
Life Goal Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"As one expert in the science of happiness put it, 'It is the holy grail of life. Everyone wants happiness.'"
"The entire objective of human life is to raise one's awareness higher and higher until you get to the ultimate stages of enlightened awareness."
"God realization, enlightenment, is open to everybody; it is, in fact, the goal of life."
"The real goal in life is for you to be able to say, 'This is who I am.'"
"From single-celled organisms to the biggest mammal in the ocean, all living things have this goal: survival and to propagate their own species."
"Your life's work is to develop self-control, to develop self-mastery."
"To me, that's the world. That is the absolute... paramount right there for me of just pure inspiration."
"The number-one goal of all of human life is to be happy."
"The ultimate goal... is to be happy. This is what drives us 24/7."
"The goal of life is to manifest the divinity already within us."
"Living a life without resentment is a great goal."
"Find something that you really enjoy doing. If you can do it, not everybody's lucky enough to be able to find that, but it's ought to be your goal."
"My goal in life and my mission is to create a world worth inheriting."
"The goal of life is not to be the best, the goal of life is to try your best."
"Living a life of honor is something that everyone should want to do."
"Peace of mind is the ultimate goal of human life. Why? Because they freaked out in their minds."
"The only sustainable mission throughout your whole existence is to improve lives."
"Resolved, That I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God's glory."
"I've been training for this one moment my whole life."
"I have been working all my life for this goal and this dream, and I finally have it in my hands- my badge and my credentials."
"The pursuit of all the spiritual practices is only one: expanding consciousness."
"Life’s ultimate goal is to realise the True Self, which is the most important archetype."
"I have a feeling that he's been training and preparing for this day his whole life."
"I'm going to give happiness a run for the money."
"I've always wanted to be a mother. It's so rewarding and special."
"My life's ambition is to be a carrier of the presence of God."
"It has always been one ideal of my life to be the greatest good to the greatest number of my people possible."
"Create enough passive income to live bill free for the rest of your life."
"When I die, I want to hear these words: 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"The attainment of spiritual freedom is the goal, regardless of the path."
"For my happiness i'm just totally fine i've reached my destination i'm happy and like that's the key to anything in life to be able to be successful is happiness."
"She realized this was what she had been training for her entire life. Now she was going to win."
"The ultimate aim of human life is to be happy."
"My goal in life is just to have one of these. How amazing!"
"I hope that when one day when I pass on to be with Jesus, it's in the middle of a witness."
"I just want to make people smile, that's it."
"My sole purpose in life was always make my mom proud."
"The conservation of the pleasure of the senses was ever my principal aim in life."
"Love is all you want in life... I can't ask for more." - Marlon Wayans
"The end goal is for you to give your life to Jesus, to follow Jesus, and to make heaven."
"I want to end well. When I go to Glory, I want Him to smile."
"I've decided to live to be a hundred."
"We have taken home the biggest Tournament of my life. I've been working for this my whole life."
"Remember, the pursuit of your life goal is not a destination but a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery."
"I feel like if I can influence uh a few people or more people I would that would be the best thing in my world."
"My ultimate life goal is to be happy."
"Now Atila has a new life goal and finally he felt the freedom he had been looking for all this time."
"To live a happy life is the highest thing that human being should aim at."
"Your goal in life is to be able to say, on the day before you die, that you have fully become yourself."
"My goal in life is to do what he wants. This is my highest ideal, my greatest accomplishment ever can be that I become his slave. That would be the greatest honor."
"Ultimately, the only thing that we all want in life is to be happy."
"The goal of life should be to end this cycle of rebirth."
"The goal of life... is to live a life that in retrospect you're glad you lived."
"This is my thing. Like, this is what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life."
"That's the greatest thing you could do in your entire lifetime, amen."
"Your goal in life is to hear that word: 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"I must make it the main object of life to press on to that other country and to help others to do the same."
"I determined that I'm gonna live to 100."
"Purpose is the most important pursuit in life."
"The goal of life is not happiness...but meaning, which abides."
"These guys have waited their whole life for this opportunity."
"The goal in life is to just be the most authentic you you can be."
"Solving for happiness, nothing more, nothing more."
"I've been preparing for this my whole life, you know?"
"That was the opportunity of a lifetime, that was something that was on my bucket list."
"The goal is always to just be happy."
"The ultimate pursuit of your life and my life should be the truth."
"It feels like such an accomplishment to finally get to do this thing you've worked your whole life."
"The only thing I ever wanted to do in my entire life was being a New York City fireman."
"Peace is what I'm looking for now."
"There's no higher happiness than peace."
"Protecting and saving people is the ultimate goal of life."
"My full-time job is to find inner peace, to be happy, to be a good person."
"...the goal in life is for me to help people to connect with a dog in a very natural, simple, profound way."
"It's all for happiness, that's all I have to say."
"Megan spent her whole life waiting to be a mother, and when she finally was, she felt true happiness."
"The pursuit for happiness is a lifelong goal."
"Her goal in life was eventually to become a professional opera singer."
"Religious harmony is my lifelong commitment."
"Self-mastery is your first and highest purpose."
"I think the ultimate goal is love, eventually."
"The ultimate goal of life was to become an honored ancestor."
"Happiness is key to everyone; happiness is very key to unlocking everything."
"The goal of my life was to acquire all the various attributes of a warrior."
"The ultimate goal, of course, is to love as Jesus loved."
"The Christian religion offers the great goal of life here and hereafter, the interaction with God."
"My main goal normally in life is to make my wife laugh."
"My goal in life is not to never experience pain, discomfort, sorrow, or suffering; my goal in life is to know God as best as I possibly can."
"The goal of life... is to make the world a better place."
"I realized actually this is what I want to do, I want to be a drummer."
"Devotees, every sanatani has the dream to complete the Chaar Dhaam yatra at least once in a lifetime."
"Everybody's just trying to be happy at the end of the day."
"All my life, I've felt I was destined to do something great."
"I want to put a smile on someone's face before I leave this earth."
"I waited my whole life for this, and I swore that when I got married, I wanted my dad to walk me down the aisle."
"I couldn't imagine that the only thing I've always wanted was to have a family."
"Ultimately in the end, what you want to do is to be a person of peace."
"I have no agenda in life other than to make sure I wake up tomorrow morning and help as many people as I can."
"The missionary's all I've ever wanted to be, all I've ever determined to be, and it's all I ever will be."
"You've lived all your life praying for that moment. Since I was a little boy, I'd always wonder what these people did in World War One, and you get to do it. It's what you're made for, what you got to do."
"This is what I want to play for the rest of my life, just that single rhythm."
"You gotta have something to live for, that you go, 'This is why I was put on this planet.'"
"I fully intend to never work for somebody else again for the rest of my life if I can avoid it."
"To learn how to use this power is the greatest thing in life."
"I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to have as little negative impact on other animals on the planet."
"I want to live my last day to the fullest."
"The goal in life is to acquire knowledge and to make sure that knowledge is preserved."
"He wants to see the Pacific again before he dies."
"The goal of human life is to be able to always experience the ever-existing, the ever-conscious, ever new joy."
"The very purpose of our life is happy life, happiness."
"This is a moment that I've waited my entire life for, and I am not coming to disappoint."
"I was an astronaut; it's something I wanted to do my entire life."
"Make that your whole goal in life, to see her smile."
"I wanted to be creative in a sustained way for the rest of my life."
"I wanted to be a soldier my entire life."
"...this man waited with dignity for his entire life to become the monarch of this country."
"My entire life all I really wanted to do was surround myself with animals."
"Happiness is what we all strive for."
"As long as you are happy, that's what's important."
"All I want is for you to be free."
"The project that I intend to make this base for is a project that I've been meaning to do for pretty much all my life around my passion, which is songwriting."
"The moment you dream of your entire life."
"The ultimate goal of life is the service of God and our fellow man."
"Seeking that which is truth is the great goal of life, and out of that comes an ethical system."
"My life goal is to make as many people as I possibly can happy before I die."
"My whole life has been, can I make somebody happy, can I make somebody laugh?"
"I think my ultimate thing is to just value peace."
"Being happy is probably the most important thing to be."
"I finally had the offer that I'd been waiting for, for my whole entire life."
"At the end of the day, the goal is to be happy."
"The sole goal in life is to reach God, everything else is time pass."
"This tournament means like the world. I mean, right now, it's the biggest room I've ever fished in my life."
"His entire goal in life is to spread just positivity, love, and kindness."
"This is something I dreamt up my whole life."
"Loving myself is my whole life goal until my death."
"The secret to happiness is finding something you love and then doing that for the rest of your life."
"We have to become Saints; that's the goal of our life. If we don't, we've missed the boat completely."
"I've been preparing for this all my life."
"Make it a point in your life to seek kindness."
"We all just want a nice, quiet, peaceful, respectful, humble life in which we can just get on and be left alone by authority."
"I do want to be an entrepreneur for the rest of my life."
"Just be as happy as I can, that's it."
"The goal of life is to find how to attune ourselves to that infinite consciousness."
"She loved to help people. That was her goal in life."
"I just want to be happy, that's all."
"It's important to try and pack in as much happiness as we can."
"Peace peace of mind is the ultimate goal of life."
"I've been training for this my whole life."
"This has been my dream my entire life."
"...happiness is an emotion that shifts but consistent Joy is really the goal."
"I believe that my most important goal in life is to touch others and to contribute in making this a better world for us all."
"At the end of the day, you got to make sure that you're happy."
"To finally like actually own a house, it's just the biggest accomplishment of my entire life."
"My soul is consumed with this love of cooking; it truly is the only thing that I want to do for the rest of my life."
"Liberated by living is the goal, and in that case, this whole course has to be completed."
"The goal is spiritual maturity or, in other words, the ability to experience the full presence of God in your life."
"Clarity is the most important thing in life."
"My biggest goal in life is to stay happy."
"I want to save people with a smile on my face."
"The goal for which you're living determines whether you're a godly man or an ungodly man."
"The aim of our life is to serve Radha and Krishna together."
"Financial Independence is where you have literally reached the point to where the pot of assets that you have built up can provide for you for the rest of your life."
"Bliss is what all of us are really looking for."
"May our life be such that we as honeybees are found in the honey pond of Krishna's lotus feet."
"I think the most important thing is for people to be happy."
"To finish well... once you get up in years you start realizing that's incredibly important."
"The focus of my life is happiness, so how can I maximize my happiness? Help others find happiness for themselves."
"The ultimate goal of life is to be happy as much as possible, to literally be happy right this second."
"The goal of life is to seek the highest self."
"The goal then, in a nutshell, is freedom, freedom to know and to do the will of God in our lives."
"I am in the pursuit of happiness."
"The goal of life, however, is to reach that state beyond the gunas, a state which is untainted by their influence."
"I want to be young until the day I die."
"Pleasure was not the absence of pain... but that positive pleasure experienced through drinking, eating, and sex should be the goal of life."
"My goal in life is that heaven will find so much expression through me."
"Growing old is the ultimate goal."
"Krishna teaches us the goal of life. The goal of life is to develop pure love."
"The overall button should be happiness because that's what every single human being in the world wants is to be happier."
"If you're an artist and you want to create art, that's your life's goal."
"Make this question your life's ambition: How do I live forever if this life is short?"
"For one couple, they get to live that dream."
"The goal of life is to obtain that inner stillness by which we are able to perceive that perfect, undistorted reflection of God within."
"I've been training for this all of my life."
"My goal from now till they put me in the grave is to have fun."
"The goal of any human life is actually happiness."
"I want to live to 120 years... maybe I'll live to 100 or I'll live to 90, but whatever I'm going to do, I'm going to live longer than I was going to live, and that's important to me."
"The most important thing in life is to get to know Him."
"You have done what is to be done in human life; that attainment of the ultimate peace and bliss and satisfaction, you've got it."
"The peace of God is my one goal, the aim of all my living here."
"Virtue ethics argues that the goal of life is to have happiness."
"If I can win this, this will be the greatest moment of my life."
"All I want to do is laugh, nothing else."
"If these two things are clear, you can live your life cheerfully throughout your life and then you can attain the ultimate goal very easily without too much anxiety."
"The final conclusion of your life is the important one. Make it to heaven and don't take chances on it."
"From day one, his aim in life was to make people laugh."
"I've been dreaming about this my whole life."
"I spent my entire life building dream homes for other people, and now I can finally build you yours, a place where we can grow old together, you and me."
"Once you get it, nothing more in life... there is nothing more in life that is greater than that."
"When we have darshan of Krishna even once, that is the definition of successful life."
"The objective of life is to be content."