
Corporations Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"The biggest companies in the world are oftentimes the most immoral ones."
"Studies show that anywhere between 90 and 95 percent end up with big corporations and the already affluent."
"We don't understand the power we have as consumers, and we've just fallen victim to these mega corporations."
"Your critiques of the monopolistic tendencies of multinational corporations align very closely with my beliefs."
"Private corporations do everything in their power to use their profits to use their political power to undo, to evade all of those socialistic regulations and redistributions."
"Healthcare should be a human right, not a means for these giant companies to make tons of money off of us."
"Never show loyalty to a major corporation unless you're a fool."
"Corporations are legal fictions; they are stories told by lawyers."
"When a corporation gets big enough, when it becomes a mega corp, it should no longer be called a corporation, and it should have new laws and rules about what it can and can't do."
"Transparency is what's lacking so much in our government, in our politics, in our corporations."
"The Korean government is a hostage to these companies; if any one of them were to fall, it's possible the entire Korean economy may collapse."
"Copyright regulation overwhelmingly favors corporations over individuals by an enormous margin."
"The American left are not a bunch of anti-corporation rich-hating socialists, but anti-certain corporations and certain rich people."
"Just like that, I've invested in the USA companies like Apple, Amazon, Tesla, and Google."
"Sony and Nintendo, they're just in it for the love of games, man."
"A lot of great companies fleece freedom air dog banks."
"Companies do not give a [__] about you, okay? Corporations are people they just happen to be sociopathic."
"The corporations are more effective at getting people into space than the American government."
"Give it to the people striking and making these amazing gains, trying to fight back against the anti-labor positions of companies like Amazon, Starbucks, and stuff like that."
"If corporations are going to become political, then they are going to be subjected to the same sort of scrutiny as everybody else in the political space."
"Windows itself I think will continue the way many corporations do because there's no real Trailblazer there's no leader in in the Microsoft space that is improving."
"Corporations don't have values, they have an interest to make money and that is really all that this is about at the end of the day."
"How incredible are the products that Alphabet Amazon and Apple have made and free and all free they'll still exist if they get broken."
"DAOs are well set to replace a lot of things other than corporations."
"The lines between corporations and governments aren’t just blurred anymore—they barely exist at all."
"Every relationship you have will die, every religion will die, every corporation will die."
"Property from poor people, it's it really is. If we want to revolt against anything, it's against the corporations, against the bank."
"The founding fathers borderline despised corporations, they said they are a danger to the republic."
"We should redistribute the wealth of the massive corporations and give it to everyone."
"Functional democracies are being increasingly transformed into compliant populations by globalist corporations."
"The decisions made by these multi-billion dollar corporations control the way people communicate and the ideas that are allowed to be communicated."
"As far as the United States is concerned, low Earth orbit is now the province of corporations."
"Corporations have corrupted the political culture of America."
"I think people have been too complacent with corporations. They've gone too far, they're not people."
"Nobody has more unchecked power than Google does."
"Governments continue to prioritize corporations over the rights of people."
"There's just been repeat offenders. They've been on probation, they violated the probation. The problem is you can't take a corporation and put into prison."
"It's like a revolution, getting the upper hand against big corporations."
"We got to stop being scared of the big entities."
"Our definition of common sense doesn't keep us in the pockets of Corporations."
"The world is changing and even major corporations are getting rattled."
"Microsoft and OpenAI, just to name a few. Its market cap is 1.78 trillion dollars."
"But they also but and and and gave those rights to women but also and that's what that's how courts first you know he didn't corporations corporations now are being classified as people as a as professional..."
"We got to take power out of the corporations. You guys saw what went on with Tyson Foods. Okay, they don't care about you. They just want your money. As soon as we pull our money away, they're going to start caring."
"When the people say we are willing to go after woke corporations, it works."
"Facebook, Yahoo, and Google continue to innovate."
"Corporations are called producer interests; in fact, they don't produce anything."
"The house always wins and in America, the house is the corporation."
"Since when did a corporation by virtue of being larger become so endearing to the left?"
"Marvel and Disney, they basically trademark everything just in case."
"All our government agencies are private for-profit corporations listed on Dun and Bradstreet."
"Corporations are people, my friend... answering to shareholders instead of their employees."
"Now corporations have risen in power and control almost everything."
"Those corporations that are contributing to this, all they're doing is buying influence."
"It's essentially a satire of these unethical mega corporations."
"If corporations are able to harness these tools, all they're going to do is do some crazy stuff that nobody else could do."
"We're really just slaves to a handful of multinational corporations."
"The more tools like AI that corporations have, the more opportunities they have to funnel the money they make from creative labor upwards."
"Corporations function as totalitarian systems. They exploit human beings and the natural world until exhaustion or collapse."
"I love that skewering conglomerates, corporations. Do it."
"When deep space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything."
"Pharmaceutical company isn't here to help you, it's a corporation."
"You got major corporations who are paying virtually nothing in taxes. So what you're telling me is that if we finally demand that they start paying their fair share of taxes, they're going to punish workers? I don't accept that."
"Democratic governments are almost irrelevant to that process being driven by corporations for profitability."
"It's like something like 10 corporations make up most of the world's pollution."
"80 percent of what's happening right now is because of big corporations and not individuals."
"Why do these corporate Gods want to control where we live like that? Why do these Giants of Industry want to start doing this build to rent thing? And this is my theory."
"Multi-trillion dollar mega-corporations could emerge after the technological singularity."
"Your DNA result may help solve a crime or it may give the most intimate details of your life your health your very being to corporations and complete strangers."
"Big corporations can alter the course of history."
"It's interesting how all these corporations who spend all this money to promote... it's backfiring now."
"Corporations have no free speech rights to begin with. This makes me emotional and I'm expressing it. Yay, space is so good."
"It's possible to feel very strongly about companies, to actually perhaps even love them."
"Democracy is incredible, but there has to be limited. You cannot buy your way out of things. There has to be somebody doing checks and balances on the corporations."
"This bubble is deflating. It's becoming clear, I think, to these corporations that they're not going to be able to make this work."
"Neoliberalism changed the way corporations are managed, emphasizing stock prices and shareholder rewards."
"So yeah, I think there's this confluence of people for whom this is a very handy job creation scheme and big companies that are all for it because it doesn't actually require them to change anything and yet makes them look good."
"Deus Ex used to be a series that criticized the bizarre machinations of corporations so big no one knows who they're working for."
"The future you were promised was dismal online Life Run entirely by corporations and you've got it, stop complaining."
"We need to limit democracy to prevent corporations from subverting it further."
"The object was to open corporations mainly nightclubs cash businesses where they can easily hide their assets where they could easily run their drug proceeds through them."
"We live in a Land of giants, massive Mega corporations with revenues that rival countries."
"I don't have a problem with government aid, even on [expletive] corporations, as long as the government takes ownership over that and distributes it evenly back to the [expletive] workers."
"Major corporations in this country make billions in profit, don't pay a nickel in taxes. Billionaires have an effective tax rate lower than that of a truck driver or a nurse."
"The East India Company is born in 1599. Is this the birth of the modern-day corporation?"
"The internet is now such that three or four corporations basically do control all speech on the internet."
"Are we being governed by those we elect or by military intelligence or by the corporations that are the real engines of War?"
"...all the corporations are very woke and they're just so terrified of social media, so terrified of normal media and being canceled, but they have to just do this constant virtue signal to sort of progressive politics."
"The story of the East India Company is the story of the power of corporations."
"We might lose some majors and collapse into one or two, with a lot more streamers owned by corporations."
"It's a constant through history, corporations overthrowing governments."
"The government now is just puppets of big corporations."
"Sex has been commodified. We took it out of the bedroom and gave it to multi-billion dollar corporations."
"Nowadays you see a motion picture, the opening credits say Warner Communications in association with the National Kenny Corporation, a subsidiary of ITT presents a gulf from the Western film."
"Corporations are single brain cell animals. They kind of move through life just doing the same thing over and over again, hoping for the same result over and over again, which is more profit, more profit, more profit."
"Internet in the US... it's artificially overpriced because of all the corporations working together."
"Major corporations often hate your guts because you believe in biblical truth or even just normal stuff that normal people thought five years ago."
"Gravity's Rainbow feels like paranoia in book form... the true instigators of conflicts... are actually Global corporations, institutions, a hidden Elite."
"Is it possible that some corporations are not evil? Is it possible that we only have to boycott the ones that are really bad?"
"Now that we have internet native money we can start creating true internet native corporations internet native collectives internet native projects internet native platforms that are owned by the users."
"The main polluters, the main ones holding Society back, are not the people. It's the companies."
"Those interactions are the ones where I never trust big Pharma or big food to know or care about those."
"This is a cautionary tale about vulnerable and undiversified economies, predatory corporations, and how rich energy deposits can be both a curse and also a treasure all at the same time."
"We have developed a misunderstanding of what a corporation is. Corporations exist to limit liability and encourage people to take risks."
"Starbucks and big corporations have a lot of power and money and they are willing to pull out all the stops to deny workers a voice and a seat at the table in a union."
"We can't let up right now these corporations have been getting involved in politics and picking aside for years now and finally they're starting to feel some consequences of consequence culture."
"Big corporations, the studios, do not actually care about you. They don't care about us."
"I'm tired of, I'm just tired of you know large corporations, you know, pinning down, buying up every you know challenger, every idea and then doing nothing with it or turning it into a piece of crap."
"Microsoft Corporation... has become one of the richest companies in the world."
"Ironically, those of us in this evidence-based nutrition space often kind of bashing corporations, but actually they may be the saviors."
"Corporations do not buy anything, people in corporations buy things."
"Corporations are telling universities that they need people who are experts in programming in this language or that language."
"Corporations benefit when you're financially uneducated because that means you're more likely now to go out and spend your money."
"If you represent the will of the people, you take on the corporations, but they're not doing that because the corporations have bought the politicians."
"And that's what it's about, so we gotta look at the way these big corporations are set up, the way they're running, and we gotta start positioning ourselves and setting ourselves up just like those entities do."
"It's easy to see why the Supreme Court has refused to allow corporations to invoke it [the right to remain silent]... corporations don't have souls and therefore don't deserve fifth amendment protection."
"Corporations are going to just become more and more socially conscious as time goes on."
"Corporations exist only for the benefit of people."
"The court holds that commercial Enterprises including corporations along with Partnerships and sole proprietorships can opt out of any law saving only tax laws they judge incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs."
"No corporation is your friend unfortunately, even the ones that produce your favorite car will stoop to levels it seems at least."
"I am convinced that these technologies are so profoundly powerful that they will underpin the creation of some fantastic large new corporations that are just in the process of being founded."
"If you ever need an example of how corporations in general, but oil companies in particular, don't control US foreign policy..."
"Some corporations are putting their own reputations ahead of the safety of the American people."
"The big three collectively own between 20 and 25% of the shares of all major US corporations."
"You want to sell off to these faceless, charmless, exploitative corporations for vast sums of money, is that what you're saying?"
"I just think we need a bit more honesty and a little less of the big Food Corporation dominating what we believe."
"They become assets for the wealthiest individual and the wealthiest corporations."
"There's a lot of opportunity in this city. There's a lot of really big companies over here, like Microsoft or Amazon."
"Corporations are neither physical nor metaphysical phenomena, they are socio-economic ploys."
"Big corporations are the ones that run your country."
"Corporations will be a very powerful positive force for change."
"We don't want to be the slaves to giant corporations."
"There's nothing inevitable about corporations having responsibility only to stockholders."
"The further we can step away from that and improve the long-term dialogue between asset owners maybe through the agency of aligned fund managers and the corporates, the more we'll get to that point where these things become part of the conversation."
"There is no America, there is no democracy, there is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon."
"It's easy to criticize large corporations, but sometimes we forget the real people dedicated and sweating."
"They're doing good. They're not perfect, they're a corporation, but they're doing good."
"It's just the way business is done now, that's just the way corporations work now."
"Corporations in general are deemed as this evil beast, but realistically, it's a more complex organization to solve more complex problems."
"Politicians are not nor have they ever held corporations accountable."
"Glencore, Cargill, Bechtel, Trafigura, Mercuria, and Louis Dreyfus are some of the major players."
"Consumers aren't the only ones at fault. It's mostly big corporations. But as a consumer, here's what you can do."
"Seattle is like a very big place for a lot of very famous companies. Amazon started there, Boeing started there, Microsoft."
"...the winners are the supranational tech companies."
"The corporations of social abstraction, right to take this thing that just exists in our heads and treat it in some senses as a person that can own property and where you limit liability, that was a social convention that people had to arrive at."
"This ETF tracks the top 300 companies listed on the ASX including Blue Chip companies like Commonwealth BHB Telstra and Woolworths."
"Corporations are superpowers. Cryptocurrencies are superpowers."
"... trade is a good thing let's do trade but let's do trade that helps working people on both sides and not just Wall Street and the multinational corporations"
"What we have are privatized tyrannies that we call corporations."
"The rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons and do not extend to for-profit corporations, limited liability companies, or other private entities established for business purposes."
"The world isn't run by the American president or the British prime minister anymore; it's run by corporations and banks."
"It's never a good idea to have corporations monopolizing basic infrastructure and services, and also gaining so much capital that they can basically push the federal government in any direction they want to."
"You have corporate entities who are essentially war profiteering from both sides of a conflict and still not being punished for it."
"This completes the picture of what treacherous governments have been doing to our freedom for the sake of those corporations the corporations that they really work for."
"Food corporations had their largest profits during the pandemic."
"Food corporations recorded their largest profits in 70 years."
"German corporations are some of the most efficient, skilled, and well-organized on the planet."
"Personal responsibility is great, but the real culprits are massive corporations and they need to be reined in by legislation."
"If a huge corporation like Sony could not protect itself from cyber threats, you can assume that the chances of any organization being 100% safe are pretty slim."
"The world is now controlled by four corporations that keep going at war against each other."
"Health is definitely a priority, and we don't want to be fooled by big corporations."
"Let's wrestle power away from centralized corporations."
"General Electric, Rolls-Royce, and Lockheed Martin are industrial juggernauts landing multi-billion dollar aerospace, military, and national rail contracts."
"Sometimes corporations can be just as intrusive and oppressive as governments."
"We need to take power back down from these giant corporations."
"Sometimes you need big companies to deliver big ideas."
"It's not really about the lobbying directly as it is the fact that our politicians either have to or do anyway kowtow to the will of corporations when it's not to the benefit of Americans."
"There has to be a better answer, and I think the answer in many of these cases is that there shouldn't be an ultra-powerful corporation bossing you around."
"The Constitution doesn't start 'We the corporation'; it starts 'We the People'."
"Corporations are now seeing massive increases in productivity but they aren't passing down those gains to their workers."
"My dollar will mean so much more to them than it would to these conglomerates."
"What if this whole time we were able to breathe the air from the outside and the toxic air was just a scam from all the freaking air tank companies?"
"Delaware, often described as a tax haven, technically has more companies than people."
"These multinational corporations are making hundreds of billions of dollars off the backs of young consumers who are being saddled with exorbitant levels of debt."
"The world seems to suddenly be concerned that a few large corporations are programming everyone's brains in bizarre and nefarious ways."
"He had 40 different corporations that had been asked to send their best guess about what their product would be like in the year 2001."
"They're just so unfathomably big that nothing applies."
"Meta is not your friend, Google is not your friend, Amazon is not your friend."
"If you don't have big government, you have big corporations, and you have much less power over corporations than over government."
"There's nothing in the Quran that would prevent the establishment of a corporation."
"These big companies, the boring companies, are often the best ones because they're the most stable."
"The contest since the 19th century in the U.S. and other industrialized economies: the bargaining power of corporations versus the bargaining power of workers."
"Big companies should be monitored... it's important to have governance and regulators making sure that big companies are doing the right things."
"It's not just about taxing individuals; it's more about taxing companies."
"Many mega corporations view artificial intelligence as the future."
"It formalized many modern day economic principles that serve as a blueprint for modern era corporations."
"It's totally unfair to put it on individuals to fix pollution when the reality is large corporations are the ones that are causing the bulk of the problem."
"Corporations work for corporations; they don't work for people."
"Companies now are outliving people."
"We have like zero self-control, and these multinational corporations are gonna hire the smartest Harvard students on earth and pay them tens of millions of dollars to make their bit more addictive."
"Blue chip stocks are stocks from large corporations that are seen as safe, stable, and reputable."
"We live in a world of global companies that through the accident of history happened to be incorporated in the U.S, in Brazil, in China, in India."
"We're not going to let big corporations pick the pockets of hard-working folks."
"We're not gonna let big corporations pick the pockets of hardworking folks."
"I feel like YouTube was made to stand against the big guys... we're still getting outdone by these big ass corporations and I can't do anything about it."
"What's right-wing about taking the mickey out of the richest, most powerful corporations on the planet?"
"When you look at the power of these huge corporations compared to the power of the people who create the wealth on which they depend for their profit, it's staggering."
"It's really weird that it's legal, especially given what we know about Chinese corporations that they are a part of the government."
"If this logic is adopted, these companies will own all our crops."
"The biggest secret of the rich is that they play the game smart, and they do it through corporations."