
Insulin Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"The best way to keep insulin down is don't let it go up."
"Activating insulin and all the inflammatory pathways that go with it is one of the main drivers of aging."
"But giving massive doses of insulin to people with type 2 diabetes, actually is a downward spiral."
"Hundreds of thousands of Medicare patients will see their insulin costs capped at just $35 a month."
"It's about controlling insulin, not about controlling calories."
"When you control insulin and you control autophagy, something very interesting anti-aging wise happens."
"Can you believe that people would rather eat bean burritos and oatmeal and pasta then shoot themselves every day with insulin and die early?"
"Participating plans will cap cost at just $35 a month per type of insulin, and some plans may offer it free."
"The same thing is true for Alzheimer's. Chronically high insulin is a major risk factor for Alzheimer's, regardless of what genes you have."
"Sugar, the opposite happens. You get hungrier because you increase insulin. You drive when you make stuff so much. It's terrible. I was addicted to it. All of us were."
"Insulin can be thought of as the key that unlocks the gate."
"Insulin: the primary regulator that makes you fat."
"You elevate insulin, you store fat. You want to get rid of the fat, you have to drop insulin."
"The discovery of the miracle drug insulin is history that deserves to be remembered."
"Insulin is a nutrient sensor, it tells your body to store energy."
"Last month I announced a deal to slash out-of-pocket costs of insulin. Such a big deal and such a big factor of importance for our senior citizens."
"It doesn't really matter what your blood sugar is from minute to minute okay, what really matters for fat storage, for fat burning, for overall metabolic health, for blood pressure, for triglycerides, for all that is what is your insulin level."
"Insulin-like growth factor goes down... dramatic reductions."
"One of the main drivers of type 2 diabetes... is chronically elevated levels of insulin."
"Eating so frequently and eating a lot of carbohydrates is keeping your insulin levels higher than they should be."
"Eating too often is going to keep your insulin level chronically elevated."
"Insulin is a beautiful hormone when it's properly balanced."
"Walmart is launching its own brand of insulin for diabetes patients, up to 75% cheaper than other brands."
"We absolutely have to have insulin. It's a necessary vital hormone."
"High levels of insulin will also make you more hungry because if you experience lack... now your body is desperately going to try to make you eat more."
"That was happening instantaneously like within a week people could come off of hundreds of units of insulin it was crazy."
"Americans are getting price gouged on insulin."
"Original insulin discovered in 1921 is inexpensive."
"I capped out-of-pocket costs for insulin at $35 a month."
"Insulin levels drop with a low-fat, plant-based, whole-food diet."
"If insulin was so critically important for fat loss, why do we not see it show up in human randomized control trials?"
"Insulin is a life sustaining drug. If I didn't have insulin, I would die."
"Glucose causes damage, but when insulin levels are chronically high, that is an indicator."
"Intermittent fasting is essential and powerful in lowering insulin."
"Most weight problems are underpinned by excessive insulin secretion, most heart disease is driven by diabetic vascular inflammation."
"The bottom line is more insulin, more death."
"Only focusing on lowering insulin, never worrying about calories, may be sufficient for anyone listening to shrink their fat cells as much as they need to and as much as they want to."
"Insulin therapy is critical and life-saving for people with type 1 diabetes."
"Hyperinsulinemia is the big cause of the entire problem, not just type two diabetes but also metabolic syndrome and obesity."
"Insulin plays a huge role in facilitating the growth of certain types of cancer."
"High insulin levels are good if you're trying to grow tall like during puberty; unfortunately, when you stop growing tall, insulin makes you grow wide."
"Well, I think it's about controlling insulin, not about controlling calories."
"I'm not low carb; I'm low insulin."
"It helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels"
"Insulin is the brake on ketogenesis. A little insulin, ketogenesis stops on a dime."
"Insulin matters for obesity, and when insulin is high, it's promoting more energy storage and fat cells are growing."
"In contrast, in the hyperthyroid fat cells, insulin is not inhibiting lipolysis as much, so the fat cells are breaking down fat more readily."
"When insulin is low, the body cannot help but burn. The body cannot help itself; the cells must be burning, they must be breaking down and using the energy, even to the point that the body is burning more fat than it needs."
"Fat cells cannot grow unless insulin is elevated. It is utterly and completely impossible."
"Insulin's ability and indeed absolutely essential role in promoting and maintaining fat mass is so obvious and powerful."
"Type 2 diabetes is a problem of too much insulin."
"It's not a democracy in the body with all these hormones. I would say the two most important are cortisol and insulin."
"Insulin is the penultimate anabolic hormone."
"Insulin is the essential signal that tells a fat cell to grow."
"You do need both insulin and calories."
"If your kid were wearing glasses, would you want to take a break from that? If he was taking insulin, would you want to take a break from that?"
"The brain actually is very sensitive to sugar and that too much insulin too much sugar is actually what's driving this Cascade which causes this epidemic of Alzheimer's."
"If you don't get insulin you will die"
"Cutting down starch and sugar, increasing fat, protein, and fiber is key to reducing insulin and promoting weight loss."
"I got my insulin all right but they broke all the damn needles."
"Insulin isn't always our friend. While it is a hormone that is needed for life, it is also pathogenic when it's too high for too long."
"Intermittent fasting can help reverse some of the insulin resistant effects."
"Body fat makes you insulin resistant."
"Insulin tells your body hey it's time to store glucose away into your fat cells notably and when there's a lot of insulin present it tells your body it's not time to burn fat."
"But here's what's great about this information is that we understand that the common cause of all of this is usually this High insulin level and it's totally possible to get those insulin levels down."
"...that climbing insulin over the years is keeping that blood sugar normal till they can't do it anymore."
"You can't just look at carbohydrates; you have to keep an eye on everything you're eating and how much and how often. When you do a properly formulated ketogenic diet, you're also lowering your insulin levels."
"Ketones are the mirror image of your insulin level."
"Keel handled insulin injections like a champ, something he did regularly."
"Low insulin means high fat burning."
"What we have found is that when people are on a plant-based diet, their insulin requirements drop dramatically."
"Low-carb and ketogenic diet advocates are always talking about how you have to eat more fat and less carbs to keep your insulin levels down, but the exact opposite happens when it’s actually put to the test."
"Magnesium is necessary for the production of insulin as well as the production of cortisol."
"What raises insulin? Carbohydrates."
"The best test is a fasting insulin."
"It's not like how I ate carbs and then my insulin shot up and that made me internally starving, it's actually no one's ever documented this internal starvation part with low fuels in the bloodstream, that's never been documented because it doesn't exist."
"That sugar insulin spike was getting me feeling good."
"When you're not eating, there's no food going into our mouth, insulin levels drop."
"When our insulin levels go down, that's the switch in our body to go from fuel storing to fuel burning."
"Insulin is the fat-storing hormone."
"Seven million diabetics need insulin injections just to survive."
"Alec Smith died last year because he couldn't afford insulin medication that could have kept him alive."
"Insulin is a metabolic hormone most people know it is relating to diabetes but it's much more than just diabetes."
"Just eat fatty meat after you work out, you're going to get a bit of an insulin bump because protein will slightly raise your insulin as well."
"...and then later, when the food finally digests, the insulin is not strong enough to do much for it."
"The American Diabetes Association tells doctors don't draw fasting insulin. Why is that? Two reasons. First, fasting insulin levels are not standardized across platforms. Second, fasting insulin levels do not correlate with obesity. They correlate with metabolic health."
"For all we know, it's nothing to do with producing more insulin, but you've just increased your capacity to absorb more carbs."
"If our insulin is high we are not utilizing glucose we are storing fat so that's what you need to understand that's the relationship there."
"If you fast or don't eat for at least 13 hours... you have lowered your insulin levels to a very good reasonable level."
"They someone posed as them paid to verify themselves and then tweeted insulin is free now and obviously they're not going to make insulin free although it definitely should be the creator of insulin created it to be free uh as it should be people literally will die without it."
"What we eat greatly determines the integrity and structure of our cells, which ultimately determines how effective insulin will be at doing its job."
"They actually increased insulin secretion which is huge."
"Insulin is much more of a bystander than a driver of changes in fat mass."
"Insulin is pro-inflammatory and we try to do everything we can to keep those insulin levels low."
"How you look is not necessarily how you are. You must check. You must know what your insulin is."
"...developing diabetes is not trivial because it means you need to have therapy with insulin."
"Artificial sweeteners are worse for you because they can evoke an insulin release."
"For bodybuilders, supplementing with a long-acting insulin... is a much better solution than metformin for both men and women who are running high fasting blood sugars."
"The problem is we don't produce enough insulin. So, for bodybuilders, I truly, truly believe that a drug like metformin... it just stops some of the glucose from being released into the bloodstream."
"Insulin does not care how much fat or protein you eat."
"Little swaps like this can be really helpful for living a low insulin lifestyle that doesn't feel restrictive like you have to give up all your favorite foods."
"Insulin should not be given such a high amount that rapidly all glucose goes to the peripheral tissue."
"The pancreas releases a hormone called insulin which you've probably heard of. It regulates the amount of sugar in your blood."
"DKA is basically when the person has that hyperglycemia with a complete absence of insulin."
"Insulin is necessary to utilize the energy we obtain from carbohydrates."
"Insulin is like a key that opens the door to the cell so glucose can go inside."
"High fat and sugar together: worst insulin response."
"Insulin is going to decide, is this body going to store fuel or is it going to use it? And of course, someone who's interested in weight loss is interested in the body using fuel, not storing it."
"If you are trying to manage body composition ultimately you have to realize that there may be some benefit to regulating the insulin response with calories controlled."
"Too much insulin for too long will lead to insulin resistance, which is at ground zero for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, or Alzheimer's, and more."
"Once I stopped worrying about calories and started learning about how different types of nutrients either increased or decreased my insulin, food choices became a lot clearer."
"Foods I once thought to be healthy actually spiked my insulin and weren't helping me lose weight."
"Insulin rising equals bad? In my opinion, insulin rising equals your body is working normally."
"Making any amount of insulin is a good thing, so if you're still making insulin, more power to you."
"A high carbohydrate diet increases the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin. In other words, sugar makes insulin work better."
"Insulin inhibits certain functions or metabolic functions of the body like lipolysis."
"If we need low insulin and elevated glucagon, it makes sense to look at the foods that have the biggest impact on insulin—carbohydrates."
"Persistent hyperinsulinemia is fundamental to metabolic ill health."
"There are these diseases of sort of too much insulin which is that they all go together."
"Glucose is really a proxy for the rise in insulin because the higher the glucose goes, the higher the insulin goes, and it's that insulin that drives the chronic metabolic disease."
"Artificial sweeteners effectively make your body resistant to insulin and over time, you develop insulin resistance."
"Insulin is a treatment actually it was curing, it was saving people's life... so people don't have to die anymore from diabetes."
"So how about if we give insulin through the nose, through the nostrils, where it can actually get to the brain directly and can we treat the disease, can we improve things?"
"Type 1 diabetes: when the body can't produce insulin, often starting in childhood."
"So it was important that we found a way of producing insulin from humans, and so that's where genetic engineering came in."
"Insulin is like a key that opens the door into the cell for the sugar to be able to leave the bloodstream and get into the cell."
"People who are concerned about like the insulin model of like if your insulin spikes too much you're going to get fat... I think it's been proven wrong."
"Living a low insulin lifestyle is the best, most effective way to lose weight, get healthy and prevent disease."
"Focusing on insulin is more effective for weight loss than focusing on calories."
"Type 2 diabetics often gain weight due to excessive insulin."
"Insulin sets your body set weight higher and higher."
"It results in a compensatory increase in insulin production; more is needed."
"I'm not going to cut calories and starve myself anymore, I'm going to live a low insulin lifestyle."
"Eat plenty of healthy fats. Dietary fat has the lowest response to insulin."
"Hypothermia can lead to decreased insulin secretion and sensitivity, resulting in hyperglycemia."
"Insulin is a builder, the other team are destroyers."
"Insulin wants to build up stuff, glucagon wants to break down stuff."
"Insulin world: the land of abundance. Glucagon world: the land of scarcity."
"Insulin is the only major anti-ketogenic hormone in your blood."
"Insulin is anti-glucagon, anabolism is anti-catabolism."
"Insulin decreases cyclic AMP by boosting its destroyer, phosphodiesterase."
"Glucagon is pro-ketosis, insulin is anti-ketosis."
"Living a low insulin lifestyle is the simplest most powerful way to lose weight and keep it off."
"When, how will this affect my insulin instead of how many points or calories does this have becomes your new litmus test for whether or not something will help you lose weight."
"You have got to eat fat at the beginning of this and in those people at the beginning six-week time your fat production meaning your fat released from your fat cells is almost zero if you're in a high insulin state the only access to fat you have are the ones that you swallow."
"The smaller the area under the insulin curve, the longer you're gonna live."
"The science around fat and how your body burns fat and what makes you fat is all really clear now. It's all based on this hormone idea of insulin, which is a fat storage hormone."
"Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the immune cells attack those eyelid cells in the pancreas that produce insulin."
"Excess sugar stimulates excess insulin."
"Insulin is a fat storage hormone."
"Insulin is an essential part of our Lives it's made in our own bodies and it controls the concentration of glucose or sugar in the blood."
"Kenneth Barlow was the very first person ever to be convicted of killing somebody with insulin."
"Insulin is a hormone, it's a messenger."
"Creatine can have a positive impact on insulin and insulin resistance."
"The best thing to do to keep your insulin levels at their lowest is to follow a healthy plant-based diet."
"Every vial of insulin that is sold on the market today comes from genetically modified bacteria or yeast... It's a beautiful wonderful technology."
"The fasted state is characterized by low insulin levels, raised glucagon levels, normal blood glucose levels, increased fat burning, and ketone production."
"Eating monk fruit extract has been shown to not just lower blood sugar but seems to stimulate an insulin secretion effect."
"The carbs lead to the insulin signal that makes your body make and store fat."
"Insulin is The Miracle Grow for your fat cells, just not the sort of miracle you want happening in your body."
"Insulin is a peptide; it does wonders if you have diabetes, it can be a literal lifesaver."
"The use of insulin was historic and momentous discovery."
"Insulin is a very critical hormone that is responsible for regulating your blood sugar levels."
"Insulin has gone on to save the lives of millions; by any measure, a complete medical triumph."
"Without it, you develop diabetes, and although that's treatable now, before the discovery of insulin, diabetes was a death sentence."
"Insulin will stimulate proteogenesis, glycogenesis, lipogenesis."
"We're using that insulin switch where you allow insulin to dip back down can be really useful for having that balance."
"Insulin lowers blood glucose by promoting use of glucose in body cells."
"Insulin has saved 16 million lives worldwide."
"The insulin fits onto the insulin receptors, this is the lock and key idea."
"Increasing your daily physical activity will also help lower your insulin need."
"The baby's pancreatic beta cells will be like, okay, well this is way too much glucose, right? So they start making a ton of insulin."
"Insulin levels get absolutely crushed during the fasting period."
"You cannot make fat cells shrink unless insulin is low."
"The cause of weight gain is too much of the hormone insulin, which drives fat cells into a feeding frenzy."
"Insulin acts like a key that unlocks the cell so that sugar or glucose can get in."
"This boy is the first ever to receive insulin."
"It takes 8,000 pounds of pancreatic glands from 23,500 animals to make a single pound of human insulin."
"Insulin Leo, that would continue to be Nordisk's insulin brand name for the next 60 years."
"It's quite frankly outrageous when insulin was discovered almost a hundred years ago, it was given to humans within a couple of months and became a drug within a year or so."
"Your body releases something called insulin... she's dope."
"The DNA inside the beta cell in your pancreas will tell the cell: 'Hey cell, hey beta cell, go make some insulin.'"
"Hormonal proteins such as insulin are secreted into the bloodstream to coordinate an organism's activities."
"Berries reduces people's postprandial insulin and glucose."
"Periods of intermittent fasting can dramatically improve our insulin levels and our insulin sensitivity can start to be restored back towards normal functioning."
"It improves your body's sensitivity to insulin."
"Insulin stimulates enzyme production; enzymes convert glucose to glycogen, which is stored and insoluble."
"Insulin is necessary for your body to maintain homeostasis and pull glucose out of the bloodstream into your cells."
"Insulin is often compared to a key that unlocks cells."
"Insulin makes sure the glucose gets into the cells that need it."
"As far as the insulin response goes... stevia seems to stimulate the least insulin responses which is kind of in line with the principle."
"We've heard the heartbreaking stories of individuals who could not afford their insulin, were forced to ration and skip doses, and as a result, they lost their lives."
"While insulin is certainly necessary to maintain good health and keep glucose levels in a normal range, when insulin levels become highly elevated and stay that way for years, the results are absolutely disastrous."
"The pancreas is the gland that contains the Isle of Langerhans that manufactures insulin."
"Fiber slows the absorption of sugars from our gut into the bloodstream, therefore stabilizing and overall lowering our insulin levels."
"A healthy weight allows your insulin to work more efficiently."
"Insulin is given, and it's directly saying there that the diabetes mellitus is not well controlled."
"He specializes in the role that insulin and nutrient metabolism play in regulating obesity, diabetes, and dementia."
"The visceral adiposity that belly fat is associated with high levels of insulin in the body and insulin resistance."
"Insulin is not your fate; you can come off the insulin."