
Trade-offs Quotes

There are 506 quotes

"Your people's soul in exchange for gold. How about it?"
"Life is about choices and trade-offs. Yeah, it is."
"Every single thing in this world has benefits and costs, bar none."
"When you're designing a democratic system of government at some point you simply have to make trade-offs based on how much you value one principle over another."
"Most of the time, we have to do a trade-off between saving time and saving space."
"Every time you say no to something, you're saying yes to something else."
"Economics is referred to as the dismal science because our whole point is that nothing is free. There is always a trade-off. There's always an opportunity cost."
"There are trade-offs involved with growth. You can do what you want, but you must let go of something in order for that to happen."
"Economics is called the dismal science because we are not about everyone having everything. We're always the people who say, no, you can't have everything. You have to make a trade-off."
"You can have universality, quality, or affordability. Those three things, but not all three."
"There are three qualities of healthcare that you can have: you can have affordability, you can have universality, or you can have quality, and you can have two of those things but not all three."
"I don't think that this stuff is black and white or that you're ever going to have like a perfect AI system. I think it's all trade-offs all the way down."
"Nothing in life is perfect; everything's full of trade-offs."
"If you're willing to give up the sound of the V8 and the reliability and the less complexity that engine has, and trade that off for more low-end torque, more peak torque, and better performance hauling weight and towing trailers, then you get the Ecoboost."
"As citizens, we have to consider the trade-offs and make informed and thoughtful decisions."
"The majority of choices come down to trade-offs and understanding the consequences of our actions."
"Anthem died so that a single-player offline Dragon Age game might live."
"Strategy means repositioning yourselves, putting yourself in opportunity cost, incurring opportunity costs, and making trade-offs, hard trade-offs."
"Ultimately, decision making is about trade-offs."
"No one wants people to die; we have to acknowledge that there are trade-offs to public policy."
"The greatness of our original ideals, we traded away the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, American history, and our power abroad for a promise that the government will keep us fat and happy until we die."
"Your entire body is the end result of countless trade-offs being made over millions of years."
"Is the convenience worth the possible cost of privacy?"
"Understanding principles, like trade-offs, is crucial for various fields."
"Thomas Sowell said, 'There are no solutions there are only trade-offs.'"
"Security and convenience are on two opposite sides of another spectrum."
"I just don't think that the features that we have gained in battlefield 2042 have been worth the features that we have lost along the way."
"Privacy is a privilege that is traded for convenience."
"It's not true that there's no cost to using a cantrip you had to choose it as a build option."
"If privacy is your priority, losing speed may be worth it."
"We think this is reasonable. It makes sense you have to trade off somewhere for a battery-operated device."
"If you told me I'd die at 50 but I'll be a premier league footballer or live 100 or 1950."
"These new mythics to the game didn't come for free, they came with a cost."
"It really is a trade-off, the smaller gun that's easier and less of a hassle to carry, that is a definite strong point."
"Thinking mini cuts are magic is super common, there are no shortcuts with many cuts just trade-offs."
"There's always a trade-off about everything, you know? Yes, it's like, what's the trade-off?"
"If you want a car where you feel super connected and when you know you're feeling every little bit of the road, you also have to take the bad with the good."
"And the third thing would be is a point I made earlier, is stop thinking you need to make a trade off."
"We've got a ton of tools that go into the festival line merca only makes sanders so there's a trade-off in my opinion."
"Trading wealth for happiness is what it reminds me of."
"What are you willing to trade up for Freedom this week?"
"Social media is a devil's bargain for writers."
"Everything is a trade-off, everything is a compromise."
"Launch is a giant engineering compromise so you're always trading one thing for the other."
"There's no such thing as the ideal policy, there are only trade-offs, and you have to figure out which trade-offs make sense."
"There are people who hear the question can't we just empirically determine the right COVID policy and the problem with the question is that it ignores that every choice is subject to trade-off."
"Temporary shutdowns... are clinically effective... these are like targeted... it's still a trade-off."
"If these days the bird is flying everywhere, it is a small price to pay for the freedom of speech that our Constitution protects."
"When you have ultralight gear, it's just going to probably not last you much longer than a thru-hike, you know? There are trade-offs with all backpacking gear."
"Some support for CBDCs stems from a willingness to trade personal autonomy for security."
"In economics, there are no solutions, there are only trade-offs. Ooh, so it sounds a little pessimistic, you have to ask."
"We are trading a portion of our freedom for a sense of security."
"Life is about trade-offs, about opportunity cost."
"Every choice that you make is a trade-off against something else."
"Gear Fourth Snake Man trades off all of his defense and bulk for speed."
"Trench barrel is a double-edged sword of a perk."
"High-risk high-reward...every decision has a trade-off."
"You're trading speed for heat and reducing the effect of life of your battery, so Apple isn't striking a bad balance here."
"But if slightly louder outdoor environments are the price we have to pay to help reduce carbon emissions and increase energy independence, I think it's worth it, don't you?"
"If you're trying to do both which is what they tried to do in the last several years, one's going to hurt the other."
"There are going to be trade-offs often you'll have conflicting requirements and you're going to have to try to optimize the design."
"It's a new start. There are trade-offs involved, but there still is that castle on the hill."
"Success with the trade-off of the little mermaid here... I now have something else that's also cool so the trade-off now makes sense."
"How much damage are you willing to trade for a healer?"
"You can have two of these three [universality, affordability, quality]; you cannot have all three."
"The car could use more power... but I'm only getting 16 to 19 miles per gallon with the six cylinder. Putting a V8 in there would give me much less mpg."
"I would trade probably everything for the personal brand."
"We are trading food for the weapons of peace."
"There's a really fine balancing act here between buying Russian oil and keeping your trade going with the rest of the world."
"There's no free lunch but there are only trade-offs."
"There are only trade-offs...every decision we make has trade-offs."
"Think about the compromises when choosing a firearm."
"I would take option A: ultimate financial freedom, even if it meant my life ends at 70."
"Every time you want a benefit or a privilege from the system or the state, you're progressively trading away your rights."
"This is a case where we need to sacrifice crit damage for recharge."
"While a lot of their ideas and open-world design would come at the sacrifice of graphical fidelity and having to implement a lot of fog, the ability to let players tackle missions in whatever way they wanted was profoundly liberating."
"Counter any spell there is, with a trade-off."
"Personality is a tradeoff. All of our traits have pluses and minuses."
"The trade-offs we need to make are in other departments."
"Finalizing centralization: trading political power for more factories."
"You give up your liberties for your security end up with neither."
"It's really interesting that in classical formalisms about RL you have a notion of an explore-exploit trade-off built in..."
"Be willing to sacrifice something in order to gain something else."
"When it comes to these relatively real-time updates just keep in mind that you're either getting speed or quality but not both."
"You can absolutely trade back... if he goes into Q."
"I saved a dollar, but the environment got screwed."
"People tend to prefer performance-based choices even if that comes with things they maybe don't like."
"Some days I'd be willing to trade my man for a really good one."
"Traits give you a positive in exchange for a negative."
"Growth is a physical concept; it has trade-offs."
"Luck is an interesting word. I think the way one uses it, but much like the person said, 'He's good but he's only got one thing.' To me, I was traded for wheat."
"It’s convenient, saves time and prevents you from getting lost… But at what cost?"
"Super powerful but also has a very notable downside."
"You can have it good, fast, or cheap. Pick two."
"All armor is a trade-off between protection and mobility."
"Former treasury chief said obtaining inflation, 'I don't think we need clear signals that we are prepared to accept some slowdown in economic activity if that's the price of reducing inflation.'"
"It's not a lightweight watch but given how long it will last for and the fact that it has solar charging capabilities I think that's potentially a trade-off worth making."
"Light is the point... it's not so simple to make a light rifle without sacrificing things like durability and reliability."
"This doesn't feel like a fair trade. I mean, am I missing something?"
"There are no Solutions there are only trade-offs." - Thomas Sowell
"It seems like it's a trade-off for that patience and yeah being out of one of the courts of the Dead Eye when we were building it was this idea of patience."
"Every decision in life has gains and drawbacks."
"Life is about fan bargains, it's about a deal with the devil."
"There are no definitive solutions here, there are only trade-offs."
"To understand the situation, we need to think in terms of grand trade-offs."
"For only a single white mana you get an instant that can exile any creature. Sure it gains your opponent's some life but you don't need me to tell you that that downside is very very much worth it."
"Now, performance isn't the best on the Mega, but of course, they're paying less for it."
"You trade freedom for safety, you lose both."
"You only have three ingredients of any investment: liquidity, safety, or return. You can only have two of those three at any time."
"It's not about the car. It's about what you're going to exchange for that car."
"There's never a perfect solution, there's always trade-offs because even the solutions that are good, requirements change and they no longer fit well."
"There is no free lunch, there's always a trade-off."
"Opportunity costs... basically if you go with one option what are you giving up by not going with another possibly better option instead."
"Those who would trade security for performance deserved neither."
"For every goal you hit there's three goals you don't hit, and ultimately you have to trade off to make progress." - Bob Mesta
"Modern society has a lot of advantages, but it's a lot of trade-offs and the trade-offs kind of suck."
"In economics, there is no such thing as a free lunch."
"It's not just about the money it's about what I'm getting in exchange for it."
"There are advantages in the democratic process... but the price we have to pay is perhaps disproportionately consequential."
"Everything is a trade-off; you can either have smoothness or you can have low-light performance."
"The compromises were something a sports car owner accepted, the trade-offs considered more than fair for the fun driving experience, special feel, and private ownership received in return."
"So when you’re investing for the future, you’re burdening the present. And we’re perfectly comfortable with that trade off because we’re interested in more gain paying today for more gain tomorrow."
"We should always be aware of the trade-offs of each approach."
"Programming and problem-solving is all about trade-offs; every solution has certain strengths and certain weaknesses."
"It's a matter of an optimal trade-off."
"But you do have to deal with a larger and heavier watch."
"You do lose some performance, but what you lose, you gain in convenience."
"There's definitely trade-offs and the final thing is just there's studies out on kind of the electric scooter business."
"By adding those self-reflections, you can see the quality of this rack pipeline will be much higher, even though there are trade-offs in terms of speed."
"Iteration speed versus quality and maintainability – a highly nuanced decision that takes into account trade-offs."
"With AWS Lambda you gain flexibility at the expense of control."
"When you improve a certain quality of a steel, it comes to the detriment of another quality of that steel."
"Everything is a trade-off in the world of system design."
"Would you trade fewer releases but more progress?"
"You are all cheap dates to these tech companies. You trade everything for it, and what's what you have to understand..."
"If you want to be another person you have to accept the full package. You can't have Warren Buffett's focus with the absolute perfect family life."
"You can't be better faster cheap you have to have tradeoffs."
"What would like a legacy competitor say about the tradeoffs of using i.net?"
"Good condition, cheap, or getting it in a hurry. Pick any two."
"But experts say mining always has trade-offs no matter where you do it."
"8K is clearly far superior, however, there's a couple of trade-offs."
"There's literally no trade-offs to doing that. There's nothing that's too hardcore here."
"Reducing pollution actually means that you are also going to forego the benefits of those activities that have generated pollution, but this is a very reasonable point."
"We've traded safety for intimacy."
"You can't have your cake and eat it too, but you can have two cakes."
"Opportunity costs. Every choice has a trade-off."
"There is no simple 'which one is better,' only 'which one is more suitable for given sets of needs and trade-offs.'"
"Opportunity cost is the potential benefit or income that is given up as the result of selecting one alternative over another."
"Is the comfort and safety features of this vehicle enough, or are you making some sacrifices? Let's get started."
"Would you rather have freedom but no time or a lot of time but no freedom?"
"A vibrant robust bitcoin ecosystem is one where bitcoiners have many different options with many different trade-offs."
"There are no free lunches in engineering. Success is about finding the best tradeoffs."
"If something is more important to you than something else then that something else is gone."
"There are no Solutions only trade-offs."
"With great power comes great responsibility and everything has its ups and downs and trade-offs."
"I wouldn't trade off my day-to-day passion for what I do for anything but a completely ludicrous amount of money and even then I'm not sure if I would do that."
"As we start thinking about AI ethics, there are always trade-offs. Ethics, like these other things we're talking about, is a deeply human thing."
"It's hectic but we wouldn't trade any of these things."
"I say a lot there's no Solutions there's only trade-offs right there's certain tools that make a lot more sense depending on somebody's goals and where they're at."
"We've got all these awkward compromises on performance and safety."
"Just remember that there's really no such thing as free—every platform has a trade-off."
"A low cost of living is attractive, but it can be offset by issues such as scarce jobs, small paychecks, or a lack of things to do in the area."
"Fast, cheap, reliable - pick two because you'll never get a car that does all three."
"Just remember that there's no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has its ups and downs."
"Love over money, man. You know, money over love now."
"...practically everything that made the ride softer decreased the load-carrying capacity and increased the car's tendency to pitch and bottom."
"...all about trade-offs. And as you hand over stuff to the runtime, you maybe give up some freedoms, but the runtime can give you a lot back."
"People will trade equity for speed and convenience."
"Batteries are heavy, mass is the price you pay for having all of that energy to play with."
"Every deal you do could take cash and time away from another opportunity."
"Good fast and cheap you can only pick two of the three when it comes to pretty much everything in life."
"There's always trade-offs, like I remember in the '90s they had stuff that was like, 'Hey, put this shock thing on your abs and you can lay there and watch TV and wake up with a six-pack when you're done.' Like, it's working out, but it's not hard."
"There are always trade-offs here and anyone who tells you that there are not trade-offs is either superhuman or they're not telling you the truth you can decide which one."
"Your crush views you as unique, innovative, and creative, with an angelic presence."
"Helps you balance those trade-offs."
"You can go fast or you can go far but you can't go both."
"In a world of trade-offs, the best things often require the greatest sacrifice."
"The system is actually remarkably well optimized and there's not...yeah, there's not that much prospect of a sudden breakthrough to make it ten times cheaper, ten times this, ten times that. There's a trade-off."
"You can have it all but not at once there is a cost there will be a cost."
"Life is very, very, very short. Even when you are making good money, if it's not good for your mental health, it really isn't worth the trade-off."
"Muffling is good because it's quiet, but it's bad because it can restrict flow."
"Anytime we're giving up something... we're saying yes to something else."
"You can have it fast, cheap, or well done."
"Everything is about trade-offs. So in this case, the trade-off is if we do have to repair this, we're gonna have to deal with removing some sound treatment material back into it."
"You have to make a pros and cons list because wherever you are, it's going to be something. You can't have everything."
"Removing a bunch of stops will speed up everyone's journeys and that's really why the trade-off makes sense."
"We lose something really big when we focus on convenience and scale over quality and community."
"Budgets cost you something, vision brings you something."
"What are the trade-offs? Whether it's a depletion of personal energy, a societal cost, or a risk of corruption, defining limitations adds a layer of realism and tension."
"Convenience comes at a cost to our health."
"...noise is the price you pay for the tone."
"I'd happily give up all the bad health for the life of good health."
"There's trade-offs, not necessarily right or wrong answers."
"You trade a little bit of extra strength for generally reliability and stability there."
"Investing is about trade-offs. If you don't feel comfortable making expectations and buying based on expectations, you will never buy a Growth Company, ever."
"It's just too many compromises to get down to this size and weight."
"Life is about trades. You might not be able to have it all, but you have some of it."
"There are no solutions in life, as Thomas Sowell said, there are only trade-offs."
"Everything has a downside to it, okay? Nothing is a magic bullet that fixes all your problems."
"You can have your cake and eat it. There are some tradeoffs, but you've got to be calculated in how you approach it to get the best of both."