
Hobby Quotes

There are 12156 quotes

"We play and call it work. Mindy working means Warhammer 40k battle report. Hello gamers, Josh and Luka here for Mini Wargaming."
"If you're someone who has decided that this fitness thing is your hobby and that you want to spend hours into it because it makes you stronger physically but also mentally, that is a net positive."
"Anytime you have a hobby like this, where it's not just the activity but also the community and the history of it that you love, you get to a point where you don't just want to play, you want to give back to the community."
"I like to cook. It's a great way to unwind after a long day."
"Gardening is a wonderful pastime for people, especially if you're locked down or otherwise at home."
"Reading is not only like a habit of mine but it's also a hobby because I just love and enjoy reading so much."
"Business is my great hobby. It's why I love it so much."
"Right now, my hobby has to feed my family. I have to make this work."
"Our hobby mine has turned into something that we absolutely need now."
"I got a little carried away baking last night."
"It's never too late to start break dancing. I started when I was age 54. I'm now 66."
"I've always tried to see YouTube as more of a hobby that yes, it happens to make money, but I don't like treating it as my job."
"It is a dream to be able to earn a living doing the work that you really enjoy, but also turning your hobby into your full-time job can ruin everything."
"Emergency preparedness is kind of a lonely hobby sometimes."
"Skincare as a hobby is so important for everyone. It's nice to know that you are worth the effort you're putting in to yourself."
"This is dedicated to everyone who says, 'You guys are always at the studio; you never dive.'"
"Architecture photography is something I've been dabbling for a very long time. It actually started in my undergrad studies in Urban Design and Architecture School that I got an interest in architecture photography."
"I'm having fun mining. It's a blast. I love crypto."
"Gaming is as much of a hobby as anything else."
"Decide in your heart from the front end that you're gonna do this is a passion and a hobby and that you're gonna enjoy every step of the process."
"Aether SX2 was always meant to be a fun hobby for me, not profit-driven."
"It doesn't make sense to continue working on a hobby which isn't fun anymore."
"I will always see YouTube as a hobby, won't ever rely on YouTube to take care of me."
"Adam tries to cosplay as Miraculous Ladybug almost every weekend."
"Enable you to take outstanding iPhone photos that everyone adores and leave your heavy DSLR at home."
"If you're a photographer that has always wanted to try astrophotography but weren't so sure about investing hundreds or even thousands of dollars into a hobby before you knew if it was for you, well then watch this video."
"Journaling is such a wonderful hobby; it's meant to keep you organized and inspired but it's also just very fun and relaxing."
"This miniature is one of those models that looks really intimidating at first glance, but in this video, we're going to break down the whole process of painting it to make it nice and easy and accessible so that no matter what your skill level, you'll be able to approach painting it to get a result that you're going to be really happy with."
"I'm a lifelong collector going all the way back to the 1950s."
"Masochist. That's basically what tinkering around with radios can be sometimes."
"What started as a hobby has literally changed lives. CeCe Moore is now bringing justice to victims and getting violent criminals off the streets by the hundred."
"I go to the skate park, I'll do 10-15 things every time I go there."
"I love when we go on our little photography missions with each other."
"I stayed up like late nights...trying to paint through everything to get ready for a game we wanted to play the next day and it's so satisfying."
"YouTube is just a hobby of mine. I still don't have an upload schedule; I don't force myself to make stuff I don't like."
"Every time you make a candle it's really special, even if it doesn't look perfect."
"I think competition is good... it serves more people, gets more people in the hobby and all of that."
"If you're gonna do Disney pin trading in the parks, it's tempting to buy what they call scrapper pins in bulk from third-party sellers online but don't do that."
"Anyone and I mean literally anyone can grab a rod and reel couple baits head out to your local body of water and catch some fish."
"Finish the millennium falcon and got a bunch of new lego stuff."
"We have a good living, we have great kids, we have built for ourselves a wonderful life."
"I started this for fun, there's no point in doing it if it's not fun."
"Building a computer today, getting back to my roots."
"Now is probably the best time to be jumping into this hobby. I want more people to be a part of this community, to be a part of this fandom."
"It's become professionalized. It's become a hobby. It's become a game."
"This is gonna be me probably for the next foreseeable future, just building these over and over and over because they're fun."
"I've played well over 200 games more this year versus this time last year."
"You don't find any collectors, they're usually happy people, excited, passionate, and they're happy to show you their collection."
"Collecting is like an addiction, yes you do get a buzz because you've acquired something new."
"Astrophotography, the most fun and rewarding hobby out there."
"There really won't be time to do much else other than, you know, add more and more games to your steam library"
"Cosplay is a hobby, it's for fun, it's for everyone, and so it should be celebrated."
"If you'll take the time out of your busy digital life and seek out an old film camera and give it a shot, there's a really good chance you'll fall in love."
"What really began as essentially a research project, it was really a hobby at first, it then grew into a research project ultimately it turned into a all-consuming determined effort."
"The thrill of the hunt keeps you going... that feeling you get when you find one that you've been wanting for years."
"I'm just an avid fisherman. I will always release everything I catch."
"I'm very lucky. I'm one of those people that get to do their hobby as a career."
"Enjoy the process - the crushing lows, the short-lived highs, the pictures that leave you speechless, and the ones that make you want to sell your telescope."
"Every single watch collector should own or at least strive to own at some point if they do take the hobby seriously."
"I could do this for 10 hours, I literally love it so much."
"If you're starting from zero and you want a car that you can mod and do fun [ __ ] to, a Miata seems like a decent way to go."
"Skateboarding kept me away from trouble as a youth."
"I actually love cooking and I find it loads of fun."
"I don't think physical media is going anywhere. I love collecting it."
"I'm a YouTuber for fun, I like it, it's a lot of fun."
"Collect or invest in what you enjoy, invest in the cards that you think look great, not the cards that the rest of the hobby slash industry think are great."
"This set is gonna come with six figures and then make a seventh build a figure."
"Spending hours in the kitchen making something nice is very satisfying."
"Gaming isn't just a hobby, it's a lifestyle."
"It's a character I didn't care about until I got it in plastic form which happens a lot to me I know but now that I have it in hand I really like demo Goblin."
"It's basically any shrimp that doesn't fit my line breeding goals or journeys and I just throw them in there."
"Half the joy of astrology is it feels like an instrument you're playing and I just love it."
"Get a hobby, get your mind off of what's going on."
"This hobby is about learning and getting better every day, there's no end game, there's no end point for this."
"It's an investment in yourself. If music is your hobby and you have no delusions of grandeur, you're right."
"Yes, still gonna be a DIY paint dealer, I love Debbie's paint, I love Debbie."
"However, if part of the hobby is to create something artistic that you're going to enjoy for many years, this is definitely the project."
"A climbing wall is a little bit like a bar, the more you go in there the more you talk to people the more people are willing to talk to you back."
"Thanks everyone and until I see you next time, keep reading comics."
"Using Lego sets as inspiration for custom builds."
"AC Family, behold: my new arsenal of ant housing materials."
"We wanted a game that could be set up and played in a short amount of time but provided a lot of opportunity for the other fun parts of the hobby."
"At the end of the day, it's just an opportunity to build really cool stuff and make really cool models."
"And I never would have imagined it, but I'm so hooked on Mortal Kombat 11. I'm playing it all the time now."
"Dancing is fun and I want to get better at it."
"Yo, I could make such a cute custom with this. I know you're probably going to kill me in the comments for saying that because it's authentic lps, but imagine Halloween twins."
"But even though I'm doing all of this with the pannier tank, the O 8 is still going on its merry way, which is really, really cool."
"So far though, provided that pannier tank starts running a bit better after it's been run in, so far it's looking really, really good."
"This has to be the most fun train set I've ever come across, you can just do so much with it."
"My approach is to build an army of the things that I think look cool."
"I've been very lucky over the years to build up an awesome game collection that I can be very proud of."
"Six years of building my arm, and it was awesome."
"Success we found some Pokemon cards at Dollar General."
"We're doing this for the hobby, the enjoyment, the passion."
"Learning the mechanics of the camera is a very small part of photography."
"It's one giant fish club, and the people are so passionate. It was infectious."
"I've really been genuinely enjoying the makeup stuff."
"PC building sucks, I'll say it, and I don't care if I'm in the minority on this. None of this 'PC building is just like adult Lego.'"
"I've had a lot of fun building this, a lot of fun tweaking weapons, and yeah just overall really happy with it."
"Revolvers rock - especially when we talk about the second kind of cool."
"Play what you enjoy, even if you suck at it."
"A bad day meteorite hunting beats a good day in the office."
"Gamers aren't dead... there's nothing wrong with identifying with your hobby."
"Achieving trace: the satisfying moment in soap making."
"Legit street car stickers are worth 12 wheel."
"Astrophotography is full of challenges, and I love a good challenge."
"One of the most fun bits about building a gaming PC..."
"He really loves gardening and almost everything he grows outside is edible."
"This isn't really a job that you can take and tear the car down on a Friday night and be back driving this thing to work Monday morning."
"Most successful YouTubers started making videos for fun, not because they thought it made them millions of dollars."
"My dark secret is I haven't been reading Marvel Comics in a long while."
"I just really like it. That's probably the last Krusty Krab that I will ever be making."
"I would say spending time with friends and family is a hobby."
"Yeah, my Iron Man Mark One is coming along really, really nicely. I am very, very pleased."
"I genuinely, honestly enjoy tarot, so point blank period, I'm just so happy."
"Learn how to build an AR... it's pretty fun."
"ChannelFireball.com/command, that's the place to go if you're buying Magic products."
"In the Battle of the builds what would you choose foam warriors?"
"If you're new to board games, maybe stay away. But if you love exploring everything that board games have to offer, there's literally enough design space here to forget that other games exist."
"DIYs are done and bro, those wings are insane."
"I've just really enjoying this game and I'm really happy."
"Yo guys, so far we have pulled two flipping shining cards! Well, I'm not shining, I guess you'll call it SL."
"There is no wrong way of taking photos so long as you enjoy."
"I love music it's a lot of a lot of fun for me it's a good hobby on the side stuff like that I want to do more of."
"Living the low life, one rusty car at a time. Let's collect them all!"
"Oh welcome all the new people here that are hanging out in the key if you don't know me my name is PokeRev and basically we're opening up Pokemon cards here."
"If you've ever been interested in speedrunning, just give it a shot."
"I think I need to do some things to make it more of a street car it's kind of gone a little bit too racecar but I want to go break the lap record at the firm and then I'll make it a nice streetcar."
"It's a mini monster truck, gonna look great in a Hot Wheels 1/64."
"I'm not just building myself a new computer because what fun would that be? I'm building myself a whole new set up."
"One of the biggest mistakes that I have ever made personally in this hobby has to do with that Malawi tank right over my shoulder. I didn't trust the process." - Unknown YouTuber
"I'm just so thrilled to see a company taking our hobby space seriously and making a product for us."
"Let's see some really cool small compact bike cave setups."
"The hguc Moon Gundam blew everyone away with its details."
"I built micro Hogwarts this year for a travel version of Hogwarts."
"I think it's a fun like quarantine pandemic activity I mean it's a fun thing to do at any point but it's nice to have something to work on to kind of escape reality for a little while."
"We don't bake together a lot but I thought it'd be really fun to do more of that this year."
"Decorate your enclosures... it's like a hobby within the hobby."
"Love this idea and it's minifigure scale but I also don't think Lego has enough trains on the market for them to put this out."
"Lego Cats... Cat lovers love everything with cats and this is a Lego cat brick build so this is likely."
"I was thrifting for 5 freaking hours you guys, it didn't even feel like 5 hours!"
"This is where video game collecting addictions start. Be careful if you go to Retropalooza."
"You can photograph another galaxy standing on the back patio of your studio."
"If you can maintain a love for something after doing something so continuously every single day and becoming a part of your identity in many sorts I think that says a lot about that pursuit or that hobby."
"I love washi tape and I'm just going to continue doing it."
"Awesome effort on telling us a story with your Lego builds."
"This one is a Flowmaster, um, and it used to, I mean, the stock exhaust exited one pipe out and up here in the back."
"Creating game dev content: Let's have fun creating games!"
"Collectors are looking for something just a little bit different."
"This looks like some sort of a Pinewood Derby track or something. That's what it looks like to me."
"It's been kind of fun it's just a pleasure to do something that you can uh feel you're more at ease doing you really don't have to think too hard other than just do things right."
"Do not let anybody shame you into feeling bad about anything because this is your hobby and you can enjoy it however you want."
"It's my favorite thing to do." - Blitz Winger
"If you're looking to get into the hobby and you're starting out from almost scratch, this is a really good way to go."
"It's relaxing, kind of like treasure hunting."
"When I started YouTube, it was never about the money, it was just more so a hobby."
"Flower painting is a lot of fun, but you gotta relax."
"I don't think you can ever have too many pieces of rolling stock."
"Cooking is my little escape at the moment. It's very therapeutic."
"A garden is an external portrayal of a person's personality."
"YouTube started out as like a hobby for everyone then people started making money when I did YouTube I wasn't even monetized."
"Went from a hobby to a full-time job for both of us."
"I have this insane obsession with cleaning, but it makes my heart so happy."
"Detailing can be very fun and easy and simple."
"It was so fun when I first started watching reselling videos."
"It's rare and stuff and like that part of it is probably the biggest reason why we keep on collecting."
"PC builds, this is all part of the experience."
"This seems like it could be a very helpful item for me if I ever get into mock building, you know, type of thing."
"As much as I would love to finish off an entire binder in 24 hours, I think we did an amazing job."
"It's either going to be banshees or everything everywhere all at once."
"Amazingly, magnet fishing where people hunt for metal and treasures submerged in canals and rivers is actually increasing in popularity."
"If you don't care to do it as a job or you don't care to do it every day, eventually if you stay consistent, you'll find some heat."
"The card hobby, the sports car hobby specifically in the NBA, is booming right now."
"This will be my entertainment, my hobby, my spare time, my caloric intake, my world."
"So, I guess Skyridge PSA 10 collection is starting to grow. We've got the Hollow Charizard, we've got the Hollow Celebi right here, and hopefully we can start upgrading the rest of the cards to tens."
"It's hard to overclock graphics, but it's fun to try!"
"What a ripper when I dreamed up this concept of using an XJ to build a Trackhawk knockoff I never dreamed it would turn out to be such a cool and impressive truck."
"There's lots of track on the market but which one's right for you."
"So where do we go and what's the best thing to use for my layout? I use or user code 100."
"There's something cool about just the collection aspect of putting those set pieces together."
"Create your own superhero figurine? Not great for me, but a fun idea."
"I love to cook, I do some bomb cooking videos."
"Recently, I put in these plants that were in my other two marvel studio."
"I love making ponds, I love making these little organic nature builds."
"I've started a new hobby, started bodybuilding, did the left hand side, happy with that, but I got bored of it, couldn't be asked to do anymore so yeah sort of just look like this now."
"Our first holographic of the day, let's see if we can continue it!"
"Let's focus on making sure water parameters are good."
"Let me know what my new hobby should be in 2021 because I'm realizing that I should have one."
"One of Kenny's favorite things to do is turn someone who can't dance into a dancer."
"I've been tinkering with it in the same world."
"Star Citizen is their hobby. It's not gaming anymore; it's Star Citizen specifically is their hobby."
"Like with many things in this hobby once you see a problem, you can’t unsee it so when looking closely at any Acropora colony they immediately pop out."
"They actually equal more than half of the collection already."
"You're hobbyists and you're exploring and you don't know what you're gonna do with it then new technologies don't matter just do what you want like just do it purely because it's fun."
"Being a gamer is hard work. It doesn't matter if you're a modern or retro gamer, you just haven't got the money to play or buy them all."
"What manga do you have on the shelf behind you?"
"That's not even all of it. I have way too much manga."
"If you're not having fun, why even bother? Why waste your time and money?"
"For now, just have fun. If it starts making a load of money, then by all means make it your business."
"Gardening is just micro farming, far more manageable."