
Quality Time Quotes

There are 1369 quotes

"I'm constantly finding myself figuring out a balance to be able to spend wonderful quality time with my kids and also work on my passions."
"It was nice to have a year with my dad in a relatively peaceful environment."
"You're wanting quality time, you're wanting something bigger."
"Enjoying time with my wonderful beautiful baby and my wife."
"We work so much that when we can get away together and just sit down without our phones opposite each other and have nice, engaging conversation, that's a lovely moment."
"On Easter, spend time hanging with your family, talking with your family, things like that."
"I'm a quality time lady. If we don't hang out, I get really grumpy."
"I'm so happy that we're spending quality time and I'm able to express my love for you."
"Being there for this type of person is critical – really being there, with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby, makes you feel truly special and loved."
"Your spouse should be your best friend. You should actually want to spend time together."
"Quality time is how he feels love. It's different than like, 'Oh, that's fun. I like getting gifts.' But do you feel fulfilled and loved?"
"What I want you guys to think about is like we want to be great fathers and mothers, we want to have close family time."
"Spending quality time as a family was the most important thing for us in 2022."
"If you haven't seen it, go back and watch it, but basically what it came down to is we just wanted as much time together as a family as possible."
"One of the biggest benefits this routine had given me was emphasizing quality time with Claudia. Usually, we just watch TV together after a long day, but now we could do stuff like cleaning the house and doing cute things together."
"I just hang out with my kids all the time now."
"Quality time...this could apply to friendships, this could apply to romantic relationships."
"The time we spend with our kids is really valuable."
"It's not the amount of time, it's the quality of the time and the presence of your quality of time."
"I love quality time... I just need to be with that person and that's how I give and that's how I receive as well."
"People who have the love language of quality time value quality time... They prefer sharing experiences with other people."
"Go to bed with her... Most of the time, that time at night is the only time that we really get together without interruption."
"You have more time with family... What a beautiful gift that is."
"Everything you do with your kids, it's about quality of time, not quantity."
"Spending time alone with your son is a treasured experience."
"What a meal that was, so good and what an incredible day as well."
"Michael is my Goomba, it speaks volumes by your character that one's young adult child wishes to spend their free time with their Old Man." - Bruce Rivers
"Use whatever time we have with those people to reflect and enjoy and embrace that time."
"I had a really wonderful time spending quality time with so many of my friends."
"Keeping quality time for family and friends and limiting the flow of negative information into my life."
"The best thing you can give your children is time."
"Build that bond outside of your regular routine with your children."
"It's not just about the game, it's about spending time with family."
"Children need their parents to spend time with them. They need to be nourished and talked to and taught about the world."
"Thank you for spending time with me as we organize the freezer as we did some grocery shopping and I'm excited for the food that we're going to be eating."
"Intentional time spent is crucial in relationships."
"It's not the word of the Lord I'm looking for it's the time spent with him that I need."
"I've been going about it the wrong way... the one valuable thing you could do for your parents... just spend time with them."
"Cherish truly quality time with friends, classmates, and family."
"Quality... makes me happy, it's fun for the whole family."
"Kids don't just need quality time, they need quantity time."
"Spending time with my children is life's great joy."
"Time means attention: quality time is what wives crave."
"What does food have to do with it? End goal is to spend time together."
"It's a good time for both of you when you're together."
"It's like a little Saturday afternoon together having deep conversations."
"I refuse to think like that so that makes the time you spend with the things you love special and you should cherish your time with it."
"Being able to spend time with him is the most important and the best thing ever."
"Even if it can't be large amounts of time, make the time that you do spend quality time."
"Be intentional with your time when you're with people that you love."
"We've never spent more quality time together."
"A huge thing that helps is just spending like 10 minutes a day with your kid, just one-on-one, like no distractions, no interruptions, no siblings, no phones, nothing."
"Schedule one-on-one time with your children."
"Quality time over necessarily over like quantity."
"I love giving people grand gestures and I love receiving grand gestures, but my wife, her number one love language is quality time."
"We'll have a dinner date in our bedroom, or we'll do a painting night, or we'll just sit and talk."
"Experience gifts are the best because do you know how kids spell love? T-I-M-E, time with you, time together."
"We always have our best talks when we're walking."
"Love each other and give some time to each other." - Gary
"I'm so happy it's honestly been such nice quality time with Makaya."
"I just think it's sad and I think it's really important for families to try to get together figure out what your goals are what your common purpose is as a family do something productive together but also have fun together."
"Take advantage of the time you have now to spend with your family and your loved ones."
"Real intimacy is conversation and quality time."
"My ultimate love language though, guys, is banter and roasting each other. That is my, um, you know what, that's quality time."
"Spending quality time with my friends and family, offline."
"It just helps us appreciate the times that we can have together."
"Good feed, good fire, great location, great day."
"Take some time and spend it with your loved ones, with your pets, doing or reading something or doing a hobby."
"Do not compromise the quality of women you spend time with."
"Date your daughter. It wasn't about your kids, right? 'Cause now I have one-on-one time with my boys, we'll do that."
"It's nice to actually spend a bit of quality time with the family."
"Quality time: TV off, chores on standby. That's when I feel truly special and loved."
"A few days face-to-face without distraction can actually go a long way."
"For me is spending time with people that I really like."
"This is really special family time and we are gonna come out of it."
"Life's about spending time with the people I love."
"I love being able to spend a little extra time shining up the things I own and adding Beauty in our home."
"Take time to show the people you love that you love them."
"It's not about what we do or how much money you spend, it's the fact that we're doing something together."
"The most important part of the evening is the time we spend together with our friends."
"Picnics are not it. I would never want to go on a picnic man, games or something. Just like a really chill but like plenty of quality time. I'm absolutely with that."
"It's very rare to spend a lot of time together."
"True love can only be developed if quality time is spent together irrespective of her beauty."
"She doesn't go on her phone as much because she'd rather be with you and she also respects you."
"When you're around somebody you actually really like spending time with, then you don't need to go on your phone as much."
"This is good quality family time right here."
"Any day I can go out in the open in the mountains with my son is a good day."
"I try to make every summer so special. So many family memories and bonding and all of that."
"So, we wanna you know get to spend time with you guys as much time as possible."
"Trust your partner and try to spend as much time together as possible."
"Family members sit at the table and spend time together; it's a great time together."
"You are loved at this time, spending time with people that you love in your life will probably make you feel all warm and fuzzy."
"It's about the process that they are doing something hands-on with you they're spending quality time with you they're learning how to use a crinkle cutter or a regular knife or they're scrubbing a vegetable they're like living in the moment."
"The back seat is definitely a really nice place to spend time."
"Staycations are better... making time to spend together."
"Quality time together definitely helps... really being together."
"I truly truly love nothing more than spending time with my wife and kids... just being with my wife and my children."
"What made me happy today was just having an amazing family day."
"Use this time as quality time to become a better you."
"I forgot what a fantastic family weight game this is."
"Being able to [expletive] hang out with my kids and my wife and not have any [expletive] pressure is the greatest [expletive] feeling in the world."
"It's about quality, not quantity. Spend time connecting with your children."
"Be present as much as possible. You will never regret spending more time with your kids."
"I'm so happy to have spent time with Jessie, spend time with Chloe, and go spend time together just like a good girls day."
"People are returning a little bit to an understanding that the best thing that we can give to each other often is our quality time and experiences instead of just things. I think that's become more of a realization to me as I've gotten older."
"Quality time with Jesus - this is what the Sabbath is for."
"Family time is important. It doesn't always need to be documented."
"Quality time is the key, their kids aren't screwed up, just having different experiences."
"Enjoy the Bliss of time together, have that flirty playful attitude about the situation."
"That's how it felt in the pod, like we spent a lot of time. It was quality time."
"Quality time spent with him, relentless care."
"The true victory here is getting to spend more time playing a video game with a person you care."
"I really like giving people gifts. Just quality time and gift giving is my love language."
"The idea is not to condense the working hours into four days but rather to review our ways of doing things and our quality time invested with the aim of working better." - Studio Head David Anthony
"Making memories with my son, what could be better?"
"Quality time with family and friends is extremely important to me."
"Our kids are drowning in stuff. And what they're so desperate for is human connection, for uninterrupted time with you."
"This could be a really great time to spend some time with somebody that you love and care about."
"Quality time is something that I prioritize."
"My mom and I had an absolutely amazing afternoon together just hanging out."
"It's good to have lots of free time, it just means you can spend more time with me, your best friend."
"Continue to date in your relationship, go out and have that fun, enjoy that one-on-one time."
"I think everyone's doing the same stuff, making the best of it, you know? Spend time with the people closest to you and take advantage of the time you wouldn't normally have."
"We make it a point to make time for each other every single day."
"I want to spend every minute we have together having fun."
"Quality time, you know I'm saying, being shy not just being poy, being with the family."
"Quality time is just like 100% always the [ __ ] best."
"Trust the divine. Quality time means putting away the phone and clearing your brain."
"I'm glad that we're spending more time together."
"A healthy relationship is any relationship where after spending time with that person, you feel better."
"Family is important, make sure that you're taking time and that you're spending time with them."
"It's about having moments with the people that you love."
"Get those date nights on the calendar, get out there. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, anything special, but make sure you both get that time together."
"Make sure you spend time with your family with your kids it's always a good thing."
"There's always a way to have fun; even if it's for a half an hour."
"There's something just beautiful about spending time with your animals."
"Date night is something that I really think has really helped our marriage and us connect in different ways."
"Surround yourself with people that you want to enjoy your time with."
"This person will be willing to spend quality time with you."
"The best gift is the time spent together with you."
"To feel my time, I had to do quality things... creates standards within your life."
"What I learned the most from this experience is how important it is to spend time with your family to ask questions and to learn about your history."
"I'm very big on affection, physical touch, and like quality time."
"This is a really dope time for you to spend time with your friends, your family, people that make you feel good."
"Quality time is definitely up there on how I show my affection and how I like to receive affection."
"That's what I'm doing, we've been away for a long time. This is my first year in four years I got to do trick-or-treating with my kids."
"I think that this is a beautiful time for connection and especially one-on-one connection."
"It's important to make time for each other."
"It was somewhere they would go to like disconnect from the world and connect with family and spend some real good quality time together."
"I don't really need a lot, I like experiences, do quality time."
"So we have a nice 30 minutes of quality time together."
"One of God's love languages is quality time."
"It's the first 10 to 15 minutes that my son... is awake. That's my time to hold my son and snuggle him."
"I love spending so much time with my niece."
"Spend quality time with people and friends right now and pay attention to those people and the things that you cherish."
"My work is just spending time with my sister."
"When's the last time you spent quality time with your son?"
"Spending time together no matter what."
"Thank you so much for crocheting with me today, I always love spending time with you."
"We've got to spend so much quality time with our kids."
"We're your family also, but like, we just want you to spend time and we're alive not on your phone."
"That was really nice to be able to actually spend a holiday with him where he wasn't like busy streaming whatever, that's nice."
"It's quality time and you can't put money on that."
"A successful friendship must be more than just time spent together."
"For me and my wife, when we go to the hot tub at night, we don't bring our phones. We just sit there, we sweat to death, and we talk to each other."
"Quality time being spent with this person."
"I just really enjoyed hanging out with my kids and with my husband."
"It does make you appreciate spending time with your family."
"Quality time is absolutely important in a relationship."
"No one in the world I'd rather hang out with than you."
"They want to emotionally reconnect and spend precious time with you."
"All you need is more time with you."
"It's been really nice having this good quality time with everybody."
"...one of my biggest goals... is to make sure that I'm a dad to my boys that they want to spend time with me when they have the freedom of choice to spend time with whoever they want... just want to spend genuine time with me when they grow up."
"Quality time... makes a world of a difference."
"That's what matters, guys. I want to spend as much time as I can with my parents."
"How can we maximize every single moment that we were together?"
"Your person wants to make an offer to you. They want to spend more time with you."
"For the first time, we were like intense family time. It was so nice, so so nice."
"Their love language is very much quality time."
"Date night is a really important thing."
"What your kids are going to remember the very most about your trip is the time you spent with them."
"I clearly love the sweaters, I love to dress like this, my number one love language is gift giving, followed by quality time, so you can see how this holiday sort of ties into that."
"It's just great way, an ideal way to spend time."
"I love when I get ready and my friends just sit and we talk the whole time"
"Always enjoy spending time with you."
"Having the balance between work and home life means now she gets to spend quality time with her children."
"It's not about the meal but the time that you spend together."
"Make time to be with your person."
"Time is the most valuable thing that you have with your children. Spend as much of it with them as you possibly can."
"Every moment is an opportunity to spend time with your children and pour into your children."
"Um that was nice that was a nice reminder that that we have that and we can't forget about that and we need to spend time together doing these things to not not just team building just CU it's nice to hang out with friends."
"He's even taking me on a date tonight, I feel like we haven't done this in a while."
"I had a great time with my daughter alone."
"I'm so excited. Excited to have that quality time with Grace and with Harlan, my goddaughter, and with my best friend. So couldn't be more excited."
"I promised Marcus that we would have a night with just Him and the boys a movie an Indian takeaway heaven heaven."
"Getting to spend more time with my family."
"It's about who you're with, the time you spend and how you spend it."
"I'm more about quality time rather than gift-giving."
"Welcome back to another wonderful evening or morning with Dad and daughter."