
Business Ethics Quotes

There are 1671 quotes

"The biggest companies in the world are oftentimes the most immoral ones."
"The purpose of business is to serve the needs of society."
"We are motivating CEOs to understand financial arbitrage. The result will be crappier companies that diminish American exceptionalism."
"You do good business wherever you are, that's just the character of your person."
"The only way to really win at business is to create a business that helps people. That's your payoff for business. The payoff for a great business is not the money; it's the smile you put on people's faces."
"Ticket Master is a horrible monopoly that can charge astronomical fees because they have almost no competition."
"If your business model is reliant on exploiting workers, then it is going to affect your business."
"I wish businesses were run by ethical people that took into consideration their workers' rights, the environment, animals, and didn't just exclusively focus on capitalism."
"Good, places of business should not be allowed to discriminate against people because they're gay or because they're trans."
"The concept of loyalty is tied entirely to the value you bring as an asset. At that point, loyalty, which is a deeply human and personal concept, gets perverted into this ugly business practice."
"What if you knew that there are actually tens of thousands of businesses that like you, they don't hate you, they don't want to indoctrinate you or your kids, and they happen to offer really high-quality stuff?"
"Legal actions will hurt your image and company more. Can agencies in 2024 stop with the threats and care about the wonderful talent they still have left?"
"Be honest...that's the most important in any business."
"Times like this make me just so grateful that we do not have any outside money in our company."
"Great companies have an important mission they're trying to do something really good for the world."
"The social responsibility of a business is to increase profits. That is the role of a business."
"Our goal is to make products we are proud to sell and would recommend to our family and friends."
"If you have a business model that relies upon your customers being misinformed, you better start working on changing your business model."
"The very same CEO who made millions of dollars by being the first champion of maximizing shareholder value in the '60s called it the dumbest idea in the world."
"We don't want to depend on investors, we don't want to depend on donations, we don't want to overprice and underdeliver."
"We turn down sponsorships that are an order of magnitude higher than what we accept... because it doesn't feel right."
"The fundamental business structure is inclusive, and it should remain inclusive."
"A baker's dozen is 13, and you know why? Because in medieval times, if you were caught cheating in your business, it was punishable by death."
"Your reputation is everything in the business world. It's not just who you are, it's who you know."
"Almost every business cares about short-term economics. And when you care about short-term economics, it almost always goes against what's right."
"Technological self-determination is at odds with the natural imperatives of tech businesses. They make more money when they take away our freedom: our freedom to speak, to leave, and to connect."
"If you DM people and ask them to join your team, you're in a pyramid scheme."
"Small towns are infested with multi-level marketing companies."
"We're just against an unethical business model. It's really not that complicated to understand."
"The valuable final product of my company today is not the profits we make; it is how many people we can help with my information."
"I hate it when my customers buy cars that don't hold up over time. Hey, I like my customers."
"Our motto is the more we make, the more we give."
"Don't be a douche. It's gonna make for a way better film and it's really good for business."
"I like knowing who I'm doing business with, why I'm doing business with them, do I trust them."
"Make sure that you're selling something that is high quality and something that is actually delivering a lot of value to your customers."
"It's time to up our game in this country. I'm not about putting these people out of business; I'm about making them do business in a normal way."
"A respectable company will find a balance between what's profitable and what's consumer-friendly, they'll draw certain lines to make enough money to grow and sustain themselves while valuing their loyal customers."
"I would like for my customers to have confidence that my word means something, especially when making announcements as crucial as release date and platform."
"The only way to do that is not by saying 'Use our store, you have no other option,' but rather by kind of easing them into it through services and actions that will genuinely make people want to use your service."
"We have always operated our company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles, including integrity and service to others."
"Businesses can actually find more profit just by acting ethically."
"Once businesses begin to think that business is a set a relationship... ethics just follows flows out naturally."
"We look forward to all companies, especially Chinese ones, understanding and implementing fair and transparent principles in global market competition."
"Being good in business is one of the most God honoring things you can do."
"This business model is fundamentally misaligned with the fabric of society being healthy."
"Disruption culture has been co-opted by business leaders to treat workers like cattle."
"EA just cannot seem to stay away from legal trouble, and well, that's because they continue to engage in morally questionable business practices, namely in the form of loot boxes, aka gambling in video games."
"It's not just about making money; it's about doing good for the world."
"It's a business. You have to respect the client, you have to respect your coworkers, and you have to respect yourself."
"If you can't pay your employees a living wage, you shouldn't be in business."
"Anyone who comes to me with a complaint is treated really, really well and we go above and beyond."
"I have dealt with a lot of small businesses where I felt I was treated poorly, so I've made it a priority that anyone who comes to me with a complaint is treated really, really well."
"Business moguls like Kevin O'Leary from Shark Tank referred to FTX as the one place he would not get in trouble."
"The capital in the world is so short-term that it forces businesses to act in, you know, really irresponsible ways."
"Shady Ray's also provides 10 meals to fight hunger in America with every order placed, and they've provided over 10 million meals to date."
"If you're gonna get rich, it's 'cause you're gonna help somebody else get rich."
"Being anti-black is bad for business...we're gonna boycott you."
"Oprah is a businesswoman first and has many times chosen money over morals."
"If you have to be evil, conniving, mischievous, deceptive to do business, you're doing it wrong."
"It's a real shame that companies are taking tremendous shortcuts. They're trying to do things that are easy rather than effective."
"Slowly but surely, corporate influence is starting to seep through."
"You can be kind and be an amazing entrepreneur. You don't have to be cutthroat."
"Any 'legitimate' business is a double blessing; it helps the man engaged in it, and also helps others."
"This is not something that we're making money with; anything that we do make goes right back into the business, and you're buying all of this at our own cost."
"This company has had a huge turnover in profit, and it really revolves around predatory activity, preying on those who can't or perhaps even don't know better."
"Nobody cares about working conditions. The customer doesn't give a [__] about that."
"Marketing isn't advertising. Marketing isn't hype. Marketing isn't hustling people. No one wants to be hustled."
"Video game publishers are making billions selling you a game as a good, not telling you how long it will last, purposefully killing it later so you're left with nothing, but then they get to keep your money."
"It's such an obvious assault on consumer rights."
"It's not when a problem happens with a brand that earns brand loyalty; it is how they handle their problems that deserves brand loyalty."
"All American businesses and nonprofit organizations should review and reevaluate their relationships with Saudi Arabia in light of the murder, which seemingly could not have been done without knowledge at the highest levels of its government."
"One quote that I like here is from Thomas B. Paul, acting director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. He said, 'Provisions that tie warranty coverage to the use of particular products or services harm both consumers, who pay more for them, as well as the small businesses who offer competing products and services.'"
"Sunset Lake raised $4,000 from the 420 sale that will go to the Innocence Project. This is par for the course for these guys; they are movement partners, a great company. They have supported unions and charities like GiveDirectly and soup kitchens. This Innocence Project donation is just one more example."
"My grandad's utmost priority was always dedicated, hands-on, top-quality personal instruction, rather than attempting to maximize profits."
"When you treat people right and you do people right, you're able to stay in the business for a long time."
"Public accommodations law...essentially say that if you act in business, then you 'cannot discriminate.'"
"It's not just engineering, it's not just marketing even, and it's about maintaining goodwill and the fastest way to lose goodwill is to misrepresent the product."
"Just win and you don't need to win by a lot, you don't need to lie to win, just get there, just stay ahead."
"The appeal of free automated labor is far too tempting a business proposition for these ghouls to ignore."
"The business of America is business, and that businesses should stick to business and steer clear of politics as a general rule."
"They try to find loopholes so they can maximize their own profit, in my opinion."
"It's really that we give a damn, and I don't think that that's why I'm not shy about saying it, like I don't know if you really possess the capacity to change your business model to care if you've never cared before."
"So what if Khabib was into it? It was past that moment. I was done with it. I didn't want... But I knew because when you talk to Dana, or you talk business... I like Dana, but when we talk business, it's business."
"Integrity is so crucial in business and in life."
"No business is above the law. You can't have fizz fight fridays here's all of the laws that protect your mask-free shopping."
"I'm just here to solely do business the proper way."
"It cannot be that we continue business as usual."
"Respect the culture, respect the market, respect the consumers."
"We underestimated the scale and complexity of the issues. We ignored the signals about the need for additional time to refine the game on the base last-gen console. It was the wrong approach and against our business philosophy."
"When there's a lot of money involved, nothing would surprise me."
"Special interest groups within a massive corporation."
"If I didn't give you anything valuable, you'd be quite angry at the end of this."
"I'm really concerned, a lot of these SPAC products, companies that went public, who shouldn't have."
"A business model that is designed to force you to buy more is unethical at best, which in my mind is just another word for something that should be illegal, but just isn't yet."
"So, very reluctantly, we have seen France's former Prime Minister François Fillon resign from the boards of Russian companies."
"The correct answer is the absolute position that you should be able to deny service to anyone for whatever reason you want."
"You shouldn't be required as a private business owner to provide a good service to anyone."
"Bud Light partners with right-wing comic fired for racist comments."
"You can't have a healthy and prosperous business if the society that you're operating in is not also healthy and prosperous."
"They're not gonna pay you for a negative review."
"Brands will respect you if you respect them a lot of the time."
"Shady business, I obviously want to know about it."
"Maintaining that trust long term is a better business proposition."
"And it's the way a company handles something like that that either earns or loses that brand loyalty, brand loyalty I talk about it being a bad thing."
"Businesses should see beyond short-term gains."
"Overwhelmingly developers are plainly not happy about any of this."
"Big businesses are in the business of profit-seeking."
"Constructively being critical of a company's business practices is not being toxic guys."
"It's about authenticity and that you cannot automate."
"The second you go to monetize your audience, the relationship has changed."
"Even if the family who run chick-fil-a are the most opposed to gay marriage ever, I still think if some people want to eat their chicken nuggets they should have the damn right to do so."
"You'll just take their customers because discrimination is always a bad move."
"If you remember -- let me absorb that for a moment. There's no education in the second kick of a mule."
"If you ever think you have a stupid and abusive business idea, a way to leech more money off people, let this be reminder that honestly you could do worse."
"What we should be doing is working and what we have been doing here at Vanguard is putting the investor first and innovating for the investor."
"The marketplace only works if it trusts people. Finance is ultimately about trust."
"Religious people, religious business owners, have their rights as well. Tolerance is a two-way street."
"GrubHub listed restaurants that didn't partner with them as closed or not accepting online orders."
"A businessman respects all fair agreements, from contract to handshakes."
"Labor is a cost to that business. Then your business becomes successful. It starts making a profit... or your workers start making a profit? Hmm, interesting framing there."
"The reason so much drama has started was because of a lack of transparency when it came to businesses and influencers."
"I think the transparency would be really helpful because as I stated earlier the reason so much drama has started was because of a lack of transparency when it came to businesses and influencers."
"I knew from day one that my concept was definitely going to be ethical fashion above everything because it's really important that my products are ethically produced and that no person is harmed in the process."
"We never started any of these businesses to be like, 'Hey, we're gonna build this and sell it.' I think for us, like, especially with Jimmy, we're just like, 'Well, let's build sustainable businesses that people care about.'"
"Entrepreneurship is not the pursuit of greed. It doesn't work. People smell [__] a mile away. You've got to be transparent."
"Nobody can keep them accountable except for the customers."
"Blizzard is still a terrible company that hasn't changed."
"All these cruelty-free companies are doing just fine without animal testing."
"Transparency to consumers is really important."
"We will never feature any token on the show just because we invested."
"I call on companies to be honest about their business practices, and I'll be honest and transparent with you guys about this one and where I get my information."
"I know businesses want to make money... there's a lot more important things."
"We are trying to stay conscious about the kind of partners that we have."
"MLMs prey on vulnerable people and promise them a life of rich extravagance."
"Find some way to make players feel more than a statistic or a wallet to be emptied."
"If a business does not protect the environment, that business is going to be regulated into the ground."
"You need to completely refund anyone who purchased the pack, you shouldn't be keeping any profit off this."
"Let's start with why this is happening in the first place... it's basically a blatant cash grab."
"Sega says it'll ditch NFTs if it's perceived as a simple money-making scheme."
"China's largest coffee chain admitted that it fabricated 40% of its 2019 sales."
"Prison is a business. The gun law is a business, the biggest business."
"If you really have to convince people to trust your business strategy, you should just get out of it."
"They're screwing over the non-paying players."
"These shady practices are getting more and more sophisticated as time goes on."
"When it comes to the world of big business, no one really cares about the virtue stuff. They just, frank, hey, if a dollar is to be made, a dollar is to be made."
"Helping not selling, that's really a mantra that we try to live day in and day out."
"It's not about making money, it's just not what it's about."
"We may have been painted in a negative customer light by gaming media, truthfully we've been fighting for lower prices and a more open market - which to me is the most important thing for consumers."
"Fair exchange is essential for meaningful transactions."
"No loot boxes either, this is actually a pretty pro consumer move."
"So some of this is fine if you are just an entertainer but if you start marketing your business on accuracy and data and objectivity like those of us who've occupied the space since the website days then we should all be held to the same standards."
"I don't think capitalism is bad and I don't think it's bad for wizards of the coast to be a business and to make business decisions."
"Our businesses are shut down and all of our twenty employees are being paid their full salaries and health insurance for the entire duration of this."
"I think you hit the nail on the head, man. If we didn't print five trillion dollars, maybe companies that should go bankrupt would actually go bankrupt because they can't run a business properly."
"It's all much more complicated. For me, it's really not about the marketing. I really care about what can we actually provide."
"Life is binary. As a business, either you care more about the money or more about the feeling you feel in running it."
"There's a lot of problems, and they're bringing up the monetization issue, and that is the number one problem."
"You're trying to protect competition, not competitors."
"The new three Ps are people, planet, and profits."
"A business built on misleading users, data exploitation, on choices that are no choices at all, then it does not deserve our praise. It deserves reform." - Tim Cook
"It's fundamentally about respecting your customers and their opinions."
"I'm talking about when the market price is 100 to 300 and my company charges 3 000 dollars. That's something called the [__] you price."
"American businesses should be proud of our country's history, not abandoning it."
"If this little company has such an 'open secret' about their personnel, think of what some of the big ones could be hiding."
"Ensuring good faith from merchants requires neither rank nor reputation but the ability to make profit."
"Simon and the Sidemen are amazing because they're genuine, they do stuff fair, they don't abuse people on the business side."
"If it is in fact due to all these things, Activision needs to be punished, needs to look at its policies procedures, needs to look at who it hires, needs to look at how it handles things."
"Lies compromised, that's a term for termination right there."
"Maybe it's because there's a lot of anti-consumer practices going on in the gaming industry."
"I don't care if you know one hundred ninety five thousand people love the lipstick if three people are having an issue like that that's what's gonna keep me awake at night."
"It's such a blatant rip-off of a small brand."
"Honesty and integrity are king and will make your career and company last longer."
"I am so sorry to see some of you dissatisfied with my product I will make it right for you and learn from this mistake that's a promise."
"You're obligated to continue to act in the best interest of that business."
"James Westbrook distributing hundreds of thousands of dollars to the members of halo beauty partners llc for his own benefit."
"I am very appreciative of companies that actually make the effort to make the products better over time instead of just constantly rehashing stuff."
"No company should be too big to fail, none. It's ridiculous."
"You can't come in here and try and ask for money and then say I can't tell you who the other shareholders are, what they invested at, what time they invested. Well, you've got to share that." - Nick Jenkins
"Player trust and consumer trust is the most important thing for any company."
"Kitsch sues McDonald's to set the record straight."
"It's so easy to just own up to your mistakes and offer a refund."
"Why does a person who owns a business get to make a living but the person who works there and generates the profits doesn't get to make a living?"
"Nobody would think that we copied it, but we definitely used some of their really cool ideas."
"Taking away Trump's business Empire would stand alone under New York fraud law... nearly every previous time that a company was taken away, victims and losses were key factors."
"Build that bond outside of your regular routine with your children."
"What could possibly be more greedy than taking your money and screwing the person who paid you money?"
"If you can't pay people what is legally required... you don't deserve to be in business."
"For-profit media does a disservice to democracy."
"Character determines how you handle business and how you do work."
"The reality is if your business model is solely based on these dirt cheap exploitative wages, then you don't actually have a functional business model at the end of the day."
"When you build a business, it has a much bigger social footprint."
"People are going to stop buying our products if we continue to do things like that."
"Business ethics... let's teach them how to change the environment."
"The foundation of this entire business that we're all in is credibility and trust."
"Owning a mistake, fixing it, going above and beyond, willing to engage with customers individually, that's what built our reputation."
"Your business is about making sure everything you do is in line with what you know and what you believe in."
"Start with why. The days of building a company on the back of a weak product perfectly marketed are thankfully over."
"It's more about the customers than just maximizing revenue."
"They want to make sure that they are treating you right."
"Do more for others than anybody else does. That's the only secret in business."