
Amazon Quotes

There are 835 quotes

"Nobody really cares about Amazon workers pissing in bottles; you care about it, but would you want to pay twice as much for Amazon Prime to fix it? No, probably not."
"It took Amazon six years to get 100,000 robots working for them in their warehouses, but in just the last two years, that number has already doubled to 200,000 robots."
"The men and women who drive his trucks and work in his warehouses often resort to peeing in bottles because they're afraid that if they walk to the bathroom and back, they won't make the demanding quotas."
"Scientists say deforestation in the Amazon is to blame, as rainfall, much of which emanates from the forest itself, has significantly decreased."
"Amazon Now controls 50% of online spending in the US."
"Amazon is now doing more to actually unwind duopolies and monopolies in markets than the government."
"Amazon had managed to throw it...it was huge like it had a massive amount of growth and it held that growth for quite a while."
"Amazon is in many ways technological wizardry, in that they deliver practically anything, extremely quickly, to almost any area of the developed world."
"At the end of the day, the really the greatest way to be a huge success on Amazon is not just to private label the same product that's already out there."
"The one thing Amazon did right was everything wrong."
"We're going to talk about Amazon preparing to launch its own digital currency project."
"We say to Mister Bezos, stop the intimidation. Stop the harassment stop the coercion, stop the illegal behavior. Start treating your workers with the respect and dignity they deserve."
"This morning we're going to focus on one company, Amazon, who as we speak, right at this moment, is engaged in massive well-funded, anti-union activity."
"Amazon on everything possible, legal and illegal, to defeat union organizing efforts."
"Being in Brazil, I think of the Amazon... every time I see trees or birds, I feel like I'm really close to Amazon and I get so excited."
"The Amazon leadership principles are the blueprint to Amazon's success."
"Amazon can make just about anything except a good video game."
"Amazon's most successful gaming property isn't actually a game; it's Twitch."
"When Amazon comes into the space ignoring rules and lessons learned by other MMORPGs, it’s a painful but important lesson…that no matter how big and powerful you are, you can’t skip go."
"Amazon will be the most valuable company in the world within 24 months, if not 12."
"Despite what mayor Climaco says, Brazil's indigenous people are now some of the most courageous defenders of the Amazon."
"Seeing this pointless destruction reminds me of what I witnessed at the gold mine: the Amazon is being ravaged based on false hopes."
"Exactly 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is already deforested, so we reached that level; if we keep deforesting, we may reach a tipping point."
"Every time people around the world talk to Alexa, Amazon makes a profit."
"Amazon can afford to sell at a loss until the competitor eventually runs out of business, making Amazon almost a monopoly."
"Amazon was the first one to really push us out with something called elastic computing and what they did is they said you only have to pay for what you use."
"Amazon disrupted the old business model because S3 scaled with its customers."
"The market is most likely pricing Amazon as if it's operating cash flows are going to compound at 12.5 percent annually."
"Amazon can basically do everything but smell what you're having for dinner."
"Twitch being sold to Amazon for 970 million dollars."
"I ended up making $300 a day in profit within two months of launching my product on Amazon."
"Right now is the perfect time to start selling on Amazon."
"These are no ordinary creatures, they are the Titans of the Amazon."
"If I had to pick one stock for 15 years, it's Amazon."
"Anything short of Amazon's bankruptcy is injustice."
"No company cares more about small businesses or has done more to support them over the past two decades like Amazon."
"Amazon shared that it now has enough Rivian-made Amazon delivery vehicles to transition urban delivery fleets away from ICE."
"There's just so much to learn from Amazon, and this little company in Seattle had become a trillion-dollar empire."
"The workers in the warehouses, the contractors on the road, they're being pushed by Amazon."
"Because Amazon will put you out of business. You will get sucked into Amazon and you will die."
"Amazon, they're always experimenting, they're innovating."
"I've taken advantage of Amazon without Amazon's clear and affirmative consent. I've used and abused and manhandled its algorithms."
"Once you have the book file and the cover for the book, you can publish it and within 24 hours it'll be live on Amazon."
"Amazon already has the trust and relationship with people."
"This water bottle from amazon is like one of my favorite things."
"The Amazon Basics cooler honestly is better than it has any business being."
"The conclusion here really is just that the Amazon Basics one is an upgrade."
"You need to have those disclosures. Another thing with Amazon specifically is that you can't run ads for your Amazon link."
"Remember it was Bernie's relentless campaign in 2018 that contributed greatly to Amazon raising its minimum wage to 15 an hour."
"The stories of the working conditions in these Amazon warehouses are absolutely horrifying."
"It's amazing how he ties the self-interest of organizations into the success of Amazon."
"You want to think like Amazon because the one thing that Amazon has relentlessly done is prioritize customer experience."
"The Havari Valley in the Brazilian state of Amazonas is home to more uncontacted tribes than any other region on the planet."
"One of the stupidest things I feel like you could do is betting against Jeff Bezos... literally Jeff Bezos and Amazon are taking over the world."
"Amazon's focus is now much more around selling its giant platform to other commerce companies."
"Amazon is ground zero. It's the seemingly invincible giant enforcing the current system to new extremes of cruelty and inhumanity."
"If all those become fully electric by 2030 or sooner, Amazon is going to lower costs of deliveries."
"Now as far as purchasing this stock, Amazon is one of those stocks out there that rarely goes on sale."
"Amazon's getting into crypto payments because it can be so much more effective."
"Online giants like Amazon changed consumer habits."
"Look at the data guys. It's unequivocally a buyer's market."
"Amazon PPC is definitely the most powerful way to get additional sales and expand your reach."
"The only legitimate option for getting those first vital reviews is Amazon's Early Reviewer Program."
"I'm not a big fan of Amazon, but let me ask you this: how do you juxtapose libertarianism with the idea of liberty?"
"Now that you've got a listing set up, and your shipment has arrived to Amazon, you're ready to make sales."
"Amazon's the future when it comes to shopping."
"Amazon killed by show. I mean before Amazon and Amazon Prime came along online shopping was kind of seen as unreliable."
"You actually get incredibly good rates with UPS inbound through Amazon."
"Think Amazon, who didn’t turn a profit for decades, but today, it completely dominates the ecommerce industry."
"Amazon does do a nice job of their packaging, I just want to mention that."
"These pasta bowls from Amazon, they're the biggest hit of a lifetime."
"Amazon FBA: Automate your sales on the world's largest marketplace."
"List your product on Amazon to reach a large customer base quickly."
"Amazon is the retailer of the future and of the now guys."
"Amazon workers dying is the cost of doing business, and it often costs less than keeping them alive."
"The real cost of Amazon's hyper-exploitative labor practices."
"Trump personally pushed Postmaster General to double rates on Amazon."
"I still believe that over the next five years, Amazon will outperform the S&P 500."
"Global warming was the primary cause of unprecedented Amazon drought."
"One of the first things a team in Amazon will do is write a future press release before launching a new product or initiative." - Jeff Bezos
"Is Amazon even possible to stop from sinking into day two eventually?"
"Amazon becomes the most valuable company in the world."
"The best thing about Amazon is they do every part for you."
"Amazon.com like you think that's gonna shrink or you think they're gonna continue to have revenues go up substantially."
"If you believe that e-commerce is the future, you have to believe that Amazon is the future."
"Private label is when you manufacture a product from China, create a new listing on Amazon, promote the listing, and start selling on Amazon."
"To this day, Jeff Bezos is still the largest shareholder and currently holds 18 percent of shares."
"With a sales record of 600 million sales per second, the delivery from Amazon's warehouses needs to be streamlined."
"Amazon is planning to build brick-and-mortar stores."
"The total to get started on Amazon is right here."
"So happy I bought more than one set off Amazon because they come in handy."
"These trays are my favorite Amazon find quite possibly ever."
"Amazon is my most troubling stock right now."
"Being on page one is the biggest difference between failures on Amazon and success."
"The difference between being on page one and being on any other page is the difference between being successful on Amazon and failing on Amazon."
"The only time people buy stuff on Amazon is on page one."
"Being an Amazon associate is even more passive than that general affiliate marketing idea."
"Create content in your own world and still direct people to Amazon."
"Votes are being counted today in the Amazon labor union second union election."
"Amazon doesn't do stuff that's winging it, they're methodical."
"And by the way, Amazon, here we come to make sure the choice to join a union belongs to workers alone."
"I think one two and then I think understand why it is that you're buying it so again if I was buying amazon a decade ago I believed it could become this e-commerce leader I have to wait for that to happen."
"Amazon paid zero dollars in federal corporate income tax but they paid 2.6 billion dollars in corporate tax."
"I think Amazon's going to have incredibly explosive free cash flow over the next couple of years."
"I think companies like Amazon are gonna structurally benefit from this social distancing, from this quarantine."
"Amazon as a lens onto the country showing the role that the big tech giant like that is playing in exacerbating these inequalities."
"Amazon's presence in the seat of our federal government has become enormous in all sorts of ways."
"It's just crazy... Enormous civilizations with millions of people lived in the deep Amazon jungle."
"A moth spotted drinking a sleeping bird's tears in the Amazon jungle."
"Parlor right now is hosted primarily by amazon cloud services now this is again the big service that caters to apple to netflix or whatnot now if you think for instance at any moment amazon can come up with a new terms of service on their system."
"Amazon's really pushing these hard trying to let everybody know that they exist."
"The boiling River in the Amazon: the only known boiling river in the world."
"Amazon absolutely got crushed for its results this quarter."
"This newly discovered species lives in remote areas of the upper Amazon."
"Could there be a Bigfoot in the Amazon? A creature that for the longest time has been said to roam the rainforest of Brazil?"
"Known throughout much of their range as river wolf, giant idlers are amongst the Amazon's top carnivores."
"No matter how it gets in the Amazon jungle, there's no shortage of chilling things to discover."
"Ancient Amazonians built and lived in densely populated centers surrounded by kilometers of elevated roadways."
"The Amazon long thought to be a pristine Wilderness before Europeans arrived was home to Advanced societies."
"Amazon has developed an AI robot called Sparrow that can already sort 65% of the 100 million items in the inventory at Amazon."
"The Amazon is the most incredible place in the world especially for nature whether it's the giant rainforest or the humongous River."
"Amazon says Alexa could soon imitate the voices of dead loved ones."
"Well, Amazon does have quite a history of controversial products."
"Amazon's reply: 'It's untrue that AWS knew about a supply chain compromise an issue with malicious chips or hardware modifications when acquiring elemental.'"
"My book is alive and crushing it. It's already an Amazon bestseller."
"The candiru fish has a reputation for allegedly entering people's urinary tracts and latching itself to the inside using its sharp barbs."
"So every time they're bringing a customer over to Amazon, they actually are given the opportunity to earn a referral fee."
"Therefore, I believe Amazon stock could return around 30% over the next decade."
"So Amazon is changing people's expectations and they're perpetually improving those expectations."
"With Amazon, it already has built-in customers and that's why they charge that 15."
"We're now officially a number one bestseller on Amazon."
"More importantly, these new discoveries in the jungle may be the beginning of a significant change in our understanding of the Amazonian past."
"If you would invest in Amazon ten years ago I think with a thousand dollars you'd be a millionaire today."
"In response Amazon hired a hundred thousand more workers in March and another 75,000 in April."
"Amazon is taking clear steps to add capacity."
"Discovering these geoglyphs has really turned our understanding of the Amazon's history on its head. It's no longer seen as just a vast untouched wilderness but as a place where complex organized societies lived and actively shaped their world."
"Make sure you pick up my two books that's on Amazon right now."
"Over 1 million new Amazon sellers started this year."
"Amazon's gonna be breaking 4,000 soon, that's crazy!"
"Amazon's smile shines throughout, from the key fob to the custom interior touches."
"This is the future of Amazon package delivery and so that's the electric rivian Amazon delivery van this is tremendously interesting and tremendously quirky."
"All eyes on Amazon, this is the important one."
"It's arguably the most successful single thing Amazon has ever created."
"Amazon has basically been impossible to compete with."
"Amazon is getting into cryptocurrency in such a huge way. This cannot be understated."
"Maybe Amazon will integrate Ethereum. Ethereum's going through a supply shock."
"Now that they are under ownership from Amazon, maybe all hope of them being a more mission-driven company is going out the window."
"I believe that it's not only going to be profitable in the future or years down the road, I believe Amazon is going to be profitable this year."
"Amazon could have upwards of $60 billion in free cash flow."
"It doesn't prove a great city of gold once existed. But it shows that the Amazon was, once, a bustling place home to a city that contained about 60,000 people."
"When it comes to selling print on demand t-shirts online, Amazon is the biggest print on demand platform out there."
"When Amazon first started, it was just a bookstore online."
"I'm not just talking about beauty products, I'm just talking about products that I have purchased from Amazon that I have just really loved."
"Exploring the Amazon is like exploring space. It's just endless, you know? It's endless and it's dense."
"Amazon has more money than all these companies."
"Amazon is really the driver because they got the most money and they basically dictating the market."
"Amazon does take up most of the market in terms of ebook sales."
"this is by far one of my favorite one piece swimsuits on Amazon it's a simple black spaghetti strap swimsuit with ajustable straps on the back and this fun cutout detail"
"It's indisputable that Amazon has built a dominant position in the US e-commerce market, holding 36% market share in 2023."
"Amazon's revenue growth has been very impressive, growing from $136 billion in 2016 to over $500 billion in 2022."
"The hidden history of the lost civilizations of the Amazon is being unearthed."
"These types of societies existed in many parts of the Amazon."
"She aces all the tests really quickly and then she gets the crown, the belt, the boots. She's an Amazon."
"This top is yet another Amazon triumph."
"Everything in the Amazon is in the process of being recycled; life is a momentary stasis compared to the constant turning of death in the Amazon."
"The Amazon is a constantly turning death machine; it's been called the greatest natural battlefield on Earth."
"Let's stop feeling bad about the environment going to hell; let's protect part of the Amazon, let's start there, a tangible win."
"Amazon private label brands are the only thing that offered you the chance to get a fat exit at the end of it."
"We're kicking things off by testing some of the really weird products on Amazon."
"Welcome to Santa Cruz in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon."
"This trench coat from the drop line from Amazon is so good."
"I hope you enjoy three weird Amazon Kitchen products I actually like."
"Five Amazon kitchen gadgets you need: roll out dish drying rack, clear acrylic dry erase boards, multi-purpose mats, acrylic cutting board, utensil rest that doubles as a lid holder."
"Let's hop over to Amazon and see what we can find."
"The car market could change if you have a big player like Amazon coming in."
"These are $10 strip lights from Amazon, and they are a vibe."
"Amazon as a company as a whole is just sort of architected to always be a day one company."
"...Amazon is being charged a premium for their content just for being Amazon..."
"I guess just first things first, big congratulations to the Amazon union in Staten Island."
"Welcome back to my channel! So today's video is going to be a tutorial, and I'm going to be taking you through the sort of step-by-step process of how to self-publish a picture book on KDP, which is Amazon's self-publishing print-on-demand service."
"Quality shows Amazon's been killing it man bro they are swinging this year"
"If there's one item you're going to buy on Amazon let it be this vest."
"...this is probably one of the best quality pieces of Decor that I have purchased on Amazon so I highly recommend this."
"The Amazon partnership though seen as positive is likely to benefit Amazon far more than Shopify."
"Weird things on Amazon I actually like."
"Amazon's Astro is a household robot equipped with Alexa capabilities."
"I feel like there's always at least one order on Amazon of things that you're like, 'Crap.' We have also been known to order something from Amazon and just get it delivered to the Disney hotel, which is something you can."
"This might be my favorite dress that I have ever tried on from Amazon."
"If you live in America and you don't mind being locked in the Kindle ecosystem of Amazon books and all of that, get the Kindle."
"I've literally been keeping notes of everything I want to order off Amazon."
"Amazon is smart they are not a trillion dollar company for being dumb."
"The Amazon influencer program is going nuts. It's making us more money than all of our other businesses combined."
"What's their secret? ... Other bloggers make thousands of dollars per month Amazon affiliate commissions."
"But yeah Amazon be doing Amazon things and getting out of hand as usual even if 84% let's say is the specification goal here a few of these even came close."
"If you made it this long into the video, I'll go ahead and spoil it by saying the set of five cost $35 on Amazon."
"Back with another Amazon cleaning must-have... it's safe to say I am obsessed."
"There is enough content in them to be able to be really unique and really different and set your books out from the rest of the other books on Amazon."
"The dark murky waters of the Amazon hide many dangerous creatures."
"The first step is to get on Amazon and browse around, looking at different categories and niches."