
Zero K Quotes

Zero K by Don DeLillo

Zero K Quotes
"Everybody wants to own the end of the world."
"This is not a new idea. It is an idea that is now approaching full realization."
"Death is a cultural artifact, not a strict determination of what is humanly inevitable."
"Ready to die does not mean willing to disappear."
"Life everlasting belongs to those of breathtaking wealth."
"Isn’t death a blessing? Doesn’t it define the value of our lives, minute to minute, year to year?"
"We are here to reconsider everything about life’s end."
"The defining element of life is that it ends."
"She blended better, nameless, with the room."
"With a certain detachment, each deletion bringing him closer to self-realization."
"Here was the explanation for the way I walked, talked, and tied my shoes."
"When he looks in the mirror he sees a simulated man."
"But how do I think about what will happen once her heart stops beating?"
"If I saw such a thing, firsthand, I would run with him."
"The thinness of contemporary life. I can poke my finger through it."
"It is the heaviest stone that melancholy can throw at a man to tell him that he is at the end of his nature."
"We reverse the text here, we read the news backwards. From death to life."
"I need a window to look out of. I need to know there's something out there."
"All the voice commands and hyper-connections that allow you to become disembodied."
"The universe, the multiverse, so many cosmic infinities that the idea of repeatability becomes unavoidable."
"But it’s also true that what we don’t know is what makes us human."
"People getting older become more fond of objects. Particular things... These things make the past seem permanent."
"A person’s life, all those who entered and left, there’s a depth, a richness."
"We used to sit in a certain room, often, the room with the monochrome paintings."
"I felt sure of myself when I dealt with numbers. Numbers were the language of science."
"The room was impressive, with or without the cat."
"In the street, on a bus, within the touchscreen storm, I could see myself moving autonomically into middle age."
"I try to think about all the phones of every type bearing this message, people in the millions."
"It’s the things we forget about that tell us who we are."
"I think that I am barely here. It is only when I say something that I know that I am here."
"I am nowhere that I can know or feel. I will try to wait."
"I think I am someone. What does it mean to be who I am."
"Does it keep going on like this. Where am I."
"I try to see the words. Same words all the time. The words float past."
"But am I who I was. And what does this mean."
"I listen to what I hear. I can only hear what is me."
"Am I just the words. I know that there is more."
"But then what happens. And how long am I here."
"Sometimes history is single lives in momentary touch."
"Human life is an accidental fusion of tiny particles of organic matter floating in the cosmic dust."
"We are born without choosing to be. Should we have to die in the same manner?"
"Skepticism is a virtue on certain occasions, although often a shallow one."
"It’s a human glory to refuse to accept a certain fate."
"The craving is gone and maybe this is what reduces me."
"The long soft life is what I feel I’m settling into."
"What sort of someone? I was thinking about the remarks my father had once made concerning the human life span."
"I sit before a screen in a cubicle of frosted plexiglass marked Compliance and Ethics Officer."