
Virtue Quotes

There are 7106 quotes

"Life requires virtue... following whatever it is in your life that manifests itself to you as meaningful and right."
"Even those who look virtuous treat their things roughly, and even those who look wicked have things that are important to them."
"Hope is not optimism, optimism is just a sentiment, hope is a fact. It's actually a theological virtue."
"Waste no time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
"It's okay to be selfless, especially with the right people."
"Virtuous woman, her price is far above rubies."
"The best deeds are the ones that are most consistent, even if they're a little."
"As we fight against the demons, the amount of energy and the focus and the dedication we have to put in... actually causes our virtue to increase."
"Virtue, moral virtue, an organized soul which pursues rationally the ends which are good for all human beings, that's the stoic conception of virtue."
"Greatness is the perception that virtue is enough."
"We do have to kind of continue with the work of philosophy and the work of virtue and the work of discerning truth from falsehood."
"Philosophy can do a lot of great things, but I think where it really shines and what differentiates itself from other mental disciplines is in the realm of ethics and virtue."
"The fifth and final way to have Disney Princess energy is to pursue virtue... Inner beauty is truly the most precious thing you could ever pursue in your life."
"Kindness is a virtue, not a brand, and expecting anyone to be the paragon of such a pure quality is bound to cause disappointment."
"There's a slippery slope there from compassionate virtue to overweening pride."
"Courage is the rarest of the good traits in human beings, and it is the one upon which all the others are dependent."
"A world with virtuous people and suffering is far better than a world without virtuous people and just pleasure."
"God's aim is to create virtuous individuals for relationships."
"There is a certain kind of virtue to endure a degree of discomfort in order to achieve something."
"Virtue is found in the soil, and Joan of Arc who's a peasant girl... becomes a symbol of not only of sort this nationalism but becomes virtue in herself of being attached to the soil."
"Liberty is necessary so that you can pursue virtue not so that you can pursue vice."
"The greatest of these is love... love is not just an emotion or a feeling but an act of the will."
"Humility is the essential virtue that provides the soil for all other graces and virtues to grow."
"A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised."
"Happiness attained at the expense of my virtue is short-lived and shallow."
"Patience is key. Patience is virtue. Patience is life."
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
"Virtue is voluntary; you have to have free will in order to do it."
"People can experience awe and reverence about virtue."
"He who is tolerant with the intolerant, mild with fault-finders, and free from passion among the passionate, him I call indeed a Brahmana."
"The virtuous man delights in this world, and he delights in the next; he delights in both. He delights and rejoices when he sees the purity of his own work."
"The pursuit of virtue and talent is not just about personal gain but about contributing to society in a meaningful way."
"Friendship...is a school of virtue if men are good at all, they become better by mutual friendship."
"The soul is superior to its knowledge, wisdom, and good abide."
"Speak to his heart, and a man becomes suddenly virtuous."
"Building a child that is virtuous, courageous, honorable, loyal is perhaps more important for the long term than making a political stand in a losing battle today."
"Think about things that are honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report."
"Art is an end unto itself; pursuing it is the noble virtue."
"Spontaneous violence... is virtuous. Follow your heart; don't think over much."
"Your virtue should matter more... I always said, okay, what are my virtues? What do I represent?"
"I think there's a kind of virtue in someone who's willing to defend ideas or people they believe in."
"Conscientiousness is a colder virtue, but it tends to pay off in the long run."
"Friendship looks like two virtuous people who genuinely want what's good for each other."
"Virtue in distress and vice in triumph has made atheists of mankind."
"Freedom requires virtue; virtue requires faith of some sort; and faith of any sort requires freedom."
"Virtue is necessary to gain control over any emotion that you don't have perfect control over."
"Real moral virtue is not virtue signaling; it's a sacrifice of value. It's the real thing."
"Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue."
"That's real virtue, and the real—the biggest thing of virtue—is those victims who, when the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania was lifted, spoke."
"Virtue is not easy to earn; you have to establish a relationship with beauty and truth, which are real."
"Aristotle says that the reason we develop virtue is that once we have good habits, the moral life becomes easier."
"Forgiveness might be the greatest superpower of all time."
"Make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge."
"Real virtue is not trying to signal to other people something; it is trying to actually live something and is willing to stand for something where it is personally disadvantageous."
"On one side, the intention to do well, an aspiration towards virtue. And on the other, the imperfect truth of humanity."
"A virtuous friendship... is not incidental but is intentional."
"Virtue makes everyone feel so safe. You don't have to be afraid, you don't have to be on your guard. It's a beautiful gift which we can give."
"The ability to love is the greatest virtue you can have. It's the ability to share with another, with your family, with your children, with your wife, with your lover, your partner. It's an ability to extend yourself into the world and it brings empathy with it."
"Justice is a virtue. It's a cardinal virtue. It is, in fact, the most important virtue of all."
"If your soul was virtuous, your heart would be very light; it would need to be. It's weighed against the feather of Maat, the goddess of Truth and Justice."
"I care about the cultivation of virtue in a society."
"Virtue is a habit, and habits are formed by repeated exercise."
"Patience is a virtue. If you wait long enough, good things will happen."
"The truest virtue of a soldier is love... It's about humanity, love, the truest virtue."
"Normality is not an inherently virtuous thing."
"Do you think that tomorrow, if we just go for broke, that magically the country is going to snap into a place of virtue? I don't. I think it's a long, hard slog."
"Americans are good and virtuous people. We have to work together to confront bigotry and prejudice wherever they appear."
"To cure a sick society, we have to cure ourselves, take back power to ourselves, be virtuous in a world where virtue is laughed upon."
"I've always taken a lot of pride in myself for being a very patient person."
"Youth is seen as inherently virtuous, especially in the entertainment industry, rather than just being the number of years you've orbited the sun."
"The moral gain from trying to figure out where we are is that we see what these virtues actually are."
"Humility is a great virtue, and Abraham Lincoln had a lot of it."
"The crux of the matter is not so much the doing of the good deed or its outward size, but it is that secret ingredient called Siddiq (truthfulness) that mixes with it that raises a person or debases him."
"Goodness is virtue or moral excellence and holiness, our total devotion to God in action."
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."
"Building that fifth city is...just a matter of rededicating ourselves to the best virtues of the other four."
"May our land be a land of Liberty, the seed of virtue, the asylum of the oppressed, a name and a praise in the whole earth."
"America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great."
"Charm is deceitful, beauty is vain; a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
"The power of exorcism requires massive amounts of knowledge, virtue, and personal discretion."
"Charity is not a virtue in the sense that it's something you always have to do because human life depends on it. It's something that you should do if the value in question is something you genuinely care about."
"Self-integrity is probably the greatest virtue... it's all about... the integrity to understand reality as it is, not as how you'd like it to be."
"You should stop talking about what a good man should be and you should start being one."
"Waste no more time arguing what a good man is like; just be one."
"Waste no more time talking about what a good man is like. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius
"You have to have sincerity to all of his creation too."
"We should seek genuine relationships, those that withstand the test of time and adversity, support in our quest for wisdom, and most importantly, walk alongside us toward virtue."
"Human beings have the potential to do good, not the inevitability of doing good, and that virtues need to be cultivated to bring out the best in human beings."
"Throughout my youth, I was told that faith is a virtue."
"What exactly is virtuous about being unable to consider your opponent's position or reconsider your own?"
"We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise."
"Stoicism places virtue at the pinnacle of human values, leading to a flourishing life."
"Obstacles are an opportunity to express and practice virtue: patience, courage, humility, resourcefulness, reason, justice, and creativity."
"A temperate person is naturally virtuous, while a continent one has all manner of desires but still actively chooses to be righteous despite temptation."
"America's virtues are not represented by our wealth; our virtues are our wealth."
"The possibility that you can make yourself slightly better on a continual basis is, I think, equivalent to leading a virtuous life."
"The ancient wisdom of mankind tells us: one righteous thought conquers one hundred evils."
"Mainly, he's a philosopher and an extremely virtuous man."
"Virtue is based on the Aristotelian golden mean, which is the middle point between excess and deficiency."
"Virtue is the only good; virtue needs nothing else."
"The best amongst you is he who is best to his wife."
"Being merciful is a virtue in and of itself."
"Selflessness is one of the greatest qualities of a Godly person."
"Good men, that's what you need, good men in the world, and you want to teach people to be good men."
"I love that he is Godly. I love that he is a man of virtue. I love that he is strong. I love that he is a man of integrity."
"The most noble amongst you are those who have the most taqwa."
"Goodness is its own reward. Only another sort of person expects a financial reward for that which money can't buy and shouldn't sully with an exchange."
"A free nation, a nation with a market system, can only function with a virtuous population."
"There is virtue in conservatism, there really is."
"You never go wrong with humility. It might look like a weakness to some people, but it's not a weakness to God."
"Patience is a virtue. That's how you garner influence in this world."
"Celebrate the true, the good, and the beautiful in the midst of the absolutely crazy world."
"The attribute of the people of futura is that if someone does something bad to them, then they do something good in return."
"The church...attempts to take the Warrior Ethos out of the idea of a knight and seeks to redirect it towards the concept of love, service, honor, and bravery."
"Suppress it, push it down, fight against those base desires, and fight instead for virtue and nobility and all the virtues of chivalry itself."
"Yet spiritual mercy, which requires neither permissions nor storehouses, is much more meritorious."
"The highest purpose that you can have as human being is to use reason in pursuit of virtue."
"True happiness cannot be purchased because it is the result of a well-conditioned mind and lifestyle that takes years to cultivate."
"Happiness comes from living virtuously not from chasing pleasure."
"One important part of the ocean is every part of it can flow into the other bits. It's one big ecosystem."
"The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish. It will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God."
"Without terror, virtue has no power." - Robespierre
"Courage is the first virtue because without it there are no other virtues. You need to have courage in order that virtue always involves restraining yourself and going up against a non-virtuous society."
"Perfect friendships are those between people who have a mutual love for something that not only brings them together but elevates their behavior of two virtue."
"Conspicuous virtue is similar to virtue signaling, but virtue signaling is shallow, hollow, and singularly unpersuasive."
"Your curiosity is not a crime, it is a virtue."
"There's so much value in just being a good man."
"Courage is the virtue on what everything else rests."
"There is very little to say against Alfred that we know of. He was by all accounts a model king."
"Humility is the path God desires for us, portrayed as The Virtuous alternative to Pride."
"Work to make yourself the best and most virtuous person that you can be."
"The endeavor to understand is the first and only basis of virtue."
"If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by."
"Sometimes when you're decent, it takes a little bit longer to prevail."
"Hufflepuff represents decency and goodness that doesn’t seek to be recognized."
"Having charity is more important than anything else."
"If you're living your best life now, I wouldn't frankly want to be next to you on Judgment Day."
"There's no virtue in being angry and hating people because of things in the past."
"Courage is a prerequisite for all of the other virtues..."
"The best of you are those who are best to his families, and I am the best of my family."
"Apathy and laziness are not only appealing but virtuous."
"You want to serve the highest good. You have to think very hard about what that is. It's characterological nobility, it's the desire to serve the good, it's truth and beauty, and all of those classic virtues all integrated into a single thing."
"Goodness is characterized by order, calmness, tranquility, peace."
"Virtue untested is no virtue at all. Would your kid be proud of you?"
"Charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
"The only thing that makes a man holy is his deeds."
"Regular engagement in good deeds allows you to enjoy them without pain."
"Forgiveness is one of the most important things that we can do as human beings."
"Even within a corrupt system, there's a belief in the possibility of virtue."
"Forgiveness is the most important thing we should all try to work on."
"Any virtue carried to extremes becomes a vice."
"Honesty really is the best virtue... people appreciate honesty."
"Having a good heart is something we can deeply connect to."
"An educated person historically was not someone who necessarily acquired a lot of skills or information... but a virtuous person."
"I would way rather look up to a character like Aragorn who is a man even though I'm not, just because he actually displays a lot of virtue."
"You put more good and righteousness in the world."
"Never underestimate the power of a pure heart."
"Gratitude is such an important virtue... it's like a way of reframing the way that you see the world."
"Hope is not a feeling, it's not an emotion, it's a virtue and it's a duty to which we are bound."
"There's no way around virtue. If you want to be free, you need to pursue virtue and flee vice."
"Gratitude is the mother of goodness and happiness. Ingratitude is the mother of evil and unhappiness."
"If you keep doing things for the benefit of all, the trials you face will just be a test of your virtue."
"But if you choose to be pure, regardless of the stakes, the omniverse always has this reward waiting for you."
"Courage is the highest virtue. These guys who think they're going to recapture their manliness by being internet trolls for Donald Trump... that ain't it."
"Patience is better, but its fruit is sweet." - Marshmallow experiment
"As long as you can do the best with whatever resources you have."
"Patience is a virtue which I have in abundance."
"They're trying to make these characters a lot more virtuous than they actually are."
"Few hearts like his with virtue warmed, few hearts with knowledge so informed."
"My brother need not be idealized or enlarged in depth beyond what he was in life to be remembered simply as a good and decent man who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it."
"We need to consecrate ourselves to Saint Joseph, right? We need to grow in virtue like him, he's our spiritual father."
"Transition from a civilization founded on virtue to one founded on narcissism."
"A person who has virtus applies all their best attributes for the benefit and glory of the Republic."
"A world without punishment is a world without virtue."
"Luck isn't just about being born into privilege; it's about the virtues you've built."
"We combat wickedness by embodying the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." - Galatians 5:22-23
"Cultivating good habits, avoiding bad habits, and being kind are essential virtues."
"Adversities reveal virtues, just as prosperity hides them. Besides, there is nowhere to run….so you must stand firm…. True men should either triumph courageously or die gloriously." - Richard
"Beauty means you're a good person and ugly means you're bad. No, period."
"A healthy society is one that allows its citizens to guide themselves to pursue a life of virtue and wisdom."
"Mary remained humbly patient and charitable, returning good for evil."
"It is good to reap strength, noble princess."
"The ultimate determinant of our success as a nation would be our ability to sustain a virtuous and well-educated citizenry."
"It's a godly virtue to mind your [__] business."
"There's a lost virtue in the modern day - getting along with those we disagree with."
"Being a good person is literally like the key to life."
"So why be virtuous? So that you can bear the suffering of life without becoming corrupt."
"There's honor and virtue in working with your hands."
"Without virtue, there can be no political liberty."
"Virtue is a habit. You have to put it into your body, not just think about it." - Michael Knowles
"patience truly is a virtue when it comes to investing"
"Fidelity is a virtue, it is virtuous to show loyalty."
"Love means willing their good so never be unkind, never be judgmental, never be overbearing—love."
"Mercy is our strength, our mercy towards future generations."
"Righteousness doesn't have to be popular, it just has to be righteous."
"They raced each other for goodness, not for worldly things."
"Be patient, it's one of the most important things in life."
"There's so much power in being able to genuinely desire to be a good person regardless of any existential consequences."
"Ignorance has become a virtue in this country."