
Sanctions Quotes

There are 367 quotes

"The US repeatedly sanctioned ICC judges for example for daring even suggesting that possibly some human rights were violated."
"Unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure cannot solve the issue; they only create new problems."
"China opposes unilateral sanctions unauthorized by the U.N. Security Council."
"Crypto takes the sting out of sanctions... Crypto is providing a new way for countries to sanction-proof themselves."
"The purpose of sanctions is to create massive pain that stops a madman dictator 100 from invading other countries and causing a world war."
"The size of this fine and the level of sanctions here is breathtaking."
"Despite Russia being slapped with the most comprehensive sanctions imposed on a major power in nearly a century, the Russian economy has defied all odds."
"Sanctions do work, but they have to be done properly."
"The reason we imposed the sanctions, recall, was not because of nuclear weapons issues; it was because the independence and sovereignty of a country, Ukraine, had been encroached upon by force by Russia."
"Forty years of blanket sanctions has not helped the people of Iran; it is only entrenched the government further."
"If sanctions worked, Cuba would be a Caribbean paradise, not a country in disrepair."
"You're cutting them deals, now unrestricted wheat imports and trade gas, oil, all this stuff that you're not supposed to do because the rest of the world is sanctioning Russia."
"Sanctions don't work. They don't. Because what happens is that it hurts the common people but it doesn't hurt the elites."
"Our sanctions explicitly allow Russia the ability to export food and fertilizer. No limitation. It’s Russia’s war that is worsening food insecurity, and only Russia can end it."
"Because the sanctions against the Russian Federation are already unprecedented, and it's difficult to predict where they will go next."
"Removing Russia's largest banks from SWIFT cuts them off from global institutions and makes it much more difficult to process transactions for them."
"Russia has become a pariah state, and unprecedented Western sanctions...have left the Russian economy in a seriously perilous state."
"The depth of the contraction may be quite significant, and exit trajectory drawn out in time because the supply shocks triggered by sanctions are unlikely to fade quickly."
"The sanctions that have been imposed against Russia recently have been high profile and not only have they hurt Russia they've also hurt the global economy."
"The knock-on impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is far greater than the direct sanctions because the western world does not want to trade with Russia anymore. They become a pariah state."
"We are putting forward the biggest ever package to crack down on dirty Russian money."
"Putin must face the most punitive of sanctions. The world must isolate Russia like the rogue state it is."
"Finland stood out as one of the first countries to impose sanctions and embargoes on Russia."
"The purpose of sanctions is to change behavior."
"Sanctions are a way for countries to respond to foreign policy challenges."
"Outrage from the West and sanctions imposed have little impact on Russian activities."
"In that spirit, we should not allow U.S. sanctions to add to the burden of Cuban citizens that we seek to help."
"The U.S. really needs to be more careful and impose fewer sanctions because basically the US is accelerating dedolarization by imposing sanctions."
"It would require enormous sanctions on Russia to deter what appears to be a very likely Russian invasion of Ukraine."
"How far the president is prepared to go, but he has said that there should be a very stiff, very costly, very painful economic and really exclusion from the world community level sanctions against Vladimir Putin." - White House stance on sanctions
"Russian casualties will be a major problem for Putin as will be the sharp decline in the Russian standard of living as our sanctions hit Russia." - Impact of sanctions on Russia
"Sanctions are an appropriate way to create economic pressure."
"Ultimately, the goal of our sanctions is to make this a strategic failure for Russia."
"These are the most impactful and significant sanctions the U.S. has ever taken."
"Sanctions are a disaster, not so much for Russia but for the U.S and the west in general."
"We're moving in the right direction with sanctions, and there are more sanctions to come."
"Europe is in an economic recession because of the backlash, the boomerang effect of the sanctions." - Judge Andrew Napolitano
"Lesson 5: Sanctions are slow, but they do work, and China is very much aware of this."
"Investing ten dollars a day is something that almost anybody could do on autopilot."
"By the time you're about to retire you would have hit that goal with almost no effort whatsoever."
"We mounted a very significant response today. We can escalate that response further. There are a number of actions we can take using financial sanctions, export controls, fortifying our eastern flank, helping Ukraine defend itself..."
"Sanctions need to be powerful enough to demonstrate our resolve and the capacity to impose overwhelming costs."
"Sanctions are intended to squeeze over time, not have the harshest impact on the first day."
"Americans will feel the impact in the coming weeks of these rounds."
"Putin was able to fortify the economy of Russia to withstand further, more aggressive sanctions."
"This strategy of uh imposing sanctions by waves if I may put it this way is something that that can work if it continues in a very sustained in a sustainable way."
"If Russia continues to escalate and it was encouraging to hear from Secretary a very simple sentence if Russia escalates the United States and partners will escalate sanctions this is exactly the rule that has to be followed."
"Export controls is certainly one of them. There's many more sanctions that we have at our disposal."
"Immediate sanctions against the state of Israel."
"There's just increasing swaths of bad behavior that is being sanctioned."
"We're going to hurt Putin by making it illegal to buy Russian energy."
"Maybe this is a good example of sanctions having the impact that was desired."
"If there were to be a plane crash and Russian civilians died, that's not what sanctions are trying to do at all."
"The world must impose devastating sanctions."
"This is the first time that the United States has in earnest taken China to the mat on military issues, economic issues, has sanctioned China because of their abuses."
"You remind us that friends are always stronger together. With allies and partners, we're imposing crippling sanctions to make sure Putin and his enablers in Russia and Belarus are held accountable."
"Sanctions need to be revisited and reinforced to prevent corruption."
"Sanctions must never be hollow gestures. Their bite must be real."
"The initial super response that the United States and its allies have put together... was to provide grounds for this massive sanctions attack on Russia."
"The real intentional motivation behind the conflict was to provide grounds for this massive sanctions attack on Russia which it was expected would level the Russian economy and precipitate a political crisis in Moscow."
"Victor boot, The Merchant of Death, and the sanctions Buster."
"These sanctions will crater the Russian economy, full stop. So that is an enormous lever that the West is using against this Russian intervention."
"The US has leveraged its powers against Europe, they have leveled its massive economic power because they obviously have complete control of every corporation in the United States working in symbiosis to put the sanctions that they have on Russia."
"This could potentially have a bigger impact on the Russian economy than all of the sanctions combined."
"Sanctions are only relevant as part of a real strategy."
"Sanctioning President Putin? Yes, why not sanction him today, sir?"
"The totality of our sanctions and export controls is crushing the Russian economy."
"Now is the time to sanction every oligarch and crack open every shell company so we can prove Putin wrong."
"The vice is tightening on the Putin regime and it will continue to tighten."
"When sanctions lose effectiveness, it gives rise to reserve currencies and creates a multi-polar world where new alliances are formed."
"I wanna explain what sanctions actually are, what their goal is, and whether or not they actually work."
"The Chinese regime has issued rules and its proposed unreliable entities list which enables it to sanction foreign companies."
"Sanctions are better used as a threat than as a weapon."
"Economic sanctions on Belarus... we just announced a huge number of sanctions... in coordination with our European partners to send a clear message..."
"Western sanctions induced price surges are rubbing salt into a wound."
"The sanctions are a reflection of Europe's escalating response to Russia's aggressive military campaign."
"The Democrats have made very clear what their choice should be. I mean, the key Democrat here would be in the end Ilhan Omar who was explaining yesterday that sanctions on Iran are an act of war but sanctions against Israel are very good."
"You never know when one would sanction you. So if you bought, say, a 130mm gun..."
"The Embargo of Cuba is cruel I think that a lot of Americans underestimate the violence of sanctions the absolute violence and who they actually hurt."
"There is absolutely no question that the sanctions are having a negative impact on Russia right now."
"The sanctions will cause Russia major problems; it might not be immediate, but it will happen."
"Access to technology is another major implication of the sanctions."
"Sanctions have undoubtedly resulted in economic hardship leading to increased prices, limited access to essential goods, and disruptions in Supply chains creating significant challenges for the affected populations."
"The US is likely to sanction Afghanistan by waving the stick of its dollar dominance, which will accelerate the damage to the dollar's credibility."
"We need to isolate Putin and Russia from the entire world."
"For the first time, four Chinese officials, one organization named shamed and sanctioned for their parts in the treatment of the Uyghurs."
"Poland also cautions Russia with severe sanctions."
"There should be a serious red line in terms of them supplying military equipment to the Russians, and I think that should be in the form of sanctions."
"If Russia were so rash... to engage in an invasion of sovereign territory of Ukraine, then there would be an extremely tough package of economic sanctions."
"The impact of these sanctions has meant that it's now impossible for the Russian authorities and Russian companies to be able to raise any new capital."
"The U.S sanctions war is now starting to enable the Russians and behind the Russians the Chinese to press forward more vigorously."
"Largely due to economic sanctions, they just cannot continue to Circle the Drain."
"If you want that creative expression to thrive so you can be led to what it is you're really supposed to be doing, this is a time when the universe is really making it so you have to heal the relationship with your parents, with your family."
"We have purposefully designed these sanctions to maximize the long-term impact on Russia and to minimize the impact on the United States and our allies."
"The western powers grossly underestimate Russian resilience to sanctions pressure."
"This feels like quite a large loophole in the sanctions regime against Russia."
"The price cap strategy that went into effect just two months ago is hurting Russia right where it hurts the most, their bank account"
"Sanctions were so harsh and unexpected that Putin had to come out and announce to the world that if sanctions continue he will be forced to use nuclear weapons"
"Sanctions work very slowly when it comes to affecting people in charge but they usually affect the average Citizens First"
"The goal of these was to hurt the people closest to Putin in hopes that they would either turn against him or convince him to stop War"
"Russian oligarchs and officials lost close to a hundred billion dollars because of these sanctions"
"We will have more to say on sanctions in the coming days."
"The vast majority of these purchases have now sanctioned Russia."
"Serbia ignores EU sanctions, secures gas deal with Putin." - Alexander Vucic, President of Serbia
"The world must isolate Russia like the rogue state it is."
"We must be ready for sanctions... we must dream of a big great Nigeria."
"The financial and inflation impact as a result of sanctions and as a result of the impacts to global trade..."
"The power of Western sanctions against Russia is probably unlike anything we've seen the last 50 years."
"Could economic sanctions destabilize Putin's regime?"
"As long as we continue to stay resolved and imposing the sanctions we're going to impose on Russia, what's going to happen is going to occur."
"Sanctions definitely hurt Russia, but they hurt the whole world. Therefore, they really have a big boomerang effect."
"Tonight President Biden imposing sanctions directly on Vladimir Putin as the Russian president unleashes a bloody assault on Ukraine."
"We must continue to work on ourselves. You have to have a great amount of love that exceeds our people's self-hatred."
"Russia's reliance on China has grown due to Western sanctions and lack of acceptance."
"We're introducing legislation... to apply even more sanctions." - Highlighting efforts to sanction Russia and pressure Putin to end the war.
"This idea of weaponizing the dollar and using these sanctions just sends the wrong message if your goal is to preserve the dollar as the world's reserve currency."
"These sanctions have failed and that's the bigger picture here, they've backfired."
"There are certain sanctions that the council may grant the state of Qatar."
"It's a big deal. It's obviously not going to deter Vladimir Putin, but it is going to impose a bigger cost than Russia has faced before when it comes to sanctions."
"At the end of the day, it's like fighting a professional boxer every single time you try to hit them they hit you ten times harder and that's exactly what these sanctions are for the West."
"You have things unraveling because of these sanctions, this conflict... it's an absolute nightmare for the world."
"Sanctions have been pretty important, and individually, lots of European countries are sending the material that they've got."
"We're also announcing new sanctions of more than 400 individuals and entities aligned with the European Union."
"China gives them a reliable Market to sell their oil when the world shuns them China has helped Russia overcome the sanctions that it experienced after it invaded Ukraine."
"Conditional sanctions help Ukraine’s bargaining position."
"The sanctions against Russia can be grouped into three categories. The most notable is the financial sanctions which are considered to be at nuclear grade."
"The rare coalition of the West to impose such tough sanctions on Russia may well have exceeded the expectations of the CCP."
"President Putin has admitted that the sanctions will have a major impact on the Russian economy."
"The most important thing about the sanctions regime against me is not about me. They are sending a message to my successor and others in the United States government."
"It is absolutely impossible to continue business as usual with Russia."
"We will not allow that to go forward and allow there to be a lifeline to Russia from these economic sanctions from any country anywhere in the world."
"This action is the most severe financial measure imposed on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine."
"There are short-term actions such as sanctions, but there has to be also a long-term strategy."
"Sanctions are important in that they serve as a punishment against those that are involved in corruption and human rights abuse."
"Australian sanctions on 21 Russian entities ahead of the G7 Summit."
"North Korea is continuing its nuclear program in defiance of increased UN sanctions."
"The sanctions on Russian oil are really starting to hit home and causing major problems for Russia."
"If Russia does experience production problems it may find that it doesn't have the technical expertise or the technology because technology sanctions have been one of the big areas of focus from the West against Russia."
"Putin too believed the same thing, and nobody could have predicted the astonishing speed and severity of sanctions that followed Russia's invasion."
"These kinds of increased economic exchanges with the outside world are happening despite the sanctions."
"So what we haven't done yet is go after oil and gas sector in Russia that's the Achilles heel to Putin's war machine."
"Quite literally overnight, Russia lost access to half of that money thanks to some of the toughest sanctions ever imposed on a country."
"What are you looking at next? Well, in the short term, of course, it's all about oil and gas sanctions."
"Iran couldn't accept money from China, but they could accept goods in return."
"This war is a way to circumvent the embargo."
"The Russian economy is projected to return to growth this year, despite Western sanctions."
"It seems to me equally true perhaps even more importantly true that the Western economic war against Russia has failed."
"I think what the West needs to do... is some kind of a ceasefire allow the gas to flow from Russia to Europe do away with most of these sanctions."
"Sanctions don't hurt oligarchs, they hurt ordinary people."
"The sky's the limit: it's now a criminal offence for any Russian aircraft to enter British airspace."
"The Western measures are a tightening noose and the costs for Russia will accumulate."
"In fact, the sanctions imposed on Russia even lead us to consider the possibility that the relationship between Beijing and Moscow will become even more unbalanced."
"The sanctions that we're seeing aren't just to slow down the Russian economy."
"I think the bigger question now, you suggest that the mere action of sanctioning Nord Stream 2 would be enough to deter Putin in his ambitions in Ukraine."
"The Chinese Communist Party is sanctioning more foreign politicians, but the actions seem to be doing the opposite of what the regime intended."
"It is long past time for Ambassador Philatov to be expelled from Ireland."
"ANC have begun to realize that we were put under sanctions by the financial system knowing that we've got a very strong state-owned economy."
"Sanctions have been put into place...and this has spelled some pretty bad news for the Russian economy."
"The U.S. accelerated its move to decouple from China this year, imposing sanctions on some Chinese companies due to national security concerns."
"Every time the West places more sanctions on Russia, it all adds up—it's death by a thousand paper cuts."
"Increased sanctions against Russia and increased military aid for Ukraine were both announced by the U.S."
"Russia is under severe economic sanctions imposed by western countries."
"Russia has become the most sanctioned nation in the world."
"China is not going along with these sanctions against Russia."
"There are different types of sanctions, and the most impactful ones... imposed on Russian banks."
"It's very difficult for any company or individual in Russia to be able to do business with the west."
"From December the 5th it will ban the import of all seaborne oil directly from Russia."
"Over the course of the next three to six months... major black hole in the Russian economy."
"So, how did they pull that off given the fact that there's massive amounts of U.S sanctions? Did they find a loophole here?"
"Poland's hard stance on this topic was most recently demonstrated in the 11th package of sanctions against Russia."
"Little did the Xi Jinping Administration expect that Biden's rise to power would continue the Trump Administration sanctions against Huawei with even greater intensity."
"Banana sanctions, that's when you know Russia's playing hard ball right now."
"The only way you're going to stop Iran from having nuclear weapons is... crippling sanctions and... strong military option." - Benjamin Netanyahu
"Imagine the sanctions that would have been imposed if the Russians did it."
"The threat of crippling sanctions will deter large-scale military action."
"This is what I call a strategic clapback. And they did this because the US tried to put some sanctions recently on Iran."
"Sanctions are really the business of the elected government, and that's true everywhere."
"Sanctions are a brutal instrument of economic warfare that often do serious damage and have major consequences for civilians living in countries all around the world."
"Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou faces extradition to the US for allegedly violating US sanctions on Iran."
"Sanctions has an unparalleled, I think, ability to weaken a state internally."
"It was very much in their financial interest to break the sanctions."
"Telling them they can't use Russian energy or they can't use Russian resources or they can't sell to Russia and things like that, that is very difficult to put that on to these countries."
"I wish the President were harsher in his rhetoric but the actions of President Trump, what his administration is actually doing, we put more sanctions on Putin."
"Sanctions are hurting average Russian citizens."
"Sanctions are affecting poorer populations the hardest."
"Empower Zelensky to be able to say, 'Hey, you do this, then we're gonna roll back these sanctions.'"
"It's not Russia-Ukraine crisis, it's a world crisis... sanctions have to be imposed as soon as possible."
"As long as Iran's menacing behavior continues, sanctions will not be lifted." - President Trump
"Yeah, I mean, if we had seen this happen anywhere else in the world, this is the kind of thing that the United States would sanction another country for."
"Russia will always find ways to get around these sanctions."
"I think our sanctions have been pretty weak up until this point and and not effective and also just experiencing some of my work the disinformation tactics and how pervasive it is from the Russian side."
"I think it's too early to tell so far what the effects of these sanctions are going to be."
"Do not believe the guys who say that Russia is just going to weather this storm and we can't affect him with sanctions... not true at all."
"What's important here for the rest of the world is the economic warfare, the sanctioned program that the United States and Western Europe have decided to impose on Russia." - Richard Wolff
"The Biden Administration could confront illiberal crackdowns in Eastern and Central Europe with sanctions."
"Japan has expanded sanctions against Russia."
"Never in the history of the world have sanctions imposed to punish one country had at least an equal, and in some cases, an even greater effect on the countries that have imposed those sanctions."
"There's very little discussion of sanctions as a lethal act of warfare."
"The sanctions have turned a crisis into a humanitarian catastrophe."
"The knock-on impact of all of these sanctions is that it's going to put a lot of pressure on the global economy."