
Applications Quotes

There are 650 quotes

"The concept of heuristic and approximation algorithms to generate a reasonably good solution to a hard problem like the TSP is applicable to a variety of fields."
"Imaginary numbers are used to describe real electric currents."
"The fact is, it's incredibly effective; it's unreasonably effective in its applications."
"The original application was...astronomy, understanding Kepler's laws, predicting where the planets are going to be."
"Deep learning has enabled such tremendous applications in a variety of fields from autonomous vehicles to medicine and healthcare to advances in reinforcement learning, generative approaches, robotics, and a whole host of other applications and areas of impact."
"If you understand the principles, applications are easy."
"Deep learning can do more than just beat us at board games; it finds applications anywhere from self-driving vehicles to fake news detection to even predicting earthquakes."
"It's a fun problem to talk about, but it also has a lot of application in CS and engineering and elsewhere."
"An exponential explosion of innovation in applications that could not be built on the old systems of money."
"CNNs have touched so many different fields of computer vision ranging across robotics and medicine and many many other fields."
"There are so many cool applications that can be made with technology like this."
"It improves your cognitive abilities... Doctors use video games to train at home. Pilots use video games to train at home."
"With Ethereum, it's just software. You can write applications to it."
"Logarithms transform powers into multiplication, roots into division, and more."
"Logarithms themselves are more important than ever in science, mathematics, and engineering."
"Carbon nanotubes improving the efficiency of industrial applications."
"So go ahead, download Shortcuts today; this is an essential app that allows you to use your iPhone to its maximum potential and really just makes your life a lot easier whenever you're trying to access any of your phone's best features."
"Gary would like to use the technology for contemporary technology applications."
"Virtual reality's applications go beyond gaming."
"Python can be used in lots of different various fields like machine learning, data science, web development, game development, and lots of other things."
"The applications are all very useless in most applications, it's just too fun."
"I've come to believe that video games may have worthwhile applications in the field of trauma therapy."
"Decentralized applications are the future in terms of what's next after the internet."
"ORMs are very good for simple applications such as our jokes app."
"I would love to get feedback and ideas on other applications for this."
"Sine waves are nicer to deal with than anything else in many applications."
"When better crypto applications emerge, that's when it takes off."
"It's about the applications, that's what will make it work."
"Perception really works, and there's a huge number of applications that this can be used for."
"It makes me bullish for other use cases for crypto."
"The military, however, was still very interested in the potential of human cloning for military applications."
"There are a lot of great apps absolutely coming up all the time."
"It's critical because, you know, it's in everything. It's in everything from our mass relays to the way we travel to our weapons to biotics."
"If it works in space it works underwater of course as well."
"Complex numbers offer a deterministic way to represent rotations, essential in computer graphics and beyond."
"Rust allows you to make command line tools, web services, devops tools, embedded devices or systems, cryptocurrency related stuff, bioinformatics, search engines, machine learning."
"Applications for UCS are due November 1st through 30th."
"We view games as the killer applications for this product."
"AI is helping with disaster relief, healthcare, education, the arts, and more."
"The Huawei Watch 3 certainly comes packed with plenty of apps by default."
"You can make graphene with it... it's very cool."
"Drones offer a variety of uses other than simply photography and video recording."
"Liquid electricity opens up applications and electricity generation where it's never been available to us before."
"Docker is a system for containerizing applications."
"Plasma has a wide range of uses, from semiconductor manufacturing to medical implants."
"The best method that you can get mystery decals, obviously the app is pretty good, obviously the trading tips do work..."
"Maybe Bitcoin becomes the utility that some app resides on top of."
"It's hard to imagine applications for something that doesn't exist... The main role of near-term quantum computers is to give us a playground."
"Ethereum applications from the New York Stock Exchange to the SEC, all of this riding on Ethereum."
"And certainly, since recently, vision, hearing, sexuality, autism, addiction, anxiety, Parkinson, and so on."
"The engine is potentially very attractive for generators and auxiliary power units, UAVs, range extenders, handheld power equipment, mopeds and other small vehicles, lawn and garden equipment, robotics."
"Polkadot is turning into something that is more application-centric."
"In reality, if we're going to use Polkadot's potential, apps need to span across chains."
"Polkadot should be an integrated system, a single computer on which many applications run."
"Polkadot is here to provide a platform and provide a means of deploying multiple applications within the same environment."
"AI is a real thing... It's used for risk, fraud, marketing, idea generation, handling of errors."
"We are seeing unique applications in audio generation, art, music, storytelling... starting to see reasoning capabilities like common sense."
"Friendship applications for you are open."
"Unlock an entire new set of applications that were previously not available."
"Frequency dividers play a crucial role in various applications, including phase lock loops."
"There's endless uses for this in retail, real estate, travel, we'll start seeing these across tons of Industries but also for creative uses as well as my favorite reliving old memories."
"It's kind
"Observability is a way for us to gain insights into our applications based on the outputs."
"Real-time game logic remains consistent across various applications."
"Generative AI is used in a range of applications including creating realistic images and videos, generating human-like text, composing music, creating virtual environments, and even drug discovery."
"The application situation for the iPad is pretty exciting."
"Topological techniques that would be in pure mathematics, but now with very real applications."
"I started a company that manufactures them for a variety of potential medical, energy, and materials applications."
"Nvidia only builds AI chips for data centers and PCs but let me show you a different application altogether."
"With Quest 3, you can sideload apps onto it using software like SideQuest and download apps onto it like PlayStation Remote Play and Microsoft Remote Desktop."
"Therapeutic ketosis has applications beyond epilepsy."
"So what we hope you guys will learn from this course is a broad idea of you know how exactly Transformers work how they're being applied um around the world Beyond just NLP but other domains as well as applications."
"Lang chain allows you to build applications using large language models."
"Lang chain allows you to build applications on top of large language models."
"College admissions has gotten progressively harder to be successful at and people are applying to vastly more schools."
"...the applications are all over and if you find a niche that works prepare to grow."
"Swedish scientists have developed a transparent wood which can be used to make Windows."
"Build your own AI applications; that's the real exciting part of this platform shift."
"Magnetic gears are relatively new in the industry and have emerged as an interest in electric vehicles and electric bikes."
"Azure Cognitive Services provide machine learning models that help your applications to see, hear, speak, understand, and even reason."
"Vectors are incredibly fundamental because it's what we use for almost everything."
"Mathematics always finds real-world applications."
"It's no secret around here that one of the most important applications of computers is machine learning."
"Neural Networks are found a lot in modern-day technology."
"What is the difference between mobile device testing and mobile application testing?"
"Drones have many applications that are still being explored, from agriculture to mapping to delivery capabilities."
"So, if you are tied with capacity space and you need all the capacity, well then go and absorb. But if you have plenty of capacity left for your applications for your needs, I wouldn't recommend to absorb at all, just charge to 3.5 and call it."
"Machine learning has been wildly successful in domains like image recognition."
"Remote sensing allows us to analyze and interpret images to solve various tasks."
"This is liquid nitrogen. You can use it to make other things really, really cold too."
"Calculus shows up everywhere, from analyzing the stock market to modeling global climate change."
"These machines are artificially incorporated with human-like intelligence to perform tasks as we do. This intelligence is built using complex algorithms and mathematical functions."
"AI is used in smartphones, cars, social media feeds, video games, banking, surveillance, and many other aspects of our daily life."
"AI has a brief history from its inception to its current applications."
"There's got to be a pure field here, there's got to be a field that is just about the abstract investigation of simple programs and what they do having nothing to do with the applications."
"It serves a bunch of industries like entertainment, banking, education, gaming, documentaries, news, and so much more."
"Quantum Computing is also in the ascendency... Quantum Computing is likely to be something that really helps with several things like AI, blockchain, cryptography."
"Lang chain enables the creation of applications capable of taking actions such as web serving, email sending, and other tasks related to AP."
"This course will help you understand the significance of text embeddings, showcase their diverse applications, guide you through generating your own with OpenAI, and even delve into integrating vectors with databases."
"Now with functions, you can build applications with the help of serverless computing."
"Agile is perfect for IT software marketing and other departments."
"Transformers have been successfully applied to various applications, including language processing and protein folding."
"There's many use cases that can be covered by the bluetooth mesh network."
"Java is likely to find a true home in applications far from the internet."
"Python is very popular and you can do a lot of good things with it, whether you are interested in machine learning, data science, AI, building websites, building back-end services, and a bunch more."
"Apps don't store things, apps reference things."
"WebSocket communication is going to be very useful in fast time-sensitive applications like game applications, dashboards, or a chat application."
"Common applications of computer vision: image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, image analysis, phase detection, and recognition, optical character recognition."
"This is looking to the future and how we can apply it to what we do in our everyday lives, whether that's through safety, road safety, and reducing human errors within vehicles, or even efficiency, optimizing road routes, self-driving vehicles."
"To what extent can we remove this mismatch between blockchain technologies and the higher-level applications that stood atop them?"
"Manual testing: physical execution of test cases against various applications."
"It's also possible that um applications of AI that people thought would exist will now exist like robotics I think is a good one."
"Trust minimization is the uniqueness of web3 applications."
"Chemistry is responsible for pharmaceuticals, solar panels, rubber duckies, and more."
"Given the accessibility of caffeine, the applications are endless."
"They're more for applications where maybe a space is not such a problem."
"Diffusion models excel in many applications such as generating beautiful images from texts, animating a person, creating videos, and 3D models."
"Laser diodes are used in optical disc readers and writers for communications and for medical and industrial purposes."
"This is cool, from the Volkswagen application."
"Utilizing dynamic programming for practical applications."
"Lightsail is perfect for hosting relatively simple applications like a WordPress blog or a small store."
"Synthetic biology allows you to do things like make gut bacteria that express different fluorescent proteins."
"I am so excited for all of you that are applying to Michigan."
"PowerApps allows you to easily add Artificial Intelligence to your applications."
"MemoryDB customers get ultrafast vector search with high throughput and concurrency."
"This kind of throughput and latency is really critical for use cases like fraud detection and real-time chat bots."
"We've made a molecule that is so tough and resilient that it has multiple applications in many fields of technology and Medicine."
"After you learn derivatives, you should learn applications, right? Applications of the derivative."
"Synology's multimedia applications like Video Station and Audio Station allow you to create fantastic collections and manage your multimedia to be accessed on mobile and desktop devices easily."
"Synology's range of collaboration Suite applications is genuinely incredible... allowing you to replace existing third-party apps or utilize third-party apps for remote access, multimedia, business backups, and more."
"One light is great, but multiple lights have unique applications."
"Explore the endless selection of apps with Zorin OS 17's improved software store."
"As good as qnap platform is with qts their own operating system and nasd UI and all the applications and services and it is very very good very customizable lots of adaptable applications."
"If you ask me to pick just one application where I believe geometric deep learning is likely to produce the biggest impact, I think it's biological sciences and drug design."
"The ways that you can use this are just absolutely endless."
"All of our projects and applications running in a way that people can access it from anywhere without being behind a particular IP address."
"There's just a good chunk of SAS apps that are not ideal for no code."
"Roll out new versions and applications safely."
"Most of what we're going to talk about applies equally well to applications serving web traffic or processing messages of a queue."
"One of the biggest advantages to working with applications in Microsoft 365 is their cross compatibility with other Microsoft 365 applications."
"Once published, your AI models can be used inside Power Apps and Power Automate."
"Now as you begin to look for applications that work with sendgrid, if you see the premium sign, you may want to go ahead and subscribe. If not, you can set up the zap and then you can determine how often you're going to be using it."
"And these same deep linking concepts I have leveraged in a wide variety of different scenarios."
"User segment basically will have a receiver, receiving system and these are being used now by various people for various purposes and for leisure, for travelling, for navigation and for disasters."
"There are many applications that use namespaces today, Google Chrome uses it."
"But for me I'm less interested in ChatGPT on its own and more interested in how we can use that technology in our own custom applications."
"Biochar is used in various forms and qualities, from chips and granules to liquid suspensions, tailored for specific applications like landscaping, agriculture, and environmental remediation."
"...if they do appear in any of these materials they could even have technological applications particularly in quantum computers."
"The best use cases are streaming, large data volumes, and complex ETL."
"Blockchain software developers create smart contracts and distributed applications on blockchain networks."
"Naive Bayes is used in face recognition, weather prediction, medical diagnosis, and news classification."
"A product of industrial research during World War II, it's now finding widespread applications under much happier conditions on ski slopes and on camping trips."
"With Superbase, you can easily implement real-time features in your applications."
"These variable temperature heat guns can be used in a wide range of applications like vehicle wraps and tinting, stripping lacquer, removing paint and varnish, remelting adhesive, removing stickers, and many more you can think of."
"I got really lucky because I applied for a bunch of [__] and I never got any of them."
"Synthetic biology holds promise in producing new things useful for human health, agriculture, industry, and the environment."
"It's ideal for real-time applications."
"Reinforcement learning has great applications in many cutting-edge fields such as self-driving cars, robotics, and even winning complicated games like Go, chess, and Atari games."
"This thing is going to be really awesome for things like live streams or video conference calls."
"Spot has become a valuable asset in various sectors including the military, hospitals, law enforcement, fire departments, and construction sites."
"It's this sense that these kind of applications and this one in particular maybe are making people obsessed potentially about a measure that they don't fully understand."
"There's a lot of applications for this."
"There are endless applications for this in all the different ways that we function in life."
"Valves come in many shapes and sizes and they can be used in many different applications."
"Natural language processing remains a very interesting field for research and for industry applications."
"Aluminum can be successfully repaired in many applications when using proper products and techniques."
"It really allows a lot of diversity when it comes to different types of applications looks feels."
"This will impact so much of the use cases that you can tackle with these databases."
"This approach is actually beautiful for so many use cases."
"So with all these generative AI models that have been really popular over the past few months, we've seen a number of possible use cases emerge."
"Microbes play an important role in shaping our planet and have historical uses, such as producing bread, alcohol, and cheese."
"It's just the path of least resistance for consumers or businesses, and we haven't even begun to see the applications."
"Cloud native applications live in modern clouds."
"Large language models with knowledge bases are becoming incredibly important for various applications."
"Software engineers build large-scale software systems like maybe Microsoft Office, social media apps, or video games."
"It opens up a whole new world of use cases."
"One of the most important things when it comes to an application is having your personality and your humanity come through on paper."
"That was it. Yeah, so basically this is a great start to visualize data or web applications, and the application of some of these libraries are endless."
"the fact that you can take your designs and actually create real applications not just to one platform or App Store but to all of them"
"Machine learning and deep learning have many potential applications in medical imaging."
"You can do a lot with foundation models."
"Photogrammetry is being used for some really cool applications."
"You can build full experiences with it, but you can also build components for other run times."
"Bitcoin's blockchain applications: from distributed DNS to multi-signature transactions for consumer protection."
"Expanded applications of Ethereum: from crop insurance to peer-to-peer gambling and decentralized storage."
"It's very versatile and even in plant science, it's very hard to say what a certain research group might want to use it for. It has all sorts of applications."
"Fungi can be used in fermentation, antibiotics, enzymes, and biological pesticides."
"The many applications of Quantum Computing show that it is an exciting new technology with enormous potential."
"Grace data are used for drought monitoring, flood detection, and other applications."
"Carbon fiber is used to make springs for certain things like running blades and things for paralympians."
"Yes, there is a lot of hype about machine learning, but that should not give us the impression that there are no legitimate applications of machine learning."
"In Foundry you absolutely do not [need to be a data engineer] and you can build really robust things like full-blown line of business applications that do stuff and actually ship value."
"GPT can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks."
"In computer science, we might think about applications such as a memory allocator, a file system, network requests, and so on as applications where you'd want concurrent behavior."
"It's all in the user interface, the applications, and how much business utility you add to it."
"The Sonoscape AI is available for a wide range of applications, from OB-GYN to musculoskeletal."
"Air conditioning has wide applications in residences, retail facilities, hotels, educational facilities, healthcare facilities, and more."
"Another great use of your time during your junior year summer is applying to competitions or scholarships."
"Some of them only give you like 500 bucks or a thousand dollars, those are also things that I think are worth your time to apply to."
"AI, artificial intelligence, are computer science concepts or applications or devices focused on making computers work and act like humans. An example of these is self-driving cars."