
Player Experience Quotes

There are 1601 quotes

"It's kind of like I feel like I'm the prey in this game."
"As for everybody else, well, having played a bunch myself, I think it's pretty obvious why it's appealing. It's pretty savvy on the part of the developers."
"Why not let a player character actually be inspired? I mean, it's called inspiration, right?"
"The satisfying and sometimes kinetic feedback of simple actions in the world feels so empowering."
"It feels so real, so beautiful, so captivating, and you're just lucky to get to explore it."
"When you're feeling it, it almost turns into a musical experience where it's instinctual and muscle memory."
"This is actually a 4X game that the AI is playing while you're just a lonely pilot on the map."
"Is it possible to design a game to be worse and yet in doing so actually make the players' long-term experience of it better?"
"The choice. I have never seen an advantage or a good time created in a video game whenever you take a choice away from a player."
"Every time we started holding the player accountable in any way, every time we did that, it felt better."
"The best MMOs I've experienced are the ones that go for that PvX experience."
"The gun play inside of Destiny is second to none, the feel of the game is wonderful, but Airborne Effectiveness has messed with that."
"The game revolves around her; the world is Lily's, and you're just living in it."
"This stuff gets a lot more palatable if as a player you feel like you're getting more from the game itself."
"It's not about giving a system reward; it's about understanding what the player will actually enjoy."
"The beautiful thing about video games is that there is something out there for everyone, and part of that is that not every experience has to be for everyone."
"Rockstar gave players the tools to live out their Wild West fantasies."
"Real challenge was making the player feel the same way about Dutch's gang like you're part of the family."
"Witness the entire thing plummet into the water below is unlike anything we've seen before and players are loving it."
"Games that do it right allow for the gray area to be explored so that the game doesn't run over the actual player experience."
"Diablo 4's biggest win so far has been Season 2. I genuinely had fun playing Season 2."
"Understand what emotion your game is trying to evoke."
"Allow your players to have a sense of ownership."
"It's not just the gameplay; it's the fear of the unknown, the darkness that sort of gripped the player."
"We have some like pretty banger quality of life changes here."
"I don't want to feel like I'm being cattle prodded along a path."
"The runes reforged change is just a completely positive change."
"The inhabitants of Dark Souls world are going hollow... this is the same situation the player's character is in... they will never go hollow as long as you keep trying."
"The idea that 'oh well, it's old content, get the [__] out of here,' you should have to go through the raids and then do that."
"Video game developers have a specific experience in mind that they are trying to cultivate."
"An easy mode can cause someone to miss out on these incredibly valuable moments."
"The amount of detail they put into everything is so beyond what most games will ever manage and really what some players even ask for."
"We know that this world is on single player, making the player silhouette and breathing all the more concerning."
"We've tried to think about fun for you, whether you like to play with your friends or you like to play alone."
"Origins took massive risks in terms of how the player operates in it."
"And then probably the best part about Growing Together is the infant quirks."
"The stability of Destiny 2's service is the foundation of the experience."
"Once you do vehicles, it changes the gameplay... it lets us really for the players make it an experience where we know how fast they're seeing things."
"With Dreamhaven, we look forward to creating and sharing new experiences with players everywhere."
"The sheer variety and options for the player are undeniable and something that other games of the same genre can't come close to boasting."
"Latency gives a level of depth beyond just the frame time and the frame rate, and it helps us assign a value that describes how connected the player feels to the game."
"Games work best when the arbitrary number goals of the game system mesh with the demands of the narrative."
"A well-designed first level has to find a way to put the game's best foot forward as quickly as possible and get the player both prepared and interested to keep playing."
"In every single element of the game's design is focused around giving the player just enough to get through a certain sequence."
"Players are heavily invested in Genshin's characters compared to other games; there's a lot more emphasis on playing a character because you have a personal attachment to them."
"There's this kind of almost call and response between you, the player, and the amp, and it's so immediate and so dynamic."
"The game is a far cry from Fallout: New Vegas, which is generally regarded as the best game in the franchise."
"I honestly have no complaints. The fact that they could have just left it at rat extermination and chill but decided to throw this lunatic down here with his alchemy lab is an excellent way to take a quest to the next level."
"I think most people should understand the average player doesn't have the most time to play something every day."
"We've also heard a lot of feedback that if you haven't played Hearthstone in a while, getting back into the game can be difficult. So we're making significant improvements to our returning player experience, including the ability to earn a competitive deck for the class of your choice."
"We've rebuilt our returning player experience...when you complete it, we'll give you a deck of a class of your choice."
"Memoir's first concern is not rigid historical accuracy or mind-bending amounts of scale, but instead you and your opponent having a fun, interesting battle of tactics."
"The closest we've ever gotten to this perfect, impossible game is enshrouded, made by a smallish team based out of Germany."
"I just really want loot to be fun and exciting to use."
"Everything in Ragnarok feels as though it was serving the player something meaningful."
"I was floored that this was the feeling that God of War Ragnarok leaves players with."
"New skills, quests, characters, and places to visit are being added to RuneScape all the time, so a player is guaranteed a unique experience each time they play."
"There's going to be some people that really like it, and if there's a little girl that thinks Frey is cool, that's cool."
"Live alive is awesome; this is a game that just feels special while you play it."
"A game that is completely devoid of frustration is likely to be a game without friction, without disobedience...games that are perfectly obedient are mere software."
"Your biggest job is to make sure your players are having a good time... it's much more important that they have a good time than it is about you making sure that you get every single rule perfect."
"The first starter set did not have a DM screen... we thought that would be a nice to have so that the DM can have quick reference material but also create that sense of suspense at the table."
"The adventures... string together to form this cohesive narrative... each location the adventure kind of plays out in a session or two, so they're very fast, quick but memorable in-and-out experiences."
"If you're having fun, you're playing the game right."
"Every single campaign in this game felt incredibly different. There was something for everybody here."
"They don't do anything to jam anything down your throat. The gameplay is great, and it's how you do it right."
"The game should make you want to waste your time rather than waste your time."
"Every step of the way, we're allowed to give players what feels fair in the moment."
"That isn't even a board, is it? Wow, that's horrendous."
"What Subnautica does so brilliantly with this idea is that just about everything in it is made to make you feel like you're alone, not just alone, but lost and completely out of your element."
"This is the full-on RPG that we were looking for."
"This game was something special I think it's by far the best of the RPG games."
"But is it a game that you can have big wins in? I think that's probably the easiest wins that most people will have."
"I might go so far to say this is the most underrated game mode released by Call of Duty."
"Soulstone, you can summon people, one of the best feelings."
"If you're playing a class that you don't feel is satisfying a class whose fantasy doesn't resonate with you that's absolutely going to hinder your enjoyment."
"Ultimately, what we're trying to do is make the game more fun for players."
"We believe that players really want to feel like they can have fun with powerful builds that they discover."
"The purpose of randomness in a video game is to make sure that every time the game is played, it plays in a different way."
"I think, um, my plan shouldn't feel the same play whether it's competitive whether it's whether you're in bronze whether you're in GM will give you a better experience through matchmaking."
"We wanted to make a brilliant game for the player."
"Chores should be account-like. Content should not."
"We're looking to add more powers and more randomized modifiers to the runs."
"Bloodborne's endings have been discussed to death but I love that it mixes the vile and esoteric to truly transcend Humanity."
"I remember when the camera started following MJ and I realized we'd get to play as her again."
"Season X delivers new experiences for all players to enjoy."
"Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - one of the greatest games of all time."
"I think in the long run we want the diversity of the different classes and specs to be a strength of the game and not a source of frustration for players."
"The recent confirmations by the Tesla family have caused waves across the world stirring a riveting narrative that brings a more rounded and profound understanding of Tesla's life."
"It's quite nice to have the control in the air."
"One of my favorite things about Raid is how generous they are with the amount of summons you get just by playing the game."
"The Stanley Parable is both a richly stimulating commentary on the nature of choice in games and one that offers some of the most enjoyable, surprising, and rewarding choices I've ever been confronted with in a game."
"Head recoil when shooting is annoying... we'll think about it."
"Undertale uses its nature as a game to not only craft a meta-narrative exploring experience for the player but by predicting your internalized responses reveals to you the role at knew you couldn't resist playing."
"I definitely think we are in a golden age in terms of allowing people to play the game."
"Yu-Gi-Oh struggles with lack of an entry point for new players."
"Getting into his head players have never had that kind of experience before."
"Enemies speed up and slow down depending on how good the game decides to process itself."
"Remember that you will never waste any time when you listen to teaching."
"The gameplay, the main bulk of zombies atmosphere came from the weakness and the inferiority of the player... you were always playing catch up."
"Forbidden West also provides a greater sense of progression."
"What a pack opening, genuinely what a pack opening!"
"I find it funny how adept Dragon Age Origins is at beginning a fat chunk of its quest with really mundane stuff... and using it as a platform to come up with something cooler."
"The true beauty of great game design is when all its artificial justifications, quest indicators, loot to find, experience points to earn, melt away, and you really feel like you're in a creepy place looking for answers."
"I hate this new idea that certain games have where let's not show you what's going on in the game."
"The player in a video game has tangible control over where they go, what they see, what they hear, and what they ultimately experience."
"EA have prioritized menu grinding once again over gameplay grinding."
"I've always been an advocate for less disparity between the players in World of Tanks."
"Priests are in for a real treat with Legion."
"Utterly heart-rending, players' hearts break."
"As much as I'm giving ADCs right now about being bad, their role is the shittiest role right now."
"If a game does that it's already it brings it up to like a 9 out of ten and then it's like the games to lose you know you can only lose a maximum of one oh it's so good every time I get it it's such a relief."
"Time is valuable, stop wasting the players time."
"It kind of really makes you feel like you're part of the faction because you're like."
"Even with great intentions, the little details make all the difference in how the final game feels."
"The point of playing a game is to have fun, to have an enjoyable experience."
"All of this will ultimately mean a more interesting, realistic, and exciting universe for you to explore and experience."
"Wildlands is an amazing example of both what's uniquely artistic about games and what's uniquely frustrating about them."
"The goal for the game should be to have an experience that is memorable and worth enjoying."
"It's not just about making a video game, it's about creating a visceral experience that immerses players in World War 2."
"Not everyone is going to build 10 different characters when a single playthrough can run up to 50 hours for a brand new player."
"Does it really matter if people are all saying the game's great and they're all having fun playing it?"
"Sonic Frontiers will allow players to accelerate to new heights and experience the thrill of high velocity open zone freedom."
"I did really enjoy the difficulty bump of prestige mode."
"They're about creativity, precision, exploration, and most importantly, they're about the player just having fun."
"Enjoying it at the higher frame rate... it's worth it."
"If you're a main of a champion, we want to make sure that you still feel like you're playing the same champion."
"The game captured what it's like to get to know someone new and slowly over time get close to them."
"It was like an emotional journey there, honestly."
"Find some way to make players feel more than a statistic or a wallet to be emptied."
"The world doesn’t feel broken while playing, which ultimately is what’s actually important from a gameplay perspective."
"That threw me off... I don't know why they would add that."
"I think we tend to underestimate just how many games are built around making the player feel cool and giving them a lot of freedom."
"Please don't play Cyberpunk 2077 on a base Xbox One or PlayStation 4."
"The game doesn't give a [__] in the best possible way."
"Walking is the right choice for a lot of titles, and despite it not being all that interesting, many games that use it are still able to keep players invested while traversing the world."
"One of the things I love in this game is timescales with your size."
"How we players feel is more important than what we do."
"It's very very important for darkest dungeon that that you were not in control."
"We wanted you to experience those in darkest dungeon."
"It was painful, slow, and boring to boot. Yet the designers appealed to the fans saying that it was meant to make them feel isolated and powerless."
"Elite specializations offer players a fundamentally new way to experience your profession."
"The Last of Us 2 is an incredibly successful endeavor to make the player miserable."
"An incredibly successful endeavor to make the player miserable."
"Bump up the game to hard mode for the highest tension."
"Being free-to-play means more players, more servers, and less waiting time."
"The thing I hold in highest esteem is simply how all these sections are crafted with the intention to let the player live out their action fantasy."
"We believe this is the only way to deliver the best game experience possible."
"Minions are a great way to make players feel like heroes."
"Is that really fun? You know, you're not really getting that much out of it, it's not like a real visible increase."
"In a game that is supposed to be all about freedom the devs took your freedom away and forced you to play the way they wanted you to."
"It's one of those games where it really is greater than the sum of its parts."
"I think Sledgehammer really got things right with core player mechanics."
"I think Sledgehammer has a pretty good sense of what makes a Call of Duty multiplayer fun."
"It sets up one of the coolest moments I think that the game has to offer."
"Well deserved we'll take this L because playing single-player games actually makes them an 11."
"I played completely free-to-play for like the first month of me playing it, and honestly had a lot of fun with it."
"We gotta get those things patched, you can't have players sitting inside buildings that can't be seen or touched firing out."
"These changes are the beginning of our new competitive experience in Overwatch and we'll continue to watch for ways to deliver fair and exciting matches in our core game mode."
"The overarching philosophy is putting you in Ellie's shoes and giving you threats constantly."
"Regardless, Black Flag is definitely worth your time."
"For those reasons, I would rate Limgrave as solidly a tear."
"The combat is generally good and simple, I agree, I love the feel of what you can do as the character."
"We're really looking forward to continuing to make subnautica below zero an experience that you all love and can continue to love and can continue playing and sharing with your friends family anyone."
"I would be so happy if they went back... to redo what the warfront system was going to be."
"The lack of an actual post-game or even a third path really holds the game back from its potential."
"The things that people have the biggest problem in are actually the most fun heroes to play."
"The game is not very hard and I actually think that Elden ring can be it can be simultaneously the hardest and the easiest game that they've made."
"Choice with consequence, I think that what Ian is missing is that it's unfun for more people than the top one percent."
"Every 15 minutes, like, you could give somebody that game anywhere 15-minute chunk have at it they're all going to have a very exciting unique experience no matter where you put them on the map."
"It's about both the journey you're trying to convey but also the player's own journey."
"Half-life 2 is remarkable in how it continually shifts from one mode of play into another in a way that never feels obvious and always feels welcome."
"We're implementing roll Delta changes that will match similarly ranked players within each role."
"The system aims to ensure a balanced experience for players of all skill levels."
"You'll notice a vastly transformed world there's a ton of new human NPCs everywhere several locations got comprehensive overhauls and you'll immediately notice this if you were a player."
"It took risks, told a compelling story, made legendaries feel like legendaries."
"Immersion is probably more important than having a really unique and personable protagonist."
"Video games are interactive. You are the character. The story, if there is one, may be guided by a structured plot and may have multiple endings or maybe not, but it still feels like your story."
"We're moving away from mandatory stuff, and there's always going to be mandatory stuff, but I think the mandatory fun in Legion, BFA, and Shadowlands was a huge improvement."
"Expect monthly updates and quality of life improvements in the game."
"When the game constantly chides the player and tells them that they aren't important, the game isn't effectively engaging its audience."
"We're making the game we wish we had access to."
"Almost every component of the game is fantastic."
"Making a game should be about making a fun experience for the player to go through."
"Death stranding will acknowledge your failures and the consequences of these failures will persist throughout the rest of the game."
"Damn, I am absolutely beyond blown away by this game."
"But more importantly is it has shown me this year that what we want is the ability to play a fun game."
"The fact that this is a finesse shot simulator, it's super super unrewarding to play this game on a game to game basis."
"We're just trying to find what do we want the player to feel like when he's playing this game."
"He didn't have any aura, it's just more of electricity."
"Storage space in games are problems that are created to be monetized."
"As far as completion goes this game was not designed for achievements or hard mode it was an afterthought."
"The barren environments combined with uncanny primitive textures naturally gives any unsuspecting players a sense of uneasiness."
"What an amazing map but dude what a just terrible way to introduce the story."
"Finding surprises that push players out of their comfort zone and into something new."
"Reverse boosting... the game says actually this person kind of sucks let's give them an easier Lobby."
"Sonic Frontiers is a good step in the right direction for the series."
"You feel agile, you feel skilled, and stealthy like a moving shadow."
"Our original vision for Destiny was a world that would evolve and change. We're leaning really hard into that because we believe that's where the future of Destiny is." - Embracing the evolving world of Destiny.
"Time is a valuable resource and that time needs to be respected or players will go to another game that they feel respects their time."