
Joker Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"Batman believes all people deep down have the potential for good, and Joker believes that everyone will become evil if pushed hard enough."
"When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Joker?"
"We truly do live in a society, but seriously, the Joker himself... 'Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger.'"
"Joker's gonna come on there be like, 'It's the Joker, baby,' and I'm gonna be like, 'I don't really care, man, bye forever.'"
"He's the only Joker to me that represents like true evil as well."
"Joker went further, presenting us not with an origin-less enigmatic quick-whipping Clown Prince of Crime, but instead a disenfranchised working-class man whose horrific acts are the product of a mixture of mental ill-health and marginalization."
"Joker is a deeply political movie but it isn't one interested in only giving lip service to one possible perspective."
"Ledger's performance as the Joker was unlike any other Joker up to that point."
"The Joker is a warning, a warning of how a modern Western Society will collapse."
"Joker tells her about how easy it is for one bad day to push someone over the edge."
"If the world decides to build a Mount Rushmore for the Joker, it's going to be Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, and Mark Hamill. Because Mark is the definitive voice of the Joker."
"Fans now had their old Joker back... the Joker that would murder arbitrarily, the Joker that would kill people."
"These stories, these definitive attributes of the Joker, are actually what would go on to define who the Joker would be even now."
"This right here is the line, this is the road that we've crossed, we're never going back. Things are never going to be the same for the Joker."
"Jared Leto's Joker: Sexy, scary, and a modern reinvention."
"His line 'Why so serious?' is right up there with the most iconic in movie history."
"Jared Leto's Joker is not just a fine addition to the lineage of Joker's he is the Joker in his most distilled form."
"The Joker is almost the perfect personification of evil."
"The Joker has killed literally millions across his various incarnations."
"Who else in the DC Universe enjoys killing and murdering chaos to the level that the Joker does?"
"The Dark Knight version of the Joker is possibly the darkest and the most humorous version."
"Since the Joker’s debut nearly 80 years ago, his constant evolution reflects an ongoing conversation between comics, television, video games, and movies."
"The Joker just became the highest-grossing r-rated movie in history after earning rave reviews and audience acclaim."
"Joker proves Rotten Tomatoes is biased towards mediocre movies."
"This is the one that most point to as being the Batman Joker story."
"The Killing Joke is the closest thing us comic book fans have to a definitive Joker origin story."
"Snagging a role like the Joker is something that can make or break your career."
"Jack Nicholson's Joker might seem campy today, but back in 1989, his snarky and murderous depiction of a gangster clown shocked the world, and redefined the Joker in a big way."
"Heath Ledger did a great job... Heath Ledger's Joker is the best Joker that we've gotten on the big screen."
"And speaking of Riddler, Joker did promise him a comeback story, so it looks like we haven't seen the last of him too."
"Classic Batman would be nowhere without the Joker."
"Jack Nicholson's Joker: Terms and conditions, and a rewarding payday."
"When you look at the scale of human suffering injustice hypocrisy and greed it's easy to relate to the Joker's commitment to proving we're not as noble as we pretend to be heroic either and he isn't supposed to be."
"Joker for a number of different reasons... that was a milepost kind of movie."
"Most people loved Heath Ledger as the Joker."
"An iconic Joker voice and laugh, was so important to him."
"Joker has a motivation to prove that anyone can be like him with one bad day."
"Leo's Joker separates him from everyone else."
"I would love to see the Raging Bull of Joker movies."
"I used to be really scared of clowns, but never the Joker because I felt like there was more to him than just being this creepy person."
"Joker, a film that delved into controversially disturbing themes, became a massive $1 billion hit and earned Phoenix an Oscar."
"Big smile, like a Joker smile. Thank you, thank you."
"I want to put a smile on that face."
"Seeing Batman and Joker stop and have a normal conversation like two regular people was so unique for this story."
"If there's any one character that they should focus on, it's the Joker."
"Joker's gonna profit after theater and home release in action figures, presumably."
"But, it's the Joker. And anything he's in is immediately amazing."
"It's the same but different, which is sort of symbolic of this whole iteration of the clown Prince of Crime."
"The custom straight jacket just seemed to suit him better than the actual suit."
"This Joker is a lot more willing to share a joke with Harley rather than have it be at her expense."
"It's nice to see a Joker who just wants a sidekick."
"The whole thing with Joker starting this whole movement from killing those three guys to killing the talk shows murder."
"They hated the casting of Heath Ledger as Joker and I mean that guy just won an Oscar."
"The Joker is doing all this bad stuff, but then when he's joking around you find it funny or is it just us?"
"The section with the Red Hood and Joker is really well done."
"The Joker sends Batman a video message saying, 'So a few weeks ago, I was at the movies, then this dead lady shows up and starts going on about how she took Harley...'"
"Ladies and gentlemen, you have eaten well. You have eaten Gotham's wealth, its spirit. Your feast is nearly over."
"There's a real panic on. Somebody's threatened to poison the Gotham reservoir. Calls himself the Joker."
"Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker is by far my favorite live action rendition of the character."
"Jason Todd has every right to be angry that the Joker is still walking the streets and killing people on a daily basis because it shows less of a moral integrity in Batman and more of just a weakness that anyone could exploit."
"Mark Hamill is honestly probably, I mean arguably the best Joker of all time."
"Jack Nicholson's Joker is the most overrated thing about any Batman movie ever."
"If Bats had actually killed the Joker way back when, he never would have killed Jason in the first place."
"Joker did something new, impactful."
"He just wants them to fight for his amusement. This is the Joker-like. You're really close to that. But Wonder Woman, she's going to intervene. She's going to save Martha. No one stays good in this world."
"I think this Joker was just an exploration of how someone could get to that point."
"They told a really good Joker story but they sort of inceptioned an actual really impactful movie about mental illness with it."
"Gotham City is Joker's town now. He makes the rules."
"One of the best Joker stories ever in 'Soft Targets'."
"The Joker's ability to turn the concept of a clown into something terrifying is a testament to Heath Ledger's incredible performance."
"Joker could fit in all areas but in all honesty, I'm making him black."
"Joker was a smart ass until the very end, until his friend died in his hands, and he just... he lost all his humor."
"It's the ultimate Batman-Joker story."
"Literally, it's like the start of the Joker or something. The Joker, that's his origin story."
"If the Joker is written as queer with all the character traits, that's what makes him creepy."
"I hope they build a little bit more on the intelligence of walking Phoenix's Joker."
"The Joker puts a $50 million bounty on his head, showing respect for his abilities."
"Joker knows that Batman is the only person who could 100% get the Cure."
"He would have made an incredible Joker."
"It's partly a look at how the Joker came to be, but it's also just as much a commentary on mental illness, rejection from society, and the ensuing descent into madness."
"Whether you like it or not, Joker was a big hit."
"Without Heath Ledger there would have been a Joker in this film but the Joker as we know him wouldn't have been possible without Heath."
"A character who stood the test of time, proving himself to be one of the most definitive iterations of the Joker."
"Do not ever bet against the Joker."
"What made the Joker so much fun was that he didn't have anything really at stake."
"Injustice Joker proved that he was a flat-out genius."
"It's like a love letter between Batman and the Joker."
"At this point this is when stuff gets so cool because you have Jim Gordon you switch over to his character he's making his way through Wayne Manor he ultimately catches up to the Joker"
"It's the greatest Joker story that's ever been written."
"The joker that was pretty funny tossing some cards."
"This story to me will probably forever be the most perfect representation of why the Joker is Batman's greatest enemy."
"I'm gonna put a smile on that face."
"What Barbara gives to Batman freely, The Joker takes from her later on through a violent act."
"Kevin Conroy returns as Batman, Mark Hamill as the Joker, and Tara Strong as Batgirl, hearing these definitive versions of the character speaking and watching them do these awful things is bound to be a little jarring."
"Everybody loves Batman and everybody loves a joker."
"His performance as the Joker is astounding."
"I really was kind of very curious and fascinated what they would do with the Joker joke. Oh, I was curious alright."
"I love how whatever Joker needs to be able to do at any given moment, he has that ability."
"Joker meets the Batman who laughs and he's like, 'Oh, that's not funny.' Like, 'Oh, I don't like that.'"
"I honestly think some of the best Joker stories have been told through the lens of the animated series and the Arkham games."
"The idea of the Joker finding out who Batman is, the game is over since the idea the Joker has of Batman is now ruined for him."
"If ever someone kills the Joker, it shouldn't be Bruce, and definitely not Jason. Maybe Jim or Harley."
"Batman would maybe. You can end the madness, absolutely."
"Joker's the catalyst for the entire injustice universe."
"It's gonna be dope, obviously comic book pitch. We're not gonna do like a sleepy, sad Joker alone."
"Killing Joke, it's either an anti-feminist piece or the best Joker story of all time."
"This fight scene, it's a pretty great fight scene. Batman wins, and then the Joker's explaining what this whole experiment was about, to show that a bad day can make anybody like us. We're the same."
"To the people who want more Joker, I say me too."
"There was still talk of a Joker and Harley Quinn spin-off in development at Warner Brothers."
"I cannot tell a lie. There might be a deluxe two-pack with two different versions of the Joker."
"That's how to think like the Joker from The Dark Knight by getting others to play with the cards you deal with and making them feel as if they are making their own choice so walk into the direction that you want them to go."
"Favorite Batman villain? It's hard not to say the Joker."
"Catwoman breaks out of Arkham Asylum when the Joker frees supervillains to provide a distraction for his escape."
"The joker attracts the kind of mind that... you'd expect to learn from him."
"...truly one of the best Joker stories and also a brilliant Batman film."
"...one of the darkest and most sinister stories relating to the Joker."
"Return of the Joker is fantastic, incredibly dark and unsettling."
"The Joker's schemes make sense to nobody but himself."
"...the Joker is so insane that there's no telling what he's going to do next."
"...maybe the Joker is not as insane as he seems."
"Joker is like the perfect foil to Batman."
"The best Batman man the best Joker ever I know everybody has an opinion on it but that I I was watching the comments earlier about people debating who their favorite Batman was."
"Can one movie nudge a young person into violence and anarchy? A bad movie can't. Even a good movie can't do that. But Joker can."
"In 2020 a movie like the Joker can rewire an entire nation into seeing things in its frame."
"Remember when it's revealed that the Joker's biggest fear is the day everyone stops talking about him?"
"So why do they call me Joker? I heard he wears makeup. Makeup? Yeah, scare people. You know, war paint."
"Joker is my absolute favorite Batman villain. I think his relationship with Batman is so interesting."
"It's satisfying to see Joker back in the story. This is like an origin story before he was considered a good guy."
"Oh, is it like the Joker gangs? Oh god, that'd be terrifying."
"Quite possibly Joker's story may be the pinnacle of graphic storytelling in modern times."
"I love its personality though it's so crazy it reminds me of like the Joker."
"This joker is the best joker we've gotten in Lego."
"The Joker comes alive again with Batman's return. Their relationship is deeply intertwined."
"The Killing Joke is meant to be the quintessential Batman and Joker story as it showcases their relation as enemies, a relation that existed at that point for nearly 50 years."
"This Joker is extremely morbid, willing to maim, humiliate, and torture just to prove a point."
"There's one Joker making Jokers, making a joke."
"The Joker's plan in death in the family... a special level of brilliant."
"Joaquin Phoenix is the only actor who's played the Joker who looks crazy without the makeup."
"You know him, you fear him, it's the Joker."
"Joker's depravity and moral rot have been his defining features since his introduction."
"...if people respond to this Joker and if they have a good time with with this version of the Joker then then I could imagine him coming back but if not I'll just go live in a [ __ ] cave somewhere."
"This Joker is merciless and unpredictable, which puts him at his most dangerous and most detestable."
"The Joker had already become something of a conversation piece on that front beforehand and thus getting it on the other side of that nonsense was a Surefire way for the sketch to go viral."
"The first movie is about Bruce Batman, the second movie is about the Joker, and then the third movie honestly is about Gotham, if we're being real. It's really about Gotham and Bane just fully exposing Gotham to what it is."
"We never wanted to do an origin story for the Joker in this film because the arc of the story is much more Harvey Dent's. The Joker is presented as an absolute."
"Remember the Joker one where they use the old Warner Brothers logo?"
"Did you see that alternate version of Leto's Joker that he posted?"
"Joker is the agent of chaos that causes all of these people to look at their lives differently."
"This is like when they talk about the joker when Michael Caine warns Batman about escalation."
"The Joker and Harley Quinn's relationship: there's nothing romantic about it."
"The amount of people who would say the definitive Joker is Heath Ledger."
"I love the Joker. No, I've always said this. Like, I've always preferred the heroes of Marvel, but like, DC's villains hands down are the best. Inc, dude. Him just like doing that transition where he's ripping off his... that was awesome."
"The joker was a phenomenal character, nobody could put it past."
"Is that how Joker dies? We're just talking about that earlier how Joker is like always there."
"He's crazy. The real Joker would never say something like 'have a nice day'."
"Batman catches the three Jokers and locks them in a special Arkham Asylum that's just full of Jokers."
"I like the idea of the Joker being a sane guy that one bad day turned him into the Joker, which is what all those are most likely alluding to."
"The best part of the Joker not having a truly concrete origin is that you can make him a normal guy one time and a crazy supernatural alien thing the next time."
"Why do you have time to do that my goodness Joker's got a lot going on he really does."
"He feels like what they did with Heath Ledger's Joker."
"Every interpretation is incredibly valid and might as well be canon because as we know, we don’t KNOW who the Joker is, every variation of his sexuality, his gender, his presentation are a distinct possibility."
"Some people say that by not respecting the history of queercoding the Joker, and erasing it, it is untrue to his character."
"It perfectly captures that moment from the Murray Franklin show."
"Another thing that I wanted to bring up to that point, which I love that Todd Phillips is talking about this, he's like, 'How do you know that's the real Joker? How do you know that Joaquin Phoenix is Joker that somebody else could have picked up the mantle after him?'"
"You have to respect anybody who takes a stab at the Joker. I mean, after Mark Hamill, what do you do? You go, 'Thank you, sir.'"
"You can't play The Joker afraid. You have to play The Joker with the lid off, absolutely."
"I think return of the Joker might be the best Batman movie of all time."
"The most impactful scene of this movie is probably the death of Joker."
"That's how she perceives her relationship with Joker, like a romantic musical."
"Joaquin Phoenix's Joker is not someone you should be idolizing."
"The Joker is likely the greatest villain in the history of comic books."
"The story of Arthur Fleck who becomes Joker in this movie is a story of a tragedy."
"I'll die with a smile on my face. Love that Joker."
"Heath Ledger's my favorite Joker of all time."
"That's the power of Batman and the Joker, incredibly beloved characters."
"I'm gonna be giving the Joker an 8 out of 10."
"It is a darn close 10, it's just because it's a really awesome epic Joker piece."
"It is a great, great Joker piece and I tip my hat to Prime One, they did a phenomenal job on that one."
"It is just a phenomenal piece, is it the greatest Joker statue of all time? Absolutely, it could very well be."
"Everyone knows that Joker's crazy, but there's a method to the madness."
"Shout out Heath Ledger though, because man, watching it, bro... that's the Joker."
"Hamill wasn't just a fine Joker; he was utterly incredible and indelible version of the character."
"He's the Joker. He really does embody it."
"This is one of the better Joker stories that I have ever read."
"The permanent smile affixed to the Joker's face was put there by a chemical known as Smile X."
"We have several good interpretations of the Joker."
"By the end of this movie, he is the Joker; he calls himself the Joker, and it's believable."
"Joker's dance from becoming a cultural phenomenon."
"The way the Joker reacts to everything in the scene is priceless."
"And here we have the Joaquin Phoenix Joker up close and personal, and let me just say, that head sculpt looks absolutely fantastic."
"This, in my opinion, is one of the strongest Joker likenesses that we've seen so far."
"Laughing madness, Joker versus Batman."
"Now today we are gonna be taking a look at none other than Joaquin Phoenix Joker in the iconic red suit."
"Here's the Holiday Joker with a Christmas sweater and a Santa hat."
"Looking good, Joker, getting in touch with your true self."
"This isn't a simple escape attempt; Joker's been planning this."
"I'm kind of like the Joker in that respect."
"The Joker's name isn't important. It never has been."
"The Joker is labeled not as insane but is super sane."
"I thought that Joker movie was fantastic."