
Example Quotes

There are 3236 quotes

"The life we live are the lessons we teach other people."
"Being an example of excellent health is the starting point so you can be a role model."
"The best way to teach is by being the good example."
"Our children are learning from what we do, not what we say."
"Your life, my life, the life of each one of us is going to serve as either a warning or an example."
"Let's hope that Eric Smith is an example of how change can occur and how healing can be created."
"It's not our job to decide where someone's standard should be; it's our job to help guide them to where a standard should be through our example."
"Your father is supposed to be your first example of identity."
"Now we can see what godliness looks like, how it can be modeled, how it functions because we have the perfect example in the person of Christ."
"The definition of a leader is someone who sets a great example for others to follow."
"Leading from the front, showing how it's done."
"We will lead not merely by the example of our power but by the power of our example."
"The best of you is he that is best to their families, and I am the best of you to his family."
"It's about leading by example here and not necessarily being in this petty digital arena."
"Children do not listen to what you say, they do what you do."
"I'll always be gracious, I'll always be prayerful, and by God's help, I'll live as Christ in the eyes of the world that surrounds me."
"Your server should be non-toxic and stable. Discord considers partnered servers as role models for other community servers."
"You inspire others through your example, through your morality, through how you handle yourself, through your grace, through your intelligence, through your wisdom."
"In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works."
"The greatest thing you can do is be the example for people around you by setting the example for yourself."
"The greatest example that you can give, the greatest way to teach is being it."
"In order to be a leader, you need to lead. That means doing things that are difficult. That means leading by example."
"I have to be the example I want to see in the world."
"Convince them. You don't say nothing; you show them, you lead by example."
"Time can be a great engraver should we use it to lead by example."
"Lead not only by the example of our power but by the power of our example."
"Leaders know the way, go the way, and show the way."
"The best thing you can do is lead by example and come from a compassionate place."
"We will lead not just with the example of our power but, God willing, with the power of our example."
"We will lead not just by the example of our power, but, God willing, with the power of our example."
"It's possible for someone to be a mentor who maybe you've never even met. They can be a mentor by example."
"It's about the best case of lead by example I've really been witness to."
"We have governed not merely by the example of our power but by the power of our example."
"Yes, a lot. Happy anniversary to my parents. Uh, thank you for setting an example of marriage that, uh, I'm hoping to follow."
"You can't help anybody unless you can help yourself. You have to lead by example."
"Leadership is from the top. You must lead by example."
"Your husband is going to see Christ in you more through what you do than what you say. It's way less about what I say and more about what I do."
"South Korea, showing that if you really put your mind to it, this is the sort of outcome that you can achieve."
"Lead the way, be a leader. Show others how it's done."
"Leading by example isn't the best way to lead it's the only way to lead."
"Brothers to me is the single biggest example of just that."
"Adults way of life, we have to show the next generation how it's done with a goddamn star."
"The classic example of game theory is the prisoner's dilemma."
"Leadership is not about telling people what to do, you lead by showing, doing, cooperating."
"Shopify is the prime example of valuation in this market."
"Leadership by example is one of the key fundamentals... I always took exception to that [lead from the front]."
"Sometimes we feel the need to check off all these boxes... but just live your life and let your life be an example."
"No, I know that example was kind of extreme."
"I remember when there was like this whole rumor spreading that that was fake. It was fun and he faked it."
"America as an example to the rest of the world, as an example of what it means for ordinary citizens to have basic freedoms, I mean that's revolutionary and that's a beautiful and powerful thing."
"Your soul mission is to be a leader by example."
"Be an example to other believers in the word, in your conduct, and your love, in the spirit, and your faith."
"He did exactly what the prophet saws told him to do."
"He had to lead by example as much as intimidation."
"The best way to teach is to teach by example."
"The perfect example of this, of a long term investor, is actually Warren Buffett."
"Our family and friends will be more inspired by our example than our education."
"They wanted to make an example, but it was totally unfair."
"Lead by example and show others how to do the same for themselves."
"Megan is the paradigm of what not to be, the perfect example of what to avoid, a being she is everything that I for one would sooner die than become."
"The best argument you'll ever make is the way you live your life."
"The best thing you can do when you want to see change in the world or in your house is be that change... Lead by example..."
"Preach the gospel at all times, but only use words when necessary. You are a living testimony."
"I'm gonna make an example of this person, no matter how long it takes."
"I am that example that should have been taught at school."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do for your kids is set a bad example."
"If you're a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy, when you take the tough ones too."
"So anyone out there who is worrying about their Cricut should follow my example and just do it."
"It's just really weird here's another example of this right here."
"The story of Ruth and Naomi is a beautiful example of a strong loving relationship."
"You can be the guy that leads by example just by being there."
"Jesus's life is the finest example of how to learn about the benefits of solitude."
"Every country in the world with mineral wealth or mining wealth or oil wealth should have the money spent the way Botswana spent its diamond money."
"Lead by example, teach by example, hold the energy that's going to teach others how to be."
"Deo is a perfect example of perseverance and putting the time to achieve this."
"There can be no greater heresy! Let him be an example for ALL who would break our covenant!"
"For people in the center and rightward, it has been a beautiful example of how affirmative action really goes."
"Non-Muslims may not read the Quran, but they read you. Your behavior."
"If we sit here doing what we supposed to do as men, listen, the rest of the nations, they're just gonna have to marvel at it."
"Building power locally, like Kshama Sawant in Seattle, um for instance just name one like that I think that's what's needed."
"Let's just follow the example of Daniel and be men and women of Prayer."
"Lead by doing, lead by example, and lead the way."
"You lead by doing, you lead by example, and you lead the way."
"I saw him being a great leader all the time."
"Every boxer should market himself hustling he's a perfect example."
"Encourage players to do something by modeling it."
"Following someone else's example doesn't always mean following their orders."
"Some people don't need you to preach a sermon, they need you to live one."
"Chris is a very wonderful example of how you can change old behavior patterns."
"He stood firm and set an example for the world."
"Jesus gives us the perfect example of forgiveness."
"Someone out there looking up to you, looking up to me, let's set an example."
"This is a great example of how to do cross-gen support right."
"The greatest sermon you will ever preach is a life that you live."
"Humanity does this to us, not if we show them a better path."
"I just want to keep doing that and set the example not only as a player but as an individual."
"Taiwan shows the entire world that there is a better path that can be taken."
"Leading by example is one of the most important ways to move things forward in life."
"Sometimes people's purpose in life is simply to be an example for others."
"Leading by example is very powerful for them."
"Don't chase people, be an example. Attract them."
"For the congregation to bleed, the priest must hemorrhage. I want to be a role model, the man needed in our lives."
"Wisconsin should be a model for the rest of the country."
"Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example, not his advice."
"The best form of Dawah is your own behavior."
"They're trying to make an example out of her."
"He manifested it in the most beautiful way through his example, so he taught us with his sunna the way that he treated people and the way that he worshipped Allah."
"It's in the first row vantika you know this is a great example right here balls accuracy putting the ball right on the money."
"I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you."
"It's actually quite a good example of what it is capable of."
"This is the time to hold the standard high for the world to see Christ living in our lives."
"He's a leader through what he does, you know, it's not shouting this or showing that, he's just he leads by example."
"This is a game that's a really good example of early access done right."
"If we vote, we win... Georgia is a perfect example."
"Bricks itself is a multilateral platform that can lead by example and strive collectively to reshape a fairer international system."
"I actually think that this is a great example of how Chad Daybell manipulated Tammy throughout their entire marriage."
"You're going to lead by example, you can show a better way because we need good leaders right now."
"We do things not to be seen but to be the example; integrity is walking what you talk and standing up for what you believe."
"China will not rule the world, it intends to lead by example."
"You always lead by example rather than by words and meaningless gestures."
"You don't need to carry a Bible to work; you're supposed to be the Bible to these people."
"Take charge, lead by example, walk your talk."
"If you're going to lead, you need to lead by example."
"This is a good example of these strategic resources."
"And Jacine is a really inspiring example of this."
"Your authenticity really shows other people what it could possibly be like to be around someone real and authentic."
"You have to provide a new example to shift a paradigm."
"This thread is a really good example of this."
"Lead by example. Everybody's following you for a reason, right? Because you're a leader. They want to be like you."
"I'm gonna make up a goal, say you wanna run a marathon."
"A Mane must set an example for the cat folk, showing resilience in the face of the threats against the lattice."
"The greatest love that you can ever give the world is the demonstration of what loving you looks like."
"Americans are looking to South Dakota as a shining city on a hill."
"Live such good lives among the pagans that they may see your good deeds."
"You lead by example and walk your talk, you're definitely a healer and a leader."
"Leadership leads by example and from the top."
"Leaving us an example that ye should follow his steps. Hallelujah, leaving us an example."
"Ahmad is the perfect example of sometimes there is a lack of vision."
"Jesus gave us the greatest example of faith."
"It's been a really neat example for our kids too."
"Love as Christ did, a beacon of divine choice."
"You're the first example of how the rest of the world is supposed to treat you."
"You're called out to be an example. You're not called out to remain the same."
"I intend to walk that walk of integrity and I intend to walk that walk of an example so that people can say to me there's something about you."
"General Grievous is the prime example of this."
"I'm not a boss, okay? I'm a leader, I show these guys how it's done!"
"Just lead people to the truth by living it through your lifestyle first."
"This is a good example of what healthy communication is not."
"The more we just give people examples, the more they change."
"He really did give a blueprint on how to actually bring the country together."
"His hard work, humbleness, and genuine kindness... makes Jack a perfect example of the virtue of Charity."
"The only way they will know the most high is through you."
"What they're seeing is exactly what a relationship of trust looks like."
"We want you guys to see a Christ-like attitude in us."
"Lead by example. Particularly in what I just talked about."
"Australia is building it's building fast it's setting an example for the rest of the world it can be done."
"Never ask people to do something you're not willing to do."
"We must lead not merely by the example of our power, but by the power of our example."
"That was so good, Monica! Thank you very much. I was hoping to set a good example."
"Chicago's gun violence has nothing to do with Indiana's gun laws or Illinois gun laws or any gun control measure that you could propose. Chicago is kind of the perfect example of strict gun control not working."
"We wanted to model that for you guys... what the core tenets of the Christian faith are."
"No other nation can touch us. We can lead by the power of our example, not just the example of our power."
"This is the perfect example of an enlightened heart."
"Love dies for another person. The perfect example of Love Is Christ."
"Noah was a righteous man, one who was just and upright before God, blameless in his wicked generation."
"Lead and model the kind of culture you want to see."
"Don't just tell them what they need to do, show them what they need to do."
"It's not the most exciting example, but it is the most reliable one, and I think that makes it the best one."
"...his genuine concern for those around him and his commitment to Leading by example"
"My parents are high school sweethearts, so I like saw that as love."
"Kids don't do what they're told; they do what they see."
"If you're a boss, be a boss. Real bosses don't say 'hey I'm the boss,' they just show it in their actions."
"I'm like a testament to that, to hey, not saying put your head down, just be the best you."
"She was a strong woman with good connections, her example was no doubt a show to her young daughter of how a woman could be resilient and ambitious even in the 18th century."
"Power makes ripples in the world; my action, my inaction, my conscious example, my unwitting inspiration."
"You need to be able to lead by example."
"I don't really ask people to do things that I wouldn't do myself."
"You're trying to set an example, risking wins, risking everything."
"If you're going to tell people how to live, you should lead by example."
"You have been a great example of navigating through the struggles and the storms of life and coming out and remaining your authentic you."
"Just lead by example; these girls trust you."
"A very dignified balanced Venus Atmakarika is a perfect example of how to balance all of these things about life that are inherently hard to balance."
"A highly dignified Jupiter Atmakarika position is really an example for others about how to live the life in alignment with the highest truth."
"It’s a perfect example of how something good can come from the darkest places…"
"Your marriage, your out-loud love for one another has inspired young people to look to one another, even as they look out at the challenges that they must face, and the world that they must transform."
"For the first time in our history, we will work to be an example of how we as brothers and sisters on this earth should treat each other."
"What a great example he is to people watching around the country who have their own demons to deal with."
"No matter how poor you are, never steal. What kind of example would that set for your daughter?"
"We need to let our light so shine before men that they can see our good works and give glory to Our Father in Heaven."
"You're showing someone what self-love looks like, what self-respect looks like."
"Jesus Christ is the perfect example of every single one of those attributes."
"Before you lead other people, you have to lead yourself in a manner that you would want them to imitate."
"The best way to build a culture is to build it by example."
"The best thing you can do for somebody who is sick is to lead by example."
"Take the high road, lead by example."
"Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity."
"Every triumph that you have as a couple pushes another great family into the world because they take your example."
"Our children don't often obey us, but they always imitate us."
"Lead by example really, you know."
"Anything is possible knowing that someone as strong and high-ranking as Deku used to be close to being expelled on day one."