
Knighthood Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"More than money, I love seeing people happy and safe. That's what being a knight is all about."
"If I want to become a real knight soon, I have to continue to put in more effort than the others."
"Arise, Brienne of Tarth... a knight of the Seven Kingdoms."
"The mantle of Knighthood rests heavy on their shoulders, for they will soon face some of the most bitter enemies of humanity in a galaxy ravaged by endless war."
"Meliotis challenges Doguetto, believing that the heart makes a true holy knight."
"Congratulations, you are the newest knight of our realm!"
"What makes the Marshall into one of the greatest Knights you ever lived is that he repeatedly chose to serve higher ideals over material gain."
"The knights started to question who they were and what they meant and what their place in the world was."
"You'll make a fine Squire, my brother's going to be a knight."
"Craig, you've been on the show a lot, but you've never been officially knighted."
"I think the effect of Rafter can be shown after he died. He's in office from 1899 until he dies in 1935. He's knighted for his services to policing."
"They are supposed to be these knights in shining armor."
"A Knight Banneret can only be elevated if at least one of two possible circumstances are met."
"Few free Knights can receive such an honor," Siler said thoughtfully.
"Not every boy of noble birth was fit for a knight’s duties, and any aspirant had to be thoroughly tested before he could be accepted as one."
"Let me tell you what makes a knight: killing enough men, or the right man."
"Barristan the Bold is widely recognised as the greatest knight alive, a living legend."
"We have great respect for you; you are a true Knight."
"My Bretonnian Army is one of my favorites."
"I'm knighting you, knight of the tech tips."
"A knight has huge cultural importance. He's not just a warrior, he's a symbol."
"The King's Guard on the other hand is the exact opposite, it's a massive honor, it's the highest office a knight could hold."
"He knows all the words that you have to say as a knight, and she takes it from him, and this means huge amounts to her."
"We are Knights who fight for what is just."
"Trusts Pearl and this is what a true Knight of the Apocalypse should be."
"He's a penguin in every way qualified to receive the honor and dignity of Knighthood."
"She will become a real knight by our next meeting."
"The political saga: Connery's path to knighthood."
"Quinlan draws the silver sword, touching Abraham's shoulder as if bestowing a knighthood upon the lifelong warrior."
"With the last of his strength, the king finally knights Gawain and gifts him his precious sword."
"As baluster kneels and is knighted by the queen, he is handed his sword which opens up at the hilt and fires some sort of laser at the queen."
"To be a knight you have to have years of training and lots of skill."
"For his success, Captain Ogle was awarded a Knighthood, the only British naval officer to be honored specifically for his actions against Pirates."
"Now rise up as Knights of the Empire."
"Into the 21st century, Sir Roger Moore only occasionally appeared in film and television, but in 2003 with a great deal of class, this man of humble beginnings received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his charitable work with UNICEF."
"Wa, did you hear that? We're Knights now!"
"Yes, I think he will be knighted. And I don't know that George R. Martin's even thought about it yet but he will find an appropriate way for him to be knighted."
"I've never met a lady Knight before."
"For every knight that loved chivalry and would his thanks have a passant name had prayed that he might be of that game."
"Thank you to the knights. Without you, we wouldn't be able to do this. And without you, we would be nothing."
"Any knight can make another knight. I'll prove it. Kneel, Lady Brienne."
"A knight of the Seven Kingdoms. Hell yes!"
"The order of the garter, a chivalric order used as a knighthood honor system."
"She is the first female Knight in her kingdom, and how can you not love her for that?"
"King Bob of Canelot, I knight thee, arise Sir Dave-a-lot."
"Thea gave Kadaru the title of knight."
"Thou art the brave knight foretold by the Oracle."
"I'd rather serve as a knight and ride to battle and glory."
"He thought it expedient and necessary, that he should commence knight-errant, and wander through the world with his horse and arms in quest of adventures."
"They represent all of the beauty and honor of what Knighthood should be."
"Sir Nils Olav was knighted back in the year 2008 by King Harald V of Norway."
"Being a knight isn't about power, but strength."
"Sir Galahad, who was renowned for his gallantry and purity, was described as the most perfect of all knights."
"I'm a knight. That sword will be my own once it's done."
"Pain was as much a part of knighthood as were swords and shields."
"A knight had to learn to live with aches and pains."
"A knight without a horse was no knight at all."
"The old knight's eyes seemed to brighten a little at the sight of Dunk."
"The Warrior's Sons were an order of knights who gave up their lands and gold and swore their swords to His High Holiness."
"No, have you forgotten yours? You swore to be a knight."
"This man protected the weak, as every true knight must."
"Better to die a knight than to live like that."
"I will show them that I can be more than a hedge knight," Dunk thought.
"If I walk up to Judi Dench and I'm like, 'Dame Judi, it's cool that you're a knight,' and she's like, 'Yeah, I know,' then that's cool."
"Nevertheless, she is a very strong Knight and very loyal."
"Mordred worships Artoria with no intention of rebelling; instead, she strives earnestly to become an ideal knight and defends her king against those who would doubt her leadership."
"I hereby declare you a knight of the round table."
"A knight of the Round Table should be brave, be polite, and help others."
"By age 21 he was knighted, which was pretty young at the time."
"Without a doubt, Henry Tudor was pleased, he couldn't be more grateful, I was knighted on the spot."
"With advanced sword skills like the top entrant, they would have become a knight already."
"By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, dub thee I do, Jedi, Knight of the Republic."
"The concept of knighthood was not static; like anything in the Middle Ages, it was always changing and developing."
"He was a very perfect, gentle knight."
"She's the ideal knight and by watching her fight in the vanguard, Gawain is certain Britain will have a bright future."
"Never looking down on his enemies, he too embodies the ideal Knight."
"The Grail Knights emerged victorious."
"She will become a holy knight one day and will surely protect the city."
"Arise, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms."
"Especially at the knighting of Brienne, I thought that was a good moment."
"He was a true, a perfect gentle knight."
"You were ever the man in the world that I loved most," said he, "you and Sir Lancelot."
"No man shall handle this sword but the best knight in the world."
"King Arthur, God bless you and all your fair fellowship, and in a special the Fellowship of the Table Round."
"I thank you for your goodwill, but at the beginning of this quest, I was made a knight by noble Sir Lancelot."
"I adore Hitchcock... he's a knight now, it's Sir Alfred, isn't that lovely?"
"He was a verray perfit gentil knyght."
"Never shall man take me hence, but only he by whose side I ought to hang, and he shall be the best knight in the world."
"This is how noble knights should behave."
"He's a true knight through and through, he fights honorably and abides by a code of chivalry."
"Elena of Treebond, I will be honored if you will serve as my squire," he took her hand.
"We have ridden the length and breadth of the land in search of knights who will join me in my court at Camelot."
"He's sitting at this round table with all his knights... he lives in a big stone castle called Camelot."
"His Knights go in search of the Holy Grail."
"The first Knight was called Lancelot, and he was the strongest Knight over Kingdom."
"Lancelot said that Tala and Letta's deeds would forever be remembered by the king and the other Knights."
"So this is what chivalry is all about."
"For a knight to ascend to the esteemed rank of Master, they must shatter entrenched stereotypes often wielded like ancient swords in the realm of tradition."
"Joshua's reputation as a prodigious knight consistently claiming the empire's youngest titles preceded him."
"A knight's duty is to trust and follow their lord, even if it means traversing a path soaked in blood and tainted with its stench."
"When a knight unsheathes a sword, he must shoulder the weight of accountability."
"A knight worthy to bear Dark Sister."
"Thanks to you, brave knights, our kingdom will once again thrive."
"...passing his trials and ascending to knighthood, Dooku grew into one of the order's greatest sword masters and academics..."
"This is my journey to become a medieval knight."
"The Queen takes a sword... one shoulder, the other shoulder, and then says arise Sir Paul McCartney."
"With Barriss's fate now in the hands of the Republic, Ahsoka is knighted for her efforts."
"The Green Knight lives up to the reputation as one of the most powerful Knights of his kingdom."
"Squires are knights in training and are often responsible for the maintenance of the knight's arms and help the knight to don their armor for battle."
"For knights, it was a path to wealth, recognition, and glory."
"She is truly more committed to her oaths and the ideals of knighthood than any actual knight is."
"I will not be remembered as Ser Aerys the Unworthy."
"In every way qualified to receive the honor and dignity of knighthood."
"It is a rare and precious gift to be a knight," she said, "and even more so a knight of the King's Guard."
"I always wanted to be a brave knight."
"You have a great Destiny before you, Arthur; there's no use avoiding it," said Sir Ector.
"Great Knights are the strongest of the strong, both in mental will and absolute just strength."
"It's an honor to finally serve beside you as a knight."
"A Holy Knight must always be ready for battle."
"Edith countered by stating she was a knight and had served as a swordsmanship instructor capable of defending herself."
"Sir Lancelot was the first Knight of the round table, and he's never failed in gentleness, courtesy, or courage."
"Chivalry is defined as the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak."
"Squire is the adventure of a young immigrant hopeful enlisting and becoming a knight for her country."
"The knight who proves that chivalry, or should I say shovelry, will never die."
"Only those who honored this code with their own life could call themselves a true knight."
"Farewell good knights, I have every faith in you."
"I accept your life and service, Nigeris. May I prove worthy. Rise."
"Wallace became a fellow of the Royal Society in 1945 and was knighted in 1968."
"You know," Horus said with a hint of disapproval in his tone, "I'm not exactly entitled to any coat of arms until I have been formally knighted."
"My new nephew knows full well that I was knighted at night."
"Sir Alfred Gushorn... became the first, last, and only American ever to become a knight of the British Empire."
"I only became a knight to protect as many people as I could reach."
"Last year, I was awarded one of my country's highest orders when Queen Juliana of the Netherlands made me a knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau."
"A hedge knight is the truest sort of knight."
"Knights have Squires because all men look up to their fathers, their older brothers, two older boys in the community as a rite of passage into manhood."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi would be awarded knighthood for his defeat of Darth Maul."
"That will make you both great knights."
"When you named me to your Kingsguard, it was the highest honor any knight will ever know."
"He lived in Charles the First's old palace and was handing out knighthoods to all of his friends."
"Honor, glory... the hound lies to make idiot boys want knighthood."
"...that's what Knights were supposed to do; they were supposed to defend the unarmed, primarily churchmen, women, and peasants."
"Not only can people become knights, but penguins can do that too."
"It means you are what I once was, a knight of the Jedi Order."
"I'm not a real knight, but today you and I get to learn about what it was like to be a knight a thousand years ago."
"I grant Knighthood. You might not be a Jedi Knight, but you are a knight here."
"I'm knighted, you see, so what was that like? Fantastic, unbelievable really."
"Richard's grandfather was renowned for his chivalry and public show, creating the Order of the Garter, a chivalric order of knighthood."
"This is the duty we have taken up; this is the pledge we have made as knights."
"All knights would be aware of the culture of chivalry that surrounds them as a warrior class."
"The medieval knight armed with sword or lance remains a symbol of the far-flung times of the reign of chivalry."
"And pity, greatest of knightly virtues."
"It's a coat of honor and chivalry that we knights bestow upon the females."
"He was a truly perfect, noble knight."
"...the path to becoming one involves completing quests through rigorous training, earning the title of a kingdom Knight through experience and Valor."
"...his Valor elevated him to the position of a war Knight, granting him authority to lead other Knights."
"Becoming a knight was no mean feat; it took 14 years of training."
"Small dog has been knighted and may now be addressed as Sir Small Dog."
"Ah, Noble Knight, you have brought back to me a fallen Spirit, glorious days from the past."
"Except one character who is the truest of knights, I would say the least rotten onion of all, Brienne of Tarth."
"Behold the power of the inspired Knight."
"I would rather die than shame my honor and my vows of knighthood."
"You can raise people from humble origins to knighthood if in the fighting they do something great."
"Sir Horus, knight of the kingdom of Araluan, the Sunrise Warrior from the East."
"...after the war, he actually gets knighted by the British king."
"Dunk wasn't technically actually a knight, she technically isn't a knight, but there's no one in the entire story who is more knightly than those two."
"I want to become a strong knight."
"You may choose any one of them to be your knight."
"You may keep your name, but as a knight, you must have one. The others have taken to calling you Wolf Knight."
"Buckingham Palace has announced that the Queen will knight Captain Tom Moore this week."
"He's a Holy Knight who lives for his friends."
"Sir Barristan... he's supposed to be one of the best knights just period."
"I am a noble knight, and a normal knight should be as deft with his tongue as with his sword."
"You are not just a knight; you are an individual."
"He created the Order of the Garter again to promote chivalry and made Saint George the patron saint of England."
"Grandma confidently said that one day Ren will definitely be able to become a great knight in this Empire."
"Rio impresses the instructor as he notes that he will make a fine knight."
"Our hero realized that becoming a knight was this girl's goal."
"With pride and glory at their back, who might understand a knight's duty?"