
Public Access Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Public access to public records should be encouraged to foster confidence in government."
"The entire Landsat archive is free and open to the public."
"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 guaranteed equal access to public accommodations."
"The Copyright Act serves the purposes of enriching the general public's access to creative works."
"Modern ISR tools have become so good that ordinary members of the public now arguably have access to better tools than many commanders throughout history."
"It's a continuous measurement of real scientific data that is available to all to look at and analyze and to speak the truth."
"Balmoral estate will be off limits for much of the summer as King Charles has decided to keep the estate open to the public for another two weeks."
"It's going to be this wealth of data, and it will be public data almost immediately."
"Once technology goes public and people have their hands on it, that's when the real innovations always begin, right? And that's where you have the true Maverick."
"What's not forbidden is allowed so you're allowed to go in there and record and ask questions."
"Federal case law says that even if it's private property once you open it to the public at the proper time, place, and manner, the public can access it."
"I want every kid in this country who has the ability to be able to go to a public college or university tuition free."
"The Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse is the oldest structure in Palm Beach County, built in 1860. You can climb inside to the observation deck—it is 12 for adults or six dollars for children."
"Disneyland sits on 160 acres of land, but only 85 acres are open to the public."
"Spacex is about providing public access, it's about democratizing space technology."
"Download the clementine mission data. It's freedom of information guys."
"This whole building is a public building. Every inch of the hallway is publicly accessible."
"Every trial ought to be televised, we ought to see the way our system works."
"There's compelling reasons if they have that stuff that we should release it to people."
"Those documents belong to the people and they should have been released under FOIA."
"I want this technology to be open to the public whether it's from aliens from another galaxy or solar system I I really don't care what I want is the technology to travel."
"The public should be able to see what's going on... there should be cameras in the courtroom."
"So big in here, one of the largest cave rooms open to the public."
"Canon is siding with Trump, siding with the First Amendment, siding with the right to access."
"Leonard Nimoy also tried and failed to prevent them from ever being shown publicly."
"The court recognizes the first amendment rights of the press and public access to the courts, especially in high-profile cases."
"Despite the closure, Chinese police still restricted access to the area around the consulate."
"Everybody's gonna have something that you can Google them for."
"Openness enhances basic fairness, and there can be no dispute that the public has a constitutional right to access these proceedings."
"The media has a First Amendment right and that's why courtrooms have to be open and everything has to be public."
"The Vatican secret archives are only made public when they have been on file for at least 75 years."
"Release that 14,000 hours of footage and see what the internet can come up with."
"We're not talking about anybody out there saying this book shouldn't be available to anyone that's an actual ban that's what censorship is."
"The Constitution DAO is pulling together money to win the auction. They intend to put the constitution in the hands of the people."
"The court security here was stepping way out of bounds by physically blocking people from entering a public building."
"We think January 28th was an example of what happens when millions of people can access the markets."
"AI became accessible to the public for free."
"Zoos went from a luxury item for the rich to a big public business."
"No one knows what those ballots were because even when our observers were there and the press were there, they were kept back so far like 40 to 100 feet away."
"Tavern access and Church access are critical."
"If it's accessible to the public, you really shouldn't be treating members of the public like that."
"Dominion is not a public officer or public body and therefore has no obligation to make its records available for public inspection."
"All results of all trials in humans must be made publicly available."
"Education in this country... make public universities free like they once were."
"I just like the idea that if you live in Britain you could join a beach, a piece of coastline, and you could walk and walk and walk and there wouldn't be a single landowner who would come and say you're walking on that."
"Most of us would probably say art belongs in a museum, right? So the public can access it and/or study it."
"We are strictly selling it with what's not open to the public."
"New steps to combat disinformation: Microsoft is rolling out free tools that anybody can use."
"I'm not going to surrender my fourth amendment right to check into a public building."
"The town hall is a public office with public documents. Everything that's done in there is public information open to the public. You don't have to put in an FOI request."
"Laws like this are meant to keep valuable artifacts and treasures out of private hands, so that the public can enjoy them at museums and researchers can learn from them."
"Disabled people exist and deserve a place in public spaces."
"Federally funded research results will be freely available to the public without delay."
"All JWST data will become completely public."
"You are allowed to be in areas right here. You are allowed to be in the public areas."
"The public only currently has access to 23 million shares..."
"The plan is to make this data sample public and available for anyone who wants to analyze it."
"The reality that the core technology and architecture of the car was sold to the public gives all such cars a purity of purpose."
"If it's public access, it's a constitutionally protected activity."
"You don't have the authority to kick me out. This is a public building."
"There should be no reason that body cam footage is not available to us as taxpayers, right? There should be no reason it should be kept quiet unless of course, there's something to hide."
"If a silver lining can come from this parliamentary debacle, and that silver lining is that the Desan commission reports are released in their entirety and Canada Holocaust records are open to the public, then that would be a small victory for us."
"Having access to different court hearings can really help bridge the gap of understanding."
"Why aren't we allowed to stream what goes on in the courtroom?"
"Transparency is key. Government buildings should have no doors, anyone can walk in anytime."
"We're an open society; the court dockets should be open to the public. It's just the way our system works."
"Brilliant to see this ride open for us all to enjoy."
"The public, not the government, should have the opportunity to determine whether the information enhances our understanding of this historic event."
"His mission for transparency and open records access for everybody."
"It's a public event, they invited the public, it's a public event."
"A nearly 3,000-year-old water reservoir where Jesus restored a blind man's sight will be excavated and open to the public."
"I think it's a mistake to take away the ability for the public to seek compensation in the court of law."
"That's what was really rammed home for me today: the precariousness of our grasp on being able to access the public sphere."
"Everything that I make is going to be available and published under thrill seeker Labs."
"Policy does not trump law, so unless I'm breaking the law, I can't be trespassed from a public building." - Citizen recording interaction with police.
"The Daughter Library was the first public library in history."
"It's not like they could ever just make anomalous technology available to the public, right?"
"I way prefer that where the landowner has the decision now do I want to continue to keep people off and not make that money or do I want to accept the money and make it publicly accessible that makes a lot of sense."
"All beaches in Hawaii are everybody's Beach. There's always got to be public access to get to the ocean."
"It's open to the public, you can go to a link to find out there and we should be there for I think it starts at 1 o'clock on Saturday, yeah, May May the 4th."
"We need something that regulates price, that protects Public Access, ensures that these companies pay their fair share into the public infrastructure."
"It's so rare for things like these to be given to the public by virtue of so many factors including copyright obviously but also through things like outdated industry practices."
"Beauty should be seen, admired, not hidden away. Uncle Ray said, walking with him through the Lou, arm around 13-year-old Daniel's shoulder."
"Works of art should be in public galleries. Uncle Ray said, walking with him through the Lou, arm around 13-year-old Daniel's shoulder."
"The courtroom does not belong to the judge, it doesn't belong to the prosecutor, it doesn't belong to the bar association, it belongs to the people. It's our government, it's a branch of government, it's ours. We should be able to see and hear."
"Planetariums and public observatories are gateways to the cosmos for the general public."
"These are all available for you, the public."
"Many people could now afford to go into space."
"It's pretty common and actually really good idea to make your app publicly accessible so you can use it as a portfolio piece."
"The vast majority of golfers are public golfers; they aren't private club members, they aren't rich, they're normal people."
"The Riddle House was finally restored; on that day, the public was able to enter the house for the first time."
"It is important for you to recognize that while you have the right to demonstrate, you do not have the right to block the road and to prevent passengers and motorists and pedestrians from going through freely."
"Anyone can enter here. Anyone can come to see the sessions to do so transparently."
"Anything you save on Tableau Public is public."
"All this land is wasted, yes. It's owned by a few rich... and they stop the general public from viewing, enjoying it."
"And at the same time is when this historic district that I'm standing in now officially opened, and it's when these cottages became allowed to be bookable by you and I as overnight stays."
"The public has the right to inspect the public records as long as they come during the hours the town hall is open."
"The Illinois Freedom of Information Act is designed to ensure that the public has access to information about their government and its decision-making process."
"The mass trespass laid the foundations for the access to land that people enjoy today."
"You could determine, based off of API level access, which ones are public as well."
"This is totally authentic; we never thought we'd ever open it up to the public."
"The Supreme Court acknowledges its obligations to provide open access to court proceedings and its responsibility to provide constituents with a forum that is safe, dignified, and free from unnecessary disruption."
"This is Court TV, your front row seat to justice."
"Lost media is defined as media that no longer exists, is missing, or is no longer available to the general public."
"The data on a public blockchain is transparent to all member nodes."
"This is a live Public Access program sponsored by The Atheist community of Austin."
"Every beach is public. All beaches belong to the people."
"This will help alleviate the concerns raised by both the defense and the state but at the same time will ensure the public still has access to the proceedings for themselves."
"They definitely opened it back up to the public, I like that."
"If the public areas of the building where the public is able to access services, they have a First Amendment right."
"A public virtual interface is used to access the services that are outside of your VPC."
"I think the future for space travel for the normal, for like the general population, the next 20 years, people will be like going to the moon."
"A public virtual interface provides access to Amazon's public IP addresses for that particular AWS region."
"This trail honors Peter Douglas, who authored California's landmark coastal protection law, the California Coastal Act of 1976, champion of public access."
"Hawaii Constitution makes any place with sand touching the ocean to be publicly accessible."
"...the records maintained by the police department belong to the people, as do all government records."
"I'm just down here to take some photographs of the publicly accessible areas of the building."
"He actually opened his gardens to the public which was almost revolutionary at that time."
"Ensuring that Manila Bay sunset will always belong to the public."
"We are a live Public Access television program sponsored by The Atheist Community of Austin."
"This year, Watches and Wonders are improving, opening to the public for the first time."
"I've played here five times at Pasatiempo, and I love it. No, I lived in San Francisco, and it's public, and it's worth the money."
"People learn best when they get to see and hear for themselves."
"Discoveries and results are all publicly available."
"Every person has a right to inspect public records of this state."
"We will continue with unrestricted access to the nature reserve on the edge of town."
"Most of these databases are available to the public and they're available free of charge."
"It's a public space, other people are allowed to be here."
"Courts should make court processes as transparent as possible so the average person can witness the judicial system in action."
"The court is faced with the difficult task of ensuring the proceedings are open to the public while also safeguarding the defendant's right to a fair trial."
"Navigation... thanks to GPS is moving towards the masses."
"I believe very strongly that the waterfront should be access to a public facility and not an offing of private investments."
"Do you like art? Good, Nelson-Atkins Museum is free and open to the public."