
Rebirth Quotes

There are 2992 quotes

"No god is a god of suffering. He is a god of life, laughter, and rebirth."
"It's like night and day, the phoenix rising from the ashes where it's like there's nothing and darkness and then boom, you step through this portal, and whoa, it's a whole nother world."
"Manifesting is a rebirth where you're coming into parts of yourself that have always been there but have been lying dormant."
"Rebirth is upon you, beautiful child of the universe; you have prepared for a new life and it is starting right now."
"They want a rebirth, a regeneration into the connection."
"You're not far from the threshold of rebirth."
"Determined to live a better life, he was reborn into a world of magic and monsters."
"You will give birth to something new, something beautiful."
"The power of rebirth and transformation is akin to the phoenix rising; it's about bringing something new into existence from the ashes of the past."
"You guys are being rebirthed into someone way more powerful, way stronger."
"Significant transformations are ahead as Pluto enters Aquarius, signaling a time of profound change and rebirth."
"The Duat has 12 hours of its own, and in the deepest darkest part of the Duat, the Sun is reborn."
"The Phoenix rising from the ashes signifies rebirth and is a symbol of new beginnings and the rise of new Earth."
"The flames of destruction will ignite a rebirth."
"Are you willing to die to be reborn? Are you willing to let go of yourself so that you can be who you really are?"
"Unless you are born of water and spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven."
"Whatever that painful ending that you went through, it was like a rebirth for you."
"God is that which eternally dies and is reborn in the pursuit of higher being and truth."
"This is a rebirthing chance for you to reclaim your power."
"You need to be born again. Christ can make you free."
"Your ability to transform and take a big leap forward is like a rebirth."
"Mother Earth is calling you into her womb, inviting you to incubate as long as needed for spiritual rebirth."
"The quiet time is over, it's like you're re-emerging. The phoenix rising again."
"This could be a chance for you to kind of have a breakthrough, a rebirth, or a reinvention phase in your life."
"The phoenix will rise, you are not permitted to enter into the divine fire of personal transformation unless you are capable and worthy of the challenge."
"Inherent wisdom is emerging at this time, ready yourself for a rebirth."
"Legend has it that the creature bursts into flames when it dies, and a new bird then rises from the ashes."
"He realized that no matter how far he fell, Jesus Christ had caused him to be born again to a living hope."
"We're going through massive purging and cleansing in our world, but we're also going through a rebirth."
"All I know is I died, I came back to life, I died again, and then I came back to life."
"I want to be reborn every day, every morning. My prayer is that I want to be reborn and I want to start new today in my faith and being a servant to God."
"You will rise like the phoenix from the ashes after that process."
"In the heart of darkness, we find not just death, but also the chance for rebirth, for transformation."
"Before a sane, responsible political party can rise like a phoenix from the ashes of today's dangerously unhinged GOP, there must be ashes to rise from."
"Rebirth happens between dark and light, war and peace, winter and spring."
"Life is a constant process of death and rebirth, and to participate in that fully is to allow yourself to be redeemed by it."
"Being born again has nothing to do with some of what these religious stories is about. It's the elevation of consciousness."
"You're seriously undergoing a rebirth this month."
"Don't fight the transformation. There is transformation going on, there is rebirth going on this month but don't fight it."
"On the other side of anger lies heart opening and rebirth."
"The bigger news from Acura this year is the rebirth of the Integra."
"The tower is always a blessing in disguise, it's so that after the storm, the air is cleared and there can be this new dawn, this new day, this awakening, this rebirth."
"You are rising as a phoenix with another phoenix."
"If you're attracted to videos titled karmic relationships, it's an indication of your awakening and rebirth."
"Egypt's story had been one of upheaval, collapse, finally rebirth."
"Be the Phoenix: rise, set yourself alight, return to ashes, and be reborn again."
"I didn't notice it until I went through the entire three and a half years and then I had that spiritual moment and it was literally like being reborn."
"To be born again means to change from a negative to a positive self-image."
"It's to do with your own rebirth, it's to do with your own transformation."
"The buddhists believe in the concept of rebirth and the cyclicality of all life matter existence..."
"Greek mythology contains stories of cataclysmic events and cycles of destruction and rebirth, providing insight into their understanding of the world's end."
"Many a good and great thing has risen from the ashes after fire consumed what came before."
"I think dying gave me a new lease on life. Part weird to say, but dying gave me a new lease on life."
"He closes his eyes again and he wakes up the following day, which is his second day of reborn."
"Embrace change, it leads to rebirth and new beginnings."
"Sometimes you need to have ultimate destruction in order to have a rebirth of something great."
"When you are born again, the Holy Spirit comes to live within you. You become a host, a carrier of His glory and presence."
"Tens are about endings of things that aren't serving you so you can rise up again, a rebirth, stand up again."
"It's literally a new beginning and a rebirth."
"Maybe cinema has to die every once in a while to be reborn again better than ever."
"Final Fantasy VII is a story about rebirth, a game about a group of people who have outlived the world that once defined them."
"The tower is crumbling, and you're the phoenix rising from the ashes."
"You're the phoenix rising through the ashes."
"I only know that it took a psychological toll to suddenly find my soul had returned to its body."
"Maybe this whole situation is rising from the ashes."
"The strong always overcome and rise like a phoenix."
"You're rising from those ashes... you're going to have victory, you're going to have success."
"That's true rebirth, we see King T'Challa in him, and then we hear he's Prince T'Challa, son of King T'Challa, and you get rebirth in real time."
"We are becoming powerful. We are Becoming transformational. We're becoming able to die at Phoenix rise from our own ashes."
"There's going to have to be some level of collapse... and then a better civilization built."
"They're going through some kind of powerful change and rebirth."
"Realize that there is no such thing as death, there is only a doorway of Eternal rebirth."
"The only way you and I are going to heaven is by the same way Nicodemus was going to go, and that is to be born again."
"You are mind body and spirit, a luminous being... you have been reborn."
"Would you rather have tyranny and this corruption for the rest of your life or would you rather pull the Band-Aid off and rebuild [ __ ] the way it's supposed to be?"
"November is all about rejuvenation, rebirth, and regeneration."
"She'll basically be a harbinger of the rebirth of mutants across the earth."
"Even after his tragic death, Pinocchio is symbolically reborn, resurrected by the Blue Fairy as a real boy."
"Something's about to be reborn inside of you."
"Ultimately can set us free and that's part of the Phoenix Rising from the Ashes."
"There's always signs of hope, there's always rebirth. In the end is my beginning. It's all cycles, it's all happened before."
"A lot of you had a tower moment, but really it's like a rebirth."
"The boy who was once known as Temujin being reborn as Genghis Khan."
"Transformation can feel like death and rebirth."
"Wow, that's so symbolic... emerging from the waters, maybe baptized."
"The rebirth is amazing... they felt they have to rebuild that significance of peace."
"Apocalypse as a rebirth, beginning of a brand new age."
"We all have the chance to be reborn every day. Death and rebirth bring positive change and transformation."
"Don't lose hope; you can be a phoenix rising from the ashes."
"The only question that matters... has Christ Arisen in you? Have you been born again?"
"Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be born again. Don't be shocked that such a radical change is required."
"You're going to have one of the biggest rebirths of your life."
"This is the End for me the beginning of Life"
"This is not the end of me or the x-men, it's a new beginning."
"The war was almost a rebirth, a baptism by fire that defined how this new US would be in the next century."
"Destruction and chaos pave the way for rebirth and new growth."
"When you make an error some part of you has to go. That's a sacrifice; you have to let it go. Sometimes it's a big part of you. Sometimes it can be such a big part of you that you actually die – right? Instead of dying and being reborn."
"The moment of adjustment, readjustment, and rebirth."
"You are literally at a point of shift, a point of transformation from something almost like the karmic attributes of a past life into a space of the new."
"It's like a shift, a point of rebirth... you've done the internal work that connects to a previous life."
"You are protected; the rebirth is coming, it's as simple as that."
"It's really about regeneration, transformation, and the myth of the phoenix."
"Let the old fall away so the new can be born."
"Sometimes things have to burn in order to be rebuilt..."
"Ryan Reynolds character flies into the sun, the end for me or is it? Maybe I'll be born again somehow, I'm Ryan Reynolds."
"This is a rebirth, a very beautifully guided, destined rebirth energy here."
"Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." - John 3:16
"Honestly, I feel like I have been reborn. I should have died and feel blessed to have another chance at life."
"You are a butterfly in a chrysalis, being reborn, and your person is excited and hopeful."
"So appreciate your devotion to your truth letting yourself evolve letting who you are metaphorically die so you can be reborn into a greater version of yourself."
"That seed means we can build something on Earth again."
"It feels like a complete mockery of God and how Jesus tells us we need to be born again."
"A rebirth is taking place, embrace the transformation."
"It's all about an important improvement... it's going to lead towards a powerful very very important rebirth."
"They're going through a rebirth into true happiness."
"A moment of transformation and rebirth, feeling energized."
"This is a secret service altogether, my credentials and memoranda are all comprehended in the one line: 'Recalled to life'."
"As Picasso said, 'You have to destroy it to rebuild it,' and they start with me. For me, it's not a problem."
"I'm born again if you will. I'm just excited for the future."
"It's time for a rebirth and renewal in your life."
"You're going to rise like a freaking phoenix, okay? A rebirth from the ashes."
"Devastated yet unbroken, they have rebuilt civilization from the ashes of the old world."
"Endings bring new beginnings. There is movement forward, a rebirth of relationships for a healthier way of being."
"The rebirth of Israel is the triumph of hope against despair, the triumph of the human spirit against the forces of annihilation."
"I felt powerful. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes."
"We must die to our former selves and become new to our true authentic selves."
"Before the light can shine again, you must face your greatest Darkness."
"This is going to be the time of rebirth indeed."
"So, I collected a new team from the ashes of what I once called a family."
"In the sight of God, you are cleaner and more innocent than that young girl if she hasn't been born again."
"Barbarian is the the the Black Swan that will it will Bloom into a a a [ __ ] flaming phoenix of Destruction and rebirth that's what's going to happen it's going to be amazing."
"A month of rebirth but I think you're possibly setting new goals in October."
"Ragnarok as a concept has a lot to do with rebirth, right? It's the idea that all must burn so that something new can grow from the ashes."
"In just 200 years, the Maya had achieved a rebirth."
"It's not enough to simply beat Trump, he must be destroyed thoroughly, his kind must not rise again."
"It's a year of optimism, hope, faith, the feeling of confidence, rebirth."
"This is going to be the moment in time of your own personal rebirth."
"The phoenix always survives fire. Rising from the ashes."
"A stirring ode to rebirth and the enduring spirit."
"Everything is in alignment for rebirth and regeneration."
"God Saves Sinners who are in Rebellion against his law from wrath and Hell through being born again, repentance, and faith alone in Jesus alone." - Voddie Baucham
"Israel is the only country in the history of mankind that has had a second birth."
"Ragnarok was this endless cycle that all the gods were destined to die and be reborn."
"It's time for a rebirth; face the truth and move forward."
"You've retreated to recoup and recover. Now you're the phoenix rising from the ashes."
"It's all about regeneration, rebirth, and a better plan."
"You've been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable."
"With death, there is always rebirth. Explore your shadow realm with understanding and compassion. This journey marks your metamorphosis, your rebirth."
"It's almost like a phoenix rising energy, like you're coming out so confident, so confident and a lot stronger."
"Harness the power of struggle to turn death into rebirth."
"Cornwall shall endure. I am Corinnius reborn."
"I believe that if you don't even know that a day in your life where you were born again, there's a good chance that you've never been born again."
"I was a dead man walking and now you're alive in Christ."
"Rebuilding from the ground up, reborn as something different."
"To be reborn was something that the ancient Egyptians were really obsessed with, and that means that sexuality has a very large part to play in this."
"This change that has come in is bringing this sense of rebirth or renewal."
"Every part of you falls down, and you have this major re-emergence, like the phoenix rising from the ashes."
"The Phoenix diving into the ashes to be reborn."
"You definitely are the Phoenix Rising from the Ashes."
"Change isn't always easy but when created, it is powerful and rewarding. The phoenix rises from the ashes, bringing with it the essence of its whole being."
"Closing doors, cutting ties with stagnant energy, triggering rebirth."
"We are literally seeing a character be reborn in front of our eyes, and it's absolutely beautiful."
"Water is a portal. We're born through water and we're born again through water baptism, the narrow gate."
"I'm like a phoenix, I'm more beautiful than I ever was."
"I knew I had died... I just got told I'm going to be able to come back."
"A lovingly mourned Pokémon was reborn as Houndstone. It doesn't like anyone touching the protuberance atop its head."
"The resistance isn't dead. It's born anew today."
"Rockstar baby will rise from the ashes... he's gonna marry the perfect woman."
"I'm not shackled by sin, His victory was given me when I was born again."
"Let us all pull the system down and from ashes, then we come greatness."
"This is going to lead towards the enthusiasm and optimism, your own rebirth."
"This is The Rebirth of the anti-war movement."
"I am saved, I'm healed, I'm delivered, I'm set free, I'm born again."
"Certain advice you received will become a bright part of your life, aiding your personal rebirth."
"Treat this current period in your life as a rebirth, embrace the journey of shedding old layers."
"God has never been about reinvention; he's always been about rebirth."
"Mother Nature is purging and a huge rebirth is happening."
"They feel outcast and left out in the cold from you, but they see a chance for rebirth between you."
"An important moment of rebirth and transformation."
"You are the phoenix rising from the ashes of a very painful and broken past."
"A rebirth is assured, such, you will have that freedom again."
"You will have a rebirth from this energy, and prosperity is coming towards you."
"Transformation is the ultimate form of growth and rebirth."
"If you prayed that prayer, you were born again."
"Victory is coming and real New Beginnings the rebirth is gonna happen."
"Someone is rising, it's like the phoenix rising from the ashes, this could be you."
"Rebirth of thoughts will put you in the right track."
"I will continue down this path even if I were to die now and then end up reborn I know I will choose the same path again."
"I say unto you, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
"You can die to the pain of the life you've been living and you can resurrect to a whole new world."
"Life has chosen it as a spot to create. There are trees growing out through the hull of this dead ship."
"One of the best things about the Phoenix is... rebirth."
"They're all going to die, they're all going to burn, and then whatever comes out of that would be a phoenix."
"You are the phoenix that is rising from the ashes."
"You are the phoenix rising from the ashes. Regeneration and healing are coming."
"In our hearts, we feel this life to be only a part of life, this earthly dream only an embryonic prelude to a new birth, a new awakening."
"A rebirth is assured, something's coming back to life, complete the cycle."
"As I feel now, I honestly feel like I've been born again, Simon. Honestly, you know, it's not an exaggeration."
"You are about to be given an opportunity for rebirth."
"Yuji is going to die; it adds more emphasis to the concept of rebirth, which has always been at the core of Jujutsu Kaisen."