
What Happened To Goodbye Quotes

What Happened To Goodbye by Sarah Dessen

What Happened To Goodbye Quotes
"Think earthshattering, life-ruining change, and you’re done. But cast it as a do-over, a chance to reinvent and begin again, and it’s all good."
"I knew he understood, in his own way. We’d both left the same town and same circumstances. He had to stay who he was, but I didn’t doubt for a second that he would have changed if it had been an option."
"You didn’t hang out in what you thought was an empty house when you lived right next door unless you didn’t feel like being at home."
"It wasn’t enough to wipe out the one I loved: she was replacing it, too."
"It wasn’t just me that was gone. She was, too."
"It was kind of soothing, these sounds of lives being lived all around me, for better or for worse. And there I was, in the middle of them all, newly reborn and still waiting for mine to begin."
"Like no matter where I was, I could find something I recognized."
"It was my mom who had taught me about the stars."
"Whoever found and named it first was the winner."
"One skinny girl with braids, wearing earmuffs, was not so lucky."
"I wondered sometimes if when she looked up, she thought of me, as well."
"You know teenagers. So difficult when they decide they have a mind of their own."
"I didn’t need her to be nice, I needed her to take control."
"But all the love in the world won’t save a sinking ship."
"I’m not making my college decision based on what you want, Mom."
"Stop trying, I wanted to tell her, and make her understand. Stop forcing it and I just might come to you."
"You’re actually the first person who’s asked me for anything."
"I mean, just having to change each time. It’s like starting over."
"I don’t know. Like, when I start a new school I always kind of change myself a little bit. Pretend I’m someone different than I was in the last place."
"I kept waiting for her to turn up, falling into place as easily as Eliza and Lizbet and Beth before her, but so far it hadn’t happened."
"I don’t like complications. If something’s not working . . . you gotta move on."
"You didn’t just get a tattoo with someone for nothing."
"I think it’s important that it really have meaning to you if it’s going to be a part of you forever."
"When you can’t save yourself or your heart, it helps to be able to save face."
"A restaurant was like a demanding girlfriend, requiring every bit of his attention."
"If I look at everything I’ve had with this person, good and bad, am I better or worse off without them? If the answer is better . . . well, then, that’s the answer."
"It’s like a puzzle, as well, two vague words with one clear one between them."
"Like a blinking cursor on an empty page, it was just the first thing. The beginning of the beginning. But at least it was done."
"It’s what you couldn’t see, those tiniest of pieces, that were lost in the severing, and their absence kept everything from being complete."
"The real world couldn’t really just split a family down the middle, mom on one side, dad the other, with the child divided equally between."
"It was like when you ripped a piece of paper into two: no matter how you tried, the seams never fit exactly right again."
"It’s important to have a goal, even an unreasonable one can be good for motivation."
"People do crappy things for all kinds of reasons. You can’t even begin to understand."
"You might think you don’t want any connections, but your actions say otherwise."
"Being with your mom isn’t an insult to me, or vice versa. You know that, don’t you?"
"But, I think our people do add a flavor and personality to the Luna Blu experience that cannot be quantified on a piece of paper."
"It’s not always so easy. But I had a restaurant of my own for many years. I was beyond invested, and that was hard, too. Harder, actually."
"If we love her, we love it, too. It was part of the package."
"What I want is the chance to have my own life."
"It’s a slippery slope. First you have thyme, then you get into rosemary and sage and basil, and the next thing you know, you have a problem."
"But how do you not get invested? In the place, and everyone in it?"
"If something—or someone—isn’t working, then we have to make changes."
"It’s about what’s best for the restaurant. You’ve got to take emotion out of it."
"Once you love something, you always love it in some way. You have to. It's, like, part of you for good."
"That's called manners. You all should take lessons. Or at least notice."
"In a good restaurant, you’d never notice these things, which was exactly how it should be."
"You know you have the same name as one of the best college basketball coaches of all time?"
"Basketball is not simply a sport. It’s a religion."
"It's impossible to fake anything if you've already seen the other person in a way they'd never choose for you to. You can't go back from that."
"There’s something nice about the silence of a car ride in the dark, going home."
"I wasn’t sure why this had been so important to me, only that it seemed fated somehow."
"It was easier to listen to the game than to watch, so I moved slowly."
"It was amazing what a little noise and brightness could do to a house and a life, how much the smallest bit of each could change everything."
"After all these years of just passing through, I was beginning to finally feel at home."
"I had no idea you guys had done this much. Guess I need to pay more attention all around."
"Like the house was looking at me, and I was a stranger. No home, no control, and no idea where I was, only where I might be going."
"But talk was cheap and useless. Action was what mattered. And me, I was moving. Now, again, always."
"Home wasn’t a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together."
"We make such messes in this life, both accidentally and on purpose. But wiping the surface clean doesn’t really make anything any neater. It just masks what is below."
"Your past is always your past. Even if you forget it, it remembers you."
"It’s only when you really dig down deep, go underground, that you can see who you really are."
"Life’s not fair. If it was, you wouldn’t be having to move again."
"You didn’t wreck my life. All you did was call a friend."
"You kind of have to look a little more closely."
"It’s not just an end. It’s a beginning, too."