
Social Order Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The greatest conservative insight is that order is really hard to achieve, it's really precious, and it's really easy to lose."
"Bitcoin... takes the forces of nature... and spits out the greatest form of order that we as human beings use in the social realm, which is money."
"Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things."
"As social order breaks down, people become more conscious of the fact that like your safety is not guaranteed."
"Democracies in which everyone's dignity is recognized, where the rule of law and human rights are respected by everybody, where people have a voice in how they're governed, where we all have a stake in maintaining the social order, and where we can disagree with each other, sometimes bitterly, without losing sight of the ties that bind us together."
"It doesn't matter who you are; you get in line the same as everyone else."
"That's why we used to shoot looters, not because we hated them, but in order to defend the foundation of all that we have, which is private property secured by law."
"Obey lawful orders from police and everything's fine, just law and order."
"We need more law and order in this country to prevail."
"How much more anarchy are you going to allow before you put your political pride to the side and take a better look at some of these laws and implementations that you put in place?"
"Social order is very hard to build, very easy to destroy."
"Every day to exercise and socialize just four members of staff rely on the goodwill of over 100 prisoners to keep the peace."
"I'm kind of torn on this because while I don't necessarily support vigilante justice, I think if we went down that road, it would just be chaos all day long on the streets."
"The difference between police and no police is the difference between order and chaos."
"The West represents a kind of order that shouldn't exist... with all of our pluralism and unpredictability and messiness."
"Bellows even says that the worthy shall inherit a utopia free of wild magic, organizing witches into particular covens, imprisoning anyone who refuses to conform."
"The foundation of every social order is mating."
"He represents something of the social kingship of Christ."
"I have seen slaves on horses and princes walking like slaves upon this Earth. It means things are upside down. God's people were supposed to be Kings upon this Earth and they're walking around like slaves."
"Romulus and the institution of the king represented the totality of the social order and the one with the force to rise above it all to rule over the chaos."
"We're a nation of laws, that's all I ask for. It shouldn't be like this. We should be able to enforce laws."
"Masculinity is what tames an unfriendly chaotic world."
"Hierarchy of technologies used to reinforce social order."
"You don't mess with traffic lights because you're convinced that's an authority higher than you."
"Unless unity and order are kept even above liberty, if necessary, if there is a clash, we're in danger."
"Metroid has to do more than just be Metroid's to come back and stick around again."
"There must be order in relationships, or chaos will ensue."
"Left vs. Right: the battle of chaos vs. order."
"Nobody's breaking into windows and looting shops."
"When the good men do not stand up, the world turns into chaos."
"if you're not going to play by the rules then you actually don't deserve to enjoy a free Society."
"Law and order is what all of our citizens deserve."
"In his desire to create a unique original architecture appropriate to an ideal new social order bully anticipated similar concerns in the 20th century and his Works inspired generations of Architects of the post-war period."
"We are going to ensure that law and order prevail here a safe space for life liberty and property."
"Women and hierarchically my theology has messed me up and how I see anthropology determines how I order my society. Theology determines anthropology determines social life."
"The choice before us remains: chaos or community."
"Ultimately, the people I met in America's forgotten cities are searching for a sense of meaning, purpose, and moral order."
"People in medieval Europe were not scared of people just because they were different. They were scared of people who challenged the social order."
"...the explosion of the spice trade saw the emergence of a completely new social and economic order in Europe."
"They want to focus primarily on just the long-term security because that's what plays well in a gynocentric social order."
"It has to be done if any survive. We can't keep social order, defend ourselves, and at the same time give out some kind of equal amounts of food to everyone else. If we try that, everyone will die."
"There's a systemic problem with our social order."
"We are called to sanctify the temporal order, which is a fancy way to say making the world holy."
"In a comedy story, the goal is the restoration of social order, with the hero overcoming hazards to achieve it."
"We are in a world that looks more like one of friends and rivals rather than rivals and enemies... cultivation of this social order is something that we really need to be doing."
"It's this underlying fact about our society that we've created an economy and a social order which is more and more giving primacy to cognitive abilities."
"To counter-revolutionize means to propose a new form of stability, a new form of social order, a new form of social bond."
"She flew in the face of the social order and took it on."
"Efficiency of service delivery: the key word is maintenance, trying to keep social order, trying to keep balance."
"Every time you create a revolution you overturn the moral and social order as soon as you overturn the moral and social order people start acting on their passions."
"Krampus takes on a life of its own, not just a figment to scare but a necessary force that ensures the social order."
"The victim needs to be detached and in some sense distant from the social order."
"A church so formed cannot help but be a challenge to a social order built on the contrary presumption that when all is said and done, I get to make my life up."
"But there was an order of respect and an order of obedience, even in the rather free society of the Westside of Chicago."
"Disciplinary power aims to make people docile, compliant, and useful."
"In recent years, if you want to summarize the argument, we have shifted from questions of ecology, which is about Nature outside of social order, to questions of existential subsistence on threatened territories."
"Our goal is social harmony, our goal is social order, and how do you do that? ... ritual and etiquette and being kind to one another, virtue, ethics. That's what's going to make for a stable and harmonious society."
"Their calls for Law and Order are understandable."
"Soon he laid out a new social order: the strong live off the weak, and the clever live off the strong."
"Psychological schemas help us process the world around us and standardize society."
"Only private or exclusive property makes it possible that all otherwise unavoidable conflicts can be avoided."
"They emphasize qualities and attitudes such as trustworthiness, cooperation, and forbearance that are building blocks of a stable social order."
"Real life is more like kind of organized anarchy."
"Confucius emphasized self-control, honoring traditions, social order, and kindness to all living."
"Race emerged and evolved as such a category... to justify the emerging sociological and cultural order of capitalism."
"A new social order is possible; it has been done."
"Although most returned to eke out a living in their ruined land, not all were willing to abide by the South's new social order."
"There are strong social attitudes against crime; they have no army, and their police officers do not carry guns."
"Social distinctions can be based only on public utility."
"For Hobbes, the difference between order and disorder was stuck in the state of nature; ungoverned man lived a life in continual fear and danger of violent death."
"Slave morality... is 'the Prudence of the lowest order.'"
"Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good."
"Civilization is representing the overarching social order in which the state governance existed and is legitimized."
"Positivism assumes society has objective social facts that exert influence on its members."
"The current social order is a reflection of the world's moral choices."
"The order of this world depends on the proper establishment of rank."
"Sharia law is about the rights of the parent to the child, the rights of your neighbors, the rights of the people who live in your community."
"If you're new to chickens, you might not have witnessed it yet, but chickens will establish a pecking order which is essentially a hierarchy."
"Justice is the maintenance of social relationships that keep life viable and human."
"Good manners are not just playthings; they are the means by which a group maintains its organization, stability, and harmony."
"When everything's properly ordered, the poor and the weak and the defenseless are also safe."
"Socially enforced monogamy becomes a thing because it's a better way of stabilizing a social order."
"We are not above our master, and so we will know them also."
"A dream of a social order in which each man and each woman can achieve the most complete realization they're naturally capable."
"Social distinctions can be founded only on the common good."
"Social order starts from individuals, from us, and the meanings that we give to objects, to events, and to relationships with other people."
"Crime is problem behavior; it's human activity that contravenes the criminal law and results in difficulties in living within a framework of generally acceptable social arrangements."
"Function ism is a consensus theory that believes we as individuals agree on norms and values, allowing for social order."
"Social order is possible provided everyone agrees that we have that value consensus."
"Integration into the shared and normative order is what makes social order possible."
"People are creatures of habit... we like an orderly social environment, we like a high degree of predictability."
"All the properties of social order are produced and made visible locally."
"We're studying social order as a practical achievement of members."
"It's the energy of Libra which wants to connect, which wants to get along, it wants to hold up the establishment."