
Midnight In Austenland Quotes

Midnight In Austenland by Shannon Hale

Midnight In Austenland Quotes
"Why relax and think when there was wonderful, numbing work at hand?"
"It's not the corset that does the trick, it's not the dress. But it's a start."
"Austen ladies didn't have itchy ankles or desires to lounge."
"It was such a real thing to happen in this pretend place."
"A woman in her thirties should not be afraid of the dark."
"I am so clueless. Why was King George unfit? Because he succumbed to madness."
"No one ever hanged for the deaths in Grey Cloak Abbey."
"Sometimes I curse the bonds of propriety. Sometimes I long to just reach out and hold you."
"The rain-scented air, the sunshine, Mr. Mallery on her arm—there was a deliciousness to the moment she could almost appreciate."
"I wish you would speak, and jealously, I wish you would speak only to me."
"I am as you see me. I am not a man given to artifice. I am Thomas Mallery."
"If the murderer touches you, you are dead and fall where you stand."
"It’s hard to get much sleep when you’re checking for a menacing presence every twenty to thirty minutes."
"If you want for my aid as well, Grey, I suggest you don a skirt and bonnet."
"Is there such a thing as 'post haste'? Because that's what I want. Post haste, if you please!"
"I will do anything you ask, Mrs. Cordial, but perhaps next time your favor will not require me to leave your presence."
"Only enchanted by your company and much looking forward to our diversions this evening. The story of Mary Francis progresses, yes it does."
"Generally speaking, people do not chase after spirits."
"It is much easier to solve someone else's mystery than to take a step back to survey the one haunting your own home."
"The night was darker in than out, the hallway candles dimmer than stars."
"You make it sound more dramatic than it actually is."
"He never cared for this place, but he insisted on playing a part in the cast."
"He was the one person who wanted to live in this bygone time as much as I."
"I thought England was all famous for not having guns!"
"But it was, Mrs. Cordial. It was within my power to stop him, and so it became my responsibility."
"I can’t imagine anyone else I would want to be with besides Eddie."
"You are not as arch as you, my dearest, sweetest friend."
"I do not know where else in this world I can exist."
"I’ll be fine. Mary is in jail, and Mallery is probably in outer Liechtenstein by now."