
Fantasy Quotes

There are 22088 quotes

"Fantasy audiobooks are always pretty good because you get people who can do multiple voices. It's a nice compliment, thank you."
"By causing massive amounts of destruction and grief, you can amass enough magical power to go back in time those 200 years, bring your wife and children back to life, and technically also annul all the evil you've done over that time."
"Despite being a Duke with a credit value of 270, it still managed to defend itself against Julius's shot-kill attack."
"The Divine King's first thought after being revived a thousand years later was to return home."
"She asks if he is displeased that they survived the dragon, but before he can answer, another one of their classmates comes over and says they shouldn't be fighting with one another in a world where they have so few allies."
"A wizard is never late, nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to."
"I made the gun components out of shimmering ingots because it said it had a 15% ice damage multiplier."
"Have you ever wanted to meet one of your favorite cartoon characters in real life? I know I have."
"No icky dragon can stand in the way of Moonpaw."
"Every giant is red of hair, and Rigan was said to have despised his own red locks, perhaps that was a curse of their kind."
"Dragon communion is the abhorrent act of consuming the hearts of dragons to commune with the ancient dragons and become more like them."
"Ancient one, so you're awakening the clock, yes. That clock holds the ancient energy, with it you can use fragments of your race's primal hero powers."
"Yuki then starts ripping all the demons to shreds like a boss."
"Yuki channels his energy and unleashes an insanely powerful blast."
"The mysterious figure had a name, Andrea. She explained to me that she's a shape-shifting elf."
"He lets out a powerful roar, and a huge fire blast comes out and annihilates the monsters in an instant."
"Lava bending is OP. It essentially turns earthbenders into water and firebenders."
"Blood bending should be an entirely uncontroversial S tier."
"She won the tournament and got her Amulet of Darkness."
"Even though she may not look it, Alicia has quite a bit of magic in her and she was even stronger than most of the adventurers in the polar regions."
"There was a time when the world was at relative peace, the elves and the orcs lived in their own separate lands and didn't bother each other. Then the humans showed up and everything got jumbled and fell to pieces."
"Pirates of the Ethereal Sea is an amazing blend of high piracy and high magic."
"Anos told him to stay with the love of his life forever."
"Anos told him that he had activated an Origin magic using the hero's attack as an origin to revive his source."
"Anos appeared before Elanor to fulfill his promise, so he cast a spell on her source, telling her that she was now his magic and promised to protect her forever."
"Imagine being a lonely, worthless loser and considered the worst in the village but suddenly you get summoned to another world."
"Fantasy is a natural human activity; it certainly does not destroy or even insult reason."
"Ruck decides to prove the power of an amulet crafter."
"Ruck is certain that if he can train under Alicia, he is bound to become stronger."
"Duan leads them to a portal that leads to shiang Yu and beyond the portal is a place which looks like a galaxy."
"And just to flex, my man resets time, loses all of his minions, starts from scratch so he can end the war all alone."
"The Pinnacle of Jin vu's strength is revealed to us in the novels where we are told that the absolute being...hid the power to end everything, all creation, inside of the Shadow Monarch."
"He eventually met the goddess... she is really a goddess; she looks so radiant and beautiful."
"With just one slash, he killed the archdemon."
"This entity was not immortal, but whenever he died, he would be reborn as a different kind of creature with intact past life memories."
"He gave a Celestial punishment of the Soul which shocked all gods and ghosts and directly killed the Dragon King."
"I didn't start the year expecting to be compelled by Pinocchio's origins, the puppet frenzy, the cursed miracle feel, and wishing on stars, but here we are."
"I bought the bank and changed the local currency to cookies."
"I got the curse of uncleansable stench from drinking too many potions."
"Her books are not only lauded as important fantasy works, they were also great introductory metaphorical discussions of the issues of fascism and supremacy narratives within our society today."
"Indulge in a chocolate fantasy like never before, capture the enchantment."
"Dive into the whimsical of Willy's chocolate experience, a place where chocolate dreams become a reality."
"Welcome to the House of Illuminati, a realm where fantasy and reality converge to create an unparalleled immersive experience."
"In His World, mysterious dungeons suddenly appeared one day, and as the monsters came pouring out, people with superpowers arose and took care of them."
"Black Reach, an almost unbelievable sight for any traveler, explorer, or scholar."
"That's when a single javelin appeared as if out of nowhere, striking the monster right in its chest and killing it on impact."
"It's like a summer vacation filled with battles and monster slaying. Talk about unconventional fun."
"Orcs do not carry [__] Maps around with them."
"It's like I'm Cinderella, and you're my fairy godmother with magical powers."
"This has been an incredible year for Fantasy, with some amazing releases across all mediums."
"This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Motar and Max Gladstone for this category we really looked at what we felt encapsulated the heart of the fantasy science fiction genre."
"It feels like I'm actually on a fantasy adventure, going out and exploring this medieval-themed world, and I absolutely love it."
"Anything your heart desires, the circus can provide. Well, almost anything."
"We missed this bit, Jordan. This is where the dragon came out."
"Our town was assaulted by an icy beast. That dragon came out of nowhere."
"Seven of cups is about illusion, fantasy, dreaming. It could be the guides or spirits warning you to take off those rose-tinted glasses, start focusing more on the reality."
"Doom at its core is just a power fantasy. It's meant to make you feel strong."
"Southeast Asian fantasy epics like Southeast Asian interpretations of the Ramayana epic or Timon Mas are informed by ideals, cultural upbringing, and storytelling techniques unique to Southeast Asia."
"With this Stone in your possession, even your most subconscious desires become reality."
"The astral regulator... is Way Beyond the power of the Infinity Stones."
"This is a whole new level of power that's way beyond anything Thanos has ever had before."
"Determined to live a better life, he was reborn into a world of magic and monsters."
"Luna, a Moonlight Knight who has the title of Dazzling Nova, has just obtained an epic level bracelet named the Heart of Resilience."
"And now they entered one of the secret Realms, the Blood Moon City's Evolutionary Blood Pool."
"A wizard is never early or late; he always starts his journey exactly when he means to."
"It's pure power fantasy for young children, mostly boys. It's that daydream we all had about being badass secret agents."
"The Lord of the Rings, in some ways, is a work governed by a map, and that map is a map of fantasy. But behind the map of fantasy, there is a real map of England."
"Violence in video games does not cause violent behavior in real life. We are acting out fantasies in a safe environment."
"In the last chapter, he was able to grab a lightning bolt and throw it at Kaido's face like a spear."
"This is a queer fantasy presented with honesty, and it works."
"The body of the dead skeleton began to glow, and green energy flowed into him."
"Despite being eaten by a dragon, here he is, still somewhat alive."
"He leaps up into the air and attacks the wyvern with a mana-infused sword strike."
"It's the fantasy. I love the fantasy. So when you date someone... you're losing not only the person, you're losing the fantasy."
"The Harvester devil... they're weird, they're practical, they have a personality, and they pose larger questions about the overall cosmology of the Multiverse."
"Throughout all those years, Rain had been deliberately pretending to be useless and had secretly concealed his cheat leveling system."
"She decided to introduce herself to him, saying that her name was Conid, one of the last Cat Spirits alive."
"Rain petted her head, saying he's just glad she was safe and that she should be more careful next time."
"Even though it's impossible to overwrite one's taming sigil, he knew that if he believed in the words of his friends, he could destroy even the laws of taming."
"Rain comforted them on the head telling them that he didn't need to gain anything from them because they were his precious comrades."
"Long ago, there were two alicorn siblings who ruled the kingdom of Equestria. The older ruled the sun and the day; the younger ruled the night and the moon."
"The flavor text of the armor is heartbreakingly awesome: 'The Winged shape ornaments on its back evoke the death bird, a self-inflicted curse.'"
"Trapped in a realm of souls, I became a pawn in a twisted game."
"Zombie sharks don't know how to fly, so this is the ultimate defense against a zombie shark."
"Being best friends with Harry Potter means that I exist in a world in which magic is a real thing."
"This hypersonic temple is way stronger than I ever imagined it would be."
"Play to people's fantasies. People tend to avoid truth as it is often unattractive and harsh."
"She's the dead lady, ruling a quarter of the city turned undead, lamenting the loss of her husband and seeking to bring him back, no matter the cost."
"I'm an unabashed sucker for dragons, and I think millions of you guys are too."
"This one lets you cast magic like the wizards of old."
"The Aldmeri Dominion may have defeated the Empire, but it has not defeated Skyrim."
"The Arcadia Empire is a kingdom known for its famously corrupt rulers and extreme lines of defense."
"The identity of this powerful dark drag knight is still a mystery to the rest of the world."
"With everyone's support, Barbie ventures out into the real world, being accompanied by Ken, where they quickly discover the striking contrast between their fantasy realm and reality."
"If you think about it, it's like fantasy. Someone at some point looked at the stars and was like, 'It'll be really fun, a classification system that equally divides the world population into 12 groups.'"
"When Radan arrested the movement of the stars, he halted Ranni's ability to act in accordance with her destiny."
"Harmony spoke with a calm assurance that belied the madness of her actions. 'We offer now our chosen at this hour of winter. We offer them to you, oh Greatness. He of sickle claw and hungry beak. He of endless eyes and grinding teeth. We offer you this feast, oh holiest of holies.'"
"I thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf."
"Young Rico has spent her entire childhood dreaming of exploring the Abyss, an enormous pit and series of caves filled with wonders and terrors."
"She says that he is humanity's last hope against the evil monarch, and if he dies performing a dumb stunt, the world will be covered in darkness."
"I am Yaoi, the Storm Dragon, older than the gods themselves."
"This world has been sundered by a tide of arcane energy."
"It's surreal, almost dreamlike, like a scene from The Chronicles of Narnia."
"Win her hand through a feat of dark renown; the last two shards are set in Morgoth's crown."
"There's also a deep part of you that's very magical, and I feel like a lot of you are connected to like fantasy and magic."
"The roots of fantasy go far deeper than mere dragons and elves."
"Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your own desires."
"The flying type covers the act of flying, manipulation of the air, and birds."
"The fictional universe of MK is made up of several realms that are created and overseen by a group of celestial beings known as the Elder Gods."
"I could drive to a shop and I could just buy like an enormous cake and then like five chocolate bars and I could just stick all of the chocolate bars into the cake, cover the whole thing in whipped cream, and that could be my dinner."
"Vaginal fantasy books are better when written by any gender."
"The Castle of Illusion was Miserabell's twisted playground of trickery and peril. Nothing there was as it seemed."
"I love the idea of escapism in whatever form... This idea of leaving your current state of reality because it is awful and entering into a quasi-fantasy land of your own creation really intrigues me."
"Liches are people who feel like the whole dying thing was not for them, so they've decided to put their soul in some kind of spooky Tupperware of Doom to avoid that whole mess."
"Horror as an aesthetic allows you to be more fantastical, to go into darker places, and do things in a really fun way."
"Oh no, guys, I think the dragon grew a little bit since last time we saw him."
"You're a talking cat. I'm a talking cat. We can even talk at the same time."
"Fantasy and romance... the perfect combination for an enchanting read."
"I love dungeons and dragons, I love fantasy, so we can talk fantasy if you want."
"Talos is real. His feats and accomplishments marked Tamriel."
"The leader of the clan is the most epic cat of all and they get 10 whole lives."
"The books are just fun soap opera dramas set within a fantasy animal framework."
"In a hotel inspired by Spirited Away, you wouldn't just stay; you'd live in a fantasy."
"Verdant Orcs seek the home that was owed to them, creating orcish Groves deep within forests away from the eyes of all."
"Lost Highway is a blurred picture of what we think is real. There seems to be no discernible point at which reality stops and the fantasy begins."
"I'm so ridiculously attracted to you and I honestly daydream and fantasize about you more than I will ever tell you."
"The soul society lies in ruins in the wake of the Quincy's first invasion."
"Your warlock wasn't born with magical powers; they didn't learn it like a wizard. They basically stole it."
"Your blood is special. It's the blood of a god."
"I am the sword in the darkness. I am the Watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor for this night and all the nights to come."
"Inside the pages of your favorite book lies a wondrous fairy tale world where dreams come true and wishes are granted."
"In a fantasy world where magic runs in the blood, one's lineage can be a blessing or a curse."
"A few things in Warhammer are worse than being covered in Hell Canon ectoplasm, screaming your name with the voices of damned souls as you burn alive."
"Incanting the runes and dark magic that power their devilish weapons of war, destruction descends on the northern gate as the Warriors of Chaos undivided march inexorably towards the doom of the city."
"Strap in for the mechanist, a genius capable of using arcane abilities and technological knowledge to create the most powerful equipment imaginable."
"The mechanist has all the might of the Centurions with all the intellect of the MER who engineered them."
"For the last time, we are not fairies. We are elves."
"The world is filled with stories of legendary heroes and treacherous villains, of fantastical creatures and wondrous places."
"I beg you, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows of the Darkest Dungeon."
"Person has not dreamed of living in a world where superheroes exist."
"Destroy up to three target creatures with toughness X or less. If X is 10 or more, return all creature cards from your graveyard to the battlefield."
"Elden Ring, in many ways, may appear to be a classic fantasy game, and yet beneath that surface, we find a lot of cosmic lore interwoven masterfully to create a fascinating story."
"He feels like he has three heads... they really designed this card well. Kudos to Wizards for designing this card."
"This was a curse. The player who drinks the potion isn't immortal, but the player who kills them is."
"Now that you have the gracious gift of Tears, we can actually acquire the Dragon's tears and sever immortality."
"There are also various other signs for us to follow, as I noted the Eldar's ability with regard to the perception of time."
"Our purgatorial domain is a place where reality itself answers the whims of mortal minds."
"Im used snow and light and some unknown power to erase the memory of the world."
"This is work, but the strangest thing is, when you feed the owl and get the feather, you hear the door unlock."
"Be careful, the forest can be a dangerous place. I better go, Harry. The spoiled brat Draco is waiting with Fang. If I'm not back soon, Fang might just have him for his dinner."
"This castle has a drawbridge, a moat, it has everything a castle should have."
"In this world, there existed nine races: dragon newts, elves, ghouls, dwarves, demons, centaurs, Dark Elves, beastmen, and lastly humans. Out of the nine races, humans were looked down upon the most and were known as the weakest race."
"I didn't want to die and tried to use my gift, Unlimited Gotcha, to give me anything to distract the monster so I could meet my family again and get revenge on the ones who betrayed me."
"Three years later, in the deepest part of the Abyss, Light walked through the hall of a castle filled with many upon many maids."
"There was nothing about the starry sky that night to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening."
"Their society, an intricate web of power struggles and backstabbing, each Dark Eldar constantly vying for dominance over others."
"Comorragh exists as a city of paradoxes, where the pursuit of pleasure, sensory experience, and power coexists with both no risk and yet constant threat."
"The Dark Eldar use smaller hidden gates to launch their surprise raids on unsuspecting worlds, capturing slaves to satiate their unquenchable thirst for suffering."
"The anticipation of the cruelty, the torturous unpredictable whims of the wholly, and the ever-present threat of being permanently exhibited as one of the Jaar's twisted machinations creates a suffocating atmosphere."
"Comorragh remains truly the Heart of Darkness, ever serving as a stark reminder that while those which exist within the warp are undoubtedly some of the most corrupting and twisted horrors beyond imagination."
"The consistent capture and torment of human souls by the Jakari serve not only as a means of sustaining their existence but as a clear demonstration of the Imperium's failure."
"A wizard is never late; a wizard comes precisely at the right time."
"The world of Nirn is this exquisite mix of both typical fantasy derivatives and alien uniqueness that culminates in something beautifully original."
"The Elder Scrolls lore is not simply a collection of hyperbole cultures and subversions; it also introduces new races and their subsequent cultures."
"Fantasy is as old as man, beginning back in our animal history when someone had the first abstract thought."
"Eldritch magic and Asgardian magic both have an orange/golden glow to them, and they're also a form of light magic that tends to be used for defense and healing."
"It seemed like Equestria's two royal princesses had aligned the heavenly bodies with Rarity's good fortune in mind."
"She held his disgusting hand and transferred her mystical energy to his eyes, allowing him to see the truth about their world."
"A powerful goddess unleashed her mighty wings and summoned the Judgment of Heaven."
"As they drank a bottle of green liquid, Dora thought it was refreshing but soon noticed that it was actually healing their wounds."
"The mysterious hot goddess awakened his forbidden powers to destroy the entire world 4 billion years into the future."
"The Witcher is probably my favorite medieval fantasy world because it has things you associate with high fantasy but uses them in a way that is sort of unlike a lot of other high fantasy, Tolkieneque fantasies."
"Both necessarily involve some element of fantasy, some elevated separation from reality."
"Every time someone doesn't believe in fairies, a fairy dies."
"Jedi are powerful, Jedi are rare, and everyone wants to be one."
"Kraken corpses and dragon poop influence modern elections in Iberia."
"Some types of dragons require a diet rich in ancient magic."
"Gollum manufacturing, Dragon dung mines, my favorite industry."
"Dragonite: In spite of their bulky physique, they can orbit the earth in around 16 hours."
"Illusion magic is pretty cool in Oblivion: creating lights, charming people into giving you better deals, turning invisible, even mind-controlling creatures to fight for you."
"Looks like some sort of magical elven queen or princess."
"I like the idea of the druid having a social interaction and presenting a flower that then blossoms in his or her hand as he presents it, giving him advantage on the persuasion check."
"The wizard can teleport through one layer of walls or an enemy but only in straight lines."
"Sebas is a dragonoid... a member of the dragon race in some capacity."
"Magic involving blood is definitely present in Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls universe as a whole, but it seems to be extremely rare when it comes to mainstream magic use."
"The prince of destruction he referred to is none other than Mehrunes Dagon, one of the lords of the demonic world of Oblivion."
"The coronation of each new emperor is sealed when he uses the Amulet of Kings to light the dragon fires in the Temple of the One."
"Magic makes the Elder Scrolls universe so memorable, and if we took it away, things would become a lot less interesting."
"Magic is a completely naturally occurring part of the person who wields it from the day that they're born."
"More and more of our kind began to believe that Sauron was but a memory, and some things that should not have been forgotten were lost."
"Cyril's perceptions of dragons transcend the boundaries of mere labor tools or instruments of warfare."
"Cyril can talk to the dragons, and he is the only human being with such a miraculous skill."
"The dragon requests to let her live with her sister, and for that, she'll obey him."
"Cat girls are born with night vision and flexibility, making them hard to spot."
"The night is dark and full of terrors, and the world is filled with monsters."
"Caught hopping on a building, easily my favorite rabbit moon."
"Magic Mountain Hotel... is a captivating blend of nature conservation and pure unadulterated fantasy."
"As Lux's magic powers grow, she can pick on enemies, friends, or random strangers by causing embarrassing distress in public."
"Suddenly, Claire asks him how a man can form a contract with a spirit. It is well-known that only the shrine princesses can contract with spirits. How did he do it?"
"The Blade Dance is a ritual held in honor of the five great spirit lords. It's a large martial tournament of elementalists. The country represented by the winning team will receive the protection of the spirit lords for a few years and a period of prosperity."