
Government Quotes

There are 5213 quotes

"The individual is sovereign in relationship to the state, which is a remarkable idea and one that's fundamentally religious."
"Governments want you to be financially uneducated because when you're financially uneducated, guess what, you are an employee and you're a consumer who pays the highest taxes."
"Power does come from God, not from government."
"The difference between positive and negative rights is the difference between actual rights and privileges or benefits provided by government."
"Rights are things that you can do in absence of government."
"Deborah, in her role as governmental judge, does not seem to be any overstepping of anything at all."
"The reason people don't trust the government is that the government doesn't trust the people. Trust is a two-way relationship."
"It is possible for a well-led entrepreneurial organization to do things that it was previously thought only the governments of major powers could do."
"The ineffectiveness of government has always been a strong pitch for conservatives."
"Years later, Harris would sue the government for damages and received $380,000."
"To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
"There's nothing more permanent than a temporary government solution."
"Fiat currency for people that don't know is just money backed by the government fiat currency. The word fiat means by decree."
"What Joe Biden owes to Black people, and to Black America, in some ways, the same as what he owes to all of America: a competent, functioning government representing the collective will of the people."
"The primary Earthly authority over a child is the parent, not the government."
"The right to protest in a democracy has to be facilitated by the government; it's not a privilege, it's a right."
"When a government asks its citizens to give up even a small portion of their liberty, it is not simply enough to say 'trust us'. That trust must be earned, it must be checked, and it must be renewed."
"The free market is the fix for not only the financials but some of the cleanest markets in the world are run by free market governments."
"Our government has no respect for our national sovereignty at all."
"Boeing is too entrenched with the US government to fail."
"So, I agree that there are liberal governments that protect fundamental or basic freedoms that your religion might seek to infringe upon. I would consider that a positive."
"The public has a strong interest in the foundational principle of our government that the will of the people, as expressed in the Electoral College vote, determines who will serve as president."
"Your government is doing what? Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"
"The government that is big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have."
"The government can't manage every hour of your life and tell you what to do every hour of the day, but we can ask you to listen to the information and make your best judgments as you care for yourself and your family."
"What we want to do is to make the policy better and better and better."
"We know that many Canadians are struggling to make ends meet, that is why today the Prime Minister announced that we're expanding our support for Canadians who need it most."
"The system is broken by design; it is always skewed in the favor of government."
"The job of government is to preserve certain key liberties. Those key liberties pre-exist the government."
"Transparency in government is of the utmost importance, and I am a proponent for allowing cameras in all courtrooms across our country."
"Our government is supposed to be areligious."
"The government should not be telling us what to do with our bodies or our lives when we're not hurting other people."
"A bloated, duplicative, and wasteful federal government is a threat to America's future."
"The only legitimate purpose of government is to ensure that these individual rights are protected."
"Everybody loves institutions and governments until they don't. Everybody loves corporations and trusts Google with 'don't be evil' and Facebook because it's the cool new thing until they don't."
"If you have kids and you love your kids, you hate your government if they try to get between you and your kids."
"Food isn't always used as a tool for good. In fact, it can be used as a powerful weapon that governments use against their people."
"We are literally dupes who elected a government who is allowed by law to lie to us to carry out covert policy."
"A strong, independent bar is always supposed to be the defense, or at least one line of defense, against tyranny or against government overreach."
"If a lot of people want the government to do something and they vote for candidates that'll do that thing, then that's the direction it goes."
"No government in all of human history has benefited from plague within its borders."
"The entire Bill of Rights is to ensure that big government doesn't encroach into the individual freedom of Americans."
"My biggest fear in the future is a totalitarian government."
"The government does not make money; we make money. The government can only take money." - Candace Owens
"You're seeing that with the government now starting to prepare openly."
"Every single time the government penetrates the marketplace, it always favors the biggest players."
"Government wants to make those choices for you. They want to take away your freedom to choose."
"Big government and big business are way too closely aligned today, especially in the United States."
"The government is like fire; if you don't have it, you freeze to death, but if it gets out of control, it burns everything around it."
"These rights come from our humanity. They don't come from the government."
"When the government fears the people, there is liberty."
"It's hard to think of anything more Orwellian than the government determining what sort of news ought to be covered."
"The Electronic Frontier Foundation called the bill flawed and misguided, arguing that the measure would make the government an advisory group responsible for deciding what is true and what is false."
"Disclosure has a very defined definition. It means the formal acknowledgment by the governments of the world of the extraterrestrial presence."
"Once the war ends, to the degree it ends, government tends not to recede, the taxes tend to be in place at least for quite a while."
"The U.S. government has managed to classify more than a billion so-called public documents so at this point we can't possibly know what our leaders are doing."
"If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense."
"The reason people don't trust the government is actually because the government doesn't trust the people."
"Governments that use the enormous power of law enforcement to punish their enemies and reward their allies are not constitutional republics. They are autocracies."
"If we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."
"One of the marks of real journalism, investigative journalism, is that it makes a lot of people unhappy, especially government officials."
"Government censorship should concern everyone."
"The government does not get to pick what viewpoints are right, what issues we discuss, or what we believe."
"We need to make sure that we are getting to the bottom of the weaponization of the federal government."
"As a matter of principle, government retaliation for the exercise of free speech is problematic; it's wrong."
"We don't worship government, we worship God."
"I believe in a government that's of the people, by the people, for the people."
"If you change enough minds and you educate enough minds, you can actually get the government to fix some of the huge problems we have."
"Let's start spending money where we can agree to help the American people."
"The role of money and government is something very profound."
"Questioning your government is one of the most patriotic things a citizenry can do."
"When people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
"The government is a tool in the service of its citizens."
"If you trust the government now, you haven't been paying attention."
"Free speech is put into place to protect the individual against the government."
"We replaced the church by a bigger state, and that happened in Quebec."
"The reality is if a government can get in bed with a corporate entity to purposely thwart the likelihood of their opposing candidate winning the election, that's a very serious problem."
"What do all four of these have in common? And the answer is, they are all man-made crises by governments."
"We're in this together, all of government, the public, and the private sector."
"Government can become customized and transparent and accountable and eventually voluntary."
"For all the faults of government, its existence does allow for things like workplace safety laws, OSHA, the ability to sue businesses."
"The First Amendment is a core fundamental right within its protection of the free press against infringement by the government."
"The government has not been doing a good job, so we don't need the government to then say now monitor people that are trying to come in and do a good job. We need less government in this space."
"Professor Nutt is probably better known than most academics because in 2009, he was famously sacked by the UK government for essentially doing his job."
"The state should be here to serve us, not the other way around."
"Being realistic about what government is capable of telling you... is the responsible thing to do."
"Ultra Anarchy: Anarchy still allows for some forms of government; anarchic communists want to self-govern with a commune."
"The biggest purveyor of disinformation is the government. The second is the establishment media."
"The government actually exists because that's what ensures the rights of people."
"It's not the province of an executive agency to write laws for our nation; that vital duty, for better or worse, lies solely with the legislature."
"The biggest problem the country has, in my view, aside from the racial problems we have and the legacy of slavery, is the dysfunction of the government right now. The Democrats and Republicans just cannot agree on almost anything."
"The bill exceeds the rightful authority to which governments are limited by the essential distinction between civil and religious functions."
"The media and the government have done an abhorrent job of really explaining what that means, what we're experiencing right now."
"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos."
"America the country is much better off when America the government respects America the country."
"The first Cabinet ever that is evenly composed with as many women as men in the Cabinet."
"The first Cabinet ever with a majority of people of color."
"Our amazingly resilient society has been revitalized more than once before and not by governments."
"If the government is acting against the people without the consent of the people...that is the definition of tyranny."
"We want a government of action that will take power and fight for them."
"Governments go to extreme lengths to protect their monopoly on currency and they will not tolerate a global decentralized currency."
"Freedom of speech is a negative right that prevents the government from infringing on your ability to express yourself or that prevents the government from being able to force you to say certain things."
"Fiscal responsibility is not about big government or small government; it's about being willing to pay for the priorities you want to spend money on."
"The most heinous crimes in the history of humanity have been conducted by people who blindly obey governments."
"I would love to live in a country where the government fears the citizens."
"The CIA has been secretly conducting surveillance programs to capture Americans' private information."
"I've got more years of experience in government than the president, and more executive experience than the vice president, and more military experience than the two of them put together."
"You don't have to accept the corruption in your government; say something."
"Whenever any form of government becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government."
"The government's all over the world, they have different rules for different people...The politicians are picking the winners and losers."
"We need some form of government that can deal with broader global problems."
"The Second Amendment is to protect yourself against a tyrannical government."
"You should not use your government connections to make money, period."
"The legitimacy of government depends on the consent of the governed."
"Governments lie all the time. Well, not just the American government, it's just in the nature of governments."
"This folks, is what Congress is up to while we're all waiting for our stimulus checks."
"Democracy is the worst form of government - except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
"The Chinese model is not so difficult; it truly is heavy government investment into production."
"The ideal form of government is one that affords the individual maximum personal freedom."
"Do you believe there's an active disinformation campaign within our government to deny the existence of UAPs?"
"Democracy is the worst form of government...with the exception of every other type of government that's ever been seen."
"Transparency is a cornerstone of government. We live in a vast galaxy with a lot of unanswered questions."
"Transparency is a cornerstone of government."
"I think this hearing is going to show the American people that their government takes this topic seriously."
"Major world governments have technology that is 50 to 100 years more advanced than what the public is led to believe."
"It's up to you to flush the pipes clean and retake our government so it starts working for us and not the corporate interests."
"It's a sort of constitutional crisis what we're facing."
"We're not bringing little green men or flying saucers into the hearing; we're just going to get to the facts."
"In areas where the government has proven itself either unwilling or unable to defend the black people, it is time for the black man to stand up and start defending himself."
"It's crucial the government tells the people the truth, the depth of the emergency that we're facing."
"Nearly half of Americans believe that the federal government is doing a very bad or somewhat bad job of dealing with reports of UFO sightings."
"The data stolen has been deleted as the ransomware organization delete any stolen government data."
"We need to begin to have a government that moves at the speed of innovation."
"The reason we have government in the first place is to solve problems collectively that we can't solve individually."
"It's really incumbent upon this committee and upon the government itself to recognize that we have a crucial social role to play as well as making it commercially viable."
"Big government was colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans. Now it's Big Government colluding with Big Banks and Big Business to spy on everything Americans buy, every place they go, everything they do."
"I'm not here to talk about January 6th or about any particular threat, insurrection, or protest. I'm here to talk about the already extent and expanding collusion of government and corporation in restricting the individual freedom and autonomy."
"Governments can and are colluding with these corporate agents to develop a picture not only of our actions but of our thoughts and words so deviation from the desired end can be mapped, rewarded, and punished."
"It is time for full citizen participation in every aspect of our government."
"Stability: the most underrated of governmental virtues."
"Transparency is what's lacking so much in our government, in our politics, in our corporations."
"Wanting the government to make people's lives better is statism 101."
"The biggest liars are the United States government. They're the biggest perpetrators of propaganda."
"There are roles for the government that make sense."
"The nation's policy on climate change really needs to be set in the first instance by elected representatives and then by the administration through the agencies that Congress has created."
"I seek to lead the Conservative Party and our team to form a government that delivers more than just photo ops but real solutions to the challenges we face."
"We the people create a government that is accountable to us, not the other way around."
"Government is force... if you force someone to do something, it's really hard to say that that's what they want to do."
"A lot of people are disenfranchised with the military, with the government."
"You don't actually want a government big enough to do the things that you like because it may turn out that the people who control that government are doing things that you don't like."
"It's impossible for any government to shut down Bitcoin."
"I'm more enamored with the general setup. I absolutely love this idea of secret clandestine government agencies seeing to supernatural threats."
"Government has no intentions. Only people have intentions."
"Together we are determined to defend and preserve government of the people, by the people, and for the people."
"The Prime Minister would have had access to that radar data that showed the plane was not in the South China Sea when it was last spotted."
"Economic freedom, as in the government doesn't own what you've created. No one else does. That's the point."
"Consequences catch up with bad government eventually."
"Transparency, especially when it reveals crimes that are being conducted by our government secretly behind closed doors, is very important."
"With the success of a government so closely tied to the capabilities of their navy, the question arises: which of the galactic powers across history has possessed the most capable interstellar starfleet?"
"America pays its debts and that's something that we need to keep doing."
"Right now, everyone in this world's focus should be about these souls and those families who are wondering if these people are going to walk back in the door after they walked out to work last night."
"I would hire the best people and this is a smooth-running machine...everything that we've not only just seen over the last couple of weeks but really the last couple of years disproves all of the central tenets about how he runs his government."
"Our government will work with the provinces and territories to boost wages for essential workers who are making under $2,500 a month."
"The government should look terrible when they break up protests."
"The hurricane that we're in is a demonstration of how important the institutions of the government are."
"Any government that cannot do this has failed, failed, and failed abysmally."
"All government data regarding unidentified aerospace objects should be made available to the public to be openly investigated by the broader scientific community."
"If you live in an oligarchy, the government is not choosing not to act on behalf of the oligarchy. That's not what an oligarchy is."
"The do-nothing Congress is the greatest thing going, people. Don't ever kid yourself. When Congress isn't doing anything, that's what you actually want."
"The government has to be really careful how it is perceived by black and minority ethnic voters... Being Prime Minister is about leadership, and he needs to offer leadership on issues of social cohesion."
"All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities."
"The government's got a serious problem with you surveilling them, but they don't have a problem surveilling you."
"I would rather live in a state that is less physically and technologically capable of oppressing you."
"The primary purpose of government is to protect your natural rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Bitcoin provides monetary sovereignty outside the control of government policy."
"Bitcoin causes government to shrink over time dramatically."
"It's okay to hope, it's okay to believe, it's okay to believe that government can actually do good."
"Property taxes... Once you own a piece of property, you shouldn't have to rent it from the government."
"Telling the truth is dangerous when the government is wrong."
"Socialism isn't when the government does stuff, nor is it when a party has 'socialist' in the name."
"A growing number of governments will struggle with rising popular discontent."
"When the government encroaches into our schooling system, causing decay, it signals a deep systemic issue."
"A government has a social contract with the people to rule over them fairly, justly, lawfully, without undue favor or discrimination, for the benefit of the people themselves and not for the benefit of the government."
"If you interfere even slightly with the government's agenda, your own government will dedicate a tremendous amount of resources to destroy your reputation, your finances, your career, and if it can, your sanity."
"Governments have been taking them seriously all along."
"I'm writing a book right now...to enlighten people that we have to hold our government officials accountable."
"I felt that if change was to be meaningful, it had to start with those occupying the highest positions in government."
"There's this thing called executive privilege which the court has upheld in the Nixon Watergate tapes case amongst others."
"Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler... came forward at great risk to their careers and reputations to bring to light evidence of corruption and misconduct within our federal government."
"That building should stand as a warning to every government to everybody in every town and every city in this country of what happens when you give up the public good, the public interest, for private gain."
"Mr. Speaker, the American people deserve to have confidence in their government."
"Do you think there are examples of actions the government can take to increase the freedom of the average citizen?"
"Fair and effective oversight is number one: does it serve to make government work and function better on behalf of the American people?"
"The U.S. government has never been very good at protecting the rights of an individual to control what happens to their own body."
"Christ is Lord, he is transcendent, he's above all, he defines the limits of government, his law reigns supreme."
"The Bill of Rights comprises unassailable rights that the government is not allowed to touch or change."
"Remember that time when the Biden Administration said that inflation was transitory, and then it just kept rising? Now they're saying, well, it might not be super transitory."
"Crony capitalism is immoral, because one of the parties - the government - has been bought off."
"We will help people believe once again that their government cares about them, no matter who they are."
"State and local governments alone simply do not have the capacity or resources to do what is necessary."