
Liberalism Quotes

There are 726 quotes

"Once you see that liberals and conservatives both have something to contribute, that they form a balance on change versus stability, then I think the way is open to step outside the moral matrix."
"Maximum freedom of speech, lifestyle, and everything is the true definition of being liberal."
"We need a better job at educating people... about why liberalism is good, democracies are good, our country is good."
"Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. That's the liberal position."
"The woke left have gone so nuts, I do not recognize what used to be the kind of leanings I had as a liberal. They're not liberals; they've actually become a bunch of fascists."
"Obviously in a more liberal country there are other religions that can exist within that liberal country so long as religious freedoms are afforded to people."
"So, I agree that there are liberal governments that protect fundamental or basic freedoms that your religion might seek to infringe upon. I would consider that a positive."
"Liberalism grows pretty organically because there's a lot of tenets of liberalism that just seem to work."
"Liberalism aims to maximize freedom and equality above all else."
"All of these things, like marriage, community, relationships, family, all of these things can and have existed in liberal societies."
"Colonialism and slavery have been sort of human constants until quite recently... our great experiments with liberalism seem to be what have ended colonialism and ended slavery."
"Liberalism is a system of conflict management that allows advanced society to exist. It works by guaranteeing freedoms... to disagree or not, to think for oneself as one will."
"Without a stronger civic spirit, liberalism would collapse, giving way to those who would shore up borders, banish ambiguity, harden the distinction between insiders and outsiders, and promise a politics to take back our culture and take back our country."
"I'm a big fan of liberalism. I think we should support people's individual rights, and if that's what people want, I don't really see any harm in it."
"The secular system and liberalism is attacking all religions, trying to stamp out religion."
"It's the liberals who are behaving like the mob. They are wielding the power of the state unjustly to attack their political opponent on totally bogus, trumped-up charges."
"We, the heirs of the centuries-old tradition of liberalism, still the most revolutionary idea in the world today, have righteousness and truth on our side."
"The great challenge for any sort of liberal philosophy, broadly conceived, is to say that we need, when we are dealing with young people, to be able to raise people who are, by the time they're adults, welcoming and able to take on that great challenge of going forth into the world and making their own meaningful life."
"He's a strong advocate of liberal education in the classical sense."
"People on [the left] side of the aisle tend to value, or at least claim to value, equality, welfare... Therefore, liberal politicians...will try to appeal to these values."
"The national identity of America should probably be somewhat coming around the core tenets of liberalism."
"Liberalism posits a vision of the world's built off individual freedom."
"The liberal democracies are the exception, not the rule."
"I identify myself as Christian, maybe more of a lazy, liberal kind of Christian."
"I really believe that if there is to be a future for the country, it lies in there is going to have to be a liberal part of the country that stands up on its hind legs and says, 'I would rather associate with these people I disagree with about nearly everything when it comes to policy than you people with whom I agree with on policy about a lot of things but you guys want to tear down the entire system.'"
"Many of them are the liberal type who need to fight back against it with reason and trying to claim the mantle of moral and epistemological authority."
"Liberalism is a worldview, an ideology, that thinks that the source of all authority and all meaning in the universe is the individual human, the individual of the species Homo sapiens."
"In liberal education, the main thing you try to teach your pupils or your students is to think for themselves."
"The nationalism and liberalism can be allies if you understand nationalism not as hatred of foreigners or hatred of minorities but as loving your compatriots and taking care of them."
"We need to reaffirm kind of core liberal, rational, civil values and fight for those in our workplaces against the corroding effects of post-modernism."
"One of the achievements of liberalism has been some pretty remarkable social change in a very short period of time."
"You could be liberal in some stuff; you could be conservative in others."
"I consider myself sort of a true liberal; freedom of speech is an immovable right for horrible people as well as nice people."
"Allowing every man to pursue his own interest his own way, upon the liberal plan of equality, liberty, and justice."
"The civil libertarian ideals of classical liberalism are valuable and inform progressivism, which is to say modern, evolved liberalism, social democracy, democratic socialism."
"I'm a big advocate for a liberal society. I think that when people start to advocate for positions that try to get people to coalesce around these concepts of like race or these highly nationalistic identities, they oftentimes misdiagnose the problems that we have today."
"Actual classical liberals think that the government should stay out of anything whatsoever that the free market is able to handle."
"If fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism."
"The Great Reset represents a critical examination of global liberal ideologies, posing existential questions about the direction of human progress."
"Liberalism... is connected with the unrestricted pursuit of truth."
"Anyone that thinks that liberal societies haven't reformed themselves in really major ways over the last 150 years just hasn't been paying attention."
"Liberalism took surprisingly long to develop since it goes against the grain of history."
"Liberals love constitutions and the idea of constitutional rights."
"Feminism mixes well in a lot of cases with liberalism and some cases socialism because socialism, in some of its forms, advocates for gender equality."
"We're living in an era now where the new liberalism is don't question big business, don't question big Pharma, don't question big government."
"The liberal tradition is ultimately about allowing room for people to make the lives that they want."
"It's not that our liberal friends are ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
"The political climate currently favors liberalism because it's seen as a safe and proven alternative to fascism."
"I don't want to own the libs because I consider myself a lib... What it really is, is a view of society where you value liberty or you value authority. It's liberalism against authoritarianism."
"The best way, as has been proven by recent history, is the liberal approach...tackle racism rigorously whenever it occurs."
"You can't make the world better without making it more free."
"Liberals need to get better with their messaging, making a better effort to communicate things to people that disagree with them politically."
"Liberalism, as a political ideology, is based on liberty and equality before the law."
"I've gone pretty liberal in my politics over the years from a pretty heavy conservative point."
"I think that if I take a moment to really evaluate, I'm probably a liberal, if not at least a libertarian."
"I really believe that the fight for liberalism... is more important than any amount of popularity or any accolades on Twitter."
"Nobody is guilty simply because of who they are...that used to be one of liberalism's bright lines."
"The liberal idea of happiness, that we just need to maximize personal autonomy, personal choice, personal freedom as an individual, this is really the key to happiness and utopia, this is a lie."
"Democracy requires liberalism; otherwise, you don't have democracy."
"This means this ideological framework, a sort of classically liberal framework, means that I find racism to be as abhorrent as any other kind of generalized bigotries."
"The classical definition of a liberal was somebody who argued for and defended human liberty."
"The liberal position on race has always been: a) the color of a person's skin is insignificant, and b) those who believe race is significant are racist."
"Liberals have always been pro-capitalism because they know capitalism is the only way to lift great numbers of people out of poverty."
"Liberals have always been passionately committed to racial integration, while the left is increasingly committed to racial segregation."
"Liberals have always championed and sought to protect Western civilization."
"Liberals celebrate the West's unique moral, philosophical, artistic, musical, and literary achievements."
"The difference between me and liberals is that while I may not agree with what you say, I will fight like hell for your right to say it."
"Many have interpreted the movie as a commentary on a certain kind of smug white liberal mindset."
"You're like, 'oh yeah, anyone can do whatever they like as long as they're not harming anyone' because that's the liberal society that we live in, and that's wrong, that's bad because that's how we're tolerating evil."
"You can only be a true liberal if you're prepared to listen to somebody who you completely disagree with."
"The word liberal means freedom...this idea that democracy...fosters human growth and human creativity."
"Liberalism allows for a whole bunch of different economic and political philosophies to exist within it."
"It really did tackle social justice issues, but it was like legit old-school good liberalism about, 'Hey, be kind to your neighbors, respect people.'"
"Once upon a time, I was a liberal, but liberalism has changed, and I will no longer be a part of an ideology or political party that represents everything that contradicts my values of unity, equal opportunity, personal empowerment, compassion, and love."
"Liberalism has been co-opted and absorbed by the very characteristics it claims to fight against."
"Liberalism must be intolerant of all intolerance."
"Once they were out of power, once they were not in the mainstream, they posed as liberals to be given a fair hearing, to have their speech heard, to have themselves included. But the moment they were included, they changed their stripes, they showed their true colors, you might say, and they became the illiberals, the intolerant people that, at bottom, they always were."
"You can make a very strong left-wing case for freedom of speech."
"Bill Maher, one of the last good liberals, thank you for calling out the insanity."
"The experiment of liberalism... really does feel like it's getting to its end right now."
"You need liberals because sometimes the right thing to do is to come up with something new."
"She's going to be a very strong liberal voice for a very long time."
"I make a distinction in my language routinely between leftist and liberal. Liberals are people I disagree with on politics, leftist are people who want to shut down the debate."
"Catholics are now liberalized, just about as liberal as Protestants on every issue."
"You end up being more liberal than Protestants."
"What I think we can see now is the emergence of illiberal conservatism, ironically coming under a self-professed liberal prime minister."
"The liberal worldview was one that recognized that there were things indeed the most important things in life that were located outside of the realm of politics friendships art music family love." - Barry Weiss
"Liberalism is not just a political stance, it's far deeper."
"The American Revolution was not conservative; it was a liberal one."
"I'm a liberal politically certainly in social issues, but I'm not close-minded enough to think that you can't have an opposing view."
"It's time to start exploring post-liberal options."
"Liberalism is a luxury of those not in conflict."
"Responsible for themselves and then they brought in policing I think we face a very serious problem as a civilization especially one with classically liberal..."
"People like me who espouse liberal values... free speech equality... that's quite a controversial thing to espouse now."
"I welcome debates with liberals because it's made me much sharper in my views."
"Liberals become willing lap dogs of fascists, terrified by the prospect of instability or change."
"I just love the arrogance of some of these urban liberal types."
"Strong liberals stand out however as the only political group who feel they can express themselves nearly six and ten fifty eight percent of staunch liberals feel they can say what they believe."
"You can still be liberal and have liberal opinions... but if we agree on what's true because we fact checked it."
"You're not allowed to disagree with the left."
"I am a cranky liberal democrat... it's just that our sense of race went way left."
"All the rich white liberals are still getting married and having kids."
"Leftists on their own can't change the course of history... liberals can."
"We need to take democracy and radicalize it, because democracy is the single best thing liberalism stands for and fails to adhere to."
"The fight we're all facing now against militant wokeness is something that everyone who believes in old-fashioned liberal values of free speech, freedom of assembly, and so forth need to embrace."
"There are elements that I find to be quite troubling, including the way in which it directly confronts American small-L liberalism, American classical liberalism."
"I feel like I have to be an advocate for optimism sometimes. Liberals, of which there are many in the TYT audience, tend to be very optimistic about the state of things politically."
"More freedom equals reduced corruption, more democracy, more liberalism."
"The cycle of socialism is a persistent one... the Western liberal tradition feels like it's on the verge of collapse."
"Find the groundswell to create the movement that creates the liberal renewer if you will the politician that brings back liberal values for the 21st century."
"Mainstream liberalism had no immune system for this."
"Liberalism is an ethos of freedom, freedom of belief, freedom of speech."
"It's very funny how a liberal institution can be so illiberal."
"Reagan said something it's quite a famous quote and this is something that many people who are considered Centrist or you know 2010 era liberals say today."
"We lost the ability to argue for a lot of the things that we believe in liberalism."
"It's one of the great founding in Liberal ideas that we engage with each other..."
"I've never regretted that I wasn't raised in a more liberal establishment."
"For the libs though their moral framework is if it feels good, do it."
"Liberalism allows you to do whatever you want as long as you don't harm anyone else."
"We're living in bizarre times where liberalism means censoring discourse."
"This is the problem that liberals have... basically just become vacuous and empty."
"The fabled moment which is big among the NPR left in the country which I love, there’s a lot of liberals now who are saying, where is Barry Goldwater when we need him, which is just -- we should all retire when people are saying that."
"We gotta start getting some liberals on here man we gotta find some our liberal friends that want to disagree with us and bring them on a panel and let's have an open dialogue discussion."
"Liberalism traditional classical liberalism does rely on an acceptance of certain natural law values."
"In a genuinely liberal society, you have to allow a whole load of stuff that you don't like."
"I think we're experiencing it heavily with The Cult of the liberal establishment there's something going on that's for sure."
"So long as mainstream liberals go along with the woke left... then the alliance of the woke left and the liberals actually is a majority in the country."
"It's obviously the case that it would be to the benefit of everyone if we could harness the full potential talent of people regardless of sex, you know the old liberal dream."
"It's very important that we all come together to express our horror at the illiberal turn that society has taken."
"I think that at the end of the day we might be, or might not be, reading about liberal democracy just in the books because most probably in that other way of living there will be no books about liberal democracy."
"Corporations are trying to turn out good little liberals who abide by all of the various policy preferences of big city Democrats."
"The whole idea of liberalism is to establish societies where people are not ruled by authoritarian states or religions."
"It's laughable that you would describe Davos as protecting liberal democracy... It's equally laughable to use the word dictatorship at Davos."
"The story of liberalism in our time is how mainstream liberalism was overtaken by progressives."
"Conservatism in 1985 is not quite the same as identifying liberal today."
"The liberal movement got hijacked. You know how many [ __ ] liberals are pro-war? Like, how are you liberal and pro-war?"
"If you're truly a liberal, you must believe in the fact that you can escape reality itself."
"Liberals and capitalists are my most important voter blocks."
"Liberalism is what we are doing here these are the values that we support regardless of the contextual party politics of the day."
"If you're approaching these problems from a social liberal perspective we said ranking property rights free speech all these things."
"America still is more liberal on free speech than European but the political discourse on that..."
"Constitutionalist liberals can at most regulate the exception as precisely as possible."
"We are seeing victory for those that believe in true liberalism, real freedom, and liberty."
"Historians who use this theory believe that history is always progressing, that the zeitgeist is always improving, and the arrow of history points toward liberal democracy."
"He basically thought that the West could use its liberal force to nudge countries towards a more liberal outcome that would be a huge mortal good."
"I'm a pretty staunch liberal... let's make the best decisions for everybody."
"We live in extraordinary times in Western liberal democracies where people being offended for some reason seems to, for some people's minds, justify killing people."
"Cities themselves are more supportive of liberalism, affecting nearly half the world's population."
"Critical social justice can destroy liberalism from within."
"It's about a basic liberty, the basic liberty to discuss ideas, to discuss very important ideas like blasphemy."
"Liberalism isn't fascism domestically, but a liberal framework is used to justify what looks a lot like fascism abroad."
"Faces is maybe the most beautiful stop on Mac's long journey from a young immature pop rapper to one of the most well-respected musicians in the entire industry."
"If you're a liberal, you believe in free speech."
"Generation Z is driving the entire country to the left."
"Young voters as of right now are driving the country to the left."
"People should be able to do whatever they like as long as it doesn't hurt anybody."
"Defending my liberal principles is now a conservative position."
"Even Bill Maher, the gold standard for liberalism in America for 20 years, now acknowledges it's real."
"If you don't have positive progressive content that ties to a particular kind of freedom, you're just going to have a vacuous liberalism."
"The millennial generation is... this process of the liberalization and everything going left and it didn't begin with Millennials."
"Freedom and equality are the two engine rooms of liberalism."
"Liberalism rests at its very bottom on a very parsimonious answer to the question of what's going on here, what's the world and what are we in it."
"You can't be socially liberal and fiscally conservative, it just leads to contradictions."
"The world's most prosperous and successful societies are those which have most closely approximated the liberal progressive ideal."
"This just really sounds like more out of touch white liberal bullshit."
"As a tax-and-spend liberal, that's totally fine to me. I'm totally ok with it."
"Liberalism evolves into social liberalism because if you can't quantify what the good life is under liberalism all you can just say is we need a system of political checks and balances."
"Liberalism has a tendency to liquidate social bonds."
"Conservatism has been cancelled by people who want to make it basically the same thing as liberalism."
"To the conservative, the liberal seems to be a reckless naive idiot."
"Sure, the Warren Court marked a bit of a liberal shift, but today we know it was a shift that was desperately needed."
"Did you know that Noah was a liberal eco warrior and the world's first environmentalist?"
"I mean, certainly free speech has traditionally been a broadly philosophically liberal value."
"It's what the liberal project was about in the first place, creating a space in the public sphere in which there was a common sensibility."
"Both on the basis of lies like the lies put out by the critical race people but also on the basis of truth a creeping illiberalism in American life."
"Secularism is just the application of liberal principles to religion in the state."
"The left is anti-liberal, they don't believe in free speech."
"I'm famous for promoting classic liberal British values."
"The left is wrong on this issue, and the Liberals will lose spectacularly if they try to push this issue any further."
"Liberal societies have a profound advantage."
"Liberalism is a good framework for interacting with people we disagree with, but it doesn't inherently have a meaning or a hierarchy of belief."
"China's growth challenges conventional wisdom on democracy and liberalism."
"The collapse of the liberal Global Order hasn't made the world a better place."
"Conservatives are the court jesters in the kingdom of liberalism."
"The long-term prospects for liberal democracy I think have been amply demonstrated as positive."
"I would love to see uh people who are on the left and people who are liberals be just as happy as conservatives or happier."
"We have been able to get ourselves in a position to monopolize some of the things that liberals have monopolized in this country. No more."
"There is going to be a world order. There is such a thing as a liberal world order. We are living under it."
"We're going to defend the rules-based international order that protects us all. This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm."
"They oppose liberal policies in classical liberals."
"Democracy defending liberal democracy at home and abroad."
"Liberalism: freedom, that is pretty much what liberalism is, isn't it?"
"The only thing that has ever led to peace is a kind of muscular liberalism where we rely and trust the individual."
"Hating open-minded liberals and spreading unsubstantiated slurs about them."
"Should liberalism be Islamized, just like molecules a molecule?"
"All these liberal programs are going away forever."
"None of us should fear or resent these changes. Free societies are united by their faith in liberal democracy, the rule of law, and free markets which surely comprise the great trinity of human progress."
"Just don't claim to be a liberal if you don't also uphold a person's right to walk past your protest and into the chamber."
"Liberalism emerges from the first world war with a lot of knocks against it but actually comes up with a series of solutions."
"Liberalism does have this amazing ability to adapt to changing circumstances and crises."