
Repayment Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"My boats are all fixed up thanks to you. It's about time I start paying you back for your loan."
"The sisters decided to repay Fataru by kissing him."
"Fairy Tail always pays back what they owe...including pain."
"If someone loans me five dollars I'm gonna pay that back within an hour."
"It's not about being paid back, it's about helping people because I can and they need it."
"Just because you paid back the money doesn't mean there's not a fraud here."
"If you invest and the borrower does not pay you back, the chance of you getting paid any of that money back is pretty slim."
"He believed it was the perfect opportunity to repay him with interest by defeating him in combat."
"You should never borrow more than you can repay."
"The day will come back and you're going to have to pay that back."
"Thank you. You've saved me from the witch. I must repay you in some way."
"We are making so much money, I'm going to pay back. I could probably pay back all of my loan."
"The contents of that bag is all the money you were paid back."
"There's no way I can pay you back, but the plan is to show you that I understand."
"I would pay my student loans off immediately."
"Are you going to pay me back, or am I never going to ever, ever, ever see that money?"
"If you feel like you maybe have used these funds fraudulently, whether or not intentionally or not intentionally, you might want to go ahead and repay those funds right now before you do anything and you get the temptation to actually do it."
"You saved my partner's life. This is the repayment of that debt."
"You need to go on and pay BR back his cigarette."
"I owe you blueberry crunch cookies."
"Nobody ever repays their debts, they just refinance it."
"I just wanted to do something to repay him."
"Later as the pair heads for Grassmirr, they run into the pup trapped in the bear trap with No Name freeing him in order to repay the debt he has with the animal."
"He tells her that it's only right that he pay her back for her little prank."
"Legolas throws his sword and saves Thorin, repaying the life debt that he didn't know he had."
"The victim will then have to repay."
"He expressed a willingness to repay the losses but disputed that the sums represent actual loss to post office."
"Every good deed will be repaid in time."
"When you lend money, it should be with the expectation it will be returned to you in full."
"Christie does a lot of money from me, occasionally if she says she'll pay it back then she normally does."
"Loan: an amount of money expected to be paid back with interest, used for property."
"Do you mind if I get the stuff from the car so I can return it and pay you back?"
"For debts of kindness and loyalty, luck could determine repayment, but for debts of blood, they must be paid in kind."
"So my buddy owes you $17,000 and I'm sitting next to him, you're never gonna see this money."
"He instantly went off and paid $100 to his sister that we owed her."
"The Lannisters had paid their debts."
"I paid her back for what she did to me."
"We can repay Karma that would normally require 10 lifetimes."
"Can anyone live long enough to repay all the favors extended, all the kindness shown?"
"I wish I could repay you in a bigger way."
"Thank you for trusting me, you must have cost a lot to all this, I will pay you back."
"He went out, he did the town halls, he did everything just to pay back all the people who he owed, and I thought that was the most wonderful thing."
"Make sure you're paying at least the minimum on your credit cards, but ideally pay the full amount."
"Did you ever pay your parents back, huh?"
"You saved me twice when I met you, and tonight I can't repay you, but I have an idea."
"There's no more uh greater feeling in the world and help someone else that they can't repay you either."
"That's the true nature of helping helping people that can't ever pay you back."
"I owe you if I call my bank you have to return the money from there."
"...Joey gets annoyed says I'm going to pay you back for all the money that I owe you."
"'We're gonna pay you back, Frankie,' Laura said."
"May the Lord repay every man for his righteousness and his faithfulness."
"If you owe your friend $3 but you have $7 in your pocket, what happens when you pay them back? After you give them $3, you have $4 left. Positive four."
"the longer you take to pay back that loan the more money you get"
"You won't get away with this. I owe you one, and one day I'm gonna pay you back with interest."
"I've asked my friend how much he got in the end, and he's simply says 'I no longer have a mortgage, and it would have been much cheaper for Scott to just pay me.'"
"The wicked borrows and does not repay, but the righteous shows mercy and gives."
"I wouldn't take my name off a single thing until every dollar loaned was repaid in full."
"Thanks for everyone's responses. Based off what I've read, I've decided to pay them back in increments that I can afford."
"I'm gonna pay you back. I'm gonna pay you everything."
"I want you to give me back the money that you owe me."
"You better hurry up and pay back her parents."
"In the end, she was forced to pay me back all the funds she used in cash."
"If you owe me money, you cannot give me a financial gift."
"God says I'm about to repay you for the past suffering that you never told anybody about."
"You won't get out until you've paid the very last mite."
"What surprised me the most is that we can get out of this without any quick fixes. I think the right way to do it is how you said we can aggressively pay off our debt."
"Debts that can't be paid won't be, there's no mathematical model where countries like Italy or Greece can pay their debts."
"God got a thing called 'pay me back what you owe me.'"
"Let me give my two million back. Yours back first."
"...what happens by the time you get to your last debt is you've got this huge chunk of money that you've been paying out all the same amount that's going towards your debt so that momentum and that snowball starts to get bigger and bigger..."
"He tried to explain it off, saying 'Oh, it was just a mistake. I drew money from the wrong account. I'm gonna write you a check, you know, tomorrow. I'll pay you back.'"
"Rocket was angry that I didn't try to pay him back."
"House Lannister always pays his debts."
"For every one dollar you owe, you have 1.25 cents to pay."
"I was like, man, I can't wait till I make enough money to pay you back for everything you did."
"He repaid all the investors. So that's huge money if you think about it. The four million alone for the Flamingo is what? 50 million today."
"Your mom has given us so much. Now it's my turn to give back, to show my gratitude for everything she's done for us."
"It's nuts, it's bananas, pay the lady back."
"She ended up arriving late after that. Sam saved a lot of money from lots of different jobs to which she eventually was able to pay back the money she owed."
"I'll think of a way for you to pay me back."
"Ideally, you want to pay off your debt."
"I will repay this debt of gratitude with all my might."
"I owe a personal debt and I must pay it."
"If you can't repay me with money, you're going to have to do some labor."
"300k came in, I'm going to reimburse you guys."
"The iron bank will have its due and a Lannister always pays its debts."
"If you have any interest accumulating debt, it's very important that you pay it off as soon as possible."
"You enter any tax deducted as a CIS worker to ensure you don't have tax deducted again and potentially receive a repayment."
"I don't know why people like belittle it and be like, 'Girl, your funky little $20.' Well, give it back then. Fun [__]. Borrow money and don't give it back to 'em."
"I'm not about to give you $250 back. I'm not tripping. That's you, that's your money. You rightfully can't do it. You're getting it back. Here you go."
"Of those 21,000 loans, zero defaulted. Every single one was paid back."
"I can't repay you but God will surely repay you."
"I'm about to default on my student loan debt and then pay half of it off."
"The average American with credit card or personal loan debt over ten thousand ends up paying back two and a half times what they originally borrowed."
"If you're wanting to build credit and that's the reason why you're doing this, you want to go and put the balance on your credit card and then repay it in full after the statement is generated."
"They're still in the house and they're still repaying this first time home buyer credit."
"I always said I'd pay you back. All right, $25,000, huh?"
"If there's any way that we can repay you, just say the word."
"We paid back our loans, we did it the old-fashioned way, we pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps."
"The wicked borrow and payeth not again."
"The Bible said a wicked person borrows and don't pay back, that's an Old English word they had for this, it was called a thief."
"I need an IOU, which is true. I do have intention to give back."
"I originally came to this place at the invitation of my mother. She was the one who cared for me and supported me since my birth, but I hadn't repaid her kindness."
"You gotta give the money back. Ms. Lewis, are you satisfied?" "I'm good. I just came on here to receive the money that I was owed."
"I'm like a Lannister, you know I pay my debts."
"Captain Mitchell says that whatever he did for Carter, Carter's paid it back to the people of Mariner Bay he saved over and over."
"The Cunninghams never took anything they can't pay back."
"Invite poor people to your house for dinner; they cannot pay you back, so the universe must pay you back."
"There's a sense of like, you want to repay them and you want to make them feel proud."
"By simply making it a fortnightly repayment rather than a monthly repayment, without affecting your cash flow at all, you have just saved a hundred and twenty-four thousand and seventy-three dollars in interest."
"I'll do everything I can to repay him the favor one day."
"After they harvest they sell, make a lot of profit and pay us back and have their own share."
"I can never, never repay him or show the devotion I have for him from what he's done for me."
"Your grandfather's pride required him to pay you back. You owe it to him to honor his wishes."
"I felt it was high time I paid back their kindness."
"The Lannisters are not the only ones who pay their debts."
"He promised me that once they'd start making profits, he'd return the money to me."
"For the Lord is the one who repays, and He will repay you sevenfold."
"I promise to repay you twice as much as you've helped me."
"For one day, I would repay this bounty, one day, I would repay it in spades."
"If you can't find something to repay this person back with, then make dua for them."
"He that have pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again."
"The more equity they have, the more likely they are to pay back."
"The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah, and he will repay him for what he does."
"Be patient with me, and I will pay back the debt in full."
"I like to pay my debts, so I know you will allow the Old Gentleman to send you something which once belonged to the little granddaughter he lost."
"I'll do anything to repay you for freeing me."
"I'm simply gathering the money to pay you back."
"Thank you very much. I shall repay you, of course, but don't you touch me. But my soul, you've touched me," McCandless said.
"Thank you doesn't say it. I don't even know how do you even repay a kindness like this."
"I have come to repay my debt, in part, a very small part, but I hope it pleases you."
"The Iron Bank will have its due if you take too long to pay them."
"With revolving business lines of credit, you have flexibility on how you want to repay."
"It is a debt paid in blood, sweat, and tears."
"You need to have a pretty good idea of how you're going to make money and pay them back."
"I'm always obsessed with paying people back right away."
"Too many good people died for a dream for me to ignore the obligation to pay it back."
"I've been trying to figure out a way to repay my guys."
"Now he has the means, of course, he must repay them."
"The only thing I can do to repay him is to make you happy."
"Take your gold, sir abbot, which you lent to me a year ago."
"I'll cover it. You can pay me back on your first paycheck."
"The Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts."
"Loan payments consist of two parts: principal and interest. Principal is the value of the loan that's being lent out and must be repaid in full."
"From now on, I'll do my best to make you proud and give back for everything you've done."
"Money can be repaid, not kindness such as yours."
"We robbed Peter to pay Paul, and now it's time to pay Peter back."
"I propose to pay you back every dime, principle and interest, but you're going to have to stick with me."
"If you have ten thousand dollars in credit card debt and you're just making the minimum payment each and every month, it will take you approximately 14 and a half years and seven thousand dollars in extra interest to pay it off."
"Nothing makes me happier than when people are able to timely pay their loans and pay us back and are successful."
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I promise that no matter what happens, I will repay this debt in full."
"Our repayment rates across the globe are 98 to 99 percent."
"A credit score only tells you what date you paid back the money you borrowed."
"You owe me! I don't owe you anything! I gave you what I owe already!"
"Sensual pleasures are like a debt; once you take up a debt, you have to repay it afterwards."
"Once you get a job, it's very easy to repay the loan."
"So seldom can we pay back because those whom you owe—your parents and those people—will be gone."
"I look at it in two ways: I'm forever grateful, and if I was ever in the space that I could repay, I would."
"He aspires to become a pro and earn enough money so that he can pay his mother back for all the hardships she has faced."
"Us folks pay our debts of money or gratitude."
"Obviously there's no way I can pay you back, but the plan is to show you that I understand."
"God's been too good, God's been too wonderful, I've got to pay Him back."
"She is confident that she can easily repay him in the future."
"I'm paying you back for being so kind to me when I was injured."
"Whatever debt she had to them was already repaid with her potion."
"There is no debt, as I said, it may be I who am paying off a debt."
"Whenever I make it, I'm going to pay this back to my mom."
"Don't worry, we'll pay you back. We're your friends after all."
"The only way I can ever repay you is by turning out a very useful citizen."
"I'll pay you back as soon as we can."
"I hope I can repay every single person for the love you have shown me."
"People can pay back when they recall it in the future, as long as they are alive to do so."
"I think of Kenzie as my mother, my true mother, and that means for all of her hard work, I'd like to repay her."
"Interest-only versus interest plus principal repayments: what sort of structure would work best and why?"
"We have contracted a debt, and I hope that we shall one day pay it."
"I have so many things to repay and gratitude to express."
"If you wanted to keep the vehicle, in certain states, you have a right up to a certain amount of time to pay up the back payments and any fees."
"Whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee."
"You shall never get a better repayment for one drink."
"If we were to carry our parents on our shoulders for a hundred years... we still wouldn't be able to repay that debt of gratitude."
"I was hungry, and I seen the potatoes. I thought he wouldn't miss a couple; I could pay him back later."
"It took me a long time to pay her back, it took me eight years to pay off that debt, but it's given me a real sense of ownership of the store."
"There are two persons that cannot easily be repaid: one's mother and father."
"I managed to sell them, I got paid, when I got paid, I went back to pay him his amount for his gas, I was left with a good profit."
"You saved my life. Oh, how can I ever repay you?" "Money."
"The least I could do to repay her was to give her happiness."
"I always want to repay my brother back for everything he's done for me."
"He wanted to pay them back for saving his life and being his parents."
"I want to express my gratitude for helping my mother, so I will repay that debt."
"How can I repay you? Well, I've got a car of my own, how about a race?"
"Thank you. I promise I'll pay you back one day."
"I promise I won't forget what you've done for us. I'll pay you back someday."
"I will 'repay every drop of 'kindness' with a fountain of gratitude.'"
"I'm not a person who helps people for being repaid."
"I just don't know how to thank you. It may take me a couple of months to repay you for all you've done."
"I would love to pay her back that 10 grand as soon as possible and then book my parents a sweet vacation."
"There's only one way to really pay you back, and that's with a grateful spirit."
"It's a thousand dollars, and you can take your hundred back."
"Dai smiled saying that she hates to let any debt go unpaid."