
Heartless Quotes

Heartless by Elsie Silver

Heartless Quotes
"Every time another horse walks past, she flattens her ears at them, which makes me smile."
"Her hair is all curled. Her new boots are fuck-me hot."
"This arena is a dream I never thought would come true."
"A love I’ve never known. One I’m not so sure I deserve, but one I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to preserve."
"She’s climbed up to the top of the fence panel and is staring at me with her hands cupped over her mouth, shouting like a crazy person. My crazy person."
"I kiss her hard. I kiss her to say the things I can’t find the words for."
"To my knowledge, showing people how to play the guitar has not been known to stimulate labor."
"Neither is your breeding kink. But here we are."
"I think after my lessons I’ll give the yard a blow job."
"My dude, you can call me whatever you want. I know I’m not actually your mom, but I love you like one."
"I love you too, Willa. Even though I think you peed your pants."
"It’s okay, I’ve lived through a lot of calving seasons."
"This man, who mere months ago seemed so cold and unhappy, has turned my world upside down and made me value my life differently."
"Everything about Cade Eaton has been a curve ball from day one."
"Our little girl, Emma Eaton, comes into the world healthy. Kicking and screaming and surrounded by so much love that tears trail freely down our cheeks."
"Sterling Woodcock's future husband is a royal douchebag."
"Because seeing her right now, looking downtrodden mere nights before her wedding... it feels like she needs someone here who actually knows her."
"I expected her to be smiling. Glowing. I expected to feel happy for her—but I don’t."
"I bite the inside of my cheek, tempted to say I’ve been horribly irresponsible with my money and don’t have a dollar to my name."
""Nah, man. I only hunt what I can eat and I’m unfamiliar with how to cook a lion."
""Well, thank goodness you outgrew whatever tomboy phase you went through, babe. You’d have missed your calling as a ballerina."
""I can’t even imagine you handling a gun, Sloane!"
""You hunt, Jasper?" Sterling asks, looking all poised and pretentious."
""I don’t know if—" Sloane starts, but her fiancé steamrolls her attempt at adding anything to the conversation."
""Well, it’s not like I have a lot of free time with the ballet. And it’s not like you’ve been in touch lately either.""
""Don’t judge me, Jasper!" Her eyes flash and she steps closer again."
""You gonna be at the stag party tomorrow, Gervais?" the drunk guy continues."
""To be fair, I haven’t heard much about you either." I say it with enough humor in my tone that anyone missing the way we’re glaring might not even pick up on the jab."
""Basically, she knows if she needs something, I’ll be there," I add, without thinking."
""Good thing you’ve got me for all that now." Sterling is responding to Sloane, but he’s staring at me."
""Actually, he’s my friend, not my cousin." Sloane tosses her napkin on the top of the white linen-covered table with more force than necessary."
""My dad introduced us." Her eyes fixate on the black sky."
""Multiple factors," she replies with a defeated shrug."
""Factors? Like you just can’t wait to be Mrs. Woodcock? Because no one wants that as a last name. Or is this your dad pressuring you?""
""No, Jasper. Your dad is as an asshole. Mine loves me. You just don’t know what that looks like.""