
Pandemic Quotes

There are 4250 quotes

"This is the biggest pandemic of all. It just doesn't kill you in five days like COVID did; instead, it kills you in more like 15 to 20 years."
"We thrive in connection. That's why COVID was so devastating. It isolated us all."
"Corona has brought so many horrible things, but it brought a lot of good change to your life."
"The pandemic did more harm than good to intimate relationships."
"For example, for the undergrads, you are the first graduating class to have persevered through a global pandemic."
"Even in the middle of a pandemic, God is still moving."
"Due to the macroeconomic downturn and the impact of 3 years of pandemic lockdowns, consumer downgrading in China has spread to the restaurant industry."
"Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic of its own."
"In spite of the fact that the world is gripped in a pandemic, heaven is still open for business."
"The pandemic continues to pose risks to the economic outlook. Progress on vaccinations has limited the spread of COVID-19 and will likely continue to reduce the effects of the public health crisis on the economy."
"The process of reopening the economy is unprecedented, as was the shutdown at the onset of the pandemic."
"Our asset purchases have been a critical tool; they helped preserve financial stability and market functioning early in the pandemic."
"Billionaires increasing their total wealth by 70% over the pandemic alone."
"The pandemic constitutes a ginormous transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich."
"If you are fortunate enough to be watching this right now and not being somebody who's lost a loved one because of this, or who doesn't have somebody on a ventilator, no matter how much business you lost, be grateful for what you have, don't cry about what's changed."
"Finally, the end of the pandemic is in sight, but the uncertainty about what comes next and who will benefit has thrown the market out of whack."
"Leadership in a pandemic is hard, which is why great leaders are remembered by history. They are rare, they stand out, and they give me hope."
"We're just beginning to experience the long-term effects of COVID-19."
"Wearing a face mask turns out to be a great leveler."
"It's time for a time-out. In many ways, the last year of pandemic has been a global timeout for humanity."
"I do believe in taking a break very much, especially with the pandemic."
"Our collective fight against coronavirus was like fighting in the dark against a callous and invisible enemy until science helped us to turn the lights on and gain the upper hand."
"Loneliness is an epidemic that has grown unchecked for quite some time and has been exponentially worse as a result of the pandemic."
"I don't care how smart, how rich, how powerful you think you are, I don't care how young, how old, this virus is the great equalizer."
"This is a highly transmissible disease. It's novel, so there's no immunity in anyone in the world."
"Healthcare workers like myself risked our lives at the beginning of the pandemic because we actually had no idea what we were getting ourselves into."
"I'm completely committed to get us back to the way life was before this pandemic began, as quickly but as safely as possible."
"The pandemic has made the need to accelerate healthcare discoveries a paramount social and economic imperative."
"Mental health disorders, including depression, excess alcohol use, and especially in North America, opioid use, have been underestimated in this pandemic."
"This just reminds us that the pandemic doesn't care if you're a Democrat or Republican, and we all need to be vigilant and do our part until we defeat this virus."
"I remember rather fondly the enthusiasm at the beginning of the pandemic, where in spite of our shared fear, there was at least a sense of collective duty."
"The pandemic is going to pull the future forward in how we think about innovation in social design and connection."
"Immigration basically went to almost zero during the pandemic, and there's been quite a strong rebound in immigration."
"Kovin 19 is a very long way from finished, and eradication is technically impossible for this disease."
"Gosh, it is hard to not worry about your health and the health of others, especially during this pandemic and when dramatic, health-focused news is everywhere."
"We are not prisoners to statistics. We are not helpless bystanders. We can change the trajectory of this pandemic."
"We need unity and global solidarity more than ever before... this virus is dangerous."
"People are doing amazing things all the time to help other people during this pandemic."
"The administration thinks there's enough evidence that this pandemic was potentially caused by a lab leak."
"Too many people in the nation have already suffered for too long through this pandemic and economic crisis, and telling them we don't have the money to alleviate their suffering... is neither true nor necessary. We do have the resources to get to full employment sooner. We do have the tools to reduce a lot of suffering in this country. We just have to choose to use them."
"Biden warns a very dark winter as US approaches 10 million coronavirus cases."
"The extraordinary impact of this pandemic demands that we move with unprecedented urgency."
"We must look out for each other; we must pull each other through this because if there's one thing that is more contagious than this virus, it is love and compassion."
"Nobody thought a thing like this was possible, a pandemic that affected every single person on the planet."
"We should want to know [the pandemic's origin]. Three million people have died from this pandemic, and that should cause us to explore all possibilities."
"Everything will be going crazy. And especially in this pandemic and being a mom of three, it's like, I got to give grace, you got to give grace in the process."
"This pandemic is a once in a century public health challenge."
"What's puzzling is that despite the devastation that the virus brought to the world, there has been no clear conclusion on where the virus originated from."
"Messi deserves this connection with the fans that the Camp Nou was not possible due to the pandemic when he left."
"The pandemic represents a rare but narrow opportunity or window to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world."
"This virus does not respect borders. It does not distinguish between races or ethnicities."
"I don't think we understand what this pandemic combined with automation is going to do to unskilled workers in this world."
"This pandemic was hard for everyone...not to meet loved ones, not to visit relatives before they died...I understand the anger that people feel."
"We are facing a crisis and one that has consequences for us all. It threatens our ability to feed ourselves, to control our climate, it even puts us at greater risk of pandemic diseases such as COVID-19." - David Attenborough
"The solution to the virus, the pandemic, the solution to all of the problems that the world faces... is found by hearing from as many voices as possible."
"The pandemic era was a uniquely exploitative one that revealed many systemic problems."
"Things may be different for a while thanks to this virus, but some see better days ahead, especially now that we've been tested."
"So much has taken place during this pandemic, but at the same time, life is still here for many of us, and that is being celebrated here at the Queen's Park Savannah this independence morning."
"We're coming out of what we certainly hope will be a once in a lifetime, certainly historic, the first really global modern pandemic."
"We are living and working in a global pandemic, a once in a century pandemic."
"This pandemic actually exacerbate this inequality in our nation."
"I don't think it's a good idea for millions of Americans to lose healthcare during the middle of a pandemic."
"These are definitely some odd times that we're living in right now, and I just want to wish everybody well during this global health pandemic."
"People feeling like they're being sort of locked up against their will and it's like who am I even pushing back on because I can push back on the government but if I go out and I get sick, it's like, you know, the virus doesn't really care."
"If we could survive chattel slavery, if we can survive Jim Crow, we can survive this pandemic if we determine to do it."
"We've had some great years. We had to go through a pandemic, and we came out the other side."
"The 2020 pandemic made some people incredibly wealthy and it made other people incredibly broke just like that."
"This will end. You look at flu season... it's incredible."
"We have to get out of this pandemic first... We cannot rebuild the economy until we get through this pandemic."
"We have heard from seniors who have been worried through this pandemic... We know that the conditions of work for the people who are in those long-term care homes are often dictating the condition of care for seniors."
"I'm tired, I feel like this pandemic is just kind of stealing away the past two years of our life."
"Science has in many ways helped ease the suffering of this pandemic, which was more than likely caused by science."
"It's a different way to hang out, and I will say, if you think about the pandemic time when kids couldn't hang out in person, I'm sure we've got not quite a full generation, but you know, a span of three to five years of kids, that was how they were first hanging out with friends during the pandemic, was connecting virtually."
"The pandemic actually revealed to us how toxic our idea of normal has been."
"This is a disease that is spreading very rapidly across the globe, with the number of cases doubling every three to four days, and it has sewn fear and unpredictability across the globe."
"We will all have to make adjustments that may be uncomfortable for us, but when you have thousands upon thousands of people in our state who are testing positive, we have to do all that we possibly can do to slow the spread of this virus."
"I believe things are so bad because we have not followed the science because we were reckless in reopening."
"It is lack of information that of course is scaring the living hell out of everyone."
"For many people, the pandemic changed a lot of things."
"The reality is, managing a crisis like a pandemic isn't something you can prepare for; it's unprecedented."
"Something as terrible as this awful pandemic has actually given William and Kate a chance to shine in a very modern way."
"The overall exit strategy from the pandemic as a whole...we're going to have a problem until vaccines become available."
"There is cause for concern... because in England at the moment we've got over 1,300 officially confirmed cases."
"We've learned who is essential, not just the wealthiest among us, not a president who fights his fellow Americans rather than fight the virus that's killing us and our economy."
"We have all become pandemic fatigued, and yet if this was a report of a terrorist threat, we would now be raising the threat level from amber to red."
"Everyone has their role to play, absolutely everyone, in preventing the spread of this infection, in saving lives."
"We're in a war situation here; it's time to stop enjoying yourself outside for a period of time."
"This is not a time for normal behavior; we want much better behavior than normal."
"Everyone has got their role to play, whether it's directly involving healthcare, maintaining essential services, or simply staying at home."
"Billionaires made more money during the pandemic, and you lost your job and are facing eviction. How is this sustainable?"
"We will get past this. It's not a question of if, it's a matter of when we get through this pandemic."
"The pandemic also exacerbating existing inequality, black workers, women, and the low-income hit harder than others."
"The pandemic has created a crisis; it has also presented an opportunity for us to reconfigure and modernize our economy and society."
"The coronavirus pandemic is a reminder of our common humanity and our interconnectedness."
"We were too lucky, I suppose, although I don't want to say that. This virus doesn't seem to affect children at all."
"The biggest impacts that the pandemic has had is on the global economy."
"The untold story of the pandemic is how it's disproportionately affected disadvantaged communities."
"By doing mass vaccination during a pandemic, we would drive the expansion, the propagation of more infectious variants."
"We're up against the epidemic the pandemic of COVID and we're up against a pandemic of disinformation and the deliberately sowing of mistrust."
"The reason we have hope in this pandemic is because there are scientists who have dedicated their lives to creating treatments and vaccines."
"This is such a new virus; no one in the world had any immunity against it."
"Workers are getting sick and dying every day because of their exposure to the virus at work."
"In some countries, SARS-CoV-2 was present before even the pandemic was declared."
"Hey, welcome. I hope you're doing well during this whole pandemic. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Thanks for helping me get through my rough times."
"After the pandemic, not really, we as a collective, all different generations and age groups, are all looking for escapism right now."
"Science is still alive, and I've doubted that sometimes during the course of the pandemic."
"Online education was already picking up tremendously before March, the pandemic really kicked the transition into high gear."
"It's like a virus has broken out. Well, there has been a virus, a virus did break out."
"Before you go believe any theory about the pandemic or share any information about the pandemic, it's good to know where that information's coming from."
"We continue to gain ground in the war against the unseen enemy."
"Love and prayers of every American continue to be with our fellow citizens who have lost a cherished friend or family member to the virus."
"We reached a deal that includes crucial small business support to keep workers on the payroll, aid for hospitals, and support for coronavirus testing efforts."
"The pandemic caused a severe recession with an unprecedented drop in GDP during the first national lockdown in 2020."
"We will not pull the rug out; for the duration of the pandemic, the government will continue to do whatever it takes to protect jobs and livelihoods across the UK."
"Global vaccine inequity has been one of the most profound and disappointing aspects of this pandemic."
"Our modeling suggests...we cannot go completely back to normal, there will have to be a degree of social distancing in place if we don't expect to see second waves of transmission."
"The vaccines are doing exactly what they were designed to do, and that gives us the pathway forward for how to get out of this pandemic."
"Wear a mask, avoid large gatherings, wash your hands, and be careful."
"This is not over. We have to keep pushing as a nation to maintain our social distancing."
"It's too early to make those judgments [on lifting restrictions], and so the position as of this weekend, and the most important message for everybody this weekend, is to stay at home because that's what saves lives."
"I miss the little nuances of regular not being locked in my house life."
"The pandemic is so bad that even Satan is unemployed and now has to be an essential worker."
"The pandemic taught me that there are smarter ways of using your time."
"Good leadership... it's a shame that it took a pandemic for people to learn how to care about each other."
"The pandemic has renewed interest in outdoor recreation, and boating has seen its popularity rise."
"It'll be like, 'Well, grandpa, you survived a pandemic.' It's kind of like when my grandpa used to tell me war stories."
"Life is back to normal here in Long Beach. We can go to a restaurant if we want. If you've been vaccinated, you don't need to wear a mask in public anymore."
"The single most important policy to getting those sectors reopened and getting people back to work, of course, is bringing the pandemic to a decisive end as soon as possible."
"The recovery from the pandemic recession has been faster than any of the past recessions."
"Our hearts go out to all of the families that have lost loved ones to the coronavirus."
"Public health bureaucrats operate more like dictators than scientists during the pandemic, sealing themselves off from credible outside criticism."
"There will be plenty of time to point fingers, to ask questions, to draw conclusions, and to make sure that there are consequences for things that different countries may have done during this pandemic. Right now, my job is to look out for Canadians." - Prime Minister Trudeau
"The problem is that corporations are making record-breaking profits and over 700 billionaires in America became nearly two trillion dollars wealthier during the pandemic while engaging in obscene levels of price gouging."
"It really is a party, at least as much of a party as it can be in the midst of a global pandemic."
"We are united in our loneliness in fighting our common enemy, the pandemic."
"Jada Essence Hall gets really emotional about her win during the pandemic."
"He (Biden) had tremendous empathy and I think also the pandemic...suited his skills."
"The coronavirus pandemic has shown us how vulnerable humankind is when facing biological threats."
"I recognize that I'm very lucky to be able to work during a pandemic; however, I still need to do what's best for my mental health."
"Don’t let what’s going on program you. This pandemic does not have to define us or dictate where we're going."
"The decision to get vaccinated in a pandemic is not a decision to get vaccinated versus nothing; it's to get vaccinated versus getting the infection."
"Climate and behavioral factors could influence the evolution of the current pandemic."
"The big concern is a second wave or a sustained increase in transmission of the virus this winter."
"It is sobering to think that this virus...was only discovered in December...we've gone from an obscure scientific curiosity to a major world pandemic."
"During the pandemic, both Zor and Muhammad would help vulnerable neighbors by delivering supplies and even prepare homemade soups for those around them."
"If we don't come out of the pandemic more awake, more attuned to what actually matters, more aware of our divisions and how things like social media have actually potentiated them, made them worse."
"The vaccines are our main hope to end the pandemic quickly and get back to whatever the new normal is."
"Most of the deaths during this pandemic were preventable."
"In the midst of this pandemic, God have made this message such a light in a day like today."
"In the midst of a pandemic, we baptized over 4,400 souls in one year."
"Thank God, we worship through the pandemic. We did not close our doors, but they were open, and we thank God for it."
"The end of the pandemic is in sight, and next year will be one of the greatest years in the history of our country."
"We could be done with this pandemic, but the resistance to the insight of science, which can save lives, is stunning."
"During 2020 and 2021, we had a once in a lifetime pandemic."
"The impact of the pandemic on youth sports has been significant."
"The pandemic has taught us all that no matter who we are...what really matters to all of us is the health and the well-being of our family, our loved ones, our community, and more."
"The pandemic was probably the worst and most beautiful thing that I think's happened to the world."
"I mellowed a lot in the pandemic... I let go of a lot of things that I held on to."
"Social distancing is crucial in limiting the spread of the virus, and we do this now, soon we will be able to celebrate together."
"The only tool we have at the moment is social distancing."
"They deserve answers to be able to protect themselves and their families from this pandemic."
"What better time for us to get together...during another little wave of this pandemic."
"Celebrating your 10 years during COVID might not be what you hoped, but there's still things to be grateful for."
"It smells like lockdown. If it walks like a lockdown, acts like a lockdown, and sounds like a lockdown, then it's probably a lockdown."
"The coronavirus pandemic... was a point where all of us were terrified, all of us were willing to do whatever it took, why? Because of the sanctity of human life."
"Vince McMahon is actually making more money in the midst of the pandemic."
"Since the pandemic hit in 2020, both John Deere and farmers became even more essential in feeding America."
"The firefighters after 9/11 and the long COVID patients really are the firefighters of this pandemic."
"This pandemic... has shown people that dramatic change was possible."
"Those infected are finding themselves at the mercy of a health system that is crumbling under the sheer weight of numbers."
"The important thing is for us to demonstrate global solidarity and try and ensure that we work together as closely as possible to contain the common pandemic threat."
"This is supposed to be the common enemy. This is global. This is big. This is real. This is not a political entity; it is a viral entity."
"She does an F with public restrooms during a pandemic." - Kristen Bell
"The evidence is clear: Masks can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by reducing your chance of infection by more than 80 percent."
"It is dangerous to stop living life. This is a crisis that will one day end. We will lose some people, and that is horrible, but the vast majority of people who are infected will...recover."
"Try to rise above that and see that our common enemy today is the coronavirus."
"There was a whole pandemic and an attempted coup and Australia was on fire for a while. Do you remember that?"
"Stay safe, everybody. These lockdown things seem to be coming back again."
"The country lost this battle in the first attack when we were not willing to do what it took to shut down America, to truly contain COVID-19, and then get back on our feet."
"The stock market is funny style right now. A lot of stuff is going on because of this coronavirus thing."
"I'm a strong advocate for a moratorium on gain-of-function research because I do believe it's very probable that this pandemic was a direct consequence of science."
"A lot has happened since then, right? To begin with, we had the virus appended our lives, upended economies."
"Bitcoin survived the pandemic, it institutionalized, it nationalized, it westernized."
"The pandemic has accelerated our progress...people are really now demanding digital online services."
"I just feel like we're coming out of this pandemic, and I think we all have kind of a new lease on life."
"My relationship with my kids, our bonds will never be the same because of the time we spent."
"We're in this period of social distancing... and yet, more so than ever before, this pandemic has reminded us that we're all in it together."
"The idea that in the middle of a pandemic the worst thing since the great flu back in the turn of the century, with so many people died worldwide, is that, you know, people are figuring out that we're all in this together."
"100 million shots in 100 days. Asking the American people to wear masks for the first 100 days of our administration."
"The pandemic presented an unbelievable opportunity for that seismic shift we saw in the workplace."
"Profit from its COVID vaccine yet estimates its 2021 revenue will be up 22 times higher than their revenue in 2020."
"For the majority of adults, their income and ability to pay current bills appeared to remain generally stable during the initial weeks of the coronavirus pandemic."
"We must fight the pandemic of racism with the same resolve and compassion that we are fighting COVID-19."
"Kovid's been called the great clarifier this past year. With this pandemic, everyone's lost something, whether it's a person or a way of life."
"The number of people facing or at risk of acute food insecurity increased from 135 million before the pandemic to 345 million now."
"The rallying cry, of course, has to be 'flatten the curve.'"
"Each of us has a vital role in flattening the curve."
"You have a social and societal and moral responsibility to yourself and to other people to not go out and spread it."
"My final piece of advice for coronavirus is don't listen to politicians, listen to scientists."
"It's really important to socialize in a time when socializing, at least face-to-face, needs to be limited."