
Child Welfare Quotes

There are 1269 quotes

"It hurts to know that a child my daughter's age, who's only five, is actually hungry."
"You've got many more kids. You've got DCS...when a 5-year-old dies, it's a big deal. It is in my eyes."
"Parents love their kids and parents want to know what's going on with their kids."
"You guys will all grow and learn to do what's best for these children."
"These children deserve to smile, they deserve to love, and they deserve a safe home."
"We as adults need to make a world that is supporting those children. We need to make media that makes them feel valued."
"Any environment in which a child can't even voice concerns like that or like questions or interests with their parents... is one in which, as far as I'm concerned, that child's already being abused."
"Most men want to take care of their kids, and if it ends amicably, most guys are gonna do what's best for the child."
"Taking care of children's social, emotional, and physical health has never been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic."
"The cost to children of parents not being able to set boundaries has never been higher."
"I don't want to exist in a system where your ZIP code determines the type of healthcare you give your child."
"Imagine if your child was suffering, you knew the appropriate treatment, and there was nothing you could do."
"What's in the best interest of my kid? That's always the first thing."
"If you don't change the way you operate, you are going to continue to negatively affect this woman's spirit, which ultimately negatively affects your child's well-being."
"Absolutely despicable. Like, lock them up, take away the children."
"These postcards serve as a window into an unsettling era, one that treated the youngest members of society as mere products, complete with selling points and no return policies."
"If she was not receiving education, that's... it falls into this terrible picture of what her childhood and her upbringing might have been like."
"I fight because I lead a team that knows how to fight and knows how to extract and liberate the most vulnerable children in this world."
"We don't do nearly enough to protect children... and as a corollary to that, we don't do nearly enough to educate children."
"No child deserves to be punished for the issues between adults."
"Just because you have a falling out with an adult, you shouldn't take it out on the children. No child deserves it."
"My dream has been to literally adopt as many kids as possible... and just you know help as many kids as possible because it just it makes me so sad that like there are so many kids who don't have a home."
"Every sociologist, every expert agrees that children who are raised in single-parent households are not as well off as kids who are raised in two-parent households."
"A child would rather have a father and a mother that were around."
"That through the support of NGOs, 1779 children were reunified with their parents in the United States under past court orders over the last 30 days."
"We shouldn't be leaving this responsibility of giving your kid a fair chance to the parent, right? That's nuts."
"It is un-American. We should be the number one nation for investing in children, investing in child well-being."
"Adopting is for children, not for parents. The kids are the important thing."
"Every child needs at least one adult who's crazy about them."
"These are not political issues; these are common sense efforts to keep our children safe, keep our country safe."
"Every child deserves to be safe, loved, and given a chance to thrive."
"Vaccines have completely transformed what childhood is like."
"If you're a father, make the effort. Do everything you can to be in your children's daily lives."
"The importance of this pursuit cannot be overstated; the fate of nearly half of America's children depends on it."
"It is imperative that all involved parties work diligently to offer necessary resources and assistance to help JoJo navigate the profound trauma she has endured."
"We want to be the best place in the world to be a child."
"Phoenix is an agency care now, and it would probably not be in her best interest to be returned to either parent at this time or until they can show something to indicate that they can and will be more responsible and protective of her."
"No child deserves to be punished for expressing their feelings, especially when that punishment just equals more torture and more trauma."
"That's when I realized I was watching televised child abuse, abuse that came not from a kid being forced to do something she didn't like in that second, but abuse that's far more subtle, caused by the presence of cameras broadcasting moments that should never be public."
"Kids only get fed at school... schools are in the process of trying to bus out food to some of these children."
"We have now reached the most inhumane of all of Donald Trump's policies."
"Veganism is not child abuse. This child was being starved. It doesn't matter whether the modicum of nutrients that were permitted to enter this darling baby's body were meat or plant-based. The important fact is that she wasn't getting enough."
"Children in the care system are the most vulnerable, the most challenged, they are the least fortunate."
"This was unfortunately the case for Jongin, a baby not yet old enough to speak, whose story would shake the entire nation of South Korea."
"The police themselves were heavily scrutinized for their failures, with the public demanding that the officers responsible for mishandling the repeated reports face consequences."
"The Indian Child Welfare Act was passed in 1978 to stop the wholesale removal of Native American children from their homes, by giving the tribal government a voice in child custody disputes."
"Shining a light on just how neglectful the child welfare system can be is so, so important."
"You can't change that for every child, but you can change the world for one child."
"It's so hard with children; they're just so innocent. I don't understand how anyone could harm a child in that way."
"The young boy who we are referring to as RF can be seen visibly thin...and can be heard asking the homeowner, 'Can you take me to the police station?'"
"We never want our child to feel like they weren't wanted because adoption is such a beautiful thing."
"Arresting a child because a child is poor and instead of selling something illegal, they're selling water."
"It is intolerable and it is unacceptable for us to have in the state anybody who would kill little kids in our schools."
"You obviously care about this kid. We can't take him away from a loving parent."
"If you keep on mutilating children, maybe don't be that surprised when the parents are angry."
"It is natural to want to control your environment. It is natural to guarantee your children their future."
"We feel incredibly privileged to be able to join you once again at this year's World Child Awards."
"There is obviously so much more important work to do, and I know that you will continue to support and spread the word as we strengthen the Well Child community together."
"If you break up your home, then you leave your kids at a statistical disadvantage."
"At the end of the day, what effect is this having on kids? A lot of gamers who are surrounded by it, who see this every day, have I think a righteous reason to feel that this could have a negative impact on people, ultimately children."
"So many times, people stay together, and they say it's for their child, but in a lot of these situations, it's probably better for the child that they don't stay together."
"The exploitation of the child for whom I feel awful, really truly."
"I really as a psychiatrist, I don't view that child as broken."
"Mothers are so loving and nurturing, to the point that pop culture’s depiction of her rarely shows the opposite, how do we account for the ones that physically harm their children, or cut their children down with harsh words?"
"There is a responsibility that our society shares in protecting our children."
"A hungry child in Haiti doesn't care how his meal got there."
"I don't want to live in a world where children have to worry about where their next meal comes from."
"I just don't want to live in a world where children have to worry about where their next meal comes from."
"Lots of children are still starving. We could provide them with nutrition at a fraction of the cost that we're planning to expend not doing a very good job of mediating our carbon output."
"The whole nation is distraught at the tragic and horrific death of six-year-old Arthur Labinjo-Hughes."
"Nothing can take away from the horror of what happened to this poor desperate little boy."
"He was tortured and he was killed by the very adults whose job it was to care for him."
"That beautiful little boy, that little boy that pretty much every single person watching me now would have given a home to, he had his life stolen."
"This is absolutely for Peter, a beautiful, beautiful boy whose life was stolen."
"The welfare of the child is meant to be paramount. Why are we failing them?"
"The welfare of children needs to come first, and it's not coming first."
"It shouldn't just be about if he's okay to be with his mother, it should always be about who is the best fit for the child."
"Every person should have the right to seek safety, freedom, and the pursuit of a better life for their children."
"A pediatrician said if a foreign country was doing to our kids what we're doing to them, we would go to war to protect them."
"Parents should be uncomfortable with their kids being hungry because they don't have food. If you're not uncomfortable with that, you're being a bad parent."
"The human being child that they're raising needs better than this; this is vengeful, this is spiteful, this is selfish. This is not okay parenting."
"Our main priority will be to stay united as parents and continue creating a stable, happy, and loving environment for our children."
"The quality of life and well-being of children ought to be the most important thing in deciding to procreate, especially in a world that is looking more and more precarious for children and the future."
"Your duty is to love your child, to guide your child, and to advocate for your child."
"I would do whatever I needed to do to make sure that they got what they needed."
"Nearly 100,000 children missing... that truly is the most devastating aspect of everything that is happening at our Southern border."
"No children should not pay for this. Children are starving, children are eating grass just to survive."
"Children should not go hungry at school. They should not have to pay school lunch debt. It's psychotic."
"There have been reports... children are still being separated."
"The loving thing to do is not to destroy that child's body."
"If you knew in advance that a child would suffer horribly and then die, most people think you should avoid bringing that child into existence."
"An emotional story that blurs the lines but ultimately puts a child's life first."
"Why have children in the first place if you're going to do that?"
"Children with intact two-parent families do far better."
"Your desires for their futures have to be considered, and you know, frankly in all of this I'm most concerned about the most vulnerable kids."
"Can you just give your child up for adoption randomly? Can you drop off a 13-year-old or 16-year-old?"
"My personal stance on child pageants... it's just abuse. So I hate it, I absolutely hate it."
"Overall, I am glad that this has been brought to light because it is an eye-opener for people who weren't aware in the first place as to what really happens to these kids especially in the dance industry."
"Do your kids feel seen, safe, and supported by you?"
"This would lift families out of poverty. The estimates are that it would reduce child poverty in the United States by 54 percent."
"Free school meals used to be very good, improves health quite a bit, reduces poverty, reduces obesity, costs a lot of money."
"It's not about you, it's about what's best for the kid."
"Every child matters and I couldn't agree more."
"It's so important... so there is this sense of home for a child... I appreciate what it does, I just think the system is very flawed and having these kids jump from family to family this is what it can do to them."
"Motherly love at its height makes the child feel it is good to have been born."
"It really is not just about her, but it's about kind of families across the country and their ability to act in the best interest of their children."
"The court doesn't decide, you know, is it best for the child to be vaccinated or not."
"It's even more important to protest the things being done to children, as what gets laid down in childhood becomes very difficult to change."
"Normalization and validation. Children are treated as trophies to validate those relationships, to subvert the standards of the nuclear family which they hate in so many cases because it failed to protect them, and so they resent it."
"We need to know why. Why this was allowed. And don't confuse this for cancel culture. This is children that we're talking about."
"Our plan would lift 12 million Americans out of poverty and cut child poverty in half."
"I absolutely don't think anytime ever it is appropriate to give a child puberty blockers at all."
"If you have to send your child to a school that is masking them, I would highly encourage you to take your child out of that school."
"A forced mask on a child is abuse, there is no scientific reason for it, there is no moral reason for it."
"Nothing even begins to touch the level of failure on behalf of the DHS system like the case of Logan Marr does."
"No child should have to have this happen to them at this school."
"Save the kids token wasn't designed to benefit kids."
"The most vulnerable children in our society need to ensure that the poverty that we're seeing across the UK that these children are not left isolated without the support they need."
"Parents should ultimately be the arbiter of the decisions related to a young child."
"You don't take a child in and then after three years you decide to rehome him. He's a person, a baby, not an animal."
"Tell me more about the child. Yeah, I need to know sort of more about the child."
"It's brutal, public school is a brutal violent place for a lot of children."
"The mainstream media has done more harm to children than this movie would ever do."
"The bodies, minds, and lives of children are being permanently damaged, and everyone has a duty to approach this issue with the seriousness it demands."
"Actually, no, this is not a confirmed way to treat children. In fact, having them go through these treatments can increase suicide, anxiety, and depression."
"If people don't value their children before they're born, why would they value their children after?"
"Teachers are going to be a big part of saving kids' lives."
"Our children are dying... invest in our kids and their wellness."
"Each of the kids having their own personal private space was important to us."
"Children being kept in the United States against their will... pretending it doesn't exist."
"The war in Ukraine: its effect on not only the adults but especially the children."
"Walking around the wards of the Children's Hospital in Lviv and seeing children with traumatic amputees..."
"Every child should be able to have what they need to access their world, access their community, move their bodies, communicate, play, just like any other person."
"Nobody who cares about compassion, nobody who cares about humanity should want even a single little boy or little girl in the custody of human trafficker."
"If we want a peaceful world, we simply must start improving the way that we treat our children."
"If this was your child, wouldn't you do anything?"
"It's such a blessing not just for myself, but just knowing other kids are going to schedule food provided for them."
"If you genuinely care about children, you have to be against lockdowns."
"The president will fight for the health and well-being of children."
"These kids are victims bro. You're stealing their childhood."
"No kid should think they're going to be alone while the world ends."
"These are the key elements of the assistance plan that will lift 12 million Americans out of poverty and cut child poverty in half."
"All of the kids that attended Elan were in desperate need of love and attention, and they just needed someone to actually listen to them."
"If a kid was scared and didn't want to do it, kids shouldn't have had to do it. Period. The end."
"This work is so important because not only was this damaging for the kids who were on screen but also the kids that were watching."
"I think the argument would be just to pick one and stay with it... whatever that is what's ever better for kids what's ever better for health I would say would be the way to go."
"Parental rights are a thing that's as important as it gets."
"I never dreamed it would get this bad I thought it would get bad but not this bad and so you wake up now and you you see the the sexualization of children."
"Children are special, valuable, and should be affirmed as they are."
"A border patrol facility is no place for a child."
"Children need to know where their next check is coming from. If we can reduce poverty, we can reduce crime."
"We're gonna have to get on point to help these children."
"You know, I was recently part of a panel with the California Association of Food Banks... that idea of feeling shame every time you have to go get a free school lunch is just really terrible for children."
"The child tax credit lifted 3.7 million children out of poverty."
"Hungry children need food. With one humanitarian partner, we're delivering 30 million meals to school children in non-developing countries."
"Those who know the offender at this time believe him to be a nice guy, one who is genuinely interested in and dedicated healthy children and therefore is above suspicion."
"A mother knows their child better than anyone knows them and if she feels like something is off or wrong then she needs to be listened to."
"It's our responsibility as an Administration to responsibly and safely care for unaccompanied children."
"Taking caring for the safe care for unaccompanied children should be a part of what we all want to be active participants in."
"The grant Solomon case serves as a sombering reminder of the urgent need for a more proactive approach to child welfare."
"The article tries to paint the father as a bad person and that being with the father is bad for the kids."
"Governor Abbott abandoned children on the side of the road and below freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve without coordinating with any federal or local authorities. This was a cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt."
"Finally, children under the age of 14 can play outside for one hour a day."
"Parents care about their kids more than anybody else."
"You can draw a direct line between every one of those kids sitting in cages and Christian nationalism."
"If a culture and a culture if it's okay to hit your [] kids that's a [] culture and that's all there is to it."
"There are cultures that are bad there are bad cultures and i got no problem saying that a culture that hits kids is one of them."
"I think anyone looking at this would see it as severe child abuse."
"These are the people who care about your kids, and anybody who points this out is the real danger."
"We should consider actually removing our kid from your home using Child Protective Services... If you're a reporter on these issues and you just repeat their words, then presumably Big Tech should muzzle you."
"If they were pro-child then they would be for increasing the minimum wage, they would be for unions, they would be for paid family medical leave."
"I just feel like I wish those kids weren't there, because if our mom is crying and our mom doesn't cry like that, if he's crying based on the energy in the courtroom and what he witnessed, imagine how those babies are feeling."
"People are essentially saying, 'I don't want to compromise on my standards so I'd rather be alone,' but I'm also going to raise a child in an environment where I prioritize my own standards over what they're going to need."
"The audacity of people to say, 'I want to raise a child by myself but I wouldn't settle,' but you make that child settle for something that's not right for them."
"The great concern we have here at redacted of course is about the children and the reports as we've been covering here tonight about the 2000 parent missing children unaccounted for in the school system and missing."
"Stable, intact two-parent families are better for children."
"The child's needs must be paramount over and above everyone else."
"One that I think would be really really important is when you're hiring young actors minors to work in television I would suggest that we have a licensed therapist there to oversee that process."
"It is child abuse not allowing children to play with other children that's what it is child abuse."
"We've decided that through our son Dwayne, unfortunately the last one to pass away, that we're going to donate his organs to saving of a child, which is what we want because if you say we have a child that's... that makes us happy."
"The reality of what those children went through is unfathomable." - "The reality of what those children went through is unfathomable"
"I highly doubt that they would have abandoned Natalya if they weren't absolutely certain that she was an adult." - Video narrator
"No child should ever go to a school and feel unsafe." - Tiffany Witt
"Nurture groups don't just lead to improved behavior; Glasgow City Council spends 3 and a half million pounds a year on nurture groups and has been carefully monitoring the progress of children they are trying to help."
"It's so cynical and dishonest and gross to say that if you don't have the same politics as me on this issue then it's because you don't care about these children."
"There should be some absolute moral standards about how we treat children."
"Children should have attention paid to them, maximum attention, and they should be heard."
"Children should be seen, taken care of, appreciated, and heard."
"My organization is dedicated to serving kids that have been the victims of abuse."
"Regardless of if this is true or not, Ruby and Jordy duct-taping their children, starving them, and doing all the other stuff that we've heard over the years, it's not okay."
"Childhood should not be about being exploited."
"Blanket training should be immediately considered a felony in every state."
"We pray for justice for Kendall and security for the smallest Among Us."
"These children are literally traumatized. What they have been through, what they have seen on this journey is nothing that a child should ever have to experience."
"Our children deserve better." - Concerned citizen
"It will take champions and care families communities... to give our children the very best future."
"I'm sorry, this is child cruelty. This is cruelty to a child, that's what this is."
"You're mutilating and molesting kids. Stop it."
"Parents do have a say in their kids' medical decisions."