
Long-term Effects Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"This is the biggest pandemic of all. It just doesn't kill you in five days like COVID did; instead, it kills you in more like 15 to 20 years."
"Can weed cause long-term anxiety even after years of having stopped it? Probably, but rarely."
"I would just implore you to consider the long-lasting effects that this will have on your kid."
"We're just beginning to experience the long-term effects of COVID-19."
"Human environments that cause trouble young children cause these children to make adaptations which are necessary for immediate survival and adaptation but which may come at a long-term cost to health, behavior, and longevity."
"The way that young children adapt to stress early on helps them survive that early stress but in the long term those same adaptations become sources of pathology."
"The effects of redlining are as strong today in much of America as they were back before the end of Jim Crow."
"The war in Ukraine is having a devastating consequence for the health of Ukraine's people, consequences that will reverberate for years or decades to come."
"Climate change has become a defining factor in companies' long-term prospects."
"Remember, it can take years before that processed junk that you've been putting into your body catches up to you."
"Words are nuclear, and some of you that are watching this, you may still be hurting over a word that was spoken to you five or ten or twenty years ago."
"When analyzing the merits or the demerits of any economic proposal, we must not consider just the effect of it on one person or group of people for a short period of time, but we should look at the effect on all groups of people and all individuals over a long period of time."
"A study shows that playground bullies grow up to earn more in middle age."
"Child marriage leads to all types of harm, all types of issues that ruin these girls for life."
"Cortisol is only designed to be used short-term. If it's used long-term, it weakens the immune system, decreases bone supply, and impairs cognitive performance."
"The decisions that we take now are going to have a major impact on decades to come."
"Understand that ultimately what you're putting in your body sets you up for 10 years down the line."
"It's unlikely to see long-term side effects down the road."
"A small pivot, a small shift, a small change carried out over a long period of time results in a massively different endpoint."
"What your parent ate during pregnancy or what you were fed shortly after birth can have surprisingly long-lasting impacts on your life."
"It's even more important to protest the things being done to children, as what gets laid down in childhood becomes very difficult to change."
"There's a human consequence to this in the short term, in the long term, there's a geopolitical consequence that could be felt for generations."
"It's totally natural and it's fine, but long-term it has some effects."
"Tick Tock destroys so gradually that it seems harmless but if the app is a time bomb that'll wreck a whole generation years from now then we can't wait till its effects are apparent before acting for then it will be too late."
"Sepsis caused by COVID-19 is going to have similar long-term complications to sepsis caused by other more established viral and bacterial conditions."
"Inflation is like termites. Day by day, you don't really notice the affects, but over the course of ten, 20, 30 years, the entire house can come crumbling down."
"It will cost the Russians dearly for generations to come by checkmating their Ambitions in the north."
"The story that you tell yourself about the decisions that you made lasts for far longer than the impact of the decisions."
"It's a slow burn effect but it could make a huge difference."
"Childhood lead exposure appears to be significantly related to adult violent crime."
"Long-term it does poison your relationship with your customers."
"40 years later we can look back on it and see the positive and negative ripples."
"The disaster might play a role in genetic diseases or abnormalities found in future generations."
"The most important thing to think about for long-term consequences is what your organs see."
"I'm a big believer in chaos theory so tap the like button, leave a comment because they have resounding fractal consequences that you may not see even in your lifetime."
"The consequences of having outbreaks with the new Indian variant among younger adults can be long COVID among those groups."
"If you're somebody that is very invested in self-deprecating humor I would advise you to stop because on the long term you're probably only going to affect yourself."
"Avoidance is a great short-term strategy to find comfort but avoidance is also a great long-term strategy to guarantee misery."
"These eclipses are long-lasting in their influence."
"The daddy of long-term emotional manipulation."
"Every single thing that happens to children stays with them."
"Long Covid is altering the United States labor force, economy, and the lives of those affected for the foreseeable future."
"The worst part about this thing is even if you recover your lungs might never be the same."
"Remember that bill that passed when everyone was outside screaming at them? Stuff like that shapes the narrative in the long term."
"Brexit is still a profound and long-term national diminishment."
"Chernobyl didn't just affect people; it changed the environment as well."
"The area around the former nuclear plant won't actually be habitable for humans for about 20,000 years."
"Millions of men and women will fight in or be touched by the war in Ukraine. Many will need support for years after it's over."
"As disruptive as immigration is now, it's probably additive in the long run."
"Even if it works at the moment, in the long run, it'll make you like them less."
"Decisions we make early on with a gang could impact us later."
"I think long term this technology is going to become so pervasive that it's going to be a part of everything we do."
"It's going to take us a very long time to heal from that polarization."
"The stories affect the way we think longer-term."
"We have been compartmentalized in this country for decades and decades. Compartmentalization ruled the day during World War two."
"History has certain patterns, doesn't mean that good things are going to come of those patterns right away."
"Try and treat your body in the best way you can...all of these little details are going to have a long-lasting effect."
"The decision that you make right now to leave your marriage is going to have some sort of long-lasting effects on your children's lives."
"It really does make you think about looking at consumption and from a scientific background how what you eat can impact you in the long run."
"Eventually they are going to not they may not take the industry down they may not take their you know whether it's media or polling but eventually people do begin to just tune them out."
"The problem with not seeing abuse as abnormal use is that we can tend to go decades with this cumulative trauma."
"The pandemic probably a bad way to describe it but the residual effects of the pandemic."
"This change is going to drive inflation further all across Europe and it's going to be long lasting inflation because this isn't something that's just the short-term Spike."
"It's like paying a nanny to raise your child and then you come back 10 years later and say, 'Hey, kids!'"
"It's a long fuse. It can kind of take three, four, even sometimes up to five or six months because you're getting series of eclipses, not just one eclipse."
"Bad ideas can have a very long run, but eventually reality reasserts itself."
"The night Gwen Stacy died had ripple effects of all sorts, immediate and ones that would occur years later."
"Trauma can legitimately cause long-term psychological damage."
"This is going to generate what will probably be the most inflationary period at least since World War II and it will last for at least 5 years."
"The implications of which can extend far beyond our own lives."
"You're not going to see the effects now but you'll see the effects 50 60 years down the line and by that time it will probably be too late."
"This is going to impact your life your children's life your children's children's life."
"Long COVID is a serious issue affecting millions."
"Our actions only have meaning if the effects of those actions are long-lasting."
"Few years have ever had such a profound influence on an entire industry for decades to follow."
"Sculptra is considered semi-permanent; it dissolves, but the end result is more permanent and sustained because it's your body's own collagen."
"It's easy to walk away and continue with your life, but the people that lived in the immediate area... had to live with that for the rest of their lives."
"The effects of which are still being deeply felt today."
"People tend to think about whether or not an argument has succeeded or failed based on what happens within the conversation or shortly thereafter, rather than over the next five or ten years."
"This nomination will forever stain the Supreme Court in a way that I think may well be irreparable."
"If the Glazers get the money from an American investment from undoes their friends we're screwed for the next 20 years."
"What we are missing is the very simplistic Primal Act of expressing that anger out of our bodies... so it's not staying inside our bodies and poisoning us slowly over the years."
"The lasting effects would be massive, no doubt."
"Women are deep, even something that happened in childhood can make her break your television today."
"When you think that your behavior doesn't matter and won't affect you in the long run, you couldn't be more mistaken."
"Monopoly has a real danger of encouraging over time corruption."
"Long COVID is unfortunately a bigger problem than I had feared it would be."
"The cure for high prices is high prices, but that takes a long time to play out."
"I've kind of come to appreciate the slow burn of investing into territories and really feeling the substantial effects."
"The corporate culture of how magic is being ran has permanently been changed."
"It's crazy and people don't think about what these things do long term like these pharmaceutical drugs and these chemicals these cocktails that people are taking."
"Diminish it over time then long term yes it will diminish the power of religions over us."
"The streets don't have a purpose and if you go through 20, 30 years like that on the streets, that's what you're going to be."
"You may be enjoying your stimulus checks right now, but on the back end and every single day after that, you're going to pay for it."
"A lifetime appointment that could dramatically impact individual freedoms and change the direction of the court for at least a generation is too important to get boggled down in politics."
"The longer a country stays socialist, the harder it is to reform it."
"Wiley's final solution of making zero and the virus had ripple effects... thousands of years after his death."
"It's definitely time for lifestyle changes. What you do between the next eight days, eight weeks, eight months is what's going to affect you for the next eight years."
"Things that seem really positive can be a net negative in the long term."
"Neil Kashkari: If we overreact to a short-term price increase... that can set the economy back over the long term."
"Nobody knows the long-term consequences. We can hope for the best, but the reality is things could be much, much worse."
"The flight of FedEx 705 took about 30 minutes but the impact it had will last for years."
"Between six to nine million patients may be suffering from long covet in the U.S. right now."
"Trauma traumatizes, it creates unparalleled effects that follow us on a daily basis."
"Heart damage from COVID-19 extends well beyond the disease's initial stages."
"It's still child exploitation even if some is worse than the other; there is a child being exploited and that will most likely negatively impact that child for the rest of their life."
"This is a virus that does seem to have some lingering effects in a portion of the population."
"COVID increased the risk for heart failure by 72%, heart attack by 63%, and stroke by 52% even among those whose original illnesses were mild."
"Surviving COVID doesn't mean that you are totally out of danger."
"We won't know the full effects of this whole social media experiment until 30 years from now."
"The impact that we're already seeing on Russia but this isn't a short-term impact this is going to be a long-term problem for the Russian economy."
"It's all small things, they add up especially over 10 20 years it adds up and it even begins in the womb."
"There's no vaccine for the psychological impact of COVID-19."
"Even victory in a battle may take decades or even centuries to recover from."
"Even if carbon emissions are stopped completely tomorrow, it will take thousands of years for that atmospheric carbon dioxide to start coming down, if it ever does."
"Our choices are like ripples on water; they seem tiny and insignificant at the beginning but they can become devastating tidal waves by the time they run their course."
"Your choices early on will cascade through the entire run."
"In the short term we might see less, but in the long term we'll most likely see more, so I think this new 'scarient' we'll call it is going to give the government... a lifeline to backpedal on all of these mandates, which are... very unpopular."
"The cosmic imprint left by the Inhibitors extends far beyond the ruins and remnants of the Dawn War."
"What evidence do we have that this is a powerful, absolute, intelligent, smart way to handle a child's life over the long term?"
"Putin's decisions have totally altered the situation for a long time."
"His absolute abuse for executive power is going to have the longest term consequences."
"This is kind of a long drawn out transit that will happen towards the end of the year."
"Myonuclear domain expansion leads to long-term hypertrophy."
"Al Qaeda was kept really off balance and unable to strike at a strategic level for 20 years."
"Helicopter money is the heroine shot. You're gonna feel really, really good for a while until you get on the downside."
"Brett's assault on me drastically altered my life for a very long time."
"I will tell you what, the reason why this is important is because this is going to have a prolonged effect on the films that we see."
"Political turmoil hurts the country long term."
"If you're in a spot you don't want to be in right now guess what if you don't actually take action towards changing that right now it'll keep you there for a long long time."
"I think the mental health consequence of this pandemic is not only huge at the moment, I think we're yet to see the impacts of it."
"They took everything 15 years later, I'm still dealing with [__]."
"People do not in the long run benefit from systems designed to hurt those other than them."
"Some small moments in history can have absolutely incredible impact."
"The decisions that we make in such moments may have repercussions for many years."
"The real magic happens in the weeks and months following psychedelic assisted therapy."
"Being under enormous amounts of stress for a very, very long time can be very detrimental to our health."
"One clue is all it takes to expose the truth, and poison leaves its traces for a very long time."
"CTE is not a myth, it is very real and the consequences take a little while to show up."
"Great hardships experienced in 1942 and the way Britain sought to overcome them would have an impact stretching far beyond the years of."
"If you can't have that conversation, if you don't have a backbone, then you're the one that's going to be bitter 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 years down the line."
"The whole family is forever affected by this; it has a strong ripple effect."
"The aftermath of him signing... would have a very long-term effect on the rest of the scene."
"Bulking then cutting approach actually leaves you with less muscle and more fat in the long run."
"I genuinely believe that what we've lived through the long-term effects of this are going to go for decades if not centuries."
"75 years ago a plague descended upon the world."
"You're gonna have over 500,000 pipelines rupture. Completely contaminating that area for millennia."
"Obviously, obviously coronavirus is a bad thing but I do like political stories that go on for a long time because what it means is that everyone actually has a chance to understand what the fuck is going on."
"Would you rather have diarrhea today or cancer tomorrow? Drinking tap water exposes you to chemicals that may ultimately cause cancer over your lifetime."
"You could just feel what Russell Bishop had done to their families and to their lives for 32 years."
"This 40-year experiment, we're now getting to the point where we're finally seeing the end results of it and it's really bad."
"Breathing in toxic burning garbage might not only cause immediate illness, but more and more evidence shows now that the chemicals observed from those pits have been linked to long term damage."
"But the problem is, when you're popping two or three of those pills for an entire year, yeah, consistently, the kidneys suffer."
"Long COVID has real, real effects... solidarity with you."
"It's a nice change of pace to play a total war game where the characters hold so much weight and seemingly benign choices can snowball into late-game alliances against you with your own ex-generals leading the charge that you trained."
"Ideas have consequences, and short-term benefits can lead to long-term harm."
"I know some people think that is not a big deal and whatnot but it has affected me for the last 30 years."
"Some people think the virus is mild, that's one side. It may be causing mild symptoms at this point but it doesn't mean that the virus is not causing significant disease which will present later down the line."
"The long-term effect of World War II on our thinking was pernicious and deep."
"Every cliche is true. It's the everyday that compounds into every month, that compounds into year by year."
"The impact of all great technological change is often overestimated in the short run and underestimated in the long term."
"We have no idea what the 30-year long-term data on that is going to be, and yet we prescribe them by the billions of dollars."
"There don't appear to be any adverse effects from taking NMN, but long-term safety is unknown."
"We've latched on to social justice and these are the kinds of things that we're doing in our culture that is actually having a damaging effect over the long term."
"I feel like it's a very short-term game but with long-term consequences."
"Trauma distorts development in multiple ways and these effects can be lifelong and they can lead to physiological and mental illness."
"The Trump experience is one that cannot simply be undone or attributed to a sort of four-year accident."
"In the longer term, even if a lost planet is successfully reclaimed as part of the Imperium it will bear the scars for Generations."
"Any quick-fix mechanism has the capacity to lead to lasting happiness."
"What the team has done collectively will have a very long-term impact."
"We can try and it helps a little bit, but nothing will bring us justice."
"Bad ideas almost always fail when given enough time."
"The cost of the pandemic... if we let it get to the point that we are permanently stuck with covid... is effectively indefinitely large."
"It is going to be a long winter, and we're not going to start to see the effects of the vaccine in large populations until well into spring."
"So one potentially long-term impact from ketosis is one's ability to burn carbohydrate at the same rate in the future."
"If Trump wins, he will get one, two, three Supreme Court picks, and we may have a right-wing Supreme Court for a generation."
"The media can indeed have powerful effects over time."
"The new tunnel under the Femern Belt will impact millions of people across this continent over the decades to come."
"The possibility of having those side effects long-term was still worth it to me."
"Devastating and long-term effects for libraries and media preservation."
"Twenty years of terrible fighting that saw the United States and Vietnam embroiled in one of the most devastating wars of the 20th century."
"Over 90% of people... haunting them for the rest of their lives."
"The effects of the pandemic can be felt even to this day, 100 years later."
"It's the long-term psychological effect on how you view yourself at an identity level."
"You're not going to feel this today; you're going to feel this five years from now."
"Penetrating oils are great because you're going to see the effects long-term."
"Those medications, though they can be helpful in the short term, in the long term they're damaging."
"Short-term pleasure may lead to long-term suffering and short-term suffering may lead to long-term pleasure."
"...the kids who could wait 8, 10, 12 minutes, 20 years later have much higher college completion rates."
"The anxieties you have, although real, should be put aside before they haunt you long term."
"The value of it isn't realized immediately, I don't think. Like it might be a kid, who, 10 years later, goes into engineering."
"Medication isn't something that you have to take every day to see that long-term effects."
"Some things have very long-term consequences."
"Sometimes the sub-optimal answer in the long term is the right one."
"Medication does not translate into long-term benefits on any domains."
"There's probably nothing more impactful for your skin in the long run than being on a retinoid."
"... from three months to a year and none of them show any adverse effects, you know, nobody has more heart attacks or more health problems."
"Psychedelic medicines actually reverse the symptoms of trauma not just in the moment but for years after."
"Long term, I think social media and everyone's consumption of it is really bad."
"Chronic inhibition of mTOR complex 1 with rapamycin can lead to inhibition of mTOR complex 2 in the long term."