
Character Strength Quotes

There are 1337 quotes

"True strength lies in a character's resilience, bravery, and determination, not their physical prowess."
"Optimism is such a beautiful character, such a beautiful quality. If you have it, it's a quality that turns everything around and makes you always feel empowered and strong."
"Usad can't help but think how terrifying Rose is as she carries him and the bear over her shoulder."
"Considering a story of him swallowing 17 dragon shouts and other tales pointing to a raw power he possesses, Jurgen Windcaller is supposedly a great hero."
"Kindness is not an excuse for letting people get by with whatever it may be. It's a strong, vibrant, godly trait to be kind."
"An act of kindness sometimes is the strongest defense you can have."
"It's an 11 out of 10 sig if you're playing Poe."
"Heroes aren't defined by their skill with a bow, ax, or sword, but rather the strength of their conviction."
"He's so badass that even when trying to look stupid, he'll manage to get a harem of all the strongest people in the school anyway."
"Moana, like Merida, Pocahontas, and Mulan, had a physicality to her, making the character's strength as literal as it is metaphorical."
"Superman's character is the fact that Superman is not so easily corrupted."
"Batman recognizes the strength of Superman not in so far as to make him punch really hard and fly fast, but is the strength of Superman's character."
"Courage means that you have the willingness to confront your fears."
"Your character is more powerful than a weapon."
"With the eighth gate open, Guy is an absolute monster capable of damaging Madara with techniques that aren't anywhere close to his strongest attack."
"They're now strength six, toughness five, three wounds, and four attacks."
"Sephiroth, a normal man, his will became strong enough to overcome a galactic parasite that had been playing mind games for over 2,000 years."
"Josuke is comparable to Jodaro, massively faster than light plus speeds, extremely strong."
"The adversary should be the strongest person in the story."
"T'Challa could definitely lift Mjolnir, easily, like in his sleep."
"Gamora single-handedly dismantled the entirety of the Avengers team."
"She's a strong girl; she's smart, definitely smarter than her friends, and she's the 'good girl,' quote-unquote."
"No matter the challenges, a strong character and a willingness to improve can make anyone indispensable."
"Physical strength isn't what makes a character strong. Someone who chooses to fight, even if they're at a massive disadvantage, is actually a lot braver and more compelling than some overpowered superhuman who dominates everything around them."
"You are literally a whirlwind of death moving through the dungeons."
"A Honkai person is one who finds a heart that does not flee. They are not just strong, but strong and pure."
"Okoye is just the fucking most badass character I've seen on screen since Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok."
"You want something stronger, something that has a stronger sense of determination and principle."
"She's good, powerful, stands up for herself, but I sort of like Widow more."
"It was now obvious to him that the Death Wolf was hella strong and had a lot of endurance."
"Yurichi is one of the best role models ever, not because he was super strong, but because he had such a faultless character."
"Shadow Shaman's late game seems very busted."
"It's not arrogance, it's having good character. Every human deserves to be treated with respect."
"It's a demonstration maybe of how powerful Santos is because big enough snaps out half of all people in existence and survives."
"Free to play characters have been stronger this year than ever before."
"Zian Crown is the perfect offensive Pokemon."
"Defying the woke mob is a sign of character - a sign of intellectual courage."
"Catlon, the Emperor of the Second Empire, has literally perfect hundreds in every applicable stat for combat."
"Taking initiative is a characteristic that nobody can take from you."
"Hinohara doesn't make others submit by fighting, instead he calms their desire to fight."
"Sharpshooter has 200 base toughness in a game where everybody else has a hundred."
"The actual physical strength isn't what makes a character strong."
"I do wonder sometimes if the reason why we get such insanely strong female characters is because people are scared to show that women can fail like men can fail."
"One of the few characters that can do that and that is a very very strong thing to have."
"Necromancer in my opinion is a 10 out of 10 damage clown. It does the most damage of all the damage."
"The sorcerer's also the highest sustained character in the game."
"He is not only the fastest man in One Piece but one of the most deadly."
"Lady's the only one who's able to just continue to build her army."
"You've never met a monster you couldn't love."
"Rely on the strength of its cast of characters."
"One of his many aliases in the manga is the hundred man Slayer."
"Mordekaiser is one of the stronger 1v5, 1v9 style jungle champs."
"Hippowdon was more unbreakable than ever, one of the best walls and support Pokemon around."
"That's the thing with Mundo, you just get to a certain point where you can just kill people and they can't kill you."
"He's a war hero because he was captured. Okay?"
"Mesa has a ton going for her... an absolute powerhouse."
"The nurse is still the strongest killer in the game and it's not really that close to be honest nurse is a character who breaks all the rules she practically doesn't have a weakness."
"Can you imagine the kind of the strength of character you need to stand front and center of this kind of conversation?"
"At the peak of his power, S Escanor is easily the strongest of the Seven Deadly Sins."
"I mean, it's loyalty. Dude, this man literally has, like, the biggest heart."
"His biggest strength is his simple integrity."
"He has such an insane amount of inherent tankiness."
"A Fed Alma can literally just solo everybody."
"Slifer the Sky Dragon: Yami Yugi's signature Egyptian God card, boasting powerful effects and representing his strength and prowess in duels."
"If she is not going to cower against Kaido, then there is no force in this world that can break her faith in Luffy."
"Barney remains friendly and good-natured to people around him, despite having such a miserable life."
"Sansa Stark, a young girl who survived against all odds, steps up and becomes the strong and capable leader her people need."
"Echo seems OP as anything in this game, gosh."
"Domino when paired with the the full Trinity of Red Hulk and massacre is just broken she is so so good."
"Character is the ability to follow through with the decision after the emotion of making a decision has passed."
"Maneater, known for being unkillable and block debuffs."
"Skull Crown, incredibly good epic nuker in the game."
"She fights for what she wants, she's crazy talented Bree and Carole, and she's just all-around badass."
"It's not the power that makes a hero, it's the person."
"Doflamingo is a beast. He just breathes with confidence in every single scene that he's in."
"It takes a hard man to apologize, so I'm gonna say it doesn't make you look soft."
"He's been insanely consistent his entire life"
"Banjo really solid in my opinion, high tier for now. I think he can go even higher."
"Wolf is still an incredibly strong tournament pick with crazy damage, really consistent good aerials."
"This battle was mind-blowing, Ultra Goku proved who is the strongest Goku in the multiverse."
"Thanos took on Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America wielding Mjolnir and damn near won by himself."
"Being a man without fear is being a man of forgiveness."
"In conclusion, Sarada overpowers Sasuke in raw strength and takes the win this round."
"Daenerys' blood has been saving her this entire time."
"Good people rise to the occasion no matter who it may be."
"Maligor is now a 10 out of 10 legendary lord."
"A lesser man would have crumbled under the strain but not Peter Parker, he's been to the edge of the abyss, fought his way back, and he's not making that journey again."
"Reiji Kido: 'His ability to negotiate successfully with demons far outsteps the other characters, making one of the trickiest parts of Persona become one of the most effortless.'"
"Gun Lancers are known to be the superman class of Lost Ark because they can literally do everything."
"Emma Frost kneels to no one, and everyone kneels to me. I am the Divine Emma Frost."
"There's so much more to an appeal towards a character aside from that. She is strong, she is ambitious, she's just flooded with agency and has a massive impact on the world around her." - Nona Grey
"She's quite literally carrying the entire show on her back."
"She-Hulk changes the Canon of the ending making her more powerful than anyone in all of Marvel because she can just edit the script herself."
"If Moro beats Goku, he literally is unbeatable."
"There is no way this is going to work because Aaron's will and desire to be free is so incredibly good."
"Vander goes up against the mutant and they do Vander justice."
"Even when Vander gets beaten down, he gets up and is ready to keep going."
"Fiona personifies the determination and will of her family’s future."
"Fiora and Jax are definitely the most broken in this category."
"Darius, Camille, Riven... three Fighters that are amazing to main."
"Talon is currently in the best spot for solo queue."
"Tristana is an incredibly strong mid lane ADC right now."
"Renekton, Pantheon, and Jace are three of the best mid lane Fighters."
"The strongest character in the movie is a woman."
"Luke's attachment to his friends and family made him stronger and more compassionate."
"I hope that I have that level of character and strength and resolve if when my time comes."
"Batman is literally Fox. Batman's damage output is absurd. If you land one combo, he could just super push it all the way."
"I gravitate towards people like him because they aren't quitters."
"Ron sacrificed himself on the chess obstacle... he's a brave ass dude."
"If you're a person who actually knows a bit about team building, yes, you could say Ayaka is stronger."
"Sona's scaling power is unmatched right now."
"Angela, a master of hand-to-hand combat, Angela's known throughout the galaxy for her battle prowess and yeah, buddy!"
"Feel the mighty strength of Kong as he enters the ultimate battle royale against Godzilla, with bone-crushing primal strength and a legendary new weapon fit for a king."
"Sakura's sacrifices thus solidified as meaningfully impactful. What she set out to do, she succeeded at."
"Killjoy consistently has the highest win rate in the game."
"His partner is an example of a courageous and strong female character. She's not there for romance but to complete a challenging journey of her own."
"The giant raw power surges of Broly make him scary."
"Vegeta's base form right now can destroy everyone in the tournament of power."
"Jiren literally uses minimum effort to push Goku back."
"Ultra Instinct Goku at his best would be above Jiren and Beerus in the Dragon Ball Super manga."
"Overall, Mifa is a surprisingly strong champion."
"It's the heart that he has that always makes the journey just that much more special."
"He plants his feet and stands up to someone that just took out his teacher, an impressive elite level ninja."
"The levels of restraint and compassion he exhibits throughout the series is honestly what makes me view him as such a powerhouse."
"Deku is the kind of character who will rush to save anyone who needs saving without a thought."
"Frigga's unwavering belief in Thor as a leader, plus the dignified and knowing way in which she faces her own death."
"there's just something so alluring about seeing someone who isn't afraid to face their fears"
"Your actions speak far more loudly than your words."
"There are huge lessons that need to be learned about hope, wisdom, strength, and fortitude."
"It wasn't my dad who saved me, it was me, it was me Hermione."
"If I was going to be stuck on a deserted island with anybody, it would be you, you know why? Because you're [expletive] crazy and you would help get us off of it."
"He's also immune to Espers, as in the webcomic the very best Tatsumaki could do was make his muscles twitch."
"It's not the final girl's purity that makes her strong but rather her love for Jennifer."
"Viserys' return to the throne room, you could feel him putting every last drop of strength that he had to make this appearance."
"The Amazon overall is just one of the strongest characters in the game."
"Shallow people believe in luck and in circumstance. Strong people believe in cause and effect." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"You can't doubt Cersei. Like, she finds a way. She finds a way to always survive."
"This guy alone beats enamorous too... so versatile."
"Big Mom is like a one in a million force of nature. Giving birth to normal-sized human beings? I feel like that takes like nothing out of her."
"Ronan the Accuser is the strongest, the most powerful among the Kree, and is actually worshipped for his great power."
"Ghost Rider is an amazing champion with so much utility."
"Food in Elder Scrolls Online is very important. Without food, you are significantly weaker."
"Be smart, be faithful, be convicted, be courageous, be a believer."
"Netero really wasn't the strongest hunter alive when he fought Meruem."
"An amazingly badass character. That entire scene was brilliant. Nothing was forced into our faces, everything was kept as a riddle, no answers to life's big questions randomly given. It was a mystery and I freaking loved it."
"I don't think I've ever seen an anime hero look cooler while taking an L that unfathomably massive."
"She proves Time and Time and Time Again throughout every era of her life that when the going gets tough and when she is placed in a position where her true colors really reveal themselves she is a character who passes tests."
"She's a great hero not because she's physically strong, super smart, or has no fear, but for the exact opposite reasons."
"Hawkgirl is badass, there's really no arguing this."
"Sakura did manage to slowly improve and finally showcase her strength as the series ended."
"Ain't nobody gonna tell me that Wonder Woman's body looks like it can lift cars. You will not change my mind because you'll get canceled."
"There will be no middle ground where Necromancer is just pretty good."
"The best characters in the game are Bayonetta first and Cloud second."
"Let's point out the elephant in the room, that little gay boy survived in the Upside Down for a week."
"Ryo Bakura's humanity and soul turned out to be incredibly strong."
"Bell by himself makes the Hestia familia a significant powerhouse, a force to be reckoned with."
"Shanks is stronger until proven otherwise, Shanks is the number one guy on the planet."
"The real feminism for me was about strength of character."
"Barrett easily one of the best characters in the game and owns this moment so hard."
"A character that can hit one move in neutral and it somehow leads to 70 percent is, of course, a fantastic character."
"Lucina, a character who just doesn't lose, as you can probably tell by how I've not put an 'S' in top tier, even put 'Kapt. Roy' in high tier."
"Underwater, Sanji's kicks are strong enough to crack concrete with just one kick, that's it."
"Druid shaman comp is insane. They don't quite fit into that thesis, but they're still very, very strong."
"He's a freaking badass, loves to fight, has so many pros, very little cons."
"Heroism is not about strength, it's about not giving in."
"That would mean that Cell Max is more powerful than Broly, Jiren, Moro, Granola. Like, is that safe to say?"
"It's the kernel of his character, never give up."
"Beerus was both surprised and impressed with Goku's perseverance."
"He's actually got access to one of the if not the strongest local in Mortal Kombat right now"
"Rey is a character who is hyper-confident, she's able to survive on her own."
"Infernape was able to face down Paul stronger than Paul ever saw him to be."
"Stardust dragon is just very, very powerful."
"Mai is a badass girl who deserves more respect."
"There's just no other support in the game who can match the same kind of consistent skirmish strength that Malai brings to the table."
"She has a toughness about her. She can hold her own with Tom Cruise."
"She's the best tank counter, she can two shot."
"I would add Master Chief, because you know, to have an enforcer in the Elite like that, Master Chief just wouldn't be able to be stopped."
"Kaiji always finds a way to survive, no matter how bad the situation is."
"Her first Drednaw is probably the strongest in the game."
"Arsene is ridiculous, that comeback factor's so dumb."
"Garchomp... amazing stats... really, really solid Pokemon..."
"It was a close one, but I firmly believe that Zoro is all around the stronger combatant."
"Dokkaebi is insanely strong right now, not only is she good for the quick Pace she has a great DMR which is super broken."
"Yana is literally the best attacker in the game right now."
"In terms of strength alone, Zoro does take this category. It is a tough fight, and I don't think that Zoro comes out on top by much, but with everything we've seen, I would say that he has the general edge in raw power."
"His recovery is probably the best in the game."
"Sansa forgiving Theon speaks highly of her character, forgiving someone who did awful things but was there when needed."
"Puff is a good character, has one of the best edge guards in the entire game."
"Pac-Man is obviously insane, has grab combos, has camping, has crazy damage output, has some of the most consistent and best like probably the most consistent kill setup in the game."
"Emotional mastery is crucial: be calm, be zen, like James Bond."
"Wario is wild... he really kills you at 20 from an air at least once a game."
"Pikachu busted... pikachu busted... pikachu busted... super versatile... he's so good."
"It's no exaggeration to say that these two who take a very center stage in the entire series are more than likely the strongest spirits."
"Extraordinary fortitude for our relatively low-ranking grunt."
"He literally just has the best sig in the game. He's automatically in the top tier."
"They're all jointly and severally liable... they're strong men and their flesh and blood."
"He's one of the best melee combatants in the game."
"Did they ever explain why Bamm-Bamm was so strong?"
"Broly is not just a Powerhouse, he actually knows how to fight."
"The strongest fighter in all of Dragon Ball at least in our opinion is son Goku."