
Geopolitical Influence Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"The power of the US in the Middle East comes through its own political dictates, its own political agenda, and the use of international organizations like the Security Council, the ICC, the ICJ for their own specific reasons."
"Over the last several years, the U.S. let Latin America slip through its fingers and into the wide-open arms of China."
"TikTok is a CCP cyber weapon in terms of manufacturing disinformation and creating agents who live in the US and don't even know they're doing the bidding of a foreign government."
"Africa's powerful demographics these countries are now willing to compete for influence."
"Despite its size, Israel is an influential country with the potential to impact global politics."
"Geopolitical tensions will have an effect on the stock market."
"China has become a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence."
"The might of Carthage was not to be ignored."
"The New Kingdom heralded an era of Empire building with Egypt's influence stretching from modern-day Syria to Sudan."
"Would you rather have 600,000 come in from Russia or 700,000 from Canada?"
"China's industrial advantage enables military modernization."
"During the colonial era, Guinea-Bissau was under Portuguese rule but France's involvement in the region's broader geopolitical landscape left an impact."
"India may be the best bet for moral leadership."
"The U.S. now has a very strong and powerful foreign policy."
"China's rise is inevitable and will continue to play an influential role in the world."
"Germany's rise to power would dramatically change French history."
"For China not to swallow small countries in the region, it is essential that the United States not withdraw support from the region."
"One person can make a huge difference... Putin is making a huge difference."
"Energy business allowed Putin to pick and choose who would be rich and who would be powerful in Ukraine."
"Putin has a lot of power here's Michael Waller saying no world leader has done more to boost Putin's revenues from oil and gas than Joe Biden."
"Let's all take it upon ourselves within our families within our communities to respond to the efforts made by Russia."
"The biggest limiting factor on Turkey's growth is America. If America doesn't want Turkey to expand, it's not going to happen."
"The Philippines is definitely becoming a key power player in the world stage."
"For instance, maybe criticism of the Chinese regime becomes impossible because of China's economic influence over other countries, which is already happening."
"We have this tremendous economic power over China and I'd use it if we have to."
"Iran is a regional and middle power with a geopolitically strategic location in the Asian continent."
"I think resources play a role but I think what really plays a role is Russia, Vladimir Putin, his pride."
"Frankly, there's nobody but the United States of America that can do these things." - Condoleezza Rice
"America is the leader of the free world, and every time we take a step back from being involved in these large multinational trade agreements, somebody else is filling that vacuum."
"Fielding the first or the fastest Hypersonic missile may win a nation headlines and geopolitical Prestige but Fielding the right missiles for a nation's Warfare Doctrine and existing platforms can win actual Wars."
"They now ruled the entire world and they believed very firmly, particularly the United States, particularly the 1960s, that the entire world was destined to become like America in a process known as modernization."
"By raising these demands in the meeting, China may see an opportunity to position itself as an opposing voice to what many in Asia, particularly countries with anti-West sentiments, see as increasing American nuclear aggression."
"There is no one single player in the Middle East that allows himself to ignore any message from China." - Avi Malamed
"China apart from being the largest economic state in the world will be the most resourced economic state."
"Expect China to continue to consolidate its place as one of the world's biggest superpowers."
"Beyond the label of communism or anti-communism Vietnam at its core simply wanted to break free from the domination of larger powers."
"The West was aggressively spreading capitalism throughout the world."
"China is the new colonizer. They're here, they're taking over, and they are."
"Whenever you created the vacuum somebody else will show up... today that'll be China probably tomorrow that will still be China."
"If Putin can make his neighbors mistrustful of their democracies... then he knows these nations will be too internally distracted to oppose him on the world stage. Or simply won’t care."
"Bitcoin makes a lot of sense when there's geopolitical risk out there."
"Ukraine could have easily become an enormous provider of natural gas to Europe."
"With Venezuela’s acceptance, China would wield even more influence on the group than it does now."
"Narrow self-serving concerns such as these saw countries on both sides of the Cold War facilitating the rise and maintenance of dictators like Amin."
"Ukraine is one of the primary names in the opposition against Russia since it offers hope to everyone who is attempting to oppose Russia but feels helpless in doing so."
"We've literally went from energy independence to the president begging OPEC to increase production."
"The most significant threat to our future prosperity and freedom is the Chinese Communist Party."
"Poland’s economy and military strength have made the nation one of the most influential in Europe, and without them, Ukraine would likely not be able to win the war against Russia."
"Eckner cast the Graf Zeppelin shadows over the whole of Europe and even got Stalin to agree to a full Russian flyover."
"Ukraine needs a victory to demonstrate to Western donors."
"The major reason for the ease with which Russian oligarchs have abandoned their loyalty to Vladimir Putin is the pressure placed on them by the United States and other Western countries."
"They're controlling crypto, they're manipulating things, they're working hand in hand with the CCP."
"Call them a hero just like people in China and in Russia are calling him a hero because he's you know he's on their side."
"China could basically control the future without ever firing a bullet."
"They did do that somewhere, where they somehow put people that were kind of in their pocket in leadership positions."
"This is YouTube, right? YouTube is in Google, in Alphabet. It's an American app. But imagine you had the political tension in such a way and I guess this is the case in China, people are not watching us on YouTube in China right now."
"Giving away our jobs and buying our medicines and our Rare Earth only from China empowers them."
"Russia has enough leverage to stop this conflict."
"The world is watching this war and its outcomes will transcend Ukraine and Russia."
"The USSR also known as the Soviet Union was for much of the 20th century a world superpower and fierce rival of the United States."
"Without US intervention, communism would have dominated the global stage."
"Capital knows no borders; they'll make more money leaning towards China or America."
"When you have a strong America, you have a strong world. When you have a weak America, you have a weak world."
"China might eventually find a way to coerce tsmc or the government of Taiwan into supporting its development of AI chips."
"Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people." - Henry Kissinger
"Who controls the food supply controls the people, who controls the energy can control whole continents, who controls money can control the world."
"America is about to play a pivotal role in the direction that the entire world is going to take."
"The U.S. view is, 'No, this is the U.S. world.'"
"Even with slightly improved military technology, I can't imagine Japan could just strong-arm the Qing into opening up."
"China is now exploiting these countries due to the fact that they aren't able to repay their loan."
"With such forces at their disposal, apart from North Korea, these are undoubtedly the powers that will shape the planet's future."
"Black Americans should push for at least eight to ten states with one state having an outlet to the sea for international trade and commerce."
"We will push Ukrainians back to the distance of the longest range of the weapons provided by NATO."
"A superpower is defined as a state with the ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale."
"Lots of Americans are naive about China's infiltration of the world, especially..."
"The continued success of the major offensive operations being carried out by the Ukrainian Army and the expulsion of the Russians from the occupied Ukrainian territory depend greatly on the military support of the West and the USA."
"The obstacle to Europe's autonomy is the United States, not Russia."
"China could play a role here in helping to end this war."
"When it comes to Chinese Communist Party, your geography doesn't matter."
"What makes the United States unique is that the slave owners were expropriated their property... Haiti was obligated to pay back the enslavers."
"Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."
"Roman power extended much further than the size and mobility of its army would initially suggest."
"Social media manipulated to exacerbate issues, like Tick Tock in the West."
"China needs the Olympics more than the US and its allies need to attend."
"Absolutely no Russian weapon can compare to the impact that only a handful of American HIMARS have had in the conflict."
"If Russia succeed[s], it will encourage other authoritarian leaders in the world to do the same."
"The Shale revolution in Texas and the United States helped the European Union...slash its imports of Russian oil and gas."
"China is the world's premier industrial power with twice the industrial capacity of the United States."
"Defaulting would erase overnight America's influence on the world built after World War II."
"Putin found it profoundly threatening that democracy can prevail in countries close to Russia."
"We've just delivered Russia on a platter to China."
"I see a lot more pro-russian trolling and it's really active from 9am to 5 p.m Moscow time."
"The leverage point in the Russia-Ukraine war is the scarcity of supply."
"Data is the new oil, so China is the new Saudi Arabia."
"Whoever controls the Indian Ocean will dominate Asia, the destiny of the world will be decided on its Waters." - Alfred Thayer Mahan
"The role of the United States on the North American continent is such that it has seemingly come to define the vast character of this land through the pull of its political influence, military strength, and economic wealth."
"If you have a strong America there will be a strong world if you have a weak America you there will be a weak world."
"It's impossible to build lasting peace without Russia's participation."
"Let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world."
"What do you do when you can't control what Putin's going to do? You can control what you do."
"India is going to play a very big role long term 5 10 15 years from now."
"Russia has seized the Strategic initiative... dominating on the battlefield, in military economy, and geopolitical support."
"Putin knows that when I become president, his days of tyranny and intimidating the U.S and Eastern Europe are over."
"Favorite Nation status is so important that it actually led to China becoming a modern day superpower over the course of just a decade and a half."
"The crisis continues to undermine Putin's Authority."
"If what happened in China stayed in China, that would be bad enough. But instead of America's changing China, China is leveraging its economic power to change America."
"There's something big going on when it comes to rooting out Chinese influence here in the United States."
"The successful attack on the Russian military facilities in berdiansk using Storm Shadow missiles further highlights the Ukrainian armed forces' capabilities."
"It is clear that Ukraine aims to establish a strategic corridor and increase pressure on Russian-controlled territories."
"Global trade is nothing new... but unlike the USSR, the United States would emerge as the world's sole Naval power."
"Future offensives must convince westerners that Ukraine is worth helping and can overcome Russia with military aid."
"The response of the West more broadly has moved the needle already."
"Turning more to military matters and wariness of outside influence led to a decline in the openness of sciences."
"It remains to be seen whether this will have very serious effects on the hegemony of the U.S. dollar."
"The logic of events dictates that we become fully a Chinese resource Colony."
"Russia controls Europe because Europe gets 30 percent of its energy from Russia."
"The horrors that are to come are not only on the Israeli state but on the Western states who made it possible."
"There is hope that the committee's warning on China's influence will have an impact in future policies." - Narrator
"There's a tyrant in the middle east who's making you pay five dollars a gallon so that Trump can come back into office."
"China's Belt and Road Initiative aims to transform the economic landscape of Central Asia, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia."
"The only game in town is going to be, you know, countries such as India which is going to drive and add to the aggregate GDP of the world."
"American hegemony might win out on this one too."
"Bitcoin is America's life raft if and when the dollar fails. Russia and China could combine their hash to censor the network around the 51 attack."
"This is academic cover for spreading pro-NATO disinformation."
"It's not looking good for Joe. The Chinese just brag that they own most of the high-level decision makers in America."
"By changing everyone’s maps, China wants to change how people think about the world."
"Not only a strong China but a strong China holding hands holding hands and passing money through those hands through economic linkage with countries in Asia, Africa, and South America."
"We're currently being subverted by the Chinese."
"You take the United States out of Europe and NATO effectively ceases to exist."
"Navies are genuinely useful. So, having naval superiority now is actually a big deal."
"The ridicule that is coming out of Saudi Arabia is a direct intangible result in the price of oil and gas."
"If American policy can't get them to stop building in that one identifiable sub of Jerusalem then there's no such thing as Bridge or purchase."
"Blue water thinking is the focus is on more than just the military, it's the economic, it's the diplomatic, it's all these other things that having that seed control gives you."
"China's belt and road initiative... secures links between China and some 65 other countries."
"The BRICS is now a rival to the G20 but it is having an effect on the G20, it is making the G20 start to follow increasingly a BRICS agenda."
"The US is still very much in the game and the key player."
"We are the number one great power by a ridiculous margin."
"I think it's outrageous to suggest that Canada would lose our possible role as an honest broker in the Middle East by following along with Trump."
"The credibility of the dollar is in question. People don't trust U.S. power."
"You have to hurt those oligarchs to a maximum degree until they say to Putin, we're done with this."
"Ukraine had a power in its hands that could change everything."
"Greece would ultimately prove to be yet another stage upon which the Cold War's ideological drama was performed."
"Forced movement towards Chinese perspectives raises fears of loss of autonomy in foreign industries."
"A great fight for its geopolitical implications."
"McCarthy says if the Chinese Communist Party cannot sort out the property markets it is a one-way train to hard times for the Chinese economy."
"Take one small sliver of that entire topic which is fentanyl and you know take a look at what that has definitely done to the U.S society and economy and why hasn't that stopped you know because it's it's benefited China."
"China now has the military and the money to make it happen."
"The Ukrainian government interfered in the 2016 election and helped influence the Russiagate narrative."
"If he solves the issue with Russia and Ukraine, then he'll be the man of peace."
"You're fighting, you're dying so that you can deter China."
"The world can't function without Russian energy."
"China is expanding globally, they're all over the [ __ ] places."
"Look at how they're able to coerce us, even outside of their own borders, to basically parrot their orthodoxy when it comes to the whole NBA Hong Kong fiasco, or even what kind of messages are embedded in movies."
"Allah determines victory, not the Security Council of the UN."
"China's rise across the region is not marked by invasions and networks of military bases, but by High-Speed Rail lines, ports, power plants, factories, and roadways."
"Supporting the Ukrainians gave a lesson to the whole world."
"China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting economic power over the past decade."
"Russia is pushing hard to exploit the Ukrainian military's current material shortages not only to achieve tactical success but also to drive a wedge in Western support."
"Putin's government has a controlling stake in the biggest gas company in Russia, which means that Putin himself can give the order to turn off the taps on these pipelines, turn them off."
"Iran can make its own sphere of influence like in the past."
"The ability of the US to use sanctions to control or manage world affairs will be greatly diminished."
"The United States is one of the most powerful and influential nations on the planet."
"Putin literally holds the keys to America and Europe's Energy Future."
"Geopolitics impacts economics... no matter what others say."
"It's a textbook example of how a country like India is able to exploit its growing geopolitical weight to its own advantage."
"The U.S. now dominates, beating China in Bitcoin mining."
"Biden energy policy is one of the things that's encouraged Putin that now is the time to do it."
"President Biden may be the president who brought America's greatest adversary to its knees."
"China's dominance has been growing... everybody needs to look out for it."
"The increasing role in which the Pacific is stepping up in its support not only of Ukraine but recognizing the geopolitical challenges that are taking place as a consequence of that."
"Push the narrative that China is a powerful country."
"Geopolitics impacts your daily life in more ways than one."
"China is ascending to the top whether we like it or not."
"They now control the world's oil and every month that goes by there are more and more countries jumping on the bandwagon with the BRICS Nations."
"He purged them. They're all gone. There is no longer a pro-American or a sympathetic American voice in the inner Chinese leadership."
"He who controls the weather controls the world." - Lyndon Baines Johnson
"We desperately need to reassert US authority in the Western sphere."
"China is desperate for Biden to win because if Biden wins, China wins, and if China wins, China will own America."
"Geopolitical risk... a major dollar bear Market could throw an interesting wrench in the fed's plan to ease policy."
"The Russians and the Chinese are gradually gaining control, tightening their grip."
"Wokeness is being used as the vehicle to destroy the institutions in the west so the west can be minimized belittled made small so that it will easily conform to either like you said the power of China or the power of these elites."
"What happens in India or Bangladesh or Pakistan has a ripple effect in other countries."
"Political warfare: the use of all means of a nation's disposal, short of war, overt, covert, legal, illegal, to essentially ensure national goals are met."
"I don’t care about politics, I don’t care about anything. But I do care about corruption."
"...the relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia has been a key element to the Kingdom's Global influence."
"From now on, it is Beijing that holds the reins as the champion of globalization."
"A large number of the geopolitical events that occurred in the 20th and even the 21st century can be traced back to this period."
"Will the United States be able to convince Asian countries America is the best partner for the future, or is China's commanding lead in trade mean that the future of Asia will always be with China?"
"President Biden warned China is determined to dominate the future of the auto market."
"If China were to become the Arsenal of authoritarianism, that could really change the nature of the fight that we see Russia engaged in right now."
"...tight energy markets have increased U.S. and global vulnerability to disruption and provided adversaries undue potential influence over the price of oil."
"It was the Korean War, and not World War Two, that made the United States a world military-political power."
"Stalin changed the world in a way. First off, he considerably reduced it. Second, he changed the map of the world."
"It has become painfully clear to everybody that China plays an outsized role in the world."
"Russia had become a player in European affairs... they became a European power."
"I think our ability to change or alter Chinese internal behavior is pretty limited except by the way in which we helped you know more about this than I do to change behavior in the Soviet Union and Russia."