
Human Needs Quotes

There are 421 quotes

"Isolation is toxic to the human nervous system. We need each other."
"You actually cannot live without love. You need some kind of love."
"Consistency, stability, nurturing... It's basic needs of any human."
"This is the self-actualization needs... includes stuff like morality, creativity, discovery, acceptance of facts, truth, awareness, and contribution."
"The fundamental human need for love, for connection, for passion, for transcendence will never change."
"We're human, and we're starved for validation and connection and love and kindness and compassion."
"A simple high-five outperformed all other forms of praise because it fulfills your most fundamental needs as a human being."
"The fundamental human needs for love, for connection, for passion, for transcendence will never change."
"We don't just need sustenance; we need quality of life, we need things that bring us joy."
"The message is reinforced through the whole book: what we think is normal in our society from the point of human needs and human evolution is absolutely abnormal."
"Much like plants in a garden, humans need air, and we need to be able to grow towards the sun and our imaginations towards Asgard."
"Ethical values are derived from human need and interest, tested by experience."
"The number one need that humans have... is to feel validated by other people."
"We all want to feel seen, heard, and loved. That's it."
"Recognition is not just a courtesy we owe people; it is a vital human need."
"We can meet the needs of every human being on earth to give that true security that people want and feel."
"Every one of us needs to be loved, wants to be loved, we all want to be protected, connected, respected."
"You raise human beings whose needs are met, or you raise human beings in a way that you don't meet their needs. When you don't meet people's needs, they have to adapt in artificial ways."
"Every real, red-blooded man needs feminine presence."
"Connection is the single most important human need."
"We all have these needs and they all have to be met on a certain level."
"Oppression just means that you are preventing people from pursuing what they naturally need. People need loving relationships, people need loving committed long-term relationships, people need family."
"I think that you are worth people caring about you."
"Your single biggest security need as a physical human, is belonging and connection."
"The deepest need of the physical human is closeness and connection."
"One beacon of someone who signals to them 'you matter'... that's all a human being needs."
"People need to know that they are loved and that they are cared for."
"Belonging is important, and it's a real need that all people have."
"The need to be included is not just a weakness; it's primal."
"We humans need psychological stability in a terrifying world."
"Relationships are seemingly so hard for so many people when it's the thing we need the most to feel alive, to feel happy, and feel connected."
"Every person has four basic needs: acceptance, affirmation, attention, and affection."
"Compassionate touch... humans are wired to need some touching every now and again."
"If we design our cities to meet human needs, you don't have most of the problems that are prevalent today."
"Human needs come first, and human concerns drive the numbers game."
"Dismissing feelings, emotions, sympathy, and empathy as something that's for the weak is a profound misunderstanding of human needs."
"I really do believe that we should be structuring the economy towards human need and not towards accumulating profit."
"The soul needs sustenance, it needs dignity, it needs meaning, it needs purpose."
"Physical contact is as essential to human flourishing as food and air and water."
"We may actually have a biological need for a god, goddess, or spirituality in the way that we have a need for sunlight and water."
"What people need is family. What we all need is love."
"Having a purpose or something to work towards for whatever reason seems to be yet another fundamental need."
"Humans need humans... Very true. Soviet blocks are depressing but they were designed so that the essentials were always within walking distance."
"We're not telling people what they have to do or don't do; we're just simply offering them things that people often express as meeting human needs."
"We're all about service of human needs and doing things better."
"The profit motive, the feature that capitalists have told us makes capitalism so efficient, does a terrible job at properly allocating for human needs."
"I was born wanting love like everyone else in this room. Anyone listening, when we're born, we need several things."
"If you're not having your innate needs of having a family, having people that you care about, what's the point of it?"
"We find evidence of a deep-seated need for acceptance, a longing for belonging."
"People in general just want to be seen, understood, heard."
"Human needs are unlimited, and so in a capitalist society, people want to make a profit, and so they try to satisfy human needs. But since needs are unlimited, there is no end to the process."
"Socialization is not an option, it's an essential necessity."
"Luxury goods are an area where market economies can function well. But when it comes to human needs, this just doesn't work."
"The puppy biting phase is just part of having a puppy; it will get better."
"People need to be heard, they need everyone to hear it and validate them."
"Everybody's looking to be seen, valued, understood, and less alone on their journey."
"Humans have a universal need, I think, to be listened to, to be understood, and to be validated. I think we all share that."
"The human condition is as essential for our well-being as water is."
"Humans have a universal need to be listened to, to be understood, and to be validated."
"The things that actually we've evolved to crave: to feel sort of accepted and connected and impactful."
"We need meaning in life, you know, we need dignity as a human."
"It's like a human only living on tofu. Keeps you strong, but you're never fully satisfied."
"The single greatest need that the human being has is for meaning. It is even greater than for sex."
"It's a very quintessential basic human need; everything when it comes to personality disorders, within reason, is down to people feeling like they are not seen and they are not properly heard."
"Joker imagines what happens when the people at the bottom of the financial ladder are deprived of the most basic human needs and dignities."
"People seek security and stability and safety."
"The default setting of human beings is autonomy, mastery, and purpose."
"Humans need to have stories that aren't scientifically verified to not wilt and die."
"What Janis wants deep down is something we all crave: acceptance."
"Human beings need socialization, they do. It's been proven time and time again."
"Humans are seeking connection, some companionship, and certainly intimacy."
"You're so deprived of, like I said, the touching and everything like that, that you kind of crave it a little bit too, you know?"
"We are all different, I believe at our core we share three very human needs."
"The artist is said to have produced this piece based on the idea of the universal human need to break free."
"But what kind of conditions do we need to build for humans to really live there and not just survive?"
"Religious science is a correlation of laws of science, opinions of philosophy, and revelations of religion applied to human needs and the aspirations of man."
"The activity itself given fundamental human needs in human goods is worthy."
"The most basic need to every human being is the need for significance. Significance means I matter. I have value."
"Human need is not a secondary need, it's a primary need like food and water."
"Humans desperately want to be loved and to feel useful."
"People need love, you know, like that's a basic human need."
"The human desire for company and support is powerful."
"We're not originally and still probably driven by wanting to feel special, loved, validated."
"Real estate exists for people, period. If there's no people and they can't afford it, then real estate's going to suffer."
"People are starving inside and we're all being you know mean and shaming of them for doing what they've been told to do."
"Sometimes people need a story more than food in order to live."
"Women are human beings, but men are human doings."
"Work is something we should be wanting to engage in... Those are real needs human beings have that capitalism completely rejects in the name of profit."
"Homie preaches that for humans to succeed, for humans to thrive, all that is really needed is to escape oppression, all that is needed is to be left alone to their own devices."
"Everybody wants to be treated nicely, wants to be loved on a human level. You cannot maintain just providing. More important than anything else is genuine love and caring for you as a person. Nothing else can make up for that in the long run."
"Only you, Lord, can satisfy every longing need in the human heart."
"We're the macro version of the micro. We need community. It's foundational to our existence."
"Basic human needs are at the heart of absolutely everything."
"Everybody wants to be loved and have some kind of validation."
"Presidents are no different than we are, they need companionship."
"Find your tribe, because everybody needs a tribe."
"Sex is a normal thing; however, I don't think it's an individual need...unlike things like food, water, oxygen."
"People need meaning as human beings we need meaning."
"I think everyone wants some form of interaction with other human beings."
"You deserve safety in life, you deserve basic human rights, you deserve access to resources that you need so that your life can be meaningful."
"Human needs are human needs no matter where you go."
"I am a human being, and I'm gonna go to the doctor when I need to."
"His last words were, 'Can I have some water?'"
"Humans need connection, like that's one thing I learned in Psychology."
"It's not enough to give people what they need to survive; you have to give them what they need to live."
"The greatest yearning of the human being after food is meaning."
"Every human needs to be understood, affirmed, acknowledged, appreciated, etc."
"Invest in something that's going to have a sustainable, durable human need."
"The thing about these stories-- they're so true. They're so profoundly true. The stories that last, that survive, are stories that still speak to our deep human need and our understanding, and what we need to be human beings and to survive."
"Humans are the only species on Earth that require money to survive—crazy right?"
"We need people, and like everyone else, we need a sense of belonging."
"Capitalism meets people's needs, but what happens is if you meet people's basic needs, they get new needs."
"Children are desiring this. This is what we're all desiring."
"In the 21st century, we need to think about these things in terms of how people feel not just in terms of how they think what the deeper needs of human beings are in order to thrive."
"Human beings fundamentally need to be around other human beings or you go insane."
"Housing should not be seen as a commodity. It should be seen as a need because it is a need without a house, without shelter you die."
"People feel and function at their best when their needs are met."
"We begin with the idea that humans need joy in order to be fully fledged selves."
"Secondary needs are the spice of life, making life interesting, fun, and engaging."
"Everybody just wants to feel special and respected."
"If you want a livable human environment you need freedom you need fossil fuels."
"There's an entire other side of human life which is the spiritual need which is not going to be filled by materialism no matter what you do."
"The way humans are wired connection also means safety right like we need other people to feel safe."
"Our culture's norms don't reflect our true human needs and potential."
"Under socialism, the driving factors for developmental new technologies, techniques, medicines, or whatever else are human need and human creativity rather than profits."
"I kind of see games as entertainment, and when I think about entertainment as a whole, I see it as a kind of industry to fulfill human desire, just like food and water."
"Everybody just wants to be seen, heard, loved, and acknowledged."
"Men need women, women need men. It's how human beings are designed."
"Everybody wants to belong, they want to have a place within the world."
"Housing is a human right... everyone deserves to have more than just shelter but to have a home."
"Someone wants to be appreciated, they want to be valued."
"It's okay for you to have needs. Everybody has needs."
"Even those of us who are highly independent... still we have this very fundamental need within ourselves to connect with other people."
"People need to feel rooted, they want to belong."
"Not allowing myself to isolate...it is like an essential human need."
"Our survival priorities have remained constant, but exactly how we have met them has changed throughout history."
"Love and acceptance is something that all of us want because without it life is really hard."
"The human Spirit requires three things: something to love, something to do, and something to hope for."
"We need to talk, we need to laugh, we need family, we need to love each other."
"Being acknowledged, I think it's so important, isn't it? For everyone to be acknowledged."
"To take basically the will and their rights to be happy--if you don't have a will to be happy, then what else is there?"
"Belonging is one of the deepest needs that we all have."
"When we concede our fundamental right to see the truth, to hear the truth, to know the truth, we have subscribed to a society that can no longer fulfill the deepest needs of our own humanity." - Royce White
"When people have access to the necessities of life, their incentives change."
"Everybody wants the same thing: to know that we matter, that we're doing a good job, that somebody appreciates that we're there."
"We all just want to be loved, seen, heard, and loved."
"The most basic human desire on the planet is to feel like we belong."
"Every human desires companionship, connection, and sex."
"Human beings need a sense of purpose or moral guidelines to lead them forward."
"That's what we want as humans we want to feel safe and that someone is there with us in the scariest moments."
"Mobility is such a big human need, right?" - Sick
"Human beings require management, human beings require care and feeding."
"Human beings need to belong more than they need to eat."
"Emotional pain indicates hunger for something that human beings need to be well: connection, value, safety."
"People just want to feel important, that their lives matter."
"Everybody wants to be seen, heard, and know that their story matters."
"The case can be made that only humans know what's perfect for us."
"It's a fundamental human desire - we all want our own space, our own domain where we can be ourselves, where we can feel secure."
"Fresh water is a natural resource because we need it for drinking and manufacturing."
"Human beings we cannot survive without meaning."
"Everybody needs some help at some point in life."
"These are all basic human essential things that we need for Living Well."
"We all go about longing for love. It is the first need of our natures, the loudest cry of our hearts."
"Humans need connection. People just want to freaking hug."
"Maslow studied self-actualized people and created his now famous hierarchy of needs."
"A high five is more than praise, a high five fulfills your deepest most fundamental needs as a human being to be seen, to be heard, and to be celebrated."
"...the true innovation in future technologies will not be measured by the speed of processors or the display resolution of screens, but by how well they harmonize with the rhythms of our human needs and social conventions."
"We're only at the dawn of capitalism because we've only begun to scratch at the true needs of human beings."
"The concept of simply being wanted and appreciated by others is such a basic human need."
"The number one need for a human is connection more than food and water."
"The greatest human need is to bond deeply with others."
"We need to acknowledge that we're animals, we're not robots, and we need human beings, we need relationships, we need socializing, we need hugs, we need interactions, we need bonding and love."
"It's like how people have this need for intimacy."
"Underneath we want to be loved and cared for and safe and happy."
"Our basic need is the need for the other."
"Because travel solves a very inherent human need."
"This is what people want. This is what they've been looking for. And we've been looking for it in the wrong place usually."
"'Contribution' is one of the 6 Basic Human Needs."
"The deepest craving of human beings is to be needed, to feel important, to be appreciated."
"All human beings need respect and want to feel loved."
"The need to feel safe, valuable, and loved is at the core of human experience. It is a need as deep as the need for food and shelter."
"Everybody has the same psychological needs: a sense of belonging, power, freedom, and fun."
"The most urgent need every human being has is the desire to feel important."
"Human beings have a natural need to feel important, to matter, to be knowledgeable."
"...one of the greatest human needs is of service."
"As humans, we like to eat. We need to eat. The body needs fuel, and fuel comes from food."
"What every person wants at the end of the day is to feel his love, belonging, and connection, right?"
"Finding love is a deeply human need that we have that is not going away."
"Validation from others is a huge thing that humans need."
"Humans have a fundamental need to belong just as we have a need for food and water. We also have needs for positive and lasting relationships."
"We all want to belong. That's one of the deepest needs that we all have."
"Membership in a sect, secret society, or initiatic order arises from the real needs of human nature."
"Understanding what nation we are a part of is one of the biggest things in the world even the scientist will tell you identity is one of the fundamental human necessities without identity you are at a disadvantage in life."
"The basic needs of humans do not actually increase just because production does, that’s a false equivalence."
"Respect more than anything else, people crave respect."
"What human beings really need is community."
"Everyone needs meaning, satisfaction, freedom, identity, and hope."
"Christianity offers unparalleled resources to meet human needs."
"Humans have a need for connection, belonging, meaning, and purpose."
"Once our material needs are met as humans, we can focus on other things beyond just survival."