
Family Welfare Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Every family should be able to, just like any other Canadian, walk into a store and buy $3 milk and a $3 box of cereal, so your kid can eat in the morning."
"We claim to care about mothers and families, we do very little for them."
"We want to help you decode what's going on and how it's going to affect your life and your family's lives in the future."
"The president is certainly focused on ensuring the economy is continuing to recover and that people are going back to work and able to put food on the table to feed their families."
"Paid parental leave has a positive impact on societal health, on individual health, on parent health and on childhood health."
"We measure progress in America based on whether or not someone can pay their mortgage whether or not they can send their kid to college."
"Do what's right for your family and do what's right for yourself."
"The Trump administration has failed us. Trump has failed working families."
"Look at the policies, figure out what's better for your family, go with it."
"Culture and economics are inseparably intertwined. Certain economic systems allow families to thrive. Thriving families make economies possible. You can't separate the two."
"Republican Senator Mitt Romney has now come out with his version of monthly cash payments for families."
"Our measure of success is really how real working families are doing."
"We need to help fund and fuel a transition to a different kind of economy that works for you and your family."
"He doesn't want to go back working three, four jobs, not be able to put food on the table at the end of the day. It's about being able to take care of your family, pay your bills."
"Getting out of debt is something that will take care of you and your family far into the future."
"I want families to be able to retire with dignity, be able to change their family tree, and be able to live well."
"Kids do better when they go home to parents who have jobs."
"My plan will not only lower cost and give families a fair shot, it will lower the deficit." - President of the United States
"We made the decisions that we felt as parents were the best decisions for our family and that's all that it is."
"I can't wait til the day where AI systems exhibit consciousness because it'll truly be some of the hardest ethical questions."
"I felt like it was the best thing for my family and for my well-being."
"The fun part about investing is if you can find a way um to buy the right companies at the right time you can take care of your family forever..."
"There are a lot of people in this country who are struggling to get by who want a better life for their kids. I don't think a social issue is the most pressing for the average person; I think it's the economy."
"The investments in the Build Back Better Act will help Maine families thrive and create a better future."
"We're fighting to ensure that working families have access to paid family leave, reducing the cost of childcare."
"Direct payments are crucial for supporting struggling families."
"We've got to get inflation under control, and if we're done, it's going to have a dramatic impact on families all across our country."
"The governor's administration has created a migrant families relief fund."
"God is changing your situation for the better; He is blessing you and your family with a better life."
"Our task will not be complete until every family has a fighting chance."
"I fear most obviously for the welfare of my family."
"Up $1,000 a month in your hands would be a game-changer for millions of families right here in the state."
"Listen to us. We care about child care credit, safe schools, and health care."
"My kids go to private school, my daughter, my son, my wife, they live well." - Alex
"I want to get as wealthy as possible so I can help change my family's life, get my time back with my family. The money is a byproduct to get that done."
"Life would be better for them, their kids, and everyone around them."
"If she is not okay, your children are not okay."
"Are you going to suffocate your entire family and destroy everything you know based on the hypothetical possibility that someone might object to you choosing to not roll over and die?"
"Do what's gonna work for you and for your family and then ultimately you'll be doing what's gonna work for the community."
"There's a lot of agreement on lowering costs for American families."
"We've become the party that prioritized pronouns over putting food on the table for working families."
"If you tax a farmer who grows a food and tax the trucker who hauls the food then you hurt the families who buy the food."
"You got a dose of reality and made the very best decision for you and your kids."
"Invest in whatever you want, as long as you're being ethical. Have fun, get the bread, improve the quality of life for your family."
"You're missing out on one of the most accessible ways of generating wealth for you and your family."
"I became what I became because all I ever wanted to do was make sure my family was out of this situation."
"Create options for yourself and your family."
"The child tax credit puts food on the table, and that's just an incredible thing."
"Having this recurring permanent child tax credit of three thousand dollars would be incredibly important."
"The true unvarnished state of our Union begins and ends with this: our families are hurting, our country can do better."
"You spend 100 billion dollars, you pay people decent wages to do the work, and we know what the average working-class middle-class family would do with a decent income."
"Your vote matters for making sure that mom and dad are taken care of."
"This product is gonna be around when I'm not around, but my family's gonna be able to eat off of this."
"I will trust you and your keys to know what Heavenly Father's will would be for me and for my family."
"The mission statement is to help families earn more income, become properly protected, debt free and financially independent."
"I could not let my sons lead a life like me as a modern-day slave."
"The best way to make sure that children don't grow up in poverty is to make sure that their parents are in work."
"Seller finance saved that family, made them thrive."
"We've seen 3.4 million more people earning an income, able to provide for their families."
"When you give women the voice around how dollars are spent, they're going to spend it in ways that benefit their families and their communities."
"It's like a sort of a welfare system where the parents want the best for their children because if you're getting kicked out or you leave the house by 18 with no financial means, you're going to struggle."
"One should actually look behind the figures and statistics and see nearly 800 families but now have a new breadwinner and a brighter future."
"Inflation is just a way to charge a little bit more and get a little bit more money, but they are attacking the things that matter the most, the things that keep our core self and our core families producing well."