
Positive Emotions Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"To counteract the negative effect of negative emotions, we need three times as many positive emotions in our life to actually counterbalance."
"People tend to experience more positive emotion, more relationship harmony, and seem to provide examples of being able to take other people's perspectives more easily."
"Success doesn't lead to feeling good. Feeling good leads to success."
"As we move up from ego-based needs into universal oneness, we experience positive emotions such as love, peace, and harmony."
"You attract more from those places of gratitude, joy, passion, and self-love."
"Vulnerability is the center of difficult emotion but it's also the birthplace of every positive emotion that we need in our lives."
"You have to transition away from fear and anger as your motivator to like joy and love."
"I'm swimming in the rain. What a glorious feeling. I'm happy again."
"I feel really good about this. I'm feeling really good about this."
"I believe the greatest thing of it is that people still get joy from it; it makes them happy, it makes them smile, it makes them laugh, it makes them care."
"There's not a better feeling out there. No, again, it's Christmas."
"It's nice to see a mom smiling, you know? That makes me feel good."
"They desire happiness, fun, joy, positivity."
"This car puts a smile on your face and keeps you smiling from the moment that you pull away."
"Noah was the happiest baby that you would have ever seen."
"Feeling of safety, relaxation, growth, joy, appreciation, gratitude."
"Back in the winner's circle once again, feels so good."
"That was amazing and I am so happy, she's the best."
"That woman's smile is one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen."
"When we feel good, we are more likely to be productive."
"Nothing's going to bring me down from this, I'm just so excited to be here."
"I refuse to let any of you precious people leave here with those negative, defeated, beat-up emotions. It's time for some positive emotions called the joy of the Lord."
"If you've been discouraged, the positive emotion of joy will flow. This is present."
"Loving kindness and compassion are among the most positive of all positive emotion."
"I was having a good [__] day. I was having a great day."
"Accept a compliment, celebrate success, that feels good, thank you for the support, just thank you."
"There's an instant feeling of joy and connection."
"Beautiful sweet outcomes... there's such a sweet energy here... sweetened with another worldly eternal love."
"You're gonna feel like a winner, feeling very confident around them."
"It feels very happy, your reading has a lovely sense of contentment."
"Strawberry Shortcake tastes so good, I mean yeah you can't hate Strawberry Shortcake."
"You're like a ray of sunshine. It felt like a day hadn't passed."
"What a great day again, just an amazing day."
"As giving a game as a gift to a friend has been made so much easier... just get to the bit where you feel that lovely warm feeling of doing something good."
"These songs are too universal to not bring a smile to your face."
"All the support you guys gave me really brought a smile to my face."
"I came away from this video with a rare feeling of hope."
"I'm very excited and very happy to hear everything that I have heard so far."
"Beautiful, loving everything about this so far"
"Words are gone folks, they're gone. It's that good."
"I'm blown away by the compassion that y'all continue to have."
"This whole movie never fails to put a smile on my face."
"Thank you for your endless support and love."
"There's magic, love, and luck found at the beach for you guys."
"Laughter raises your vibration joy raises your vibration and it improves your health."
"You're going to go on fewer bad dates, better first dates, and evoke the feelings that you want that make you excited and optimistic about dating again."
"Look at that smile, Look at the smile on Scotto's face when he says that."
"I'm really relieved this happened. I feel good. I feel happy."
"Cuteness, wholesomeness, that's what we're doing."
"I'm so overwhelmed but in a very happy, good way."
"Pure unadulterated joy. It's wonderful, it's wonderful."
"For me, the interaction was like a pure joy moment like 10 out of 10."
"A lot of life celebration, you know we love to celebrate."
"I don't know, these games just make me feel good."
"I've been having the absolute best day ever."
"It was really surreal and actually really lovely."
"Here we go, legends, dude! Absolutely smashed it! Feels good, never feels good, no over six, good stuff, needs good stuff."
"It's a tidal wave of relief, and it's a good feeling."
"My overriding feeling throughout the entire ceremony was a feeling of joy, which is what we sorely need in the world right now."
"She felt like a woman for the first time in a long time, and it felt good."
"There is big love, happiness, and everything coming through here."
"It's these little things that put a smile on my face."
"People see a Morgan, and it makes them feel happy."
"It's easier not to speak, but be assured I'm smiling inside."
"It is a moment of pure belonging and togetherness, and God, does it just feel so good?"
"My blood okay, I gotta admit, this is a pretty great feeling."
"I was like being hugged by a teddy bear all day long."
"Hope gives us positive feelings and energy to accomplish what we desire."
"You become your own source of positive emotions."
"I'm ecstatic, I'm so happy and I think everything's good."
"I better make sure to make it my job so that this comes out great."
"Good jealousy is compersion, when you feel happy for somebody."
"I'm feeling great right now, we're making some good progress."
"I feel so grateful. Talk about generous. What a wonderful thing."
"It's just seen Sting on TV puts a smile on my face."
"There's a lot of love in the air. It's very beautiful."
"The golden hammer is one of my favorite new items. Its opening presents really gives off a special feeling."
"I definitely feel really good about it and it was a good day."
"It's like the healing times two, the clarity times two, the understanding times two, the abundance times two, the happiness times two."
"It's just an incredible feeling, it's just one of the best feelings in the world."
"Smash reveal trailers... can't help but put a smile on my face."
"We're in a really good mood. We're in a really good place. We have everything we need. I feel good."
"I love how bright and fun and vibrant everything is."
"You're gonna feel proud of yourself, you're gonna feel good about yourself."
"I'm excited. That's why I'm elated for this."
"You represent happiness and joy and fulfillment and completion."
"I'm in a really good mood because I am ahead of schedule."
"I absolutely love them. They are feel-good films."
"This game is giving me freaking hype, I'm so happy."
"I am over the moon, the opposite of frustrated—I'm elated."
"Praise the Lord for funny moments. Praise the Lord that God has a sense of humor."
"Awe has a calming effect in contrast to other positive emotions."
"I was excited watching it, this was good, I was warm, I was like 'oh my god.'"
"It's okay for childlike wonder and dumbfounded happiness to win on occasion."
"When I wear something that I like and feel confident in, I feel so amazing throughout the whole day."
"That's made my day. That was certainly put a smile on the face."
"And darn it, it feels real good to be this pumped for the new year."
"Knowing that people are inspired, it's a pretty good feeling."
"Radiance, self-esteem, and strength. That's how you're feeling and that's what's attracting this person into your life."
"I think I'm hitting my stride with this real estate thing. I'm so happy and thankful and excited. Life is just too good right now."
"Are you pretty excited about this? I'm pretty excited. This is going to be a blast!"
"We are flipping swimming in money right now, I love it!"
"I just feel so blessed, I really, really do."
"Feeling like a million dollars is surely worth it."
"Positive emotions, they said, love makes miracles."
"It feels so so good to be getting this done."
"I feel a way that I have never felt before this is a very unique Sensation that I'm experiencing right now it's a good feeling it's a really good feeling."
"Thank you all. Just wanna everyone you guys really, really put me in the best mood ever. I am grateful for this community."
"Look at the birthday girl, nineteen years old, she's just glowy."
"TV shows make me happy. Marvel movies make me happy. Good stories make me happy. Watching other people smile makes me happy."
"I felt confident, I was there, endured it, and it was a great feeling."
"I'm so excited, that's why I have a big smile on my face."
"I was super happy about that, and it prom night so it was just gonna be a great day overall."
"I'm just happy it's driving. It's amazing, it's awesome."
"Thank you for being a part of this, it makes us feel nice."
"I'm just so excited, I woke up so happy today."
"Another track that left me smiling the whole time."
"Seeing us partner up with them... feels good."
"It's celebratory and joyful, a bit of escapism, and harmless."
"I absolutely love how genuine your smile is and talking about the game."
"He's such a good boy with all these little hearts and peace signs, I love him."
"They make you feel good as you're playing the game."
"This was definitely like a wonderful Friday. I'm in an excellent mood."
"Love is coming, simple, I like you, I love you energy."
"It really had me chuckling and smiling the whole way through."
"It's the most nostalgic game ever. Let's go, people, the good old days."
"It makes me happy, it puts a smile on my face."
"It is so amazing and so much fun and very freeing."
"What's the best thing about happiness? That it's always contagious."
"You walk out of it feeling incredible, like you're on top of the world."
"Just sit with the good feeling they've left you with. Yeah, it's perfect."
"Every time that you complete a little goal, you get that burst of joy and confidence."
"So much healing, and I'm really happy to hear that."
"I kind of like that it didn't have the perfect happy ending because that's realistic but it gave you enough Good Vibes."
"I'm feeling The Vibes, I'm feeling the Good Vibes here right now."
"I'm in such a good mood today and I've needed this I've needed this day of good mood."
"It's going to put a really big smile on your face and it's almost immediately going to raise your vibration."
"I've got a really hopeful feeling which is so lovely."
"Love it's kind, love is good, love is joyful, love is not hurt."
"I'm over the moon... that is huge, it's massive."
"Peace and harmony, protection, playfulness, and joy."
"You're gonna meet someone this month... Somebody who's gonna make you feel so good inside."
"If you have got something to be happy about, be happy."
"You will feel some other person's happiness and that is going to rub on you, it's going to reflect on you so beautifully."
"They really had some fun with the design in this I think, but it's supposed to have fun. It brings a smile on your face, absolutely."
"That's cute, dude, the little Hunter is so adorable."
"That feeling of delight and joy and happiness."
"Enthusiasm, confidence, and courage - you're having a lot of fun in the next few weeks."
"The more you relax into your heart and feel these elevated emotions, it's exactly like a panic attack, only it's a love attack."
"It's amazing, isn't it? Because this is an absolute celebration."
"Seeing her full of joy brought a smile to my own face."
"This just feels so good. It just feels so good."
"Celebrating innocence, compassion, and love."
"You'll be feeling happy. You'll be feeling abundant."
"You're doing your own thing here, Scorpio, and you're feeling good about it."
"Fear is contagious but so is faith and so is love and so is hope."
"Seeing a baby makes people smile and brings out a feeling of caring."
"Every time I receive something like this, it really makes my day."
"Just get that good rush flowing, we're gonna be happy."
"It's one that is just making me so so so happy."
"The most joy-inducing grin across your face moment."
"18 was a very good day. This is a super good day."
"It brought back a lot of memories, a lot of really fond memories."
"I feel freaking awesome, this is everything, this is what I wanted."
"Love never feels bad. Love always feels good."
"Happiness and joy and togetherness and compassion and unity create the Great Awakening."
"I am so happy to be here and to be part of this."
"Slinky Dog Dash always puts me in the greatest of moods; it's so fun!"
"Anything that makes you feel hopeful and inspired."
"Winning is like a great feeling, it really is."
"That's the best thing about it, I felt happy."
"You're feeling victorious this month, you feel recognized, you feel good, you feel seen, you feel heard, Pisces."
"That was awesome, oh my, that was a sick play, I got a smile on my face."
"It's really exciting and positive and it felt fun and it felt like happy and exuberant."
"Life moves forward with joy, love, friendship, strength, and peace."
"Eventually, he feels luxuriantly comfortable and receives a big +10 mood bonus."
"It's really light-hearted and happy and airy."
"It just feels so good, it's euphoric really."
"If you do an act of kindness, you tend to feel good about yourself."
"The power of friendship, I love it, dude."
"I smiled wider than I had in a long time."
"Just this feeling of emotional fulfillment, joy, very positive feelings they have in their mind in regards to you."
"When you cultivate the positive emotions enough, instead of anger, like forgiveness, that's really beautiful. Kindness, softness, understanding, listening to others, being peaceful."
"...choose to experience more frequently positive and Pleasant emotions like care, appreciation, gratitude, joy, etc."
"The innocent smile of the baby made me want to wash away all resentments and negative feelings."
"I'm over the moon. I'm really excited."
"The feeling just of elevated emotions of joy and just gratitude that have seeped into other aspects of my life have been game-changing and I am just really excited to kind of continue this forward."
"...the Coco scene was so good. I'm so happy."
"I was really happy when I saw that email."
"I hope you guys are enjoying this too because I'm having a blast."
"I really liked the vibe of both the music and the video, it just made me feel like... Happy!"
"That was beautiful... that was an amazing chunk of my life... I still put all positive love towards that human."
"The secret to productivity is Joy...the secret to productivity is to find a way to feel good to experience positive emotions in your work because if you can do that you'll have more energy to give to your work and to the other important areas of your life."
"When have been the times where you felt the most productive...it's probably been a time where you were feeling good...when we're having fun with stuff productivity just magically takes care of itself."
"That's a great feeling, it doesn't happen enough."
"Makes you feel happy, makes you feel blessed."
"Good feeling, bro. They say that grand finals are a good feeling, but I think this would push it. A rainbow might be a good luck charm."
"But Toad," said Frog. "I am happy. I am very happy."
"I'm very, I'm really happy to be back."