
Psychological Depth Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"This internal struggle... is far greater than what people can imagine."
"I think Hunter x Hunter really excels with a deeper psychological aspect to stories."
"Suddenly it was as though the ground literally gave way at my feet, and I plunged down into dark depths." - Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
"This film serves as a truly fascinating character study."
"He undergoes a very specific growth and character arc... from a bad guy to an anti-hero to someone who's trying to battle with his own internal demons and philosophies... compelling."
"Cobb's journey is steeped in guilt and desperation, a man driven to the edge walking a tightrope between redemption and damnation."
"In life there are wounds... that silently scrape at and consume the soul."
"At its core, the show explores the idea of grief and the many forms that it can take."
"When an elderly but distinguished scientist says something is possible he or she is very likely to be right but when he or she says something is impossible they are very likely to be wrong."
"What School Live is really good at is delving into the psychology of its characters."
"A boxing match is not a man versus man narrative but a man versus self narrative."
"Tomorrow night, they will go to places that me, you, you at home could never even dream of going to."
"Believe the entire time and sometimes that's what you gotta do, you gotta go into this deeper meditative state and just believe."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a borderline surreal experience, a mindfuck if you will."
"I think the outcome of this is going to push Walter into an even darker place."
"The deeper you go, the better you feel. The better you feel, the deeper you're going to go."
"Sayonara Oshiite: A game about trauma, descending into madness, and the blurring of reality."
"It hurts just like it did the first time, you see the pain is reminding the [ __ ] machine what it was once like to be a virgin, hence like a virgin."
"Incredible stories have been told using psychological storytelling."
"It reflects how we process the world in such a deeply eerie way."
"Therapy is about getting to the why of it all."
"There's some deep psychological themes about letting go of guilt that I actually really like."
"A human villain who puts the psychology in psychological horror."
"Total Recall: a thought-provoking movie with deep psychological themes."
"There's a lot that's dormant there that would benefit from counseling."
"He touches on the darkness that sits inside all of us in such a pure way."
"The whole theme behind Apocalypse Now is that in order to escape the jungle, you have to go back into it."
"There's an element of the subconscious at play... really dig deep."
"Visionary states of consciousness are good for the world... you become a kind of conduit or a translator for a transcendent realm."
"She just snaps right back into that same wounded and scared person that we saw back then."
"The film was well received over here but the psychological details were overlooked."
"Hulk is as afraid of Banner as Banner is afraid of Hulk."
"While that may sound like a simple monster movie, 'The Mist' spends more time examining how human beings react in moments of crises..."
"She's a very sad character beneath all the lies."
"Evangelion: focusing on inward look at characters."
"Kane has always been a dark, complex, and haunted man. And fans have always been drawn to him. They have wondered what caused his pain and suffering, what was his motivation."
"Kiriyama's struggle is not like other series that revolve around a game or sport about winning or performing well."
"Kiriyama's inner conflict lies at one of the hearts of this show."
"Silent Hill 2 is one of the most interesting delves into mental illness we've ever seen here in the gaming sphere."
"Archimedes: The deeper you go, the more frightening and personal it will become."
"If you have an INFJ that's comfortable enough with you to really reveal their darkness or their insecurities with you, that is beautiful."
"There is a theory that the entire movie is all in Joker's head."
"I think all of this, these killings and the reservoir... it's some kind of test to understand my limits." - Batman
"It's the depths of the psyche, it's the unconscious uglies, it's the things you run away from, it's the things you don't want to see."
"Spider-Man has the best rogues gallery... They have such a great psychological thing going on."
"Your feelings are important because when we remember things that are profound in our memories, the ones that are accompanied by powerful feelings are the ones that are locked in our subconscious."
"The ending has a twist, there's some twists in this one and yeah, it's all in the head, this one is."
"You not only lose your mind, you lose your soul."
"Without any more waiting, I present to you the story of a loving, obsessive father who slowly descended into madness and along the way discovered the secret to eternal life."
"Anxious, autistic, depressed, ADHD—tall, small—but the tall one is emotionally small and the small one is emotionally tall. A++."
"The fear of the self is a very difficult concept to approach."
"Good suspense or thrillers are made great by what is left unasked and unsaid."
"It's a metaphor for the subconscious, the darkest parts of our mind."
"Perhaps the most eerie thing is the seemingly endless journey that you find yourself on."
"She physically came to him in his dream... and was speaking to him."
"I had realized I hadn't cried in years even though I was such a crybaby Wow."
"The blocking of the light takes us into the unconscious realms, into chaos, and challenges us to navigate it."
"Death Note is not a cartoon for kids. It's a psychological thriller."
"I spent eight years trying to reach him... what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply evil."
"There's more to you that's unconscious than conscious."
"The terror within is far truer and far more powerful than any of our labels."
"I think the party's been very humorless for a long time." - Michael Heiss
"Eating disorders go deeper than the action of eating itself."
"However, he is the only one who would have known about this event, meaning this game could all be a part of Glitchtrap's mind or, technically, William's."
"There has to be like this beautiful core to all of his messiness like the reason he's like that is the damage but that's the reason Batman's like that."
"The evolving dynamic of our two main characters, Luke and his imaginary friend Daniel, constantly peels back the layers of who Luke is and how much he, in a way, needs Daniel."
"Crime and Punishment involves quite a lot of murder... it is just an incredible book."
"Nora feels very realized by the story's conclusion. You completely understand Nora and who she is."
"Your secret self is a giant self dwarfing into nothingness your surface mind and ego."
"Johan is charismatic, manipulative, and also shrouded in mystery." - Johan Liebert, Monster
"He's had some kind of real experience, he's fully convinced in his own mind."
"You may want to do a psychological evaluation on me, but that is merely because your minds cannot comprehend the things that I have seen and done."
"Every struggle, the emotional inarticulateness, the aggression to keep others away, the easily embarrassed, the logical efficiency-focused, work-driven side, the childlike side - it all connects to me so deeply."
"The madness isn’t overly foreshadowed, and it’s not constantly talked over."
"Spec Ops pins the descent into darkness more on well-intentioned entitlement, a desperation to matter, and blind dedication to pushing forward."
"The kind of deep where people get lost and start to see the most horrific things."
"Part of the appeal of Batman will be, will he finally snap this time? So you may think he's sympathetic."
"The mind of a fragile person would be destroyed by the sight of that abyss, because the one who looks into that darkness must endure the gaze returned by the darkness itself."
"The story is better for that because he breaks down some of the darkness within the human psyche like I haven't seen before. It's just good stuff. It's really good stuff."
"Dreams within dreams are like nesting dolls of terror, each layer more unsettling than the last."
"Silence is a movie that wants to get into your head, your heart, and your soul."
"Dostoyevsky's ability to show the psychological costs of such a deed are simply unparalleled."
"She dives deep into the minds and the lives of her protagonists, unpacking their complexities and contradictions."
"The healing possible lies in the larger dimensions of Being Human and the deeper parts of our psyches and our minds."
"The hurt has its own reason the mind cannot understand."
"It's the little things, like the way he talks and acts and his fake smile, the darker side within him that the actor for Light manages to portray beautifully."
"There is no horror like the infinite dark abyss of your own self."
"Every civilized human being, however high his conscious development, is still an archaic man at the deeper levels of his psyche."
"Euripides was the first one really to create characters who had a psychological reality."
"How can our minds take us in the depths of a crashing tidal wave?"
"The longer you're exposed to war, the deeper it can affect you."
"When a writer is going to be so great that they can write about something that resonates with everybody, a universal truth, you've got to go to a deep place in your psyche, and that's a dangerous journey that takes its toll."
"I think this will also be a character study as much as it is a musical just like the first movie for that of Harleen."