
Metabolic Health Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"Food science is what happens to food between the ground and the mouth; nutrition is what happens to food between the mouth and the cell; metabolic health is what happens to food inside the cell."
"A big objective for Metabolic Health Summit is really to bridge the gap from science to implementation."
"We've got to have some way to overcome the metabolic damage that poor food is doing, and what the research is showing is fasting."
"Intermittent fasting creates balance across metabolic hormones like insulin, leptin, and ghrelin, aiding in weight loss and health."
"If we just started with metabolic health, we would change everything."
"I see obesity as a symptom of metabolic derangement in the body or brain. And that is why people become obese."
"Improving your metabolic health can shore up irregularities or imbalances in the circadian clock system, which can then improve sleep."
"Low carb high fat works better for people who have metabolic disruption, insulin resistance syndrome."
"What's most interesting...the more metabolically healthy you get, the more you want to remain metabolically healthy."
"Removing fructose from the diet can improve metabolic flexibility, highlighting its significant impact on health."
"Regular water intake is vital; it can affect your metabolic processes and help prevent obesity and diabetes."
"When you get the fat out of your muscle cells, they can act more normally, they can reduce your blood sugar naturally."
"Why would you do that? Why not breathe more closely in line with your metabolic needs?"
"Metabolic illness is a really sad statistic but it's true, nine in ten adults today have some component of it."
"Lean body mass will always win over cardiovascular exercise in improving metabolic health."
"Decreasing insulin and carbohydrates is the cure."
"Exercise is so important for all sorts of metabolic-related parameters and how you age."
"Metabolic health is intimately linked with the rate of biologic aging."
"Time-restricted eating is one of the most powerful things we can do to improve our metabolism."
"Poor cardio-metabolic health is the real issue we should be addressing."
"Obesity is not the problem because obesity is the fat you can see. Metabolic syndrome is the problem because that's where all the money goes."
"Eating more salt can improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance."
"Insulin resistance: it's not a disease. Nothing is broken."
"A ratio under 1.9 is considered optimal for insulin sensitivity."
"If you're insulin resistant, you're not going to burn fat and you're not going to get the body that you want."
"So we've known about these metabolic benefits of ketosis. It's what allows us to survive in the absence of food."
"Low-fat diets have led to skyrocketing insulin levels and metabolic issues."
"Having small spikes in glucose is actually perfectly healthy as long as you have periods during the day where you're not absorbing a lot of sugar."
"Metabolic switching... from sugar burner to fat burner... helps regulate blood pressure."
"i think eventually if you have any kind of metabolic issues uh if you're a type 2 diabetic anything like that i think these will eventually start to affect you"
"So it's really no surprise that she's hell-bent on suggesting that someone's size determines their health and that someone in a larger body can't possibly be metabolically healthy."
"Compressing your feeding window leads to favorable metabolic improvements."
"GLP-1 agonist drugs like semaglutide and tirzepatide can cause significant weight loss and improve metabolic ailments."
"Keeping your carbohydrate down to the point that your body is burning fat as a fuel, that's the fastest way to reverse insulin resistance."
"These are not elegant, they're very messy weapons."
"It doesn't really matter what your blood sugar is from minute to minute okay, what really matters for fat storage, for fat burning, for overall metabolic health, for blood pressure, for triglycerides, for all that is what is your insulin level."
"Metabolic health is wealth and I tried to corner that phrase but too many of us are talking about it which is fine but I think it's important to understand that our health is currency."
"I think over the course of one's life, acquainting your brain with using ketones as a fuel is likely very beneficial."
"Metabolic flexibility which is what you actually want."
"Dr. Jason Fung, Dr. Robert Lustig, Dr. Peter Attia, those be my three kind of go-to people on metabolic health issues."
"This diet changed my life. I had visceral adiposity, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and this was the only thing that I changed and it had a big benefit."
"Reduce insulin resistance to become insulin sensitive."
"The basic goal... is to improve metabolic flexibility."
"My main sort of theme right now is developing robust metabolic flexibility."
"What we're trying to do here is we're trying to reduce the amount of glucose that gets into the bloodstream because glucose shuts off ketosis."
"Even before they may even lose weight or see any huge results, they'll notice their blood pressure drops because their insulin drops."
"Carbohydrate out of the model is really effective at reducing obesity, insulin resistance, and inflammation."
"Muscle is an organ of longevity. Muscle is what helps with insulin sensitivity, muscle is a glucose reservoir..."
"Regular exercise has been proven to help weight loss, regulate appetite, and improve metabolic profile."
"The key to losing weight is low insulin right by optimizing our metabolic health it is really the quickest way and the lowest hanging fruit way to achieve really almost any health goal."
"Recently a study was published that showed that 88% of Americans are in poor metabolic health."
"Fasting: a double effect on insulin, weight, and lipid reduction."
"Cinnamon powders, teas, and dietary supplements are very popular for their effects at regulating blood sugar, improving insulin response, and lowering serum lipids."
"There is another way to think about helping people who really struggle with their weight and with the metabolic consequences."
"Strength training is non-negotiable, period, if you want to live a long healthy life and be metabolically optimized."
"What you're talking about is taking someone who's metabolically busted... to metabolically resilient."
"Literally have reversed multiple markers of metabolic syndrome."
"Blood sugar and insulin resistance is very, very important. It may be the single most important factor in trying to avoid disease."
"Insulin resistance is affecting the majority of the Western population."
"Now you have metabolic flexibility... you can shift from one fuel to the other and not miss a beat."
"Over 85% of adults in the United States are metabolically ill."
"Even light activity every 20 minutes significantly improves glucose and insulin levels."
"Get more sleep, don't be sedentary, swap out saturated fats, and reduce blue light for better metabolic health."
"If I can fix metabolic health, most of the things that people come see me for will reverse."
"High intensity intervals are the only form of cardio that does not drop metabolic rate."
"Metabolic flexibility means extracting energy from various substrates—fat, carbohydrates, ketones—without becoming dependent on burning protein."
"Ignore the weight component and just focus on metabolic health."
"Yeah, so if somebody starts getting fat, does that mean their insulin sensitivity is off or not necessarily?"
"Finding metabolic flexibility to keep healthy cells strong."
"Lower protein diets increase hunger but reduce weight gain and improve metabolic health."
"We have the capacity to robustly increase our capacity to make ketones."
"If you're reasonably metabolic healthy and you fast for 36 hours, fat oxidation is really starting to increase."
"Researchers found that centenarians have relatively low sugar and insulin levels."
"Once your body knows it can get energy from stored body fat, hunger disappears."
"Optimizing your metabolic health is the key to effortless weight loss."
"Long-term metabolic health requires considering factors beyond simple calorie counting."
"Cold thermogenesis in the morning can increase fat oxidation, energy expenditure, and pivot the body to preferentially oxidize more fats for fuel."
"Most people who have excess body fat are insulin resistant and they can still lose weight as long as they're in a calorie deficit."
"You're extremely insulin sensitive, this means that you are utilizing your insulin very well, your tissues are responsive to insulin, your body doesn't need to produce that much insulin to keep your blood sugars at bay."
"Carnitine can help balance that it cleans up some of that metabolic waste."
"The reason we all need to care about what's going on with our metabolic lab tests is because 88% of American adults have at least one biomarker of metabolic dysfunction." - Casey
"Triglyceride to HDL ratio... a great surrogate marker of whether we are insulin resistant." - Casey
"Metabolic flexibility is key. It's about having the ability to go back and forth without a hiccup."
"Fasting through dinner is going to actually yield greater metabolic dividends than fasting through breakfast."
"You need to allow the body to enter the fasting state for many other metabolic benefits to happen."
"Striving for this notion of metabolic flexibility... using the appropriate fuel for the appropriate situation."
"You can't starve yourself forever. The way that people need to lose weight is by correcting metabolic dysfunction."
"We have an obesity rate of 42 percent maybe it has to do with our poor metabolic health which is entirely tied to our lifestyle and nutrition."
"It's nothing more or less than giving your body a break from eating so that it can naturally burn off those excess stores of calories."
"At Metabolic Mind, we're a non-profit group where we focus on the intersection of metabolic health and mental health."
"You are at the cutting edge of this entire metabolic health movement."
"As you begin to correct your insulin resistance, all of those things go away, including your belly fat."
"Exercise, resistance training, stress management, and sleep are crucial for metabolic health."
"We need a personalized approach that addresses the root causes of metabolic poor health."
"Insulin resistant individuals have an elevated risk not just of type 2 diabetes but also heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many other chronic conditions."
"If 99.9% of our population would just not eat for 12 hours a day, we would not have the metabolic diseases and issues that we have here."
"Maintaining muscle mass is a much more important factor as we're looking to improve our metabolic health."
"We're using metabolic health to treat mental illness."
"Keeping your liver in Top Flight condition is tantamount to promoting metabolic health."
"The American Diabetes Association tells doctors don't draw fasting insulin. Why is that? Two reasons. First, fasting insulin levels are not standardized across platforms. Second, fasting insulin levels do not correlate with obesity. They correlate with metabolic health."
"If you don't have an ideal or optimal metabolic health the chances of you having other diseases is higher."
"I can't imagine myself ever going back to a state of poor metabolic health."
"We cover a lot of topics and a lot of ground in this area and we talk about various aspects of fasting and protein metabolism as a means to increase longevity and aspects of performance."
"We are laser focused on the downstream symptoms that result from metabolic dysfunction in different cell types."
"Intermittent fasting has been shown to slow age-related cognitive decline, increase energy, improve insulin sensitivity, and aid in autophagy."
"It's not the weight that is the issue, it's the metabolic health that is key."
"People who have lower levels of Akkermansia municipalia are more likely to become obese or have their metabolic health not in the best condition."
"Metabolic health is really vitally important to hormonal health."
"The fast is so critical for a number of things: for supporting the ketosis, for supporting autophagy, for improving insulin sensitivity."
"Fasting creates a hormonal metabolic environment that fosters a healthier churn within your fat tissue."
"While weight loss is important, I think body composition changes and metabolic health are even more important."
"Insulin resistance really starts to go up with menopause as well."
"Blueberries got a ton of really good phytochemicals that are really good at actually making your body more insulin sensitive."
"The combination of greens, beans, nuts, and seeds in your diet gives you naturally a better metabolic profile with a lower glycemic diet."
"Our traditional view of metabolic health is simply off base; there's another truer foundation that we need to be talking about and acknowledge, and the sooner we do, the better off we'll all be."
"The cause of weight gain is too much of the hormone insulin, which drives fat cells into a feeding frenzy."
"If we want to prevent cancer, it really comes down to the basics: supporting mitochondrial health, supporting muscle health, supporting metabolic health."
"Heart disease is not a statin deficiency, diabetes is not a metformin deficiency, depression is not an SSRI deficiency."
"Metabolic health and body composition is the absolute essential way to balance your hormones."
"Two-thirds of people who are cardio-metabolically unhealthy actually have sleep apnea."
"Metabolic Mind is a nonprofit initiative where we focus on the intersection of metabolic health and mental health."
"The ketogenic diet improves all markers of metabolic syndrome."
"Keeping them a lean weight starting off early... that's the best way to maximize the healthy metabolic system and to create a balanced immune system."
"It's not about obesity; it's about metabolic dysfunction, and anyone can get it."
"Intermittent fasting is tremendously advantageous for people that are overweight and metabolically unhealthy."
"These people got metabolically healthier; their overall ceramides decreased."
"We are in a staggering health crisis not just COVID but the whole pandemic of chronic disease that's driven by poor metabolic health."
"Focus on meals and intermittent fasting to achieve metabolic flexibility and the ability to burn fat as fuel."
"Poor metabolic health is associated with worse brain function, no energy, awful memory."
"All of my markers for metabolic syndrome were gone, that quick, four months."
"We've yet to meet anyone that we couldn't help dramatically improve their metabolic health."
"We used a light box... it has been demonstrated to help regulate circadian rhythms, improve metabolic function."
"Some research suggests that this approach may be just as effective for weight loss and improving metabolic health."
"The cause of heart disease is metabolic syndrome."
"I absolutely agree with you that we should be addressing insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome as a primary intervention to address not only weight, diabetes, pre-diabetes but also heart disease risk."
"We are at the very very beginning of this cardio metabolic revolution."
"When you look at the fact that 88% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy, almost 9 out of 10 of us have some degree of insulin resistance."
"Intermittent fasting is fantastic for aging, for metabolic health."
"Now more than ever, it's important for people to get a hold of their metabolic health."