
Aristotle Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Aristotle claimed happiness was the ultimate purpose of life."
"Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics... is where Aristotle gives out his theory of what we now call virtue ethics."
"The single greatest mistake ever made in the history of Western thought was abandoning Aristotle and, more generally, classical philosophy."
"To quote Aristotle... there are basically three sorts of friendship: one is that friends that are useful to each other, the second is we're friends because it's pleasurable, and the third one is about goodness."
"Understanding Aristotelian mean means the balance."
"Aristotle said that to be a master of metaphor was a sign of genius."
"The American people may not read Aristotle every day... but they get it and they know hypocrisy when they see it."
"It is an index of a search for meaning... and we need to remember Aristotle's fundamental insight into the human psyche, which is that one is only ever moved by some kind of a perceived good."
"Aristotle says that the reason we develop virtue is that once we have good habits, the moral life becomes easier."
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it." - Aristotle
"Aristotle believed the heart had three chambers. It actually has four."
"Aristotle's greatest contribution to mankind was that he provided a methodology by which to find solutions to problems rather than providing these solutions themselves."
"Aristotle argued that knowing good was not good enough; the person had to practice being good to benefit himself as well as society."
"Aristotle was very clear that happiness depends on virtue, but virtue must be cultivated; it cannot be taken for granted."
"To be a free man as Aristotle said, you need to live in a polis, because that's the only place where it's possible to live as a free man."
"Averroes is so close to Aristotle that we cannot expect to understand Aristotle if we do not read Averroes."
"Pity, fear, catharsis. That's the formula Aristotle described, and it still works today."
"Aristotle's 'Nicomachean Ethics' offers good secular answers."
"Aristotle believed that everything had its order and its place..."
"Rhetoric is the process of making the worse appear the better cause." - Aristotle
"Aristotle may have been the last person on earth who knew everything there was to know in his lifetime."
"Alexander the Great is undeniably the most renowned and debated."
"Many scholars note that Alexander’s education under Aristotle was crucial for his future endeavors."
"Friendship is essentially a partnership." - Aristotle
"Aristotle's conception of form and matter which will differ some from plato's and it gets closer to the truth."
"Aristotle praised the Carthaginian system for avoiding tyranny and common sedition found in Greek democracies."
"Aristotle is the greatest philosophical genius of all time."
"Through pursuing wisdom, we will reach a stage of what he called 'eudaimonia'."
"Plato does not believe in human equality neither did Aristotle neither did anybody else among the ancient Greeks the Romans didn't believe in equality either except in a very attenuated sense."
"Aristotle: humans can be happy through sensual pleasures, ethical superiority, and logical understanding."
"Ibn Rushd had more than a passing acquaintance with Aristotle."
"Aristotle considered time as a fundamental aspect of nature he defined time as the measurement of motion and change."
"Aristotle talks about different kinds of friendship and there's friendship of pleasure which is where you just like doing the same stuff"
"Aristotle thought the ultimate end goal of life, what we should all shoot for, is living well."
"I think Aristotle was profoundly affected by the notion of the forms, the ideal essences that are the only thing we can actually have knowledge of because they're universal and eternal."
"Two fundamental principles of Aristotelian logic are the law of non-contradiction and the law of the excluded middle."
"We should begin with Aristotle's work concerning Definitions since it is the definitions which make up the core of any argument."
"The origins of logic can be traced back to the works of Aristotle, who lived during the golden age of Greek culture in the 4th century BC."
"As the 4th century BC ends, Aristotle follows Plato in pointing to the value of the theoretical and celebrating the life of study that the philosopher and the scholar enjoy."
"Aristotle suggests that happiness is achieved through a combination of learning, habituation, and other forms of training."
"Medieval philosophy much influenced by Aristotle supposed, reasonably enough, that there's no such thing as empty space in nature."
"Aristotle wasn't right about everything, not by a long shot, and even when he was right, his insight has in modern times steadily been surpassed by more advanced scientific inquiry and knowledge."
"If Plato's prose was silver, Aristotle's was a flowing river of gold."
"Armed with his father's wisdom, $60 in his pocket, and a dream in his soul, Aristotle chose to seek fame and fortune in the land of Freedom, the United States of America."
"Aristotle takes up the challenge in one of his best known works, the Nicomachean Ethics."
"Aristotle's idea of a flourishing life is first fully worked out in the Nicomachean ethics."
"Aristotle's four causes provide the framework for Aquinas's second way of proving God's existence."
"Aristotle said the mark of an educated person is being able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
"Aristotle loves its constitution."
"Aristotle thought of human beings as made up of matter and form, but Descartes is saying that a human being is a thinking thing."
"Aristotle fundamentally is interested in putting rhetoric at the heart of public life."
"Aristotle's compromise: eminent realism."
"Aristotle was the father of the human race as distinguished from the prehuman and pre-rational."
"Now he turns to Aristotle's Ethics first of all as the plan, as the model to array for the arrangement of sins."
"What we need is character. And in particular, we need an aspect of character that Aristotle called 'practical wisdom.'"
"The very idea of the universal library... can be traced to Aristotle's visionary Lyceum."
"Aristotle was coincidentally given a name which anticipated his most revolutionary idea that everything and everyone has a purpose or and a tellus and a potentiality a Dunamis Dean amis dynamite which they may or may not fulfill depending on how well they're brought up."
"I personally regard him as the greatest intellectual of all time he was a walking encyclopedia."
"Curiosity about life living organisms plants humans and other animals was to underlie almost everything Aristotle ever achieved."
"Aristotle's picture of what it takes to be virtuous."
"Aristotle's challenge is to manage our emotional life with intelligence."
"Aristotle was absolutely right about this, and you probably take the theory of epigenesis for granted."
"Why employ metaphor? Aristotle tells us that metaphor can convince without exposing the objective to persuade."
"He sat little but rather walked about his room so much that, said his secretary, you might have thought him among the Aristotelian sect of Peripatetics."
"Aristotle always starts from the assumption that we can normally rely on our sense perceptions and ability to understand what we perceive with them."
"Happiness for Aristotle is more of a verb, an activity than a state permanently achieved; it's rational activity executed excellently."
"The beginning of philosophy is wonder." - Aristotle
"Aristotle wrote the world's first logic textbook."
"Aristotle says that human knowing works in four steps, beginning at the bottom with sense observation of many different concrete particulars."
"Aristotle inherited the notion of the four cardinal virtues from Plato: prudence, fortitude, moderation, and justice."
"Aristotle was a student of Plato and a tutor of Alexander the Great."
"Aristotle was the first influential empiricist in the Western world."
"Knowledge for Aristotle is the integrated employment of induction and deduction."
"Every human being will reach the heights of an Aristotle under communism."
"Aristotle believes that all animals could be divided into two groups: bloodless animals that generated spontaneously and blooded animals that required mating to reproduce."
"Aristotle's philosophy, in its essentials, is true, which makes Aristotle a phenomenon without precedent in the history of thought."
"Aristotle is pre-eminently the realist in philosophy."
"Aristotle is considered as the father of Western philosophy, contributing to almost every field of human knowledge."
"Aristotle's God... is not to be confused with the God that you worship as a Christian."
"Aristotle's notion of happiness... is something you may have come across somewhere else."
"Aristotle wrote about the qualities of a Greek tragic hero in Poetics."
"Boethius was the first major Christian writer who was interested more in Aristotle than Plato."
"Happiness for Aristotle is intrinsically good."
"Happiness is living one's life in the right way."
"Happiness means living well and something does well when it fulfills its function."
"Often in the Middle Ages, he was simply referred to as 'The Philosopher' and also sometimes as 'the master of those who know'."
"Aristotle still recognized that spiritual reality is within the grasp of human concepts."
"Face reading physiognomy; it's not an ancient Asian art, it is an ancient Western practice dating back to Aristotle."
"Aristotle made many accurate conclusions about cetacean biology."
"Catharsis, according to Aristotle, is this kind of purging of emotion."
"Aristotle was also the first practitioner of what nowadays could be viewed as empirical biology, and also he created the first database."
"The play presents an almost perfect interpretation of the elements of hamartia, error of judgment, reversal of fortune, and anagnorisis, recognition that would have been much appreciated by Aristotle."
"This question has been around literally, you know, for 2000 years. It goes all the way back to Aristotle."
"Aristotle says that a hundred-pound ball falling from a height of 100 cubits hits the ground before a one-pound ball has fallen one cubit. I say they arrive at the same time."
"Aristotle's effort to get clear on what we might call scientific method."
"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies."
"Aristotle's almost like the voice of the Holy Spirit before Jesus, setting the table."
"Aristotle works systematically and builds these foundations for thinking."
"Logic, according to Aristotle, is the study of objective truth."
"What is a valid inference? It's a question that Aristotle asked in his syllogism."
"Logic started with Aristotle in the fourth century BC."