly am."
"You are always chasing, always worrying about being exposed as the dumb black kid."
"I had so completely stopped being black to these people that they could speak to me as a fellow white person."
"You would sit in the salon chair, take in its dullness, and say, "Get rid of this.""
"Screw looked like someone had put a palm on his face and turned it counterclockwise, ever so slightly."
"I would always have to ask somebody to dance, blurting out "JUSTASFRIENDS" before they thought I had some twisted idea."
"In my heart, I was Gregory Hines with a hard-on, but to everyone else I was the eunuch."
"He played baseball—because of course he didn’t play soccer like every other Ken doll in Pleasanton."
"Walking away, I would feel high just from that brief encounter."
"Billy’s friendship with Mike ended abruptly one night at basketball practice, when Billy got into it with Mike’s dad and told him, "Suck my balls.""
"I wanted it to read BILLY AND NICKIE so badly."
"It was Lucy who lost her virginity to Billy first."
""You know, she rides guys," someone told me, "and then leans back and plays with their balls.""
""You’re like a white girl without the hassle," one guy told me."
"I was already mourning all the flirtation, the touching, the little signals of interest."
"My confidence swelled—and promptly deflated when he moved on to someone else."
""Your world is only as small as you make it, Nickie," she said."
"Mom was always taking my sisters and me to events like this."
""Shut up," my grandmother told her. "Shut your mouth and get your check.""
""I wasn’t looking for it. I loved my house," she said."
""Everything you remember is what you remember.""
"We are grown-ass women, and we are the only ones who understand each other’s grown-ass problems."
"You’re listening to K-F-A-G San Francisco, rocking you from behind."
"He’s not a fucking faggot! He is not a fucking faggot!"
"Do you know how many times I have listened to you say ‘faggot’ or ‘fag’? Now, think of all the times you’ve complained to me about people saying ‘nigger’ or talking shit about black people."
"I want to scream, 'Get out of my pussy! Just. Get. The. Fuck. Out.'"
"We all know you can create even better art by truly being inclusive, but you’re never going to get inclusive in your work if you can’t figure out how to get inclusive in your social life."
"I’ve got my mittens on, I thought. Those teachers can tell their children not to be afraid."
"The whole world mourned an icon, playing 'Purple Rain,' a song I adore but I know he made thirty years before his passing."
"I will give blow jobs in a leper colony before I take a dime from a man I am no longer in love with."