
Warhammer 40k Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"We're gonna try and do one we haven't done before. So I'm gonna go ahead and stop talking now, and we're gonna go play some Warhammer 40k. Let's go."
"Don't forget to go check out Matthew and Josh playing Genestealer Cult versus Adeptus Custodes Warhammer 40k ninth edition battle report."
"I'm gonna try something different. I went with raise the banners high."
"Every roll of six is good because that's Death to the False Emperor."
"We are gonna start charging with this Mephitic Blight-hauler here."
"Hopefully you guys got some great insight into Warhammer 40k ninth edition."
"There remains an ongoing presumption within the law of the 41st Millennium that the Primarch of the Imperial Fists is dead, however, it is also true that like many things that span the bridge of time between the end of the heresy and the dour era of the Imperium, all that has occurred across this void remains very often unclear or immersed in the deeply muddied waters of Imperial records."
"So with so many Warhammer 40K games and ever-increasing budgets, why is Dawn of War One, a game made in 2004, 20 years ago, still considered the best Warhammer 40K game?"
"Exciting times today as the Imperial Guard are finally getting their 9th Edition codex."
"The long wait is finally over for Guard players."
"Still, I am a lot more excited to put Guard on the table than I was before."
"Overall, it's pretty spectacular big 40K rules update."
"If you were to strip the 40K Mythos down to the bare essentials, the pillars of lore that the rest of the series is built upon: The Emperor sitting upon the Golden Throne, writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology, who, despite his fervent claims against such notions, has potentially become a god."
"Rogue Trader is one of the most well-written and immersive 40K games ever created, in my opinion."
"There's actually a faction that blurs this line even more, one that seems to actively value peace and diplomacy, which is an incredible rarity in the 40k universe."
"It's for the Emperor... I mean, it's not, it's for Papa Nurgle."
"It is often said that Warhammer 40K is a setting and not a story, and that's true for the most part. And yet, we have had some phenomenal plot development in recent years."
"The Primarch have returned to the setting, the Silent King has come back after realizing the Tyranids are going to eat everyone, Eldrad is halfway through a build-your-own God kit, and rumor has it the Emperor has cramp in his left leg after sitting in the same chair for 10,000 years."
"Warhammer 40k draws from a lot of historical events and ideologies, it also borrows heavily from other settings like Dune, Lovecraftian influence, obviously Tolkien, and even older texts like Milton's Paradise Lost and the Divine Comedy with Dante and the Inferno."
"Orcs, perhaps one of the most light-hearted and all-around fun factions of 40K, these guys are fungoid barbaric aliens that thrive off warfare just for the sheer joy of doing so."
"The Horus Heresy is the defining era of the history of the setting that is Warhammer 40k."
"By getting into the lore of the Horus Heresy, you can see exactly what happened with those characters, how did events really go down."
"There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing people in the comments state how you got me back into 40K after decades or I just bought my first army."
"Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war."
"Having the actual core rules for Warhammer 40K free and online would be a really big boost."
"I like Warhammer 40k because it's part of some of my other hobbies...model building, painting, it's relaxing."
"We will put on our holy and righteous venerable armor and we will ride forth for the glory of the Imperium, brother."
"Warhammer 40K basically invented the idea of grimdark."
"Warhammer 40K has a remarkable ability to take a tried and true fantasy trope, give it that old Grim dark twist, and turn it into something wholly unique and far more badass."
"There's something to this unit still in Warhammer 40K 10th edition."
"The Squats have been dealt one of the rawest deals of any 40k faction."
"Of all the things the necrons are known for, their technology and superior weaponry are probably their number one claim to fame."
"Destroyers are death incarnate and will often purge entire worlds of every living creature, using their god-killing weaponry to boil away oceans and scour the land."
"The saddest part? The flayed ones still maintain their personalities. Despite being banished and looked upon as monsters, they still have a deep love for their dynasty."
"My people shackled the stars and broke mortality when the species you sprang from had barely left your slime pools."
"The combined might of the immortal armies of the necrons and their god-like powers of the C'tan brought war upon the old ones in their kingdoms for countless millennia."
"Behemoth had been shattered and Macragge saved from total annihilation, but no single battle could bring about an end to the Tyranids in the Eastern Fringe."
"Dark Tide promises an invitation to elicit whatever experience you're looking to acquire from a first-person immersive dive into the depths of an imperial city of the 40k verse."
"I think 40 K is going very very exciting direction."
"The Horus Heresy: a monumental series of events in the history of mankind."
"Since its inception in 1987, Warhammer 40k has spread across miniature wargames, roleplaying games, books, video games, and more."
"Lorgar wins. Yeah, at the end of the day, the entire Imperium believes him to be a god."
"I've been referring to everything in this game in Warhammer 40K terms because it's basically a Warhammer 40K open world shooter."
"The remaining Imperial Fist Legion was divided into three chapters: the zealous formed the Black Templars, the more rational and newly recruited became the Crimson Fists, and the most devoted to their primarch remained as the Imperial Fists."
"Does all that sound appealing? Well, my friend, I invite you to come and check out the Drukhari."
"Run in, cause havoc, and run out. That's the Dark Eldar way."
"Thank you very much for watching the video all the way through and if you like content like this don't forget to subscribe to the channel because I have so much more I want to share with you about the awesome Universe of Warhammer 40K."
"I certainly am. I really like the White Scars."
"What you are looking at right now is a total of eighty thousand two hundred and eighty-three points of unupgraded chaos space marines."
"Crusade is definitely a pass more than a fail for Warhammer 40k."
"Certainly one of the stronger units within Codex Space Marines."
"The detail of necron society has remained clouded, but finally, we start to get more meat on the metal bones."
"That right there is the epitome of what 40k is to me: cinematic moments."
"Sixteen Warhammer 40k factions duking it out in a custom-built arena, eliminating each other one by one until we finally find out once and for all who is best."
"Now get ready for game four where the sneaky Gene Stealer Cult take on the vicious Drukhari."
"My name is Jamie, and I'm going to be playing the Drukhari today."
"There is no graver fate for those that serve the Imperium."
"The civilian life of the Imperium is perhaps one of the most interesting aspects that exists in the 40k universe."
"Let's talk about loyalist Space Marines that we want back."
"The Raven Guard are the sneaky sneakertons of the Horus Heresy genre."
"Vulcan loved his legion and he made them more disciplined and wiser."
"For 9th edition missions, it really helps that they have army-wide objectives secured."
"Harlequins might be one of the most frustrating armies to play against in 40k right now."
"Definitely puts you at the level where you could very easily put 100 Space Marines on the board."
"It's a seriously scary amount of deathwing terminators that can only be wounded on a four plus."
"Arguably the single strongest faction in Warhammer 40k at the moment."
"The eldari still seem to be the big bad of Warhammer 40K to beat."
"Hope you've enjoyed the video, a quick wander through each faction in Warhammer 40K and roughly how well they seem to be doing in-game at the moment."
"40k is not one thing to one person, it is a highly detailed narrative spanning multiple empires from world-ending galactic campaigns to lowly individual soldier stories."
"If you're not human and don't worship the Emperor, then you are the enemy, a heretic, and must be exterminated; diplomacy is almost not a thing for the Imperium."
"There's going to be a lot more explosions on the battlefields of Warhammer 40k."
"Let's be honest, pretty nightmarish metamorphosis a child has to go through to become an imperial space marine in the universe of warhammer 40 000."
"The iron hands suffered the most out of any chapter or any other Space Marine Legion in the heresy."
"The Chaos Gods battle one another constantly in the warp."
"All who make war worship Khorne by their deeds, whether they intend to or not."
"Zinch's servants labor constantly to fulfill his ineffable plots."
"Nurgle sees his plagues as gifts given freely to maintain the endless cycle of death and decay."
"Slaanesh is the hideously beautiful embodiment of excess in all its mortal forms."
"Judge on the game itself, and that is 40k games."
"The tone of the game seems so far very fitting neatly into 40k."
"Within 40k, that concept doesn't really exist."
"It's my view that those things do not really exist specifically because of how 40k is constructed."
"Events and details can in fact be revised by centuries."
"What this represents is that they are just simply nudging the timeline to enable them to do more with the indomitus crusade."
"Uriel Ventress, newly ascended to the ranks of Primaris, leads warriors of the Fourth Company from the Indomitus Crusade of Robert Goldman to a world on the frontiers of Ultramar."
"Trapped deep in a devastated city, Earl leads the Swords of Kha'oth into battle and must adapt to his new incarnation as one of the Primaris."
"Knowing what a truly excellent author Graham McNeil is, I'm anticipating us hearing with some detail about the trauma of Primaris conversion."
"The Dark Angels have generally been one of the standout Space Marine chapters since their codex dropped."
"Overall one of the strongest Space Marine chapters that he can play."
"They have converted really quite a lot, perhaps implying that they're one of the factions that does very well with skilled veteran players."
"Still, though, a very solid and usable army in 40k at the moment."
"Overall, a very strong army hard to beat either on the objective game or the damage game."
"Easily one of the best 40K games to ever be released."
"Rogal Dorn's greatest son, the warrior, the hero, the legend, the First Templar Sigismund."
"Eisenhorn is actually accessible for those that don't know anything about Warhammer 40,000 but still very enjoyable for those that do."
"I think it would be really nice to see the Orcs and the Eldar become like an actual thing again, like a threat in Warhammer 40k."
"The main problem with 40K and it's something that you'll never be able to fix until Games Workshop except..."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video stay tuned for more incursion and general 40k videos to come out in the future and as always happy war gaming."
"Primarchs and Warhammer 40K do seem to be something that are coming back more and more frequently recently."
"He was voted second overall for the most popular primar to comeb back."
"Warhammer 40K Community is better than it ever has been."
"The Eldar: a race of doomed space elves bitterly fighting for survival."
"Harlequins: hitting the enemy very fast and hard with a colorful kaleidoscope of eldar performers."
"The Tau innovate and adapt far faster than the Imperium stagnant technology."
"The rubric Marines open fire, aiming to obliterate the enemy. Will they succeed in their onslaught?"
"Warhammer 40K dark tide is a really impressive graphical showcase."
"This is one of the best realized versions of 40K I've ever seen put into video games visually."
"The Tyranids really are top in this list by so much that it isn't even funny after those top 10 placings."
"Gene Stealer Cults can bring some really powerful tricks to the table."
"In the grim darkness of the Warhammer 40k universe, there is nothing more powerful."
"I feel like it's going to be a really easy jumping off points for people to get into Warhammer 40K."
"It sounds like it could be a really easy jumping off points if you wanted to dip a toe in 40K."
"Cadians are the true superior force of Imperial Guardsmen throughout the Imperium."
"As long as Akkadians still live, Cadia will stand."
"Space Marines are the perfect balance of an awesome action hero that can achieve a lot of greatness without looking like an anime character."
"The universe of Warhammer 40K is an incredibly mysterious place full of spooky unsolved mysteries great and small."
"He's not that bad. I mean, compared to many of the other characters like Magnus the Red or Mortarion, he's not this gigantic beat stick, you know? He's just a... he's just a smart leader."
"Dark Tide has the potential to be one of the first good 40k shooters in history."
"The Minotaurs are such a fun chapter and they have one of the most interesting chapter masters."
"The lore on this isn't 100% certain, but it's a distinct possibility that the Mechanicus aren't the only faction in 40K who are entirely incorrect in their spiritual beliefs."
"The Mechanicus is complicated as [__] to play, fitting all things told, given that they're machine people but still very complicated nonetheless."
"Every soldier under my command got to live to tell the tale, and I beat Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War without losing a single unit."
"Mont'ka applies to term one to three... it allows you to fall back and shoot at -1 to hit."
"Commander Farsight himself... is really quite fun with his dawn blade for some meaty melee."
"The savior protocol stratagem... means that you could fail a crucial invul save and then just basically say no."
"The humble stave... a two plus to cast the invocation plus an extra invocation basically means he's over twice as good."
"The hammerhead gunship and long strike both are really quite common and scary in tower lists."
"The battle suit commanders are some of the rock stars of the codex."
"I'd argue that both Deathwing and Wolfguard terminators really take the datasheets to the next level each in their own way."
"Sons of Russ have the Wolf Guard terminators who do get all the benefits from Space Wolves with all their melee synergy but also pretty much the most flexible terminator loadout of all the standard Space Marines."
"Even if the death guard army doesn't manage to do significant damage to the enemy army which is unlikely as they still have some decent tricks too they do have the potential to take an insurmountable leads going into the later game."
"Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard... might well be the single strongest first-born unit out of anything Space Marines can field right now."
"For Death Watch, I'd say it's the Proteus Kill Team..."
"For the Space Wolves, I'd probably give the best first-born unit to either two Wolf Guard with jump packs or maybe Wolfen..."
"Next up in ninth place, I've chosen to rank Librarians with jump packs..."
"Combat Patrol is fantastic; it kind of harkens back to 8th edition's power level, a simplified way to play Warhammer 40K."
"10th edition has got me really excited for to play the game of Warhammer 40 000 again."
"...the Blood Angels Combat Patrol gets access to the Flamestorm Gauntlet aggressors, not that good in 40K proper but really good in Combat Patrol."
"...I had one glorious Tyranid game where I actually finished off the secondary Mission deck."
"...it was really fun to actually do things in the game of Warhammer 40K instead of just getting absolutely tabled like turn two."
"Now that I've actually won a game of 40K, I am super jazzed to get working on some of my other 40K armies like Deathguard and Drew Cari."
"The creepy and dark side of 40K never gets old to me."
"The most disturbing units in 40K that you need to know about."
"Five of the darkest units in 40K that you need to know about."
"I think we can all agree that ctors are probably one of the most disturbing things in all of Warhammer 40K."
"The best piece of Warhammer 40K media would be an anime."
"The best place to describe them is by talking about where they call home, which is for the most part, everything we've covered in 40K."
"The noise Marines are by far one of my favorite things in all of Warhammer 40K."
"What would happen if you took a coked up hair metal rocker from the 80s and turned them into a Space Marine?"
"Join the noise Marines as they tour the Galaxy starting with their first performance on Is Fun and wrapping up with a final show at the Imperial Palace on Terra."
"To cut a long story short, in the current setting with the return of the only loyalist Primark to still be active in the setting, Roboute Guilliman, the Ultramarines are once again put at the forefront and are the most favored of all the chapters."
"They're Ultramarines, everyone loves to hate how popular they are."
"Psykers are a potent asset across most factions of warhammer 40k, from imperial astropaths that allow for interstellar communication, to ork weirdboyz capable of leveling a battlefield in explosive blasts of psychic energy."
"That is why the Katchan jungle Fighters are some of the most badass Warriors in all of the Imperium of man."
"The Blood Angels and the tyranids were defeated at last, and with it came hope unlooked for."
"Sanguinius' death heralded the awakening of the Red Thirst, and its curse would change the nature of the chapter forever."
"Games Workshop really struck gold with the Space Marines as the 40k hobby is all about making things your own and finding your niche."
"The Imperial Guard, oops I'm sorry, Astra Militarum, who have just as many regiments as the Space Marines have chapters, but they are all drastically different from one another."
"The hexagrammaton is the reason why the Dark Angels were the strongest Legion period."
"They definitely aren't my favorite chapter but I do have a bit more of a respect for the weird dedication to the bit they have at keeping this fallen a secret and also like murdering them."
"Never ask asmada about the Fallen never ask Cipher her about how he got out of prison and never ask anyone what these little [__] job."
"In 40K, the rule of cool trumps all."
"Not many people know this, but the land speeder in the 40K lore was named such because the STC data was discovered by the famous techno-archaeologist Aran Speed."
"Last year I achieved a major hobby life goal: collecting and painting an Ultramarine Army for second edition Warhammer 40K."
"Guilliman would organise a new Crusade to reclaim the galaxy."
"The Ultramarines ever at their spear-tip, despite the realm of Ultramar’s infestation of the Pale King: Mortarion, the Sons of Macragge would not falter in their defiance against Chaos."
"For ten millennia the Ultramarines and their First Born would stand vigil against the darkness as the single largest contingent of the Loyalist Astartes Chapters."
"Both a Thunder Warrior of the Wars of Unification and a Custodian of the Emperor of Mankind stand immobile."
"Imprisoned since the dark days of the Horus Heresy, they would March for Macragge once again in the Imperium’s darkest hour."
"They're not going to be as powerful outside of the warp as they are in real space, I suppose basically clone Horus has a really good credit score."
"With even the golden sons of the Sanguinary Guard no longer beyond the reproach of the Imperium under the tutelage of their current Chapter Master: Dante."
"Whether those tales tell of their valour or their savagery… is in the hands of The Emperor…"
"In the Warhammer 40,000 Universe there are no fierer foes to the enemies of mankind than the black Templars."
"The red thirst is one of the two genetic flaws found within the gene seed of the blood angels and the other is known as the black rage."
"People are going to want to see Space Marines, there has to be a Space Marine in a Warhammer 40K show."
"The rule book for 40K... really contains the best summary of the law."
"Determining the Sanguinor's nature is just about as hard as his chiseled, sinning, armored abs."
"The Blood Angels are known to be obsessed with their Primarch. Yeah, 'Hawk-boy' Sanguinius is basically your very own Jesus volume two."
"No matter what you make of this Imperium, the Imperium does not make you."
"Imperial Knights are legitimately one of my favorite parts of 40K and one that I don't see nearly enough of."
"Upholding the glorious slain paragons of their order as Saints."
"A testament to their great sacrifice to Humanity, the Imperial Fists embody their gene-father’s courage and defiance to surrender to the Ruinous Powers."
"Driven to serve as the embodiments of their Primarch’s indomitable strength, the Imperial Fists refuse to withdraw from battle when lesser men would retreat."
"Paragons of duty, order and sacrifice, the Imperial Fists stand ready for the return of the Primarch and the last war to destroy the enemies of Humanity."
"The ancient warriors of the Legionnes Astartes would leave an imposing legacy to be inherited by their successors."
"In the world of Warhammer 40K, it is the year 40,000. That's what the 40K stands for, which is a number so ridiculously far-flung that it subverts the notion of being in the future."
"I love reading your comments about Warhammer 40k stuff because you guys are so enthusiastic."
"My favorite aspect of the Space Marine Army is always going to be the Dreadnought."
"Blood is actually very easy and very cheap in the Warhammer 40K Universe... what's actually difficult is getting real dedication from the people who are following you."
"In Warhammer 40k, the Imperial Fists are one of the most famous chapters of the Imperium, a potent stalwart force of castellans and fortress builders."
"The Imperial Fists were empire builders and crusaders, practical and pragmatic."
"The ideals of the Imperium and the purpose of the Great Crusade fitted with Dorn's outlook and drive."
"The Imperial Fists operated as a massed shock assault force utilizing heavy armor and with a preference towards precise and reliable heavy weaponry and heavy infantry assaults."
"Rogal Dorn, who found the mortally wounded Emperor in the aftermath and delivered him onto the Golden Throne."
"A force of disciplined conquerors and zealous crusaders built out of warrior traditions from all across the galaxy."
"Yet the greatest deeds are not always made by the most vaunted and storied of Astartes, for there exist some whose valour eclipses even the most venerated members of their ranks."
"For today, we shall elucidate the tale of the Blood Angel, whose sacrifice would enable the survival of his Legion, Chapter and Primarch."
"They are a bit light-hearted and kind as a society in comparison to the rest of 40K."
"This is how you make 40K. This is how you play 40K. It's not all about match play competitive stuff. Play 40K your way and play for fun."
"Primarch Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines would draft the Codex Astartes, a tome to ensure that the armies of the Adeptus Astartes would never again grow to a size capable of threatening the Imperium under the influence of a single banner."