
The Light We Carry: Overcoming In Uncertain Times Quotes

The Light We Carry: Overcoming In Uncertain Times by Michelle Obama

The Light We Carry: Overcoming In Uncertain Times Quotes
"Being different conditions you toward cautiousness, even as it demands that you be bold."
"The human experience defies tidy solutions or pithy answers."
"In life, there are few fixed points—that the traditional markers we think of as beginnings and endings are really no more than that, markers on a much longer path."
"Each day we are tasked with becoming some newer version of ourselves."
"Our hearts are too complicated, our histories too muddled."
"Our balance rests upon the idea of combinations."
"Competence is what sits on the flip side of fear."
"If you try to keep your children from feeling fear, you're essentially keeping them from feeling competence, too."
"Go forth with a spoonful of fear and return with a wagonful of competence."
"The pace was too quick, the heights too dizzying, the exposure too great."
"You have to learn how to identify and then tame something within."
"I’ve come to believe that it’s actually worth getting to know your fearful mind."
"Your fearful mind is basically a life partner you didn’t choose."
"Discomfort is a teacher. Lack of reward is a teacher."
"I was safe with her, and she was safe with me. We were friends now, and would stay that way."
"I couldn’t do this life thing without her. I am a barnacle on her life."
"The only love story I know is the one I happen to live inside every day."
"Life has shown me that strong friendships are most often the result of strong intentions."
"The honest truth is, I don’t have answers to these questions or prescriptions to offer for anyone’s individual challenges."
"Real and lasting love, I think, happens mostly in the realm of in-between."
"A partner is not a fix for your issues, or a filler of your needs."
"Life is full of high-stakes/low-stakes negotiations like this."
"The sooner that time arrived, the sooner she felt that Craig and I could handle our own business, the more successful she’d deem herself to be as a parent."
"In our home, self-sufficiency mattered above all else."
"They couldn’t provide us with shortcuts, so instead they worked on giving us skills."
"This meant that her mood didn’t rise or fall on our victories."
"She listened as we worked through our problems out loud."
"You don’t have to like your teacher, and she doesn’t have to like you."
"I am not lightning that strikes once. I am the hurricane that comes every single year."
"You have to remain both armored and agile."
"Any choice not to hew to them seemed to carry with it a whiff of insolence."
"What I tried to do was to keep myself agile, tacking back and forth between the familiar shores of caution and boldness."
"Going high is like drawing a line in the sand, a boundary we can make visible and then take a moment to consider."
"Operating with integrity matters. It will matter forever."
"The notion of going high shouldn’t raise any questions about whether we are obligated to fight for more fairness, decency, and justice in this world; rather, it’s about how we fight."
"Rage can be a dirty windshield. Hurt is like a broken steering wheel."
"We can operate from hope rather than fear, pairing reason with rage."
"Going high is work—often hard, often tedious, often inconvenient, and often bruising."
"Don’t ever pretend that you have all the answers. It’s okay to say ‘I don’t know.’"