
Economic Trends Quotes

There are 559 quotes

"The economy is doing better; things are positive."
"When all of the housing markets across the United States and really across the world started to explode, it became clear...that Florida was the clear winner when it comes to how high housing prices were going."
"Your children will earn less than you did, the first time again in history."
"Producer prices have now fallen in every single one of the last 16 months."
"Global income inequality started doing something interesting for the first time since the start of the Industrial Revolution; it started going backwards."
"For the purposes of individual workers, it's good. It means finally workers are getting paid more."
"It's gratifying to see the disinflationary process now getting underway, and we continue to get strong labor market days."
"Deflation and the disinflationary process has started. That's really exciting."
"Unlike previous eras that were fueled by rampant speculation and cheap money, today the leaders in the generative AI boom are large, mostly profitable companies."
"Manufacturing, as we know it, is never gonna return."
"Most American men earn less today than most American men did in 1979."
"Productivity continued to grow, the economy continued to do better and better, but the typical worker's wage started flattening out."
"We may already be starting to see the effect on the wider economy. In the first decade of this century, the net total number of jobs created in the United States was zero."
"You can see the key economic trends that impact your life, your business, your investments, and your family over the rest of your lifetime."
"We've gone from a regime of capital abundance to a regime of capital scarcity."
"There are empty homes piling up on the U.S. housing market right now... Inventory is surging, price cuts are surging, and the housing crash has started."
"We're seeing a decrease in the size of products but an increase in the pricing, and this is skimpflation, which then turns into greedflation."
"Consumer prices are the highest we've seen in 30 years. Inflation is certainly here to stay."
"This was all going down in the midst of a huge bull run for tech startups with no end in sight."
"We're definitely in an environment where you're seeing a lot of boats rise with the rising tides, but it's during the low tide periods... that we put in a ton of work to find boats that weren't going to sink when the tides come back, but rather would prosper."
"About 61% of American adults were considered middle class in 1971, compared to just 51% in 2019."
"We are now firmly in an era where home prices are going down in America, and people really need to start understanding that."
"We are in a overall housing recession; it's not just mortgage rates. Overall, there's not enough people to fill these housing units at these prices."
"If you look at data spanning almost 70 years worth, you'll notice that when we reach a plateau or a peak of interest rates, that's when we've almost always gone into a recession."
"Credit card debt for the American consumer is now back to an all-time high and it's increasing at the fastest rate really on record."
"Every single big recession over the last 50 years has managed to bring down inflation too."
"Spikes in income inequality and financial crises are correlated... that correlation does kind of make you worry."
"The cost of education rose 65 percent in the last ten years."
"Just a decade ago, 3D printing sounded like the latest crazy fad, but amazingly, it has survived the ridicule of boom and bust economics."
"In the end, over-exuberance will usually correct."
"Rent is down for the eighth consecutive month... in the United States."
"Your big picture trend is indeed an uptrend and bullish, but your immediate trend is a downtrend and bearish."
"There's a lot of compelling evidence that this decade is going to be remarkable from a macroeconomic perspective."
"Every three months to four months there's going to be a shake-up in the market there's going to be a sentiment shift there's going to be a change in Trend."
"Residential real estate is still reasonably attractive, especially in certain zip codes, especially in some of the Southern states that people are flocking to."
"The stock market will eventually always go up."
"Gas prices have fallen for 58 days in a row."
"Focus is becoming more valuable... because our economy is increasingly shifting towards high-level knowledge work."
"High inflation always precedes hyperinflation."
"It's just been a matter of 'buy the dip' when we get some serious dips."
"The trend of centralization is pushing towards zero growth."
"People do have more money to spend, they are bored, they are interested, and they are seeing legitimate trends."
"The latecomers are coming in and buying up a lot."
"Purchasing power go up like crazy in the United States."
"We often hear that the average cost of a wedding is about $30,000, but actually the median has ranged from 15 to $20,000 in the last decade."
"Inflation is no longer in goods and commodities, it's in services."
"Annual bike sales will run up more than double new car registrations by 2030."
"History has showed us that the stock market and the economy always goes up."
"We do believe long term in the value of bitcoin."
"The trend I call it the chart of truth, which is the trend of long-term 10-year bond yields over the last 30 odd years is this beautiful channel that just keeps going down and down and down."
"This is an industry that is growing at an extreme pace."
"The next 10 years are going to be very different from the last 10 years... the next 10 years will be a roller coaster in the markets."
"The market is pricing in the best case scenario right now."
"Companies are noticing the demand for durable goods is drying up."
"I think the 2020s are a very similar environment you want to own scarce things."
"The rides are going to get more expensive, the meal delivery is going to get more expensive."
"U.S home prices could plunge 20% by next summer."
"We are just at the dawn of big changes in personal finance... big space just in front of us."
"The biggest deleveraging in history has just begun and it can't be stopped."
"The rise and fall of China's commercial real estate industry mirror the country's economic growth."
"Once that run to gold starts, it will, as I said earlier, be I think the biggest rush into that commodity that we've probably ever seen."
"The dollarization is occurring at a stunning pace."
"In 2020 the chip shortage was relatively small; I didn't expect to be entirely out of stock today."
"Dollar strength begets more dollar strength."
"We've seen with electric cars the right things are happening, the prices are starting to come down."
"We've got inflation indicator posted its biggest year-over-year gain in nearly three decades."
"Meanwhile the economy continues to sort of Teeter on the brink the latest inflation reports came in inflation is indeed slowing which is precisely what you would expect when you jack up the interest rates."
"If I ever see an ad in the Super Bowl for this groundbreaking new technology, it's probably going through a bear market."
"Prices are going down guys, there's no way around it."
"I personally believe that now we're starting to see the economy cool off a little bit from its insane growth it's experienced over the last few years."
"The discussion of stock market crashes is frequent. You're going to see it every single day."
"Inflation is declining significantly and the economy is remaining strong."
"Silicon Valley's growth couldn't go on forever."
"Home prices are up a record amount 24 year-over-year to a record high."
"Crypto continues to go up while the dollar is going down."
"But it's not unusual because we're also mixing that with a month of sideways price action."
"2021 is going to be really good, but 2022 to 2024 will be the real bulk of the run."
"Longer term, we do think some of these secular growth themes are here to stay."
"It's been fun. Buy Bitcoin. No, China bought a bunch of Bitcoin. A lot of Bitcoin."
"We're seeing prices shooting up like crazy... and we're seeing a lot of that happening."
"As the reward gets smaller, the price of Bitcoin tends to kind of go upward as it becomes rarer."
"If you ignore the power of the collaborative commons, you're ignoring one of the most dynamic and disruptive parts of the modern economy."
"VCS poured in 41 billion into crypto in the past 18 months."
"Unemployment is actually down, a lot of this stems from the fact that unemployment was so high during the pandemic."
"There's a lot of narrative setups that are happening right now that point to more inflation coming down the pike."
"The trend's been going down, thanks Reagan Mundas."
"The money's getting pretty stupid pretty fast."
"Recessions actually usually start after the FED pauses because the FED usually waits too long."
"It's become a macro narrative story for most investors, and the easiest way to think about Bitcoin is as digital gold."
"Bitcoin as a digital gold narrative has suddenly taken on such significance."
"The digital economy is going to be larger than the terrestrial economy over 51."
"House prices have been surging across the world since the lockdowns of 2020 and are growing at unsustainable rates far above the rate of income growth."
"Rates hit 6%, people can't afford homes. Fear hits the market."
"Let creators get their bag like look the creator economy is booming."
"We're about to see a bull market that no one's ever seen before."
"Markets take longer to adjust than you expect and then they move faster than you can imagine."
"Omega Omega is facing a structural shift in market demand."
"More money has been made on meme coins than in any other sector in crypto."
"The demand didn't get pulled forward or evaporate."
"There's going to be a massive contraction in the automotive market."
"Millennials and gen zers start realizing that their peers are getting rich with crypto."
"The story of the post-war era has been real household disposable income going up with occasional dips."
"Even unprofitable mining could result in a large amount of bitcoin down the road."
"There's an exponentially growing demand for what they are offering."
"Ethereum's burning: not deflationary yet, but getting there."
"Real yields on treasury bonds are on a historic downtrend, overlapping closely with the gold price."
"Things are booming right now in the real estate business."
"Interest rates have been falling since 1981, right? So that's 40, 41 years."
"Interest rates are rising because inflation is on the rise."
"The S&P 500 just broke a streak of 12 consecutive months with a negative rolling 12-month price return."
"Stock-to-flow has predicted Bitcoin's trend pretty darn well over the last 12 years."
"Look at this chart...from 1990 all the way down to 2015, particularly take a look at poverty which has dropped down to below a 30 percent global rate."
"The demand for protein will increase with population growth."
"Remember when everybody said oh this is just a tech thing this is just Tech layoffs yes remember that yep the number of companies that have made layoff announcements is now slightly more than 200."
"One of the things that is happening with certainty right now has to do with wages."
"The crypto world appears to be poised to capitalize on all of this."
"Bitcoin is gonna be a big part of the future."
"The American median household income froze, started declining we haven't had an uptick since the year 2000."
"Debt for middle-class families over this space-time period has almost tripled."
"Can it go any lower? That's the big question."
"The new generation fortunes are all made through code or media."
"You never really know how strong they are until they're in hot water."
"People are starting to make more money online with automation." - Crypto Stash
"Wages are rising most quickly for the lowest income Americans."
"Price is suppressed because the retail investor is nervous."
"The numbers are coming way down and they're coming down rapidly."
"The content creation economy is booming and officially the fastest growing small business in the entire world."
"The trend, bigger picture, is commodities going up."
"Growth categories don't always go up in a perfect line. Even in the highest growth sectors, it's not impossible for them to take a breather. It's very important to understand that they take a breather, and it is normal."
"Businesses maintaining pricing power... if we go into a frugal decade then people consumers are going to stop paying higher prices."
"The main problem is that our wages have been steadily dropping for decades."
"The demographic trends and the debt trends continue to weigh."
"The VIX in the dollar index the 10-year yield all down at least today and that is bullish for equities."
"I think once one country starts to see and feel the benefits of moving towards Bitcoin, we'll start to see, like you said, the domino effect."
"The roles reversing: the retail investors have outsmarted the smart money."
"The wage premium for bachelor's degrees has skyrocketed over time."
"You want to look for things that are always going to be trending up."
"America's share of global wealth is shrinking."
"When we start to see more and more Panic selling in in the markets in the economy is starting to dip into recession my guess is it gets sold across the board."
"We're in a situation where stocks are going to continue to go down they might bounce around and go down bounce around and go down."
"A dramatically rising price of Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies is synonymous with a rising price in gold and silver."
"The rise of the tokenized economy is all kind of ushering us into the digital age of the financial system."
"In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and when they happen, they happen faster than you thought they could."
"Well, we really see a strong consumer around the country."
"October, November, December are typically quite bullish months."
"The market has changed, the most obvious thing is prices. Home prices have skyrocketed since this pandemic started."
"Investments in bitcoin from macro investing led legends like Paul Tudor Jones... we saw MicroStrategy investing they think this is just the tip of the iceberg."
"Hopefully re-globalization, we're going to enter an era of re-globalization."
"The stock market's unbelievably resilient; it just continues to climb."
"Once things hit a critical level, the next leg up is very fast."
"The trend looks very unhealthy, well it's parabolic, right?"
"Electric vehicles are approaching sticker price parity with gas powered cars."
"Markets don't tend to go in a straight line down forever, we tend to at least go back to retracement levels."
"Since 1971, the amount of money you're making has pretty much stayed flat while the price of everything has gone up."
"The broader push of history is away from the West and towards forms of economic systems we are talking about."
"Why is it then that amidst all of this chaos and uncertainty the stock market is on the rise again?"
"EV prices will precipitously decline over time."
"Some people think it's four and we've seen we've tipped four on the tenure to four to third year a couple of times but I have a view that is probably going much higher than that."
"The companies are spending more, production is going up, and so is the sky falling? Well, I don't know, but it doesn't seem like it."
"There's gonna be volatility and peaks and valleys."
"The market's behind the dip, market is buying the dip."
"Bitcoin thrives as banking crisis is in a little bit of trouble. I think we're going to continue to see Bitcoin is likely considered to some investors as a hedge against systemic risk."
"The killer feature that people never think through is that if you just go back to a very long term history, there's a 4% bandwidth of consumer spending as a percent of GDP and it never gets outside of that."
"What a time to be alive when presidents are buying the dip and announcing it on Twitter."
"We're topping right here, in everything: real estate going down, bond market flattening, and stock market topping out."
"The housing market has become so much less affordable."
"Income and wealth inequality is supported by central bank inflation policy."
"Take the housing market to the moon because we're seeing mortgage rates come back down again."
"The US dollar is slipping as the reserve currency."
"The most opportunity comes about in the times of greatest pessimism... tons of opportunity right now you just have to be aligned with the current trends that are changing."
"Follow the money, you can see where things are going." - Rob
"The great resignation is what economists are dubbing it."
"In every hyperinflation or economic reset, there's a period of gradually then suddenly."
"There is no top, Laura. I think we might just not have these four-year cycles."
"The biggest surprise that will catch most market participants off guard is when they realize that the majority of the growth in 2020 and 2021 will probably never be replicated again."
"Retail trading industry is going to continue to grow over the next 10 to 20 years."
"People are selling their heirlooms that they've had for 200 years, smashing and melting silver. But that, I believe, if you look at the charts, is going to feed worldwide demand."
"We believe the perception of bitcoin is a better inflation hedge than gold is the main reason for the current upswing."
"We see Russian real incomes growing as well as prices fall...Russians probably feeling increasingly prosperous as their savings grow."
"Gold could even be a better alternative to treasuries."
"If we're going back in that direction again where we're going to lower interest rates, gold will become more important."
"The monthly mortgage payment that it takes to buy a typical home in the United States is now up by 55 percent compared from the start of last year."
"There is an emerging element within both the merchant side as well as the consumer side for a demand."
"Dependency on government was going down, poverty was going down before this program was ever put in."
"Eventually, it's going to become a requirement to participate in the market."
"I'm talking about copper going to seven eight dollars."
"The money flow has remained very bullish this entire time. All of that money moving into the cryptocurrency space is doing something, and you want to know what it's doing? It's accumulating."
"Lithium is going to be a tremendous growth commodity."
"We're just at the beginning of another wave of globalization, but this wave may be less centralized, less rules of the game up there, and much more decentralized."
"In a world where supply chains are shifting, Morocco is intriguing."
"I bonds probably are the best deal out there right now."
"We're starting to already get the data that the economy is crashing."
"Prepare for end of the Year festivities even people's favorite restaurant dishes including guac and seafood are getting far more expensive and harder to find."
"Wages are rising at the fastest pace in more than a decade."
"The trend might not continue, that it's a sugar high is just inconsistent with the form that the growth is taking."
"A difficult environment for retailers is expected to continue."
"We have Paraguay that's about to make Bitcoin legal tender and of course, we have Vechain that continues to do well."
"Moving forward, these things are going to happen. These negative aspects of what's going on are going to happen throughout the global economy."
"Central bank digital currencies are on their way to being at the forefront of our economies."
"It's been a great run for America's richest people, with nearly all of them wealthier than they were a year ago."